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[Download] UPSC Mains-2015: General Studies Paper-2 (GS2), incl. past

papers topicwise sorted; observation, analysis

Question-Papers (http://mrunal.org/category/question-papers) / 8 months Ago /

37 Comments (http://mrunal.org/2015/12/upsc-mains-question-paper-gs2-2015.html#comments)
1. Instructions for GS2 Papers
2. GS2 Mains-2015: Question Paper in Linear Format
3. Observations / Analysis of Mains-2015 GS2 Paper
1. Current and Contemporary
2. One year after expiry date
3. Lame ducks
4. Sectors, services and intervention
5. Sacred cow called SHG

nding fault of the Government

7. When Bookie mentality back res

8. Exchange program with Pre-CSAT era Mains
9. Student Exchange program between GS1 and GS2
10. Diluted diplomacy
11. Relevance of Mrunal.org aka Bogus marketing propaganda
4. GS2 Mains-Topicwise Compilation since Pattern change
1. Polity: Basics of Constitution
2. Polity: The Executive
3. Polity: Legislature
4. Polity: Separation of Powers
5. Polity: Federalism & Local governance
6. Polity: Bodies
7. Welfare: Policies & Schemes
8. Welfare: Sectors & Services
9. Governance: Accountability & E-Gov
10. Groups: Civil Services, NGO, SHG, Pressure Groups
11. IR/Diplomacy: Neighbors
12. IR/Diplomacy: Not-Neighbors but a ecting interests
13. IR/Diplomacy: Institutions, Groupings, Agreements

Instructions for GS2 Papers

UPSC conducted general studies paper 2 of civil services mains examination on 19th December

Duration: 3 hours; Maximum Marks: 250

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:
There are TWENTY questions printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Each Question carries 12.5
All the questions too compulsory.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certi cate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QC4) Booklet in the space provided.
No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever speci ed should be adhered to.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly
struck o .
GS2 Mains-2015: Question Paper in Linear Format
Each Question is worth 12.5 marks and maximum word limit is 200. But content of the answer is
more important than its length.
1. Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil code
as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.
2. The concept of cooperative federalism has been increasingly emphasized in recent years.
Highlight the drawbacks in the existing structure and the extent to which cooperative
federalism would answer the shortcomings.
3. In absence of a well-educated and organized local level government system, `Panchayats and
Samitis have remained mainly political institutions and not e ective instruments of
governance. Critically discuss.
4. Khap Panchayats have been in the news for functioning as extra-constitutional authorities,
often delivering pronouncements amounting to human rights violations. Discuss critically the
actions taken by the legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the things right in this regard.
5. Resorting to ordinances has always raised concern on violation of the spirit of separation of
powers doctrine. While noting the rationales justifying the power to promulgate ordinances,
analyze whether the decisions of the Supreme Court on the issue have further facilitated
resorting to this power. Should the power to promulgate ordinances be repealed?
6. What are the major changes brought in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 through the
recent Ordinance promulgated by the President? How far will it improve Indias dispute
resolution mechanism? Discuss.
7. Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning crackers during Diwali?
Discuss in the light of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and Judgement(s) of the Apex Court in
this regard.

8. Examine critically the recent changes in the rules governing foreign funding of NGOs under the
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 1976.
9. The Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP), which is Indias own innovation,
has proved to be one of the most e ective poverty alleviation and women empowerment
programmes. Elucidate.
10. How can the role of NGOs be strengthened in India for development works relating to
protection of the environment? Discuss throwing light on the major constraints.
11. The quality of higher education in India requires major improvements to make it internationally
competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions would help improve
the quality of higher and technical education in the country? Discuss.
12. Public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think that
the private sector could help in bridging the gap? What other viable alternatives would you
13. Though there have been several di erent estimates of poverty in India, all indicate reduction in
poverty levels over time. Do you agree? Critically examine with reference to urban and rural
poverty indicators.
14. In the light of the Satyam Scandal (2009), discuss the changes brought in corporate governance
to ensure transparency, accountability.
15. If amendment bill to the Whistleblowers Act, 2011 tabled in the Parliament is passed, there
may be no one left to protect. Critically evaluate.
16. For achieving the desired objectives, it is necessary to ensure that the regulatory institutions
remain independent and autonomous. Discuss in the light of the experiences in recent past.
17. Increasing interest of India in Africa has its pros and cons. Critically examine.
18. Discuss the impediments India is facing in its pursuit of a permanent seat in UN Security
19. Project `Mausam is considered a unique foreign policy initiative of the Indian Government to
improve relationship with its neighbors. Does the project have a strategic dimension? Discuss.
20. Terrorist activities and mutual distrust have clouded India-Pakistan relations. To what extent the
use of soft power like sports and cultural exchanges could help generate goodwill between the
two countries? Discuss with suitable examples.

