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Integrated Math 3 Syllabus 2016/17

Textbook: Integrated Math 3, McGraw Hill Education 2012
Teacher: Mr. Drosopoulos
If Nothing Changes, then Nothing Changes
Welcome to the wonderful world of Math 3!!!! Illini Bluffs High School has a great math department
and you will learn a lot more than just math IF you challenge yourself. So set high standards for
your work this year.


Do Work
Dont Annoy Me

Course Objectives:

The student will learn to think critically and analytically.

The student will achieve mastery in use of algebraic techniques and concepts.
The student will learn how to apply mathematics to real world applications.

Topics of Study:

1) Equations & Inequalities 2) Linear Relations & Functions 3) Systems of

Equations & Inequalities 4) Polynomials & Polynomial Functions 5) Inverses & Radical Functions &
Relations 6) Exponential & Logarithmic Functions & Relations 7) Rational Functions & Relations

Required Materials:

5 Subject Notebook
Pencils and Pens
Graphing Calculator

Grading System:
Your grade will be based on the percentage of the total possible points you have earned. There are
four different categories that are used when figuring your overall percentage. Total points are
accumulated throughout each semester and you start over again at the start of semester two. The
breakdown of your grade will be shown on PowerSchool.
A 100-94
B 93-85
C 84-74
D 73-65
F 65 & Below

Grade Breakdown:

Homework, Mini Quizzes/Exit Slips, Participation, Tests/Quizzes,

Extra Help:

If at any point you have questions and/or need any additional help on the content
(outside of class), I will be available before school (7:30-8:05) and during GTT (11:15-11:45).

Absent from class:

Absent for a test or quiz: If you are absent the day of a test/quiz you MUST make it up within
three days of returning to school. This class is fast paced and its important to stay current with the
material. Waiting more than a few days to take a test is not a good idea.
Absent for a regular class: If you are absent from a class, you need to see me on the day
you return. This will allow me to inform you what needs to be done in order for you to stay up to
date. (i.e. Get the notes, any in-class activities, homework that was assigned, etc.)
Absent for a homework assignment: If you are absent from class you will need to complete
the homework that was assigned and show me that it is complete the following day.

Late Work:

I generally dont accept late work. If it is done on time, then you will receive a zero
for that assignment. However, every situation is different in why you might not have your
assignment done. Because of this, there may be a few exceptions.


Each individual is allowed to re-take one test per semester. The individual must
complete an assigned packet before being allowed to re-take the test. Re-takes must be completed
no later than 7 days after going over the original test.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me:

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