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Sentence Felonies

Run-on Sentences (Fused Sentences)

A run-on sentence is a sentence that joins two independent clauses without
punctuation or the appropriate conjunction.
Rachel is very smart she always makes good grades.
There are many ways to fix a run-on sentence.
Separate the clauses into two sentences
o Rachel is very smart. She always makes good grades.
Insert a semi-colon between the two independent clauses
o Rachel is very smart; she always makes good grades.
Use a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
o Rachel is very smart, and she always makes good grades.
Use a subordinating conjunction
o Because Rachel is very smart, she always makes good grades.
Use a semi-colon and a transitional word
o Rachel is very smart; therefore, she always makes good grades.
Comma Splice
A comma splice is a sentence that joins two independent clauses with a comma
without the appropriate conjunction. Comma splices can be fixed by removing the
comma and using the same techniques used to fix a run-on sentence.
Sentence Fragment
A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence a dependent clause or phrase
that is punctuated as if it is a sentence. An incomplete sentence:
Lacks a subject
Lacks a verb
Lacks both subject and verb
Is a dependent clause
To fix a sentence fragment, just include the missing elements.

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