Observations / Analysis of GS Paper-II in Mains-2015

Just like 2014- each question worth 12.5 marks and 200-word limit.
In Polity => Basic structure related topic, each year UPSCs obsession concern for fundamental
rights protection has continuously increased.
2013: Freedom of speech vs. IT Act

2014: Freedom of Speech vs. lms and hate speech.

2015: Life and liberty protection (Khap Panchayat and Diwali crackers); Religious freedom
(uniform civil code)
Each year, UPSC is equally concerned about separation of powers from SC vs. Parliament
(2013) to Judicial activism (2014) to SC vs. executive Ordinances (2015)
Earlier speci c regulatory bodies asked- Rail Tari authority, NHRC but this time broad question
about importance of independent regulatory bodies.
Current and Contemporary
Questions can be classi ed in two parts:

23rd October 2015: The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment)

Ordinance, 2015 was introduced


28th October 2015: SC refuses to ban diwali crackers.

So question paper is fairly recent, probably it was set in November rst
You can bene t from selective reading of IGNOUs BA/MA booklets of
Public Administration and political science here, because they provide


direct points and answer.

For example- Uniform civil code, ordinance abuse, illiterate PRI
representatives (although current news as well, because of Rajasthan
and Haryana states initiatives to bar illiterates from contesting. )

We can also see this year the number and span of contemporary based question have
increased.Consider this question- Discuss the importance of independent regulatory institutions based
on recent past:
SEBI-Sahara: How a politically well-connected billionaire bites dust against independent SEBI.
(2010 onwards), while Saradha chit-fund scamsters can run for long time thanks to inept
registrar in W.Bengal and Odisha (till 2013)
RBI: How Bhai (appointment in 2013) manages to contain in ation over the time with his
calibrated monetary policy, despite pressure from government and corporates to reduce the
rates frequently; how he netunes priority sector lending (PSL) norms; takes measures for
customer protections and so on.
FMC: how it clamped commodity market scam of NSEL (2013)
NGT: how it takes bitter but necessary measures to protect the environment and well-being of
the citizens.

Other example questions with broad span of contemporary topics- Satyam scam (2009) and
subsequent enactment of companies act 2013 to ensure better corporate governance; Khap
Panchayat (2011).
One year after expiry date
One of UPSCs classic BackBreaking MoveTM is to ask about a topic one year after it occurred. This
year, two such question appeared from 2014
Cooperative federalism- the buzz started in 2014 when Modi became PM. but it was not asked
in Mains-2014.
Project Mausam- launched around mid-2014.
Lame ducks
Since inception of new GS2 syllabus in 2013- so far no questions from Comparing Constitution,
RPA, E-Governance, Ministry-Department and Indian diaspora.
Unlike previous years, Nothing from legislature and executive portion of the Indian Constitution.
Sectors, services and intervention
Two patterns visible
How FDI in x sector can help? 2014- media; 2015-higher education.
Both in health and education sector your job is to critically nd faults/examination. see the
questions from 2013,14,15 given below in this article under topic wise questions.
Sacred cow called SHG
Under the new syllabus of GS2, youve to prepare the Role of civil services, NGO-SHG and
pressure groups.
For the last two years, pattern was (SHG) AND (Civil Service OR Pressure group)
This year it is (SHG) AND (NGO AND NGO)
This mains question on SHG-Bank linkage program: its quite old topic, it appeared in 2011
because of Kaliya Committee and economy survey 2012 (http://mrunal.org/2013/04/economicsurvey-ch5- nancial-intermediaries-banks-rrbs-nbfcs-part-3-of-3.html#407). May be sporadic
mention here and there afterwards, But itnaa detail mein kaun prepare kartaa hai.
nding fault of the Government
From the new Mains-syllabus, Only once UPSC asked question which required you to write Salient
feature i.e. PURA in 2013. Otherwise, each year they just ask you to nd, highlight and x the fault
of Government e.g.

