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Anecdote Text

The power of hobbies in building community

On that day when Adelaide's temperature reached 46.7C I was running a

workshop for the spatial modelling and drafting community of practice. Their ritual
is to have a BBQ for lunch, which seems a little crazy given the heat but that
didn't stop us. We all retreated to air condition comfort to chow down on our lamb
chops and snags.
Into my third bite I noticed an animated discussion between two of the
engineers talking about their love for motor bikes. They'd worked out they both
had an interest in German classics and one was describing a fuel tank issue he was
having. Mid-conversation one of them jumped up to retrieve a motorcycle magazine
to illustrate his point.
Then in an instant the conversation morphed into a description the
magazine-wielding engineer was having with a fighter jet he was working on. He was
facing an intractable maintenance issue that was causing him technical and political
pain. They delved deeply into the issue. You could see that there was trust and
respect in the conversation and this trust and respect was at least partially
developed while discussing their hobby.





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