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1.1. General Background
Modern tourism on Nepal began after the dawn of democracy in 1951, when the country
was opened for outside world. Successful ascent of Mount Annapurna in 1950, Mount
Everest in 1953 and the coronation ceremony of the Late King Mahendra in 1956 with
the assembly of a large number of foreign dignitaries exposed Nepal as potential tourist
destination in the international community.
Tourism development board was then constituted in 1957 under the Ministry of Industry
and commerce and full-fledged department of Tourism in 1959, which in 1961 came
under the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
Royal Nepal Airline, the first state owned airline, operated from third July 1958. in the
1960s, direct air links to Indian cities of Delhi, Calcuta and Patna made this land-locked
country more accessible to outside world. Necon Air and Asian Airlines came into
existence in the years 1992 and 1993 consequently. A tourism master plane was
formulated in 1972 with German assistance that led to the concept of spreading the
economic activity in the country and Nepal-style tour packages to maintain special
destination with competitive edge.
A similar study in the Khumbu region in 1979 supported by the World Bank,
recommended the need for a comprehensive approach in developing tourism in mountain
areas of Nepal. During this period, the need to enhance human capital was addressed by
establishing a Hotel management and Tourism and Hotel Management, which produced
more than 18000 basic and management level professionals till date. In 1982, National
Tourism Promoting Committee was formed to look into the reasons for the decline in the
growth of tourist arrival in Nepal. In the same year civil aviations and national air carrier
were brought under the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation to improve co-ordination
of tourism with air transport development.

1.1.1 Introduction to travel agency

A travel agency is a private retailer or public service that provides tourism related
services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines,
hotels, railways, and package tours .In addition to dealing with ordinary tourists most
travel agencies have a separate department devoted to making travel arrangements for
business travelers and some travel agencies specialize in commercial and business travel
only. There are also travel agencies that serve as general sales agents for foreign travel
companies, allowing them to have offices in countries other than where their headquarters
are located.
1.1.2 Definition of a 'travel agent'
A travel agent could be defined as any person or organization which organizes and sells
travel (usually encompassing transport and/or accommodation) to a customer. This
definition would include not just high-street travel agents, but also tour operators .as well
as retail travel agents those who usually sell third-party tour operators' products.
1.1.3 Commissions of travel agent
Several areas of a travel agencys focus pay commissions to the agency which becomes
its principal income. These mainly are: car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, Railways,
sightseeing tours, tour operators, etc. A fixed percentage of the main element of the price
is paid to the agent as a commission. Commissions are not paid on the Tax component of
the price.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Generally, internship program provides practical exposure to the students in their related
field. It provides experience to the students which are very essential to cope with the
difficulty when they are recruited by other organization in future. So, to collect all the
necessary information about tourism business as well as tourism environment or trends,
this internship helps me to bridge the gaps between theoretical knowledge into practical

1.3 Objective of study

The objective of the study is to explain the experience gained during the internship
period, to develop the conceptual and analytical knowledge about the travel and tour in
Nepal. The internship provided me an opportunity to gain practical experience on
working in an organization and utilize conceptual knowledge in specific area of the study.
Specific Objectives
The objectives which I set for my internship report are:
a) Identifying insight about how trekking business operates.
b) Presenting knowledge on the marketing strategy needed for tourism product.
1.4 Study Methodology
Methodology refers to the theory of the research and the reasons for the way the research
has been designed. Methodology explains the research question and why the question is
important. It gives a justification for the approach and explains the methods and the type
of analysis that will be used to interpret the data and information collected.
The report would not be completed without the help of many people for collection of
data. For the report the data collected are from primary source and secondary source.
1.4.1 Research strategy
The strategy used by me in this project was done by both research and observation. I have
done a quite research on Himalayan Dreams tours and travels for this project. I have done
so many researches on Nepalese tourism market in Nepal. One of the Company members
provides all the information regarding market as well as about company.
1.4.2 Data Collection Method
Data collection is very important to understand about the company situation. In this
project, I am doing research on how company can extend their business in competitive
market of tourism. With the help of data I can find the various competitive situations,
strength, weakness, market value. In this report I am using primary data as well as
secondary data to find out the specific information about the company.
Here, I have collected the data in two ways. They are Primary Data

