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83 F.

3d 672

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Randall Dwayne MUSE, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 95-5315.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued March 8, 1996.
Decided May 13, 1996.

ARGUED: Robert Leon Pierson, Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellant.

Peter M. Semel, Assistant United States Attorney, Baltimore, Maryland,
for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Lynne A. Battaglia, United States Attorney,
Baltimore, Maryland, for Appellee.
Before MURNAGHAN and MOTZ, Circuit Judges, and BUTZNER,
Senior Circuit Judge.
Affirmed by published opinion. Judge MOTZ wrote the opinion, in which
Judge MURNAGHAN and Senior Judge BUTZNER joined.


After a jury trial, appellant Randall Dwayne Muse was convicted of violating
18 U.S.C. 922(g), which criminalizes a convicted felon's possession of a
firearm. Muse appeals, asserting that the district court erred in (1) failing to
redress adequately a government discovery violation; (2) removing from the
jury's consideration a critical factor in evaluating witness credibility; and (3)
improperly instructing the jurors with regard to the effect that factual
stipulations should have on their deliberations. Finding no reversible error, we

This case arose from a Baltimore City police investigation into allegations that
Samuel Lee McKay was involved in passing forged checks. Pursuant to a
warrant, on February 22, 1994, police searched McKay's residence. During this
search, police discovered and seized a .22 caliber semi-automatic handgun that
its owner had reported as stolen.

When questioned about the weapon, McKay responded that he had bought it
from a man he knew only as "Top." McKay stated that he had met Top through
Remus Burnett, an intermediary who purportedly assisted Top in locating
buyers for weapons. After federal authorities became aware of McKay's
statements, an investigation commenced with regard to the weapon
transactions. A special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms questioned Burnett, who acknowledged that he had been involved in
the weapon sale to McKay and that Top had been the weapon supplier. Burnett
stated that he had known Top for twenty years, that he had recently seen
numerous guns in Top's possession, and that Top's real name was Randall
Dwayne Muse.

Because Muse had been previously convicted of a crime punishable by

imprisonment for a term of more than one year, 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1)
prohibited his possession of a firearm. Therefore, on August 2, 1994, Federal
agents obtained a warrant and arrested Muse at his home. At the time, Muse
gave a statement in which he said that he had found a number of weapons in an
abandoned duffel bag and that he had given them to Burnett to sell. Armed with
this statement and the testimony of McKay and Burnett, the government
charged Muse with possessing a firearm in violation of 922(g)(1).

Muse's trial was scheduled for February, 1995. Although the government did
not specifically promise McKay or Burnett lenient treatment with respect to
potential criminal charges against them, both agreed to testify against Muse.
Prior to their testimony, in late December, 1994, or early January, 1995, Burnett
received an envelope containing a card that stated, "Never rat on friends, boy.
Stay healthy." Fingerprints taken from the envelope were identified as
belonging to Muse. After a four-day trial in February, a jury found Muse guilty
of the charge against him.


Muse's first contention in this appeal involves the government's conceded

violation of Rule 16(a)(1)(C) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Twice prior to trial, defense counsel inquired of the government whether any

witnesses scheduled to testify had identified Muse in photographic arrays. The

prosecutor responded that no such arrays had taken place. During the
prosecutor's direct examination of McKay and Burnett, both made in-court
identifications of Muse as the man they knew as "Top." Neither made any
reference to a photographic array.

On cross-examination, however, when defense counsel asked McKay whether

agents had presented him with a photographic array, McKay replied that agents
had shown him an array and that he had identified a picture of Muse as the man
whom he knew as "Top." During the ensuing bench conference, defense
counsel complained that the government had violated Rule 16(a)(1)(C) by
falsely stating that McKay had not identified Muse from a photographic array.
The prosecutor responded that he had no idea why McKay claimed to have
identified Muse's picture because, to his knowledge, no one had shown McKay
any photographs. After further investigation, however, the prosecutor found
that an agent had indeed shown McKay a photographic array. The agent had
neglected to inform the prosecutor because, the agent said