2015: are poverty indicators accurate?

2014: (1) exclusion of the backward in urban economies thanks to Government schemes (2)
should we run two things parallel- Adhaar vs. NPR?
2013: how DBT can reduce corruption
So, one should netune his notes-making strategy accordingly.
When Bookie mentality back res
Modi made so many schemes and foreign visits, atleast something should have come out of it,
but it did not (except Project Mausam).
SHG topic has been asked to death in last two exam, so it should not have come, yet it
continues to appear.
2014: UPSC asks why strong center bad for strong federalism. So then no question should have
come from federalism in 2015- but theyve asked about how cooperative federalism can cure
current shortcoming i.e. strong centre.
So, again like the PPP topic (Mains-2013,2014), here too continuation of focusing on one topic
with further magni cation on a sub-topic.
PS: Bookie mentality did not mis re in following question: India Africa and UNSC permanent seat
for India. Both were in news for quite some time.
Exchange program with Pre-CSAT era Mains
Further observation of the above stated Magni cation of subtopic:
Higher education
Mains-2006: Discuss impact of globalization on higher education in India.
Mains-2009: Mushrooming of Higher Educational Institutions was a matter of grave concern for
Yaspal Committee. With reference to the relevant portion of that report give your views how to
harmonise private investment and quality of education.
Finally, 2015: Entry of international universities.
Diplomacy with Pakistan
2003: Nature of Track-II diplomacy with Pakistan (i.e. non-governmental, informal and uno cial
contacts and activities between private citizens or groups)
2015: Sport and cultural exchange to reduce Pak-terrorism.
Similar pattern we can see with

Uniform civil code (Mains-1995);

di ering estimates of poverty gures (Mains-2010)
ordinance making power (Mains-2001);
Bogusness of PRIs (Mains-2005);
Ofcourse these topics were in current-contemporary news platform for their own reasons. But a
student can bene t by (1) referring to the old papers of Mains exam (2) watchful eye on magazines
and newspapers.
Student Exchange program between GS1 and GS2
Africa jumps from GS1 to GS2

GS1, 2013

Africas natural resources and India

GS2, 2015

India-Africa ties pros and cons

Smart village jumps from GS2 to GS1

GS2, 2013

PURA in improving connectivity in rural areas

GS1, 2015

Importance of smart villages

Infact, same answer points can be recycled without any penalty because Modis smart
village/RURBAN is parallel to UPAs erstwhile PURA scheme.
Diluted diplomacy
Like each year, the international relations (IR) section continues to occupy 50-70 marks.
Slight dilution in the level of di culty. Earlier you had to know the speci c technical details to
attempt a question e.g. how ITA a ects India, Shahbag square of Bangladesh.
But this year, except Mausam- all IR questions are such that anyone can write a few generic
points whether India-Africa, India-Pak soft ties, India as UNSC permanent member.
Anyways, more Armchair General analysis can be made, if more time and attention is spent on
reading the questions again and again. But overall, GS2 continues to remain a tough cookie
because of its broad contemporary nature.
Youre most welcome to put your observations in the comment section.
Relevance of Mrunal.org aka Bogus marketing propaganda

GS2 has mostly haat aayaa par munh naa lagaa (it came in the hands but not inside the mouth)
i.e. though topic was mentioned on Mrunal.org but the speci c thing that UPSC asked, was not


Accuracy of

Public healthinvolving private

sector and

measures after


Covered in
Mrunal article on Survey Ch.13 in 2014 (http://mrunal.org/2014/08/economicsurvey-ch13-poverty-line-tendulkar-rangarajan-engels-law-mnrega-aajeevikanrum.html)
Mains revision ML1/P3 on SECC

Fully covered in the draft health policy ML2/P3


Mrunal Prelims L5/P4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E72MTcPLws&list=PLAMBum9_RkuPPGvD7HI9wfsDSxWwJYz94&index=38)

Pratik Nayak IR1/P5

FCRA new
updates in
NGO role in

Mains Revision ML5/P1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?



