10-05-28 Repeat Complaint To DOJ Inspector General On Fraud On US Congress and Denial of Equal Protection in Los Angeles County, Californias

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Digitally signed

by Joseph
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net c=US
Blog: http://human-rights-alert.blogspot.com/ 2010.05.28
Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert 20:20:39 +03'00'

10-05-28 Complaint filed with US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, alleging
fraud on US Congress, and denial of equal protection in Los Angeles County,
California, by Kenneth Kaiser – Assistant Director of FBI and Kenneth Melson – then
Director of US Department of Justice Attorneys Office, pertaining to alleged
racketeering by judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.

Favor of response within 10 days is requested.

May 28, 2009

Glenn A Fine , Inspector General

Office of the Inspector General
United States Department of Justice
By fax:
c/o Pam
Investigation Division- DOJ-IG

RE: Complaint to the US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, alleging fraud on US
Congress and denial of equal protection in Los Angeles County, California, by Kenneth Kaiser
– Assistant Director of FBI and Kenneth Melson – then Director of US Department of Justice
Attorneys Office, pertaining to alleged racketeering by judges of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles.

Dear Inspector General Fine:

Please accept this letter as a complaint by Joseph Zernik, PhD, and Human Rights Alert (NGO), alleging
fraud on US Congress and denial of equal protection in Los Angeles County, California, by Kenneth Kaiser –
Assistant Director of FBI, and Kenneth Melson – then Director of US Attorneys Office. Instant complaint is
filed with Office of Inspector General of the US Department of Justice pursuant to its primary investigative
authority and its stated mission [underlines added –jz] – “conducts independent investigations… of United
States Department of Justice personnel… to detect and deter … fraud, abuse, and misconduct, and to
promote integrity… and effectiveness in Department of Justice operations”.

Dr Joseph Zernik recently received from the office of the Hon Dianne Feinstein, Senator from California,
response from the office of US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, dated April 8, 2010, and
signed by Cynthia A. Schnedar, Acting Deputy Inspector General, on inquiry by the Senator on behalf o
constituent Dr Zernik’s previous complaint in instant matter, originally filed with the Office of Inspector
General on December 2, 2009, with additional evidence filed March 4, 2010. [1] The response by Office
of Inspector General to Senator Feinstein stated that the December 2, 2009 response was referred for review
by other offices DOJ and FBI for response. Such response by Deputy Inspector General Schnedar was
deemed deficient on numerous accounts:
1) The referral of complaints filed with the office of DOJ Inspector General against such senior DOJ
officers alleging serious wrongdoing – fraud on US Congress and denial of equal protection to 10
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million residents of Los Angeles County - for review by those of lower ranks in the respective offices
of Department of Justice stood contrary to the primary mission and investigative authority of the US
DOJ Inspector General Office:
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducts independent investigations, audits, inspections, and
special reviews of United States Department of Justice personnel and programs to detect and deter waste,
fraud, abuse, and misconduct, and to promote integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in
Department of Justice operations.
2) Referral of such complaints against senior US DOJ officer also stood contrary to challenges
previously stated by the Office of Inspector General - to restore public credibility of the US
Department of Justice.
3) No mention was made in the response by Acting Deputy Schnedar of the disposition of additional
evidence filed with your office on March 4, 2010 (detailed below).
4) No response on the matters was received from the DOJ offices that your office referred the complaints

Instant complaint, therefore, is a repeat request, with additional evidence, for investigation by Office of
Inspector General of the US Department of Justice of the matters stated herein, with links to key evidence,
pursuant to the stated mission of the Office, and its primary investigative authority:

In early 2008 – Dr Joseph Zernik filed complaints with FBI and US DOJ alleging racketeering by judges of
the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, hallmarks of which were:
a) Large-scale false imprisonments, including, but not limited to the ongoing false imprisonment of the
Rampart FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons) victims of the Rampart corruption scandal (1998-2000),
who were left falsely imprisoned for over a decade, and
b) Real estate fraud under the guise of litigations at the Los Angeles Superior Court, in a county which
had been distinguished by FBI already in the early 2000s as “the epicenter of the epidemic of real
estate and mortgage fraud.”
Requests were made for equal protection:
a) Of all 10 millions who reside in Los Angeles County - through restoration of the First Amendment
right to access court records – to inspect and to copy, routinely denied by the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles. It was claimed that restoration of such fundamental right, in and
of itself would enable the freeing of those who were falsely imprisoned, and
b) Return to Dr Zernik’s possession of his property at 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills, which was
taken under the threat of force, for private use, with no compensation at all, in what was opined by
James Wedick, highly decorated FBI veteran as “fraud being committed.” [1]

In August 2008 - The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Senator, and the Honorable Diane Watson,
Congresswoman, filed inquiries on FBI and US Department of Justice on behalf of Dr Zernik: Why FBI and
US Department of Justice would not respond on Dr Zernik’s complaint, alleging racketeering by judges of
the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, and requesting equal protection under the law in
Los Angeles County, California.

