AP Biology Application Signature/Confirmation Page

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AP Biology Application Signature/Confirmation Page

2016-2017 Accelerated AP Biology Program Contract

We, _____________________________________________(Student Name Printed) and

___________________________________________ (Parent Name Printed) agree with each of the following (as shown by our initials):
_____ _____ We have read the information packet and understand what is necessary and required for success in the AP accelerated Science
_____ _____ We will attend the AP Bio information meeting and understand the rigor and complexity differences between AP Biology and
Pre-AP Biology
_____ (Student Only) I will complete the textbook reading and assigned questions.
_____ _____ I understand that the textbook provided will be an e-textbook and a hard copy will not be provided for the summer assignment.
(A hard copy can be purchased through several online sites or a hard copy can be checked out at the beginning of the school year if they are
_____ _____ We have discussed and outlined a 4 year plan that will accommodate all 4 AP and pre-AP Science classes required on the
accelerated program.
_____ (Student Only) I will have all summer assignments completed by the deadline of August 17 2016
_____ _____ (Student and Parent Initials) I will bring the completed summer assignments to FMHS/FM9 on or before August 17, 2016.. I
understand that failure to complete the assignments or to turn them in on August 17, 2016, will result in me being moved from AP
Biology to pre-AP Biology.
Student Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________________
Email address ________________________________________

Phone Number ________________________________________

Parent Signature _______________________________________ Date _________________________
Email address __________________________________________

Phone Number _________________________________________

Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________
Email address ___________________________________________
Phone Number __________________________________________

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