Project Mausam

Pratik Nayak IR2/P1 slide number 18

April 2015 current Excel le


Excel le of current topiclist- under Polity section second last entry in May


Mrunal Eco.Survey 2012 Ch5. (http://mrunal.org/2013/04/economic-survey-ch5nancial-intermediaries-banks-rrbs-nbfcs-part-3-of-3.html#407)


50/250 = 20% of the paper covered through various articles, videos and
powerpoints of Mrunal.org

GS2 Mains-Topicwise since Pattern change

In 2013, UPSC changed the syllabus-pattern of Mains examination and the number of general
studies (GS) papers were increased from two to four. Out of them, GS Paper-2 deals with Polity,
Governance, Welfare and International-Relations (IR)
Polity: Basics of Constitution
GS1 Syllabus Topic: Historical underpinnings & evolution; Features, amendments, signi cant
provisions, basic structure; Comparison of Indian constitutional scheme with other countries
Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil
code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.


Khap Panchayats have been in the news for functioning as extra-constitutional

authorities, often delivering pronouncements amounting to human rights violations.
Discuss critically the actions taken by the legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the
things right in this regard.


Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning crackers during
Diwali? Discuss in the light of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and Judgement(s) of the
Apex Court in this regard.


What do you understand by the concept freedom of speech and expression? Does it
cover hate speech also? Why do the lms in India stand on a slightly di erent plane from
other forms of expression? Discuss.


Discuss Section 66A of IT Act, with reference to its alleged violation of Article 19 of the


Polity: The Executive

GS1 Syllabus Topic:
Executive (structure, organisation, functioning);
Ministries and Departments (of Union and State govts.)
Instances of Presidents delay in commuting death sentences has come under public
debate as denial of justice. Should there be a time limit speci ed for the President to
accept/reject such petitions? Analyse.


The size of the cabinet should be as big as governmental work justi es and as big as the
Prime Minister can manage as a team. How far the e cacy of a government then is
inversely related to the size of the cabinet? Discuss.


Polity: Legislature
GS1 Syllabus Topic:

Union and State Legislatures (structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges;
issues therein);
Salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act.
The Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and its Members as envisaged in
Article 105 of the Constitution leave room for a large number of un-codi ed and unenumerated privileges to continue. Assess the reasons for the absence of legal
codi cation of the parliamentary privileges. How can this problem be addressed?


The role of individual MPs (Members of Parliament) has diminished over the years and as
a result healthy constructive debates on policy issues are not usually witnessed. How far
can this be attributed to the anti-defection law, which was legislated but with a di erent


Polity: Separation of Powers

GS1 Syllabus Topic:
Separation of Powers (between di erent organs, dispute redressal mechanisms, institutions);
Judiciary (structure, organisation functioning)
Resorting to ordinances has always raised concern on violation of the spirit of separation
of powers doctrine. While noting the rationales justifying the power to promulgate
ordinances, analyze whether the decisions of the Supreme Court on the issue have
further facilitated resorting to this power. Should the power to promulgate ordinances be


Starting from inventing the basic structure doctrine, the judiciary has played a highly
proactive role in ensuring that India develops into a thriving democracy. In light of the
statement, evaluate the role played by judicial activism in achieving the ideals of


The Supreme Court of India keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament in
amending the Constitution. Discuss critically.


Polity: Federalism & Local governance

GS1 Syllabus Topic:
Functions & responsibilities of the Union and the States; issues and challenges of federal
Devolution of powers and nances to local levels; challenges therein.

The concept of cooperative federalism has been increasingly emphasized in recent years.
Highlight the drawbacks in the existing structure and the extent to which cooperative
federalism would answer the shortcomings.


In absence of a well-educated and organized local level government system, `Panchayats

and Samitis have remained mainly political institutions and not e ective instruments of
governance. Critically discuss.


Though the federal principle is dominant in our Constitution and that principle is one of
its basic features, but it is equally true that federalism under the Indian Constitution
leans in favour of a strong Centre, a feature that militates against the concept of strong
federalism. Discuss.


Recent directives from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas are perceived by the
`Nagas as a threat to override the exceptional status enjoyed by the State. Discuss in
light of Article 371A of the Indian Constitution.


