A-Z of Comty Building

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A to Z list for Building Community

Accountability for dialogue and inviting

Aggressive inviting
Babysitting --an important service to provide if possible
Banner parties
Bridge couples/priests into community from the weekend
Buddy couples for new couples and priests
Buy Weekend couples a plant. Like their relationship, it needs care to survive.
Call Weekend couples to invite them/remind them of the gatherings
Communicate dates of new weekends and events
Dialogue daily
Dialogue, presentation and sharing at every community gathering
Dinner or dessert invitations -- a great intro to community.
Document procedures for ease of transitions and for future reference
Drive couple you are praying for to the Weekend and pick them up afterward
eMatrimony keeps us in touch with our national family--ematrimony.org
Encounter Resource Library-- a great source for ideas-- erl.wwme.org
Enjoy being together
Enlist the help of new couples for every project
Enrichment events for the community
Family events draw young couples
FAMIS-an acronym for success (Fun, Accountability, Mission, Intimacy, Spirituality)
Focus on weekend concepts and values
Follow-up a group effort
Formation for community responsibilities
Foster living a radical life style
Foster a sense of mission
Fully rely on God
Greet-offs after Weekends generate excitement
Give new couples responsibility
Have outlines available for presentations
Hug cautiously wi
Include others in decision making (huddle)
Intimacy can be fright
ng wor
Invest time with couples outside of regular meetings.
Inviting is exciting: it is a life style
Joy is contagious.
Live the concepts of the weekend
Know something about the couples in your communityinvest in them!

Laughter breaks barriers. Make sure some presentations are light hearted.
Love without conditions
Life value sharing
Live the radical lifestyle
Maintain rules for sharing
Make decisions to love and be loved
Meet at regular intervals
Newsletters via snail mail or email
Non judgmental acceptance
Ongoing formation for weekend couples
Openness to new ideas and new people
Passion for spouse mission values
Passionate prayer couples
Plan for Fun, Accountability, Mission, Intimacy and Spirituality.
Pray together
Prayer chains
Priests invite their people to make Weekends
Publish dates of meetings
Publish lists of community contact couples
Questions for dialogue at the end of each mailing
Respect confidentiality
Romance other couples or priests in your group
Romantic Dinners
Send cards and flowers for special events
Share relationship
Thank others
Trust others
Unconditional love
Understand community needs
Visibility in the Church & community
Wear the logo shirts at events/meetings
Wine and dine your priests and religious
World Marriage & World Priest Day events
Work on your relationships
Workshop circle presentations to bring out depth
Yearn for a deeper relationship with spouse and God
Your joys are our joys
Your struggles are our struggles
Zeal for relationship
Zest for inviting

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