In August-September 2008 - Responses were provided to US Congress by Kenneth Kaiser - FBI Assistant
Director for Criminal Investigations, and Kenneth Melson – then Director of US DOJ, US Attorneys Office.
[2] The August-September 2008 responses by the two senior US DOJ officers are the core of instant
complaint to the Office of Inspector General, and are alleged herein as:
a) Fraud on US Congress, and
b) Effective denial of equal protection to the 10 million residents Los Angeles County, including, but not
limited to equal protection of Dr Joseph Zernik against fraud opined by highly decorated FBI veteran
James Wedick. [1]
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Such senior US Officers falsely stated that the Dr Zernik was complaining about “foreclosure procedures.”
Dr Zernik was never party to any foreclosure procedure, bankruptcy, or mortgage default of any kind.
Additional evidence provided below, documented that such false derogatory comments were made while FBI
and US Department of Justice were fully informed of the true facts in the matter. Additionally, false
statements were made that no evidence was ever provided by Dr Zernik of “any specific violations of the
The requests for equal protection of the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County, California, including, but
not limited to Dr Joseph Zernik, were effectively denied through such false and deliberately misleading
responses to US Congress. Equal protection in Los Angeles County, California, continues to be denied to this
date, while conduct of the judges of Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, in what is alleged
as conduct of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity only got worse since the time of the
original complaint. Today, the hallmark of such conduct by judges of the Superior Court, and also of the
refusal by US Department of Justice to accord equal protection, is in the ongoing alleged false imprisonment
of Richard Fine, 70 year old, former US prosecutor, under solitary confinement, detailed below. [3]

On February 20, 2009 – Unexpected, additional indisputable evidence emerged, supporting Dr Zernik’s
claims of racketeering by the judges of Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. Such evidence
was not previously filed with the US DOJ Inspector General, and is provided herein as additional evidence in
this matter. On February 20, 2009 The Governor of California signed “Retroactive Immunities” – i.e. pardons
for ALL judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, and others. [4] Such pardons
were necessary since it had been discovered that all such judges had taken for over a decade payments
(~$45,000 per judge per year), which had been ruled by court “not permitted.”

On March 4, 2009 - Richard Fine, 70 year old, former US prosecutor was arrested by the Sheriff of Los
Angeles County, at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, based on oral directive by Judge
David Yaffe, albeit - with no warrant ever issued, and no judgment ever entered to provide the foundation for
the arrest and holding. Richard Fine has been held in solitary confinement ever since. The letter, linked
below, [3] and evidence referenced in it provide new evidence of large-scale false imprisonments in Los
Angeles County, California, through conduct of judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los
Angeles, including, but not limited to the holding of Richard Fine, which have not been previously filed with
the US DOJ.

On November 23, 2009 and again on December 2, 2009 - Dr Zernik filed complaints with Glenn A Fine -
US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, alleging fraud by senior US DOJ Officers - Kenneth
Kaiser and Kenneth Melson, on the US Congress in their responses to Senator Feinstein and Congresswoman
Watson in August-September 2008, and denial of equal protection to the 10 million residents of Los Angeles
County, California, including, but not limited to denial of equal protection of Dr Joseph Zernik.

On March 4, 2010 - Dr Zernik filed additional evidence with US Department of Justice Inspector General
regarding fraud by Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson in their responses to US Congress on inquiries by
Senator Feinstein and Congresswoman Watson. [5] The core new evidence was an August 21, 2008 letter by
James Wedick, FBI veteran, who was decorated by US Congress, by US Attorney General, and by FBI
Director. [6] The letter by Mr Wedick recorded his communications with FBI on the same date, that in such
communications FBI agreed with him that Dr Zernik was the victim of real estate fraud, and that it was FBI’s
duty to provide protection in such case. Such communications between Mr Wedick and FBI took place on the
very same date that FBI forwarded to US Congress, through Mr Kaiser and Mr Melson, responses, which
falsely stated the opposite – that Dr Zernik was complaining about “foreclosure procedures” and that there
was “no evidence of specific violations of the law.”
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Of special interest are comments found in Mr Wedick’s August 21, 2008 letter, to the effect that FBI was not
inclined to protect Dr Zernik, since the real estate fraud against Dr Zernik was related to widespread
corruption of judges in Los Angeles County, California. [5]

THEREFORE, Glenn A Fine, and Office of Inspector General, US Department of Justice are requested to
accept instant letter as a complaint filed with US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, pursuant
to the stated mission and primary investigative authority of the Office of Inspector General, for investigation
of alleged fraud by senior US Department of Justice officers, Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson, on US
Congress, and denial by the same officers of equal protection of the 10 million residents of Los Angeles
County, California, including, but not limited to Dr Joseph Zernik, as detailed above.


Joseph Zernik, PhD

Human Rights Alert (HRA), NGO

[1] Opinion letter of highly decorated FBI veteran, fraud expert James Wedick, regarding real estate fraud,
conducted under the guise of litigation at the Los Angeles Superior Court
[2] August-September 2008 Congressional Inquiries and responses by Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson -
senior US officers.
[3] May 27, 2010 Letter to the editors of Los Angeles Times: Deficient Reporting on Richard Fine’s case.
[4] February 20, 2010 “retroactive immunities” – i.e. pardons signed by the California Governor for all judges
who had taken “not permitted” payments.
[5] March 4, 2010 Additional evidence filed by Dr Zernik with US Department of Justice Inspector General,
of fraud on US Congress by Kenneth Kaiser (FBI) and Kenneth Melson (US DOJ)
[6] August 21, 2008 Letter by highly decorated FBI veteran James Wedick regarding communications by FBI
and Mr Wedick regarding real estate fraud against Dr Zernik.

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