Many State Governments further bifurcate geographical administrative areas like

Districts and Talukas for better governance. In light of the above, can it also be justi ed
that more number of smaller States would bring in e ective governance at State level?


Constitutional mechanisms to resolve the inter-state water disputes have failed to

address and solve the problems. Is the failure due to structural or process inadequacy or
both? Discuss.


Polity: Bodies
GS1 Syllabus Topic: Appointment to various Constitutional posts; Constitutional Bodies (powers,
functions and responsibilities); Statutory, Regulatory and Quasi-judicial bodies
What are the major changes brought in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
through the recent Ordinance promulgated by the President? How far will it improve
Indias dispute resolution mechanism? Discuss.


For achieving the desired objectives, it is necessary to ensure that the regulatory
institutions remain independent and autonomous. Discuss in the light of the
experiences in recent past.


National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India can be most e ective when its tasks
are adequately supported by other mechanisms that ensure the accountability of a
government. In light of the above observation assess the role of NHRC as an e ective
complement to the judiciary and other institutions in promoting and protecting human
rights standards.


The setting up of a Rail Tari Authority to regulate fares will subject the cash strapped
Indian Railways to demand subsidy for obligation to operate non-pro table routes and
services. Taking into account the experience in the power sector, discuss if the proposed
reform is expected to bene t the consumers, the Indian Railways or the private container


Discuss the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission which have been a
departure from the previous commissions for strengthening the local government


The product diversi cation of nancial institutions and insurance companies, resulting in
overlapping of products and services strengthens the case for the merger of the two
regulatory agencies, namely SEBI and IRDA. Justify.


Welfare: Policies & Schemes

GS1 Syllabus Topic:
Welfare Schemes (centre, states; performance, mechanisms, laws, institutions and bodies
constituted for protection of vulnerable sections);
Poverty and hunger issues
Though there have been several di erent estimates of poverty in India, all indicate
reduction in poverty levels over time. Do you agree? Critically examine with reference to
urban and rural poverty indicators.


Do governments schemes for up-lifting vulnerable and backward communities by

protecting required social resources for them, lead to their exclusion in establishing
businesses in urban economics?


Two parallel run schemes of the Government viz. the Adhaar Card and NPR, one as
voluntary and the other as compulsory, have led to debates at national levels and also
litigations. On merits, discuss whether or not both schemes need run concurrently.
Analyse the potential of the schemes to achieve developmental bene ts and equitable


The Central Government frequently complains on the poor performance of the State
Governments in eradicating su ering of the vulnerable sections of the society.
Restructuring of Centrally sponsored schemes across the sectors for ameliorating the
cause of vulnerable sections of population aims at providing exibility to the States in
better implementation. Critically evaluate.


Electronic cash transfer system for the welfare schemes is an ambitious project to
minimize corruption, eliminate wastage and facilitate reforms. Comment.


The basis of providing urban amenities in rural areas (PURA) is rooted in establishing
connectivity. Comment.


Welfare: Sectors & Services

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Social Sector & Social Services (health, education, human resources
issues in development, management);
GS1 Syllabus Topic: Government Policies & Interventions for development of various sectors
(issues in their design, implementation)
The quality of higher education in India requires major improvements to make it
internationally competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions
would help improve the quality of higher and technical education in the country? Discuss.


Public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think
that the private sector could help in bridging the gap? What other viable alternatives
would you suggest?


Though 100 percent FDI is already allowed in non-news media like a trade publication
and general entertainment channel, the Government is mulling over the proposal for
increased FDI in news media for quite some time. What di erence would an increase in
FDI make? Critically evaluate the pros and cons.


An athlete participates in Olympics for personal triumph and nations glory; victors are
showered with cash incentives by various agencies, on their return. Discuss the merit of
state sponsored talent hunt and its cultivation as against the rationale of a reward
mechanism as encouragement.


Should the premier institutes like IITs/IIMs be allowed to retain premier status, allowed
more academic independence in designing courses and also decide mode/criteria of
selection of students. Discuss in light of the growing challenges.