Primary sources refer to the data collected directly from the place of origin. The primary
data sources included in the internship program were the observation and interview
The working activities carried out in the departments were observed and noted down.
This included observing the regular activities, learning customer-handling techniques,
acknowledging the basic travel information of the company and studying the working
atmosphere of the organization.
Appropriate questions related with the organizational field were asked regularly to the
employees of the organization. This would become a reliable data source for the study.
Any confusions, doubts or queries regarding the travel activities that were difficult to
grasp or to understand were immediately inquired upon. Secondary Data:Here I have used the company website and face book
page and other tourism website to get the knowledge about the situation of tourism
market in Nepal.
1.5 Organization of the study
The project has been divided into four chapters.
Chapter 1 of study is introductory in nature. It highlights the introduction of the topic,
objectives of the study, methodology of the study, organization of the study and limitation
of the study.
Chapter 2 highlights about the introduction of travel and tour agencies and introduction
of the organization / company
Chapter 3 highlights analysis of activities done and problem solved
Chapter 4 highlights the lesson learnt, conclusion and recommendation of the study.
1.5.1 Organization Selection
For the completion of the BBA program Internee had to select an organization that would
perfectly match the requirement as well as help him learn about real business working
environment. Being the student of BBA, I have selected Himalayan Dreams Tours and

Travels Pvt. Ltd among other travel agency operating in Nepal. Internee was placed at the
Lazimpat office of Himalayan Dreams for his internship.
1.5.2 Duration
As per the course study for Purbanchal University, Faculty of Management-BBA, the
student of BBA 8th semester must do the internship of 8 weeks of working at any
organization. These eight weeks has been very fruitful for me to get the insight of the
internal activities of the organization. I interned in Himalayan Dreams Company for eight
weeks. Monday to Friday I was to attend the company from 11am to 4pm. Saturday and
Sunday was holiday for me. Working 25 hours a week, gave me 200 total hours of
internship period for 8 weeks.
Table 1.1 The sum of hours of internship

Started at

The Sum of Hours


11.00 16.00

5 Hours


11.00 16.00

5 Hours


11.00 16.00

5 Hours


11.00 16.00

5 Hours


11.00 16.00

5 Hours



0 Hours



0 Hours
25 hours per week


8 Week


200 hours

1.6 Limitation of the study:

This study is simply a partial requirement of B.B.A program. It is a mini research in
which there is a time constraint. The study has to be conducted and submitted within a
prescribed time. All efforts were made to collect the relevant information for study yet
there were always some limitations. Finally, this report is prepared on the basis of

available data, practical day to day operations and information provided by the company
and its staffs.
The limitations of this internship are

I got short time for preparation of this report.

Sometimes management team were not feeling comfortable to give information
which are considered to be confidential on the other hand was essential for me.

2.1 Introduction of Travel Agency
Travel and tourism is the largest service industry globally in terms of gross revenue and
foreign exchange earnings. It is also one of the largest employment generators in the
world. It has been a major social phenomenon and is driven by social, religious,
recreational, knowledge seeking and business interests and motivated by the human urge
for new experience, adventure, education, and entertainment. Tourism is both cause and
consequence of economic development. It has the potential to stimulate other sectors in
the economy owing to cross-synergistic benefits and its backward and forward linkages.
A travel agency is a private retailer or public service that provides tourism related
services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines,
hotels, railways, and package tours. In addition to dealing with ordinary tourists most
travel agencies have a separate department devoted to making travel arrangements for
business travelers and some travel agencies specialize in commercial and business travel
only. There are also travel agencies that serve as general sales agents for foreign travel
companies, allowing them to have offices in countries other than where their headquarters
are located.
Travel agencies became more commonplace with the development of commercial
aviation, starting in the 1920s. Originally, travel agencies largely catered to middle and
upper class customers, but the post-war boom in mass-market package holidays resulted
in travel agencies on the main streets of most British towns, catering to a working-class
clientele, looking for a convenient way to book overseas beach holidays.
The tour operators are the architect or manufacturer who assembles the tour ingredients
and creates travel and market by having satisfied clients who return year after year. Tour
operator is a company which specializes in planning and operation of prepaid, preplanned vacations and makes these available for tourist either directly or through retail
travel agency.
Travel agencies is a retail business that sells travel related products and services to
customers on behalf of

suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels,


railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays that combine several products. In
addition to dealing with ordinary tourist most travel agencies have a separate department
devoted to making travel arrangements for business travelers and some travel agencies
specialize in commercial and business travel only. There are also travel agencies that
serve as general sales agents for foreign travel companies, allowing them to have officers
in countries other than where their headquarters are located. The industries that are
involved in producing goods and services which help tourist are called tourism industry,
like other types of industries. This industry is also expanding rapidly. Nepal is an
adventure tourist's heaven for cultural and environmental enrichment. The development
of tourism in this remote mountain country has not always been a success; however,
today it is ingrained into Nepal's culture, economy and environmental landscape. Nepal is
tourists heaven for adventures cultures and environmental enrichment. Variation in
natural landscape of Nepal consists of valleys and plains known as terrain in the south
and breathtaking Himalayan peak sin the north add great flavor for tourist.
2.2 Introduction of Organization.
Himalayan dreams is a dynamic and creative agency with over 10 years of experience,
specializes in offering treks & tours of various length and grade throughout the full range
of environments with the aim to offer new ideas and itineraries to serve the differing
interests of the Himalayan adventure seekers from all over the world. We are the right
people to assist you, whether it is luxurious trip you are looking for an ancient heritage
cultural tours we are there to cater you needs. Himalayan Dreams is the perfect solution
for travel management for you and your team. Online or person to person, our
professional team will ensure that your requirements are met. Himalayan Dreams is
linked with professionals from all over the world to meet, share challenges, innovate and
collect the tools they need to stay on the leading edge of their profession.
Himalayan Dreams is embarking on a new level of tourism that includes not only the
traditional trekking and tours but also cultural and educational exchanges. Our
international team is comprised of talented and established guides, educators, artists,
mountaineers, yoga teachers, micro-financers, ecologists and business entrepreneurs. The
talent and diversity of our travel team will share with you experiences that will be more

than good memories. This present moment in time is ripe with possibilities for any
direction you are inspired by and Nepal, with her strategic location below Tibet and
above India as well as her ancient cultural traditions, is ready your interaction and
exploration. Be prepare to unleash your dreams!
We have excellent co-operation and understanding with our national and international
partner agencies, group leaders, tour operators and tour guide. We invite all travel trade
coalitions from around the world to work together for building better bridges of
2.2.1 Vision
To become the market leader in terms of international standard service Air Ticket and
recreation sector and ensure maximization of the potential customers to increase the sales
2.2.2 Mission
To focus on the customers demand and ensuring quality through Good Servicing Practice
(GSP) and by using extensive promotional activities to achieve the goal of monopolistic
market leader in travel and tourism sector and recreation sector.
2.2.3 Goals

Incorporating latest technology and quality service to improve quality at all times.

Give adequate emphasis on public relation to build image.

To add at least one additional service in each year.

2.2.4 Objective

To diversify market portfolio across the country according to the market demand
and situation.

To increase market awareness as well as sales by persuasive promotion based

strategies. Maintain a constant growth rate.

To market the famous tourist destinations.

Maintaining the quality of the market through continuing monitoring and sound

2.2.5 Past Achievement:

We have successfully organized and guided tours and treks for approximately 3,800
clients from around the world.
2.2.6 Our staff:
Our well-trained staff is enthusiastic in assisting our clients of all ages and physical
abilities to have the experience in travel they are looking for. Our guides and trip leaders
are multi-lingual, come from a wide variety of social and educational background and are
experts in wildlife conservation. Our mountaineers, Sherpas, Sirdars and guides are
experienced and experts in the safety requirements on the high levels of the mountains.
2.2.7 Safety Standards
Our equipment is up-to-date and our guides have access to latest weather information
2.2.8 Unique Style:
We are much more than a typical travel/trekking company. Himalayan Dreams takes a
holistic approach to travel and is dedicated to expanding ecological and cultural
awareness. In addition, Himalayan Dreams returns a small portion of each tour package
to Nepalese orphanages and self-sustaining safe houses.
Customized Programs:
Though we offer tours to the well-known trekking areas and historic pilgrimage sites, we
specialize in fulfilling our clients personal detailed itinerary requests, considering the
local seasonal climatic conditions. At Himalayan Dreams, we customize our tours and
treks to meet the personal needs of our clients. Whether a single client or a large
corporate group, Himalayan Dreams gives specialized attention to each clients or groups
2.2.9 Operating Standards:
We operate under a number of self-imposed guidelines to ensure that each itinerary has a
impact on the local culture, environment and economy. We work to ensure not only the

