Why Paper Has Been Chosen 18.10.13

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Why Paper has been chosen?

Paper, which includes everything from packaging to mail, makes up a large

percentage of the solid waste stream from the offices in Ministries &
departments. Its also one of the most recovered materials, as recycling
opportunities are often readily available.
It is a Governments policy decision towards sustainable development, last year
in the budget speech the vice prime minister announced that 25% of
Governments paper requirements will be met by recycled paper.
To show the way the budget was printed on recycled paper (Para 278).
Each ministry and department will now segregate waste paper for recycling (Para
Accordingly a circular from the Ministry of Finance & ED (circular No 3 of 2013)
was issued on 25.03.13 to all supervising officers to implement these budgetary
Next the Economical, Environmental and social effects of paper recycling will be
Example: the total requirement of paper for the Consumer Protection
Department from the Ministry of Business Enterprise & Cooperatives is 350
Its estimated value of paper purchased is 350XRs100=Rs35 000
Now if 25% of 350Reams i.e 88Reams of recycled paper is purchased the
estimated value of paper purchased is Rs39 400
Normally recycled paper cost one & a half times more than traditional paper.
There is some debate over whether recycling is economically efficient. It is said
that dumping 10,000 tons of waste in a landfill creates six jobs, while recycling
10,000 tons of waste can create over 36 jobs (http://www.all-recyclingfacts.com/recycling-benefits.html).
Don't be fooled
Most recycled paper products on the market labeled "RECYCLED" contain little or
no Post Consumer Waste(PCW) paper, only wood chips and mill scraps. These
"RECYCLED" paper products do little to address the environmental concerns of
deforestation and landfilling reusable waste paper. Trees should be cut down to
make wood and paper should be made back into paper instead of landfilling it.
The "Real" recycled is Post Consumer Waste(PCW) which is paper used once and
taken to recycling centers and then mills to be made back into paper. PCW is
NOT mill scraps and high PCW products is the sustainable and most
environmental choice.
For recycling to work
There must be demand for the products made from recycled materials - studies
point to "lack of demand" as a major factor hampering efforts to recycle waste
paper. Treecycle's motto is "the other half of recycling" because recycling is a
loop. We specialize in paper products with the highest quantity of recycled paper
and post-consumer waste paper available.
Is recycled paper better for the environment than virgin paper?

Yes! It's common sense that making new paper from old paper is easier on the
Here's why:
It helps preserve forests, because it reduces demand for wood;
It conserves resources and generates less pollution during manufacturing,
because the fibres have already been processed once; and
It reduces solid waste, because it diverts usable paper from the waste stream.
How Paper Recycling Benefits Forests
Rigorous scientific research supports the benefits of recycled paper, and
government agencies, environmental groups, and many other large purchasers
have adopted policies mandating its use. You can be assured that you are doing
the right thing for the environment by buying recycled paper, and the higher the
level of postconsumer recycled content, the better. Read on for answers to more
specific questions about why recycled paper is the right choice for the
How Paper Recycling Benefits Forests?
Does paper recycling save trees?
Paper recycling saves forests. By substituting used paper for trees, recycling
reduces the overall intensity of forest management needed to meet a given
demand for paper.
Doesn't the paper industry replant more trees than it cuts down?
Generally yes, but replanting trees is not the same thing as preserving forests.
Growing demand for paper has fuelled the rapid conversion of natural forests to
tree plantations.
Do the young trees in plantations consume more carbon than older trees. If
you're carbon concerned about climate change, you want older forests, not
younger ones. While younger trees may absorb more rapidly; older trees store
vastly more carbon, thereby reducing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Moreover, every time trees are cut down for paper, much of the
carbon they have stored is released.
How Paper Recycling Reduces Pollution During Manufacturing?
Making paper from used paper is generally a cleaner and more efficient process
than making paper from trees since much of the work of extracting and
bleaching the fibres has already been done That means less total energy, water,
and chemical use, and lower releases of air and water pollutants.
Which takes more energy to produce, recycled or virgin paper?
Producing recycled paper uses much less total energy than producing virgin
How does switching to recycled paper reduce greenhouse gas
Paper recycling recovers used paper from the waste stream, directly reducing the
amount of paper landfilled. Thus for recycled papers, any increase in greenhouse
gas emissions during manufacturing is more than outweighed by reductions in
emissions from landfills.
What other manufacturing impacts are reduced by switching to recycled
Aside from reducing total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, switching
to recycled paper cuts emissions of other air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides
(which contribute to smog), and particulates (breathing problems)
How Paper Recycling Reduces Solid Waste

Recycling paper means that less of it is disposed of in landfills and incinerators.

This lowers air and water pollution at these facilities, as well as greenhouse gas
emissions that arise when paper breaks down in landfills.
Don't we have plenty of landfill space? If so, why recycle paper?
The environmental advantages of recycling extend well beyond saving landfill
space, it reduces environmental impacts (energy use, air and water pollution,
and solid waste) during manufacturing.
Why are methane releases from landfills an environmental concern?
Methane, a gas with 21 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide, is a
potent greenhouse gas and contributor to global climate change.

If recycled paper is ultimately landfilled, how does recycling reduce

solid waste?
Each time paper is diverted from the waste stream and used to make recycled
paper, there is a direct reduction in solid waste. Think of it this way - if you use a
piece of paper once, then erase and use it again before throwing it away, you
create less waste than if you used two pieces of paper and threw them both
away. Similarly, even if a sheet of recycled paper is eventually landfilled, the
recycling process still reduces the total amount of paper landfilled.
Is it worth all the effort, if the percentage of recycled fiber that would
end up in catalog paper is so small?
It's easy to claim that because one is only a small part of the problem, it's not
worth being part of the solution. Such an attitude accomplishes nothing, and in
the case of the catalog industry, has no basis in reality.
To address the huge problem of irresponsible waste management;
To utilize waste to its fullest in as many ways as possible
To create a clean and healthy environment free of litter.
To look at waste as a resource which can be used by the community


Environmental benefits
Recycling of newsprint saves about 1 ton of wood while recycling 1 tone (1.1 ton) of printing or copier
paper saves slightly more than 2 tons of wood. paper recycling reduce 40% energy. The US EPA
has found that recycling causes 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution
Social and Economic Benefits

Recycling will help local industries grow and will also bring in more employment.
There is also less water usage. This is because most of the energy used in paper making is

required for the pulping needed to turn wood into paper.

Using recycled paper reduces the need for primary raw materials

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