The concept of Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme is almost a century old in India with early
beginnings in Madras Presidency in pre-independent India. The scheme has again been
given impetus in most states in the last two decades. Critically examine its twin
objectives, latest mandates and success.


Identify the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that are related to health. Discuss
the success of the actions taken by the Government for achieving the same.


Governance: Accountability & E-Gov

1. GS1 Syllabus Topic: Important aspects of governance; Transaparency and accountability
(institutional and other measures); Citizens Charter;
2. GS1 Syllabus Topic: E-Governance (applications, models, successes, limitations, potential)


In the light of the Satyam Scandal (2009), discuss the changes brought in corporate
governance to ensure transparency, accountability.


If amendment bill to the Whistleblowers Act, 2011 tabled in the Parliament is passed,
there may be no one left to protect. Critically evaluate.


Though Citizens charters have been formulated by many public service delivery
organizations, there is no corresponding improvement in the level of citizens satisfaction
and quality of services being provided. Analyze.


A national Lokpal, however strong it may be, cannot resolve the problems of immorality
in public a airs. Discuss.


Groups: Civil Services, NGO, SHG, Pressure Groups

GS1 Syllabus Topic:
1. Development Processes & Development industry (role of NGOs, SHGs, groups & associations,
donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders)
2. Pressure Groups & Formal, Informal associations (and their role in the polity)
3. Role of Civil Services in a democracy.

Examine critically the recent changes in the rules governing foreign funding of
NGOs under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 1976.



The Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP), which is Indias
own innovation, has proved to be one of the most e ective poverty alleviation
and women empowerment programmes. Elucidate.



How can the role of NGOs be strengthened in India for development works
relating to protection of the environment? Discuss throwing light on the major



The penetration of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in rural areas in promoting

participation in development programmes is facing socio-cultural hurdles.



The legitimacy and accountability of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their
patrons, the micro- nance out ts, need systematic assessment and scrutiny
for the sustained success of the concept. Discuss.



Pressure group politics is sometimes seen as the informal face of politics.

With regards to the above, assess the structure and functioning of pressure
groups in India.



Has the Cadre based Civil Services Organisation been the cause of slow
change in India? Critically examine.


IR/Diplomacy: Neighbors
GS1 Syllabus Topic: E ect of Policies & Politics of Developed and Developing countries on India
(Indias interests, diaspora)
Project `Mausam is considered a unique foreign policy initiative of the Indian
Government to improve relationship with its neighbors. Does the project have a strategic
dimension? Discuss.


Terrorist activities and mutual distrust have clouded India-Pakistan relations. To what
extent the use of soft power like sports and cultural exchanges could help generate
goodwill between the two countries? Discuss with suitable examples.


With respect to the South China sea, maritime territorial disputes and rising tension
a rm the need for safeguarding maritime security to ensure freedom of navigation and
over ight throughout the region. In this context, discuss the bilateral issues between
India and China.


The proposed withdrawal of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from

Afghanistan in 2014 is fraught with major security implications for the countries of the
region. Examine in light of the fact that India is faced with a plethora of challenges and
needs to safeguard its own strategic interests.


What do you understand by The String of Pearls? How does it impact India? Brie y
outline the steps taken by India to counter this.


The protests in Shahbag Square in Dhaka in Bangladesh reveal a fundamental split in

society between the nationalists and Islamic forces. What is its signi cance for India?


Discuss the political developments in Maldives in the last two years. Should they be of
any cause of concern to India?


In respect of India Sri Lanka relations, discuss how domestic factors in uence foreign


What is meant by Gujral doctrine? Does it have any relevance today? Discuss.


IR/Diplomacy: Not-Neighbors but a ecting interests

GS1 Syllabus Topic: India and its Neighbourhood (relations)

Increasing interest of India in Africa has its pros and cons. Critically examine.


Economic ties between India and Japan while growing in the recent years are still far
below their potential. Elucidate the policy constraints which are inhibiting this growth.


IR/Diplomacy: Institutions, Groupings, Agreements

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Important International institutions, agencies, for a (structure, mandate);
Bilateral, Regional, Global groupings & Agreements (involving and/or a ecting India)
Discuss the impediments India is facing in its pursuit of a permanent seat in UN Security


The aim of Information Technology Agreements (ITAs) is to lower all taxes and tari s on
information technology products by signatories to zero. What impact should such
agreements have on Indias interests?