safety of our clients, but also to create a positive long term relationship among our staff,
the people and natural environment of Nepal.
2.2.10 Why choose Himalayan Dreams?
Himalayan Dreams and its team of professional and dedicated staff are always attuned to
our clients, needs. We have a strong commitment to help our clients explore the
Himalayan and let them select from a wide list of tours and treks from our extensively
researched offerings.
We take great in meeting the individual needs and desires of our clients and our tours are
designed with each client specifically in mind.
For over decade we have been in the forefront of travel to the Himalayan countries. We
are cognizant of the environment and have been a leader in developing ecotourism in the
In addition, Himalayan Dreams in constantly searching for new and innovative ways to
make travel in this area a rewarding experience. Our Pledge to Individual Tours
At Himalayan Dreams we are directly involved with our field personnel or office staff to
create a tour specifically designed for the individuals needs. Whether it be a spiritual
tours, climbing Mount Everest, or a slow trek around Annapurna, The needs and desires
of each of our clients are always foremost in our planning. Himalayan Hospitality
As you are guided through the many levels and varied experienced of Himalayan life,
you will create new, and for many, lasting friendships. Whether in a small village high up
in the mountains or in the bustling cities of the region, Himalayan Dreams friendly and
professional guides will introduce you to the warmth and generosity of the peoples at
The Top of the World. Prepare to Relax Comfort and Safety:
Whether on a cultural tour, trekking into the wilderness or scaling towering mountains we
at Himalayan Dreams work hard to assure you of the finest accommodations, comfortable
surroundings, excellent food, the latest in climbing gear, and of course your personal


safety in any environment in the region. Whether your choice of tours or treks your
comfort and safety are our top priority. Interact with Indigenous people:
Because we are dedicated to fulfilling youre the requirements for travel, we also wish to
include on your visit a chance to see the varied ecological areas of this part of the world,
and also meet and interact with the indigenous people of the region. It is in this way that
the warmth, charm, and hospitality of the Himalayan peoples can be felt. Whether your
visit takes you Himalayan Dreams wishes you to meet and learn about the people and
about this part of the world. The Locals:
Himalayan Dreams realizes that the people who know an area best are those who are
local to the region. For this region Himalayan Dreams has local guides and tours leaders,
trained and licensed, who know the area and are instrumental in helping the formulate
and create one of a kind tours and treks. Their knowledge and their on the ground
experience gives you a smooth running tours from the beginning to the end of yours stay. Uncommon companions:
Because of Himalayan Dreams individually created tours and treks, we are proud of the
fact that we have many unique travelers who return to us because we do create a new and
exciting tours or trek for each visit. As a member of past Himalayan Dreams tours we are
most proud of our comments and letters from clients who have been most impressed with
the service and the travelling companions they encounter with Himalayan Dreams. Excursions of Awareness:
Whether your Himalayan Dreams excursion is a physical tours, a journey of spiritual
nature, or a trip to enhance your knowledge of the world and different cultures,
Himalayan Dreams will lead you on excursion of awareness of the environment, the
wildlife and the peoples of the Himalayas.
Reliability and Trust:
Any companys reputation is based on the reliability and trust of its clients.


Himalayan Dreams our first commitment is to fulfill our promises to our clients and we
gain trust through meeting our commitments as understood by those clients. Himalayan


Dreams values its clients and our reliability creates the trust that makes us a company to
work with for visit to the Himalayan region.
2.2.11 Physical Aspects
Himalayan Dreams Company has five rooms which are reception room, managing
director room, operation room, store room and kitchen room including two bathrooms.
All the rooms are airy and wide open and equipped with office materials such as
stationary, computer, closet, sofas and carpet. Store room consist necessary equipment for
tea house and camping treks such as tent (sleeping, dining, kitchen, toilet, shower),
mattress, duffel bags, closet to put all these things.
2.2.12 Administrative Aspects
It includes overall information about the Himalayan Dreams organization. Organizational Structure


