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Some preliminary inputs :1)

Have we met with the incumbent design consultant ? this will be useful
to further understand the design intent and constraints.


Is there any recommendation on BMS, PAHU & CRAH control strategy ?


Any comment on the lighting improvement ?


We have a record of the DC space condition, can you help to see if

there is any anomaly ? see excel file attached


Some of the estimated implementation cost such as pump optimization

& removing balancing valves seems low, can we understand the way
the cost is put together ?


For chilled water bypass and VSD control for primary pumps, can you
help to elaborate on the optimal flow based on existing head load and
how the modification can take place in a live data centre environment ?


Wish to understand some of the calculation such as the cooling tower

fan control, can you show us the working ?


Any issue if the check valve are mounted closer to chiller and not at
discharge side of pump ?


Noticed the BMS data spikes, can you share the experience on how this
was addressed at other site facing the same issue ?


Any concern/risk of sharing the chiller load with the UPS load on a
single transformer ?


At the proposed main electrical single line diagram, are we foregoing

the UPS external bypass ?

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