Order Management Software

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1. Log In: This screen will be used for log in into the system.

2. New Category
Path: Products->New Category
Purpose: This screen will be used for new category Entry.

3. View Category
Path: Products->View Category
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Edit and Delete of Category

4. New Products
Path: Products->New Products
Purpose: This screen will be used for new Product Entry.
Prerequisite: 2. New Category

5. View Products
Path: Products->View Products
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Edit and Delete of Product.

6. Currency List
Path: Administration->System Preference->Currencies
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete Currencies with conversion
rate against GBP

7. New Customer
Path: Customer-> View Customer-> New Customer
Purpose: This screen will be used for new Customer Entry.
Prerequisite: 6. Currency List

8. View Customers
Path: Customer-> View Customers-> View Customers
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Edit and Delete of Customer.

9. New Sub-Assemblies
Path: Products-> New Sub-Assemblies
Purpose: This screen will be used for new Sub-Assemblies Entry.
Prerequisite: 4. New Products , 2. New Category

10. View/Amend Sub-Assemblies

Path: Products-> View/Amend Sub-Assemblies
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Edit and Delete of Sub-Assemblies

11. New Supplier

Path: Customer-> View Suppliers-> New Supplier
Purpose: This screen will be used for new Supplier Entry.
Prerequisite: 6. Currency List

12. View Suppliers

Path: Customer-> View Suppliers -> View Suppliers
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Edit and Delete of Supplier.

13. VAT List

Path: Administration->System Preference-> VAT List
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete VAT.

14. Freight Company List

Path: Administration->System Preference-> Freight Company List
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete Freight Company.

15. Freight Charge List

Path: Administration->System Preference-> Freight Charge List
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete Freight Charge.

16. Stock Update

Path: Administration->System Preference-> Stock Update
Purpose: This screen will be used to Update Stock Datewise.

17.New user
Path: Administration->View Users-> New user
Purpose: This screen will be used for new user entry.

18.View users
Path: Administration->View Users-> View users
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete User.

19.View User Roles

Path: Administration-> View User Roles -> New User Role
Purpose: This screen will be used to View, Add, Update & Delete User Role.

20.View User Roles

Path: Administration-> View User Roles -> View User Roles
Purpose: This screen will be used to View and Update User Roles.

Path:Customer->Item tools->Quote
Purpose: This screen will be used for Quote Entry.
Prerequisite: 6. Currency List, 7. New Customer, 4. New Products , 13. VAT List

22.Quote-Sale Order
Path: Customer->Item tools-> Quote-Sale Order
Purpose: This screen will be used for transferring Quote to Sale Order.
Prerequisite: 21.Quote

23.Sale Order
Path:Customer->Item tools-> Sale Order
Purpose: This screen will be used for Preparing Sale Order
Prerequisite: 6. Currency List, 7. New Customer, 4. New Products , 13. VAT List

24.Sale Invoice
Path:Customer->Item tools-> Sale Invoice
Purpose: This screen will be used for Preparing Sale Invoice.
Prerequisite:23.Sale Order

25.Sale Order-Delivery
Path:Customer->Item tools-> Sale Order-Delivery
Purpose: This screen will be used for Preparing Delivery Note.
Prerequisite:23.Sale Order Or 24.Sale Invoice

26.Customer Credit Note

Path:Customer->Item tools-> Customer Credit Note
Purpose: This screen will be used for Preparing credit based on delivery note..
Prerequisite: 25.Sale Order-Delivery

27. Customer Credit Note

Path: Customer->Item tools-> Customer Credit Note
Purpose: This screen will be used for preparing credit note for customer based on delivery note.
Prerequisite: 25.Sale Order-Delivery

28. Customer Payment

Path: Customer->Item tools-> Customer Payment
Purpose: This screen will be used for entering customer payment Information against sale
Prerequisite: 25.Sale Order-Delivery

28. Credit Note Reconcile

Path: Customer->Item tools-> Credit Note Reconcile
Purpose: This screen will be used for entering Credit Note Reconciliation Information
Prerequisite: 27. Customer Credit Note

Path:Supplier->Item tools->PO
Purpose: This screen will be used for PO Entry.
Prerequisite: 6. Currency List, 11. New Supplier, 4. New Products, 14. Freight Company List

30.PO Receive
Path: Supplier->Item tools-> PO Receive
Purpose: This screen will be used for PO Receiving.
Prerequisite: 29.PO, 15. Freight Charge List

31.PO Bill
Path:Supplier->Item tools-> PO Bill
Purpose: This screen will be used for Payment to Supplier
Prerequisite: 30.PO Receive

32.Report Module
Path: Product-> Report Item
Purpose: This screen will be used for generating various report

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