Field Staf

Front Office




Free Lancer
Field Staf

Figure2.1. Organizational analysis of Himalayan Dreams

The above flow chart illustrates the organizational structure of Himalayan Dreams
Expedition Company. Managing director is the head of the company. There three

different departments which are trekking operation, front office and marketing
Trekking operation department is responsible to make new itineraries and programs,
correspondence with clients and any inquiries. It furthers is divided in permanent and
freelancer field staffs. Staff are generally climbing guide, trekking guide, cooks, kitchen
helpers and porters.
Front office department is responsible for handling day to day operation, guest handling,
telephone receiving etc. Account and reception fall under this department.
Marketing department duties is to market all the product of Himalayan Dreams
Expedition Company.
Therefore, all the department and personnel are lead by Managing Director. Associations
Himalayan Dreams Company is associated with the following tourism associations. Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN)
Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN) was formed and registered in the
Kathmandu CDO Office in 1979 by a handful of trekking agents who realized that it was
time to assemble and create an umbrella organization; under which they could work
together to meet their common goals and also assist the government by providing
suggestions to make trekking business revenue generating industry and also provide
employment opportunity to the locals. Such a body was necessary for many reasons. The
need for such a body was felt very much, which could undertake the major
responsibilities to develop and promote adventure tourism in the country. It was also
essential to play a significant, conducive role to mitigate mountain environmental stress. Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)
The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) is the national mountaineering
association of Nepal. This association was founded in the year 1973 with its main
objectives aiming to promote the mountaineering activities in the Himalayan region, to
safeguard the interest and to upgrade the professional and mountaineering skill of

Nepalese mountaineers, to popularize mountaineering activities among Nepalese students

and youths, to create awareness both in national and international level to preserve the
beauty of Himalayan region for future generations. Nepal Canyoning Association
NCA was established in 2007 as the rendezvous of Nepali Canyoneers where the
members discuss, develop and share new ideas among themselves and canyoneers from
all over the world. Nepal Canyoning Association with the collaboration with its
international partners have managed to open about 30 canyons across the country. Village Tourism Promotion Forum Nepal (VITOF)
It is a nonprofit organization based in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Forum was established
with main objective of Village Tourism promotion. You will find our objectives,
activities, projects, plans and other news of the forum.
2.2.13 Business Trend
Himalayan Dreams has been organizing trekking to group of travellers more from Spain,
Germany, Austria and other Europe countries. It also took part in many document filming
in the past years.
After the earthquake on April, 2015, the business has been hugely affected as many
foreigners were afraid to visit Nepal. However, the number of visitor are increasing in the
recent year. History

Successfully conducted more than 30 expedition in +8000mtrs mountains till

2015. Conducted trekking, climbing, expedition and tour program to more than
50 peaks and routes.

Take part in making documentary with international companies like Transglobe

Films (Spain), One world Film (Spain), ES Docu (Spain), Joint venture with
ENDESA (Spain) for electricity project in Kakkot (Dolpa)

Established link with National & International agencies for tourism betterment

15 Existing Business Strategy

In recent years, there is tough completion among the fellow travel agencies in the price.
Moreover, recent earthquake on April 2015, has almost shut down many emerging
agencies. In all this hurdles, Himalayan Dreams has following business strategy which
they are on.

Quantity travelers in best price maintaining quality.

Market promotion through social medias.
Promotion through different tourism magazine which will be submitted in

international tourism fairs.

Search new travel companies agencies and tie up business relation in near future.

2.3 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis gives overall strength of a company on the other hand weakness it should
improve in order to get opportunities in the market. However, threat is always there
which should not be ignored.
SWOT analysis of Himalayan Dreams done below.
2.3.1 Strengths

More than 10 years experience in travel and tour business

Honest, friendly, skilled field staffs
Good connection with tourism associations and channels in case of emergency
Good past customer link, base and recommendation of customers.

2.3.2 Weaknesses

Is not following the present marketing tactics and trends.

Shortage of reliable staff in case of many group in one particular season.
More skills and training needed to staff as compared to other company staffs.
Weak on travel forum such as Tripadvisor, Lonelyplanet which are good source of

getting new customers.

low focus on branding.

