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Bible 600

The Life of Jesus

Two thoughts to keep in mind:

(1) The words and works of Jesus were written that you might believe on Him and that through
believing on Him you would have eternal life.
(2) Jesus came into the world not only to save you, but also to give you the best life possible:
abundant, full, and overflowing life.
Birth & Childhoodrecorded in the first four books in the NT, the Gospels
(Matthew, Mark, Luke,
Jesus earthly birth began in Bethlehem but Jesus has always existed; He is
Matthew was a publican (tax collector). His book tells of the birth & childhood
of Jesus.
However, 1/3 of his book is about the last week of Jesus
Mark was a friend of Peter and Paul.
Luke was a physician (doctor). His book tells of the birth & childhood of Jesus.
John was Jesus closest friend on earth. of the book of John is about the
last week of Jesus
John the Baptist & Jesus Baptismbegan the public ministry of Jesus
Johns public ministry lasted about a year & a half. Then, he spent 16
months in prison.
When Jesus was baptized, the Heavens were opened, the Spirit of God
descended like a
dove, light shone upon Him, & there was a voice from Heaven.
So, Jesus was
publicly pointed out as the Son of God.
Temptation & MinistryAfter His baptism, Jesus was severely tempted by Satan (the
Devil) for 40 days in the wilderness. (Satan tried to get Jesus to do something

Jesus went to the area of Galilee & performed His first miracle in Cana. He turned
water into wine.
Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover. On His way to a revival in Samaria, He met
a woman at a well. Generally, Jews & Samaritans didnt talk; they were not friendly
with each other. . Jesus stayed with the Samaritans for two days.
While in Cana, He also healed the son of a nobleman.

Rejection & Healings

Jesus went to the synagogue in Nazareth where He grew up. Jesus told the
people that He would fulfill Isaiahs prophecy but it made them angry. The crowd
was planning to kill Him but He escaped.
The healing of the man at the Pool of BethesdaThe man had been sick 38
years. Jesus told the man to get up, take his bed, & walk. The man got in trouble
with the priests for carrying his bed (working) on the Sabbath.
The healing of the man with the withered handJesus healed this man on the
Sabbath, which angered the people watching.
Teaching & Miracles
Parables=earthly stories with Heavenly meanings
Parable of the sowertaught the different ways the Gospel would be
The seed is Gods Word. The birds follow the person who sow the seed
& eat all they
can find. (Some seed fell by the way side=Some people would not
even listen)
Some seeds fell on stony ground, not much earth=no root, withered
(People who receive the Word with joy but are shallow)
Some fell among thorns & were choked out, no fruit
(People who hear the Word but become choked with riches of
this world)
Some see fell on good ground=receptive hearer, honest & good
The Word will bring fruit.

Parable of tares (weeds that look like wheat) & wheatA man sowed good
seed but while he slept, his enemy came & sowed tares among the wheat. Jesus
said that at harvest time, the man would tell the reapers to gather & burn the tares
but gather the wheat into his barn.
The tares = the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the
The harvest=the end of the world
The reapers=the angels
Miracle of raising Jairus daughter from the deadJesus took the little girls hand &
she was alive.
Rejection & Feeding the 5,000
Because Jesus was rejected in His own country of Nazareth, He did not do many
mighty works there. Jesus will not do mighty works among us when He finds
unbelief within us.
On a mountain near the Sea of Galilee, Jesus took five loaves of bread & two fish
and turned it in to enough to feed about 5,000 people passing by on their way to
the Passover feast in Jerusalem. He then told the people, I am the bread of life; he
that cometh to me shall never hunger
The Transfiguration & the Good Samaritan

Transfiguration=change in appearance

Peter, James, & John went with Jesus up a high mountain. His clothing became
shining, white as snow. Elias & Moses appeared & talked with Jesus. Purpose=to
assure the men of Jesus divine nature
Parable of the Good Samaritantold as an example of how we should treat others
The Lost Sheep & the Prodigal Son
The Parable of the Lost SheepA good shepherd cares about every sheep I his flock.
If one goes missing, he searches until he finds it. This parable explains the value of
each person in the sight of God; portrays a picture of God welcoming everyone who
was lost; tells of the joy in Heaven for those who repent.
The Parable of the Prodigal Sonshows the miserable condition man is in when he
turns away from God but also shows how the heavenly Father is waiting for us to
come to Him in repentance.
The Rich Young Ruler & the Tax Collector
The lesson of the young rulerthe young ruler was too in love with his riches; they
held his attention & devotion. This scripture does not teach that rich people cannot
go to Heaven, but does warn of the difficulty (easier for a camel to go through a

needles eye). Jesus must have first place in our lives (before material
possessions, etc.)
The story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector (publican)The Son has come to see and
to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) Zacchaeus knew that he was a sinner &
that Jesus could help him. The people complained about Jesus being the guest of a
known sinner.
Triumphal Entry & Agony in the Garden
Jesus entry into Jerusalemtwo weeks before His death, Jesus rode into Jerusalem
as Israels king.
In fulfillment of Zechariahs prophecy 2 disciples found a cold that hadnt
been ridden before
The people rejoiced.
The plot to betray JesusThe Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus. They had tried
before to have him arrested. Then entered Satan into Judas Iscariot, one of the
twelve disciplesHe (Judas) communed with the chief priests and captains, about
how he might betray JesusAnd he promised, and sought opportunity to betray Him
in the absence of the multitude (out of sight of the crowd). (Luke 22: 1-6)
We learn in Matthew 26:48 that the plan was that Judas would give a signalThe
chief priest would arrest the one whom Judas kissed.
Agony in the GardenJesus & His disciples (minus Judas) went to the Garden of
Gethsemane to pray.
Peter, James, & John went on a little farther with Him than the others. He then told
those three to wait while he prayed, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass
from me; nevertheless, not as I will but as thou wilt (Your will be done). (Matthew
Finding His disciples asleep, He prayed a 2 nd time, O my Father, if this cup may not
pass from methy will be done. (Matthew 26:42) Jesus soon prayed this prayer a
3rd time. Clearly, Jesus knew that He would suffer a cruel death. He also knew that
He was about to be betrayed.
Arrest, Trial, Death, and Resurrection
Arrest & Trial--Jesus was betrayed by Judas & arrested. He was taken to the house of
the high priest, Caiaphas, where He was questioned by Annas. Jesus was
condemned for blasphemy, speaking against the Lord. They said that He did this by
claiming that he was the Son of God.
Jesus was then brought before the Roman governor, Pilate, who wanted Jesus to be
released. He sent Him to Herod but Herod sent Him back. He offered to release
Jesus or Barabbas, a known criminal, but the crowd shouted for Jesus crucifixion.

DeathJesus was mocked & beaten then led away to Calvary to be crucified. He
suffered awful physical pain and even great spiritual agony for our sins. Darkness
came from noon-3:00. The veil in the Temple was divided. The Earth was shaken by
an earthquake. People were raised from the dead.
ResurrectionJesus appeared to Mary Magdalene by the empty tomb. He appeared
to two disciples on their way to Emmaus. Later, He appeared to the 11 disciples.

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