Some of the International funding agencies have special terms for economic participation
stipulating a substantial component of the aid to be used for sourcing equipment from
the leading countries. Discuss on merits of such terms and if, there exists a strong case
not to accept such conditions in the Indian context.


India has recently signed to become founding a New Development Bank (NDB) and also
the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) .How will the role of the two Banks be
di erent? Discuss the signi cance of these two Banks for India.


WTO is an important international institution where decisions taken a ect countries in

profound manner. What is the mandate of WTO and how binding are their decisions?
Critically analyse Indias stand on the latest round of talks on Food security.


The World Bank and the IMF, collectively known as the Bretton Woods Institutions, are
the two inter-governmental pillars supporting the structure of the worlds economic and
nancial order. Super cially, the World Bank and the IMF exhibit many common
characteristics, yet their role, functions and mandate are distinctly di erent. Elucidate.


visit Mrunal.org/download (http://Mrunal.org/download) for more papers.

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[Download] UPSC Mains-2015: Political Science Optional Subject Question Paper-1
& Paper-2 (http://mrunal.org/2016/01/download-upsc-mains-political-scienceoptional-2015.html)
[Download] UPSC Mains-2015: General Studies Paper-3 (GS3), incl. past papers
topicwise sorted; observation, analysis; 45% matter covered in Mrunal.org itself
[Download] UPSC Mains-2015: History Optional Subject Question Paper-1 & Paper2 (http://mrunal.org/2015/12/download-upsc-mains-history-optional-paper2015.html)
[Download] UPSC Mains-2015: Philosophy Optional Subject Question Paper-1 &
Paper-2 (http://mrunal.org/2015/12/download-upsc-mains-philosophy-optionalpaper-2015.html)
Print | PDF (need Chrome) (http://mrunal.org/2015/12/upsc-mains-questionpaper-gs2-2015.html/print/)
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So far 37 Comments posted


Itna detail m koi analysis bhi nhi karta ..
Waise much questions can be answered through magazines and rstv +
major newspaper articles (including world)


which magazines?


jeevan & Kksingh : You both seems to be very SMART.. why you guys
are wasting your time here..
Mrunal sirs analysis will help others aspirants to pick correct contents
from available resources.


que 9 was in news >>>http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/selfhelp-groups-making-rural-women-selfreliant/article7168538.ece


Hi can someone help me pick up an optional from any of these three
..political science and international relation..sociology. .geography. .Im from
commerce background but I have no interest in commerce as optional
subject. So I would be glad if someone could suggest me . Im planning for
2016 chat. Thanks



well i dont have any idea about sociology but between Geography
and PSIR i would choose the latter and reason being
A. one can cover most of it through newspaper which youll read
anyway doesnt matter what optional you choose so it saves time
B. It is relatively easier to Geography and syllabus is also not as vast
as Geo
Rest depend on your interest,i have chosen Economics though i dont
have economics background and im going ne with it. Hope it helps


good observation


Lav Singh
Anyone have idea about Botany as optional subject?


jyothi sekhar
mrunal sir, you are marvellous. helping us a lot n lot in our preparation


Except one or two question ,whole paper 3 of GS was from your lectures


true rightly said.. thank you for the analysis sir!!


ainy : You both seems to be very SMART.. why you guys are wasting your
time here..
Mrunal sirs analysis will help others aspirants to pick correct contents from
available resources.


priya aggrawal
Thank You sir once again for helping us and providing with such a valuable


Bab please choose, geography subject as a optional, because you belong to
commerce background, scienti c subject, save time, no competition when
you also choose it as a career, with technology you can transform our
country with innovation


Ramakrishna chinta
Thanks sir ,
plz upload gs mains 2015 paper 3&4 and previous analysis papers


Thanks Mrunal
Waiting for your analysis on GS3, and how much part of paper is covered by
your economy lectures.


how to prepare and check for mains answer.


