Expressing Anger and Annoyance

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Bu Icha

19. Expressing Annoyance and Anger

Subject: English

Grade: 11

Time: 2 x 45

Objective 1: Students should be able to identify expressions of annoyance.

Objective 2: Students should be able to express annoyance.
Objective 3: Students should be able to respond to expressions of annoyance.
Competency Standard: n/a
Materials: HP, speakers

Motivation: Play Hang-Man with the 3 idioms. After each idiom round as students if they know
what the idiom means? Explain the idiom, give examples. Write the idiom and its mean at the corner
of the board before continuing to the next idiom. When finished ask students if they know what the
topic is today:
Cut it out
Drive up the wall
For crying out loud!
cut it out!

If you say 'cut it out' to someone, you are telling them to stop doing something.
Ex. Stop hitting me, just cut it out!

drive up the wall

If somebody or something drives you up the wall, they do something that

greatly annoys or irritates you.
Ex. Your constant nagging is driving me up the wall! This traffic is driving me
up the wall.

for crying out


Information: Ask the students to write down 3 expressions of annoyance in bI. While students are
doing that the teacher should write the English expressions on the board. When finished, have a
student read their three expressions and together try to match it with the expression in English. Ask
students if they have any different expressions and match them to the English translation (continue
until we have heard all the expressions). If there is no expression in bI for an English expression
then we explain what it is. Practice pronunciation. (do the same for anger)

This expression is used to show irritation, exasperation or anger.

Ex. For crying out loud, turn that television off! For crying out loud, stop
hitting your brother.

I need a break.
Im losing my mind.
Im a bundle of nerves.
I cant stand/take it anymore.
Gosh what is this?
What a nuisance.
How/Youre/Theyre irritating.
Im very annoyed.
It/That really makes me cross/angry.
It/That/He/She annoys me.


You annoy me.

It/That irritates me.
I really hate that/you.
What an idiot.
Im fed up with
It/That/He/She isnt very nice/pleasant.
What an idiot!
Thats the last straw.
Ive had it up to hear (hand gesture)

Bu Ica
Q Anger is a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of
something unfair or hurtful that has happened.
Expressing Anger:

Youre such a pain in the neck.

Im really upset now.

Dont do it again or I will

Dont do it again or else.

Youre pathetic

You really make me angry.

I really hate

Im not pleased at all.

What a displeasure.

Q When someone feels anger or annoyance or expresses feelings of anger or annoyance we can help
them reduce their anger/annoyance by responding:
Dont be frightened.
Take it slow.
How can I help?
Take it easy.
Are you okay?
Calm down.
What do you want to do?
Control yourself.
Chill (slang/bahasa gaul)
Dont be such a worrywart.
Chill out (slang/bahasa gaul)
Dont be scared.
Cool off (slang/bahasa gaul)
Dont trouble yourself.
Slow your role (slang/bahasa gaul)

Are there expressions in bI that are the same for calming someone down in English?

Practice: Take the phrases and put them on small pieces of paper each. Put all the phrases in a cup
or bottle. Students will stand in a circle. Students will pass the cup/bottle around while music
plays, when the music stops the student holding the cup/bottle have to take a phrase and act it
out. Make sure they dont just read the phrase, they must be expressive. Have them repeat if
necessary. Continue with this game for 10 minutes.

Application: In pairs students should choose a question and write a dialogue using an expression
of annoyance or anger and help him/her to reduce their annoyance or anger.

What would you say and how would you react if your friend cheated off of you on a

How would you react if your boy/girlfriend invited you somewhere and then cancelled?

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