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Hansens Syllabus



Grade Breakdown:

1 in binder
single subject notebook (college
notebook paper (college ruled)
subject dividers (5)
pens (blue/black/red)
highlighters (assorted colors)
class contribution (one item)
- Kleenex
- Pens (blue/black/red)
- Hand Sanitizer

Final Exam: 20%

Writing: 25%

Reading: 25%

Language: 10%

Speaking/Listening: 10%

Grade Scale





Contact Information:
Courtney J Hansen BA EDU

Daily Expectations:

Make Good Choices (surround yourself with positivity, mirror that positivity to others)
Be Kind (respect yourself, respect your peers, respect your instructors)
Do Great (personally, professionally, and academically)
Ask (dont be afraid to seek clarification)

Progressive Discipline Plan:

1st / 2nd warning: verbal reinforcement of expected behaviors

3rd warning: written documentation of inappropriate behavior/student-teacher conversation
4th warning: written documentation of inappropriate behavior/teacher-guardian conversation
5th warning: written documentation of inappropriate behavior/student-teacher-guardianadministration conference


Ms. Hansens Syllabus


Ms. Hansen does not accept late work.

Do not attempt to turn work in past its due date.

The Extra Mile:

Extra help is available upon request. If you find yourself struggling with assignments, project, or in
general, take is upon yourself to seek help. I am available for help after school, during prep, and
during lunch. You must contact me in advance if you wish to meet for help.
Extra credit will be offered periodically throughout the semester. Request for extra credit
opportunities may be made at any time, but will rarely be honored. Take advantage of all
opportunities at the time that they are offered.

The Reno High School Academic Honesty Policy will be adhered to in this class. Be an honest and
responsible person and consequences will be less severe.

There is a direct correlation between attendance and grades earned. Studies show that students who
attend class more earn better grades. In short, showing up regularly and behaving appropriately will
help you to be successful.

Dont be absent.
IF you are absent, you will be granted the amount of days you were absent, plus one, to submit any
make-up work. If a project or activity is assigned before the absence date, no extension will be given.
Students are personally responsible to collecting any missing work and ensuring it is submitted
within the allotted time period.
Prearranged absences are your friend. If you know you will be gone, please schedule an appointment
with me so that assignment expectations and due dates can be clarified.

Students with Disabilities:

Ms. Hansens Syllabus


Students with documented disabilities should set up an appointment with me to make certain that a
complete educational opportunity can be provided. All documented accommodations will be
honored. I strongly encourage students to be aware of their accommodations and to self-advocate if
they feel their accommodations are not being properly implemented.

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