@ lav
Botany has a very length syllabus plus it doesnt overlap with any of the GS
topics so it will become di cult to revise in the nal stages. But if you
still want to persist with it then go ahead (just sharing the problems). I
too have the same optional.. All the best


surya prakash
Superb interpretation Sir.. From sacred cow to UPSCs back breaking. lol..
After GS exams I eagerly waited for your analysis.. your are doing a great
job.. Thank you Sir



Good analysis! Most of the questions were asked from recent happenings
over 1-1.5 years and special focus was given on application of concepts with
contemporary issues, one can crack it with the help of op-ed page of The
Hindu, coverage given by EPW ( for questions on SHG, NGO, Co operative
federalism), one should give importance to PRS.org for latest legislations
and ordinances, you will get deep & thorough analysis of these points there.
Paper was neither easy nor di cult, it was challenging. Thanx mrunal ji for
good anslysis!


vipin dwivedi
V can say that rstv again so that how it helpful for gs.2


Please dont give the notes in audio form.Please continue doing it in written
notes.They were better to understand and could be assessed in 2g net
also.We are unable to view the videos.


Thanks Sir for the analysis


Please upload GS3 analysis also sir.. we r waiting


By giving so much of classi cation and mix and match..it is only confusing
people more and more..
the crux of the matter is to prepare all the topics..thoda thoda..as u have
mentioned in one of your lectures..
and give importance to current more..and if they ask something like..it
should be answered on common sense..kyonki itna kaun padta hai


ordinary mortal
dear u will take time to understand need of this class ctn.
Please sir ignore these comments and keep on providing this clasifctn.
Thanks mrunal sir for ur help. ..


sir waiting for your paper 3 and paper 4 analysis please upload


Thank you soooo much.



mains model question paper analisis one,s again and prelim model paper


Can we write abt cbse its also independent body and its exams are more
strict than bihar exams


result kab ayega


Those who dont appreciate mrunal sir above analysis are just a beginner
need vigorous introspection


KINDLY CONTACT ME 7031535978.we will try to make it simple with our
team e ort.






mrunal sir,please upload law paper 2015.we can not download notes given
by last law topper,sakhshi sahani.if anyone from law background please
add me,and suggest me how to prepare,i am highly regard at this.


hey i am preparing by self study prelims all okk need help in preparing for
mains please need guidance. I can not a ord coaching. Need help please if
u can..

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Recent Comments
GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved... (http://mrunal.org/2016/08/answerkey-upsc-csat16economy.html/comment-page-3#comment-402965)

ADITYA { no problem, your answer sheet will be evaluated. } [Answerkey] UPSC CSAT GS Prelim
2016: Economy MCQs solved... (http://mrunal.org/2016/08/answerkey-upsc-csat16economy.html/comment-page-1#comment-402956)

ASPIRANT { @jayesh U are 100% writing mains from sc category.. } [Answerkey] UPSC CSAT GS
Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved... (http://mrunal.org/2016/08/answerkey-upsc-csat16economy.html/comment-page-1#comment-402951)

ASPIRANT { @sana If u are really passionate about civil services u should prepare for mains
irrespective of your score..it will always help you in some way..there... } [Answerkey] UPSC CSAT

GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved... (http://mrunal.org/2016/08/answerkey-upsc-csat16economy.html/comment-page-3#comment-402950)

DC { THANK YOU VERY MUCH SIR. i was able to solve all questions (except few) correctly.

. } [Answerkey] UPSC CSAT GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved...




[Studyplan] IBPS CWE PO/MT: English, Grammar, Comprehension, Sentence Arragenment


BABLU { But they have not asked about masala bond. They have asked about ifc masala bond. }
[Answerkey] UPSC CSAT GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved...

ROHIT GHOSH { Dear Debotosh, Could you give me your contact number. } [Topper's
Interview] Debotosh Chatterjee (Rank-406/CSE-2015) Political Science, First Attempt,...

ASPIRANT { Mrunal bhai your articles on economic survey as always have been like a tonic in
prelims..scoring around 120+ with various keys..hoping to write my second... } [Answerkey] UPSC

CSAT GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved... (http://mrunal.org/2016/08/answerkey-upsccsat16-economy.html/comment-page-2#comment-402913)

B@B@ { See recent news paper .You can

nd NTPC (PSU) raising money through MASALA BONDs. }

[Answerkey] UPSC CSAT GS Prelim 2016: Economy MCQs solved...


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updated 26th July, at 7:15PM


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