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FLIPPA BALL - Term 4- 2016

Your child has expressed an interest in Flippa Ball. Flippa Ball is a modified version
of water polo and is played at Moana Pool. It is played between 1.00 - 6.00 pm on 6
Sunday afternoons. (and Saturday once for each team.)
If during Term 4 your child would like to play Flippa Ball please complete the form
below and return by Friday 26th August
The cost is divided amongst the number of children playing flippaball. Fees will be
placed on your school account. You may pay at the office also. Unfortunately Moana
Pool is charging each Flippa Ball player the pool entry fee at each game. This will be
additional to your team fee. There may also be a spectators fee of 50c for family
members. (fee for each player $ 30:00 - $35:00 approx )
There is no additional equipment required. Parents must be responsible for their
children travelling to and from the pool and while at Moana Pool.
There is a possibility that some teams will have a practise time at a Pool.
We will require managers for year 5/6 and year 3/4 teams. This can be a team effort
and is simply organising the team at the pool and subbing players.
Tony Reid
Sports Coordinator
Paula Fisher

Yes I am happy for my child to play Flippa Ball in term 4. I will be responsible for
their transport to and from the venue, and for their supervision at Moana Pool.
Childs name: __________________________ Year:



Parents name:__________________________
Phone number:


I am willing to help manage/ organise a team on Sundays:

Name ____________________

Cell Phone_____________________

Kaikorai Primary School

Happy, confident life long learners

Kaikorai Primary School

Happy, confident life long learners

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