Mooney Campaigning On Taxpayer Dime

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August 15, 2016


Contact: Lynette Maselli


CHARLESTON, WV Congressional candidate for West Virginias Second District,
Mark Hunt, says West Virginians are looking for a leader who will truly represent their
interests in Washington, not use their hard earned tax dollars for a re-election campaign.
First, Absentee Alex skipped town on a taxpayer funded trip to Egypt just two days after
historic flooding devastated parts of his district, said Hunt. Now, theres no longer a
question that he is targeting voters in the District with blatant campaign materials that are
paid for by the taxpayers.
Mooney sent out his third campaign mailer last week. Each mailer clearly states that its
being paid for by taxpayers; however, the fact that he is targeting voters instead of
sending the mailers district wide prove its a campaign piece.
We are recommending an investigation by the House Ethics Committee, and
encouraging voters to call Absentee Alex and tell him to stop using their money for his
re-election campaign, said Hunt. I promise you that West Virginias problems wont be
solved by a D.C. insider, and absentee Congressman. Its going to take a true West
Virginian who understands the unique problems facing our State; a West Virginian who is
committed to our future, not his own political interests. Alex Mooney spends taxpayers
money irresponsibly, and doesnt have our best interest at heart. West Virginians deserve
better, and as your Congressman, I will invest my time and efforts into making a better
life for all West Virginians, and not vacationing on your hard earned money while
skipping out on you when Im needed most.

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