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1. Summarize a main event from the book using at least 5 sentences.


2. Choose a character quote. Using the quote, infer what you think the character
was thinking or feeling while he/she was saying the quote you chose.
3. Describe the main character and how he/she is feeling in a particular part of your
story. Support your inference about his/her feelings with at least one quote from
the story.
4. Describe the setting of the story. Support your description with quotes from the
5. Summarize the plot in at least 5 sentences. Include the theme and genre of the
text in your summary.
6. What is the theme of you book? What has happened in your life that reminds you
of this theme?
7. Predict a challenge that one of your characters may face later in the book or
later in his/her life. How do you think the character will respond to the
8. Summarize the story including the main characters, the setting, and the main
events. Use at least 5 sentences for your summary.
9. Describe how two of the characters in your text are similar and different. 5.RL.3
10. Choose another setting for the text. How would the story be different if it was
in the setting you chose?
11. Choose a character to compare and contrast with yourself in at least 5 sentences.

12. Find a quote in your text that is particularly interesting or uses figurative
language. Explain what the quote means and why you chose it.
13. Write a simile to describe the main character of your book. Explain your reason
for choosing the simile that you did.
14. Identify at least 5 types of figurative language. Be sure to label your sentences
with the correct type.
15. What is the point of view of your text? Provide evidence from the text to
support what you have written as the point of view.
16. Would the plot change if the point of view was different? Explain your thoughts
with examples that prove your reasoning.
17. Complete this sentence stem: If the story was told from the point of view of
_____________, the story would..
18. Describe the front cover image of your book. Explain how the image connects to
the plot of the story.
19. If you could choose another image for the front cover, what would it be and why?
Explain and illustrate the new front cover.
20.Evaluate the authors choice for the image. Did it make you want to read the
book? Does it match the events in the book?
21. Summarize what you have read in at least 5 sentences. Include the genre of your
book in your summary.
22.Compare and contrast this story to another story in the same genre. How are the
stories the same? How are they different?
23.Describe the theme of your story. What other story have you read with the same
or similar theme?
24.Describe another story that you have read with a similar topic as this story. (It
does not have to be the same genre)

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