2.3.3 Opportunities

Tap the new market of long days high pass trekking such as Upper Dolpo, Humla
Jumla trek etc.


Grab attention of past customers attention with marketing regularly and use their

Use social sites for marketing tools.
Government of Nepal is giving much support on developing tourism sector and
offers various packages, loans and investment. Himalayan Dreams may have this
opportunity to grab it.

2.3.4 Threats

Market competition
Lack of adequate skilled manpower.
Lengthy government rules permit procedure and 13% VAT provision.
Politics and political instability in Nepal is hugely harming tourism sector.
Less stay of foreigners.


What I mean the analysis of activities done and problem solved here is the influence of
what I have got when performing my internship for 8 weeks. The impact of internship is
very useful because it enables me to have a positive view about the real job in the future.
3.1 Experiences/Activities Done
It was the extracurricular and outer gaining practical based study. So far I concern after
all my work experience over 8 weeks in this organization I found this organization has
earned good will in the national and international sector for building of a hospitality
service with good relations. This organization seems to have ability to fulfill determinants
of service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance and tangible aspects.
The industrial practice in an agency has developed my confidence to work in a travel
agency. I am much more aware of the rules and regulations that have to be followed by
liberal tours and travels. This type of organizational practice or internship required for the
tourism students to develop skills knowledge and experience in travel and tourism
industries. It is more fruitful to build confidence and ability which will be very helpful to
the students for the further career development
I have found it very beneficial and interesting to work as an internee in Himalayan
Dreams Expedition Pvt. Ltd. However there are some constraints that I have realize and
found during my internship. Due to the time constraint I couldnt gain much knowledge
which I have hope to learn. The number of employee is very less where they are not
properly hired in their work.
3.2 Learning from the internship
Choosing Himalayan Dreams among others was very important decision of mine while
doing internship. There were other agency which I could select but Himalayan Dreams
stands the best for the internship in order to achieving my preset objectives. And so far I
achieved too. Himalayan Dreams team and officer were very friendly in teaching what
they had to. From how to issue permit, to how to deliver the good service and lot more. I
experienced that the working attracting customer, sending quotes, giving information is
just 30% of the work. Meanwhile, other 70% is done in the field once foreigners come for


visit. The success and unsuccessful of the entire operation depends on staffs ability to
handle the field work, weather condition, clients fitness and overall packaging.
Secondly, marketing is very important tool to bring clients. Happy customer of past plays
vital role in marketing the company in their home country. The recommendation is the
best way of marketing in the tourism business. The use of social media also plays crucial
role in marketing the tourism product to the customer. It is the cheapest, fastest, easiest
way to convey what companies tourism products are.
To point out what I learn from my internship, below are the inputs.

Pick trekking season are: March, April, May, September, October, November.

Operation of trekking is 30% office work and 70% is on the field.

Field manpower should be skilled in managing and leading the group. They
should be calm, perfect decision taker, knowledgeable and very hospitable.
Satisfied customer is the best way of marketing.

Social media plays vital role in marketing product of company.

Marketing is done specially in off-season such as December, January, February,

June, July, and August.


4.1 Conclusion
Concluding this report, what I learnt is trekking business has been hugely been effected
by recent earthquake. The arrival of foreigner to visit Nepal is in decreasing trend. The
top tourism organization like Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and others are still in active in
developing proper strategy to recover the tourism business. The association can lobby
with the government, tourism stake holders, local community to build the infrastructure
needed to revive overall tourism.
Marketing role is very vital in micro and macro level. Macro level includes promotion
and advertisement of the whole country important tourism product whereas micro deals
with small agents promoting Nepal from its sides.
Nepal is indeed a beautiful country, for a betterment of tourism; it needs lot of
infrastructure development as per international standard, government contemporary rules
and regulation, skilled manpower and most of all political stability

4.2 Recommendations
Himalayan Dreams as well reputed trekking and expedition company of Nepal, but I have
found some critical point that need to be notice and implement if good way.
According to the service Himalayan Dreams Expedition offers, it is quite small
There is less roles, decision conflict, and authority among all the heads of all
departments. All the decisions are made by Managing Director at top level. The decision
making and authority should be distributed.
Marketing is particularly based on happy customer and their recommendation. Company
can focus and invest in marketing through social media and more importantly
participating in the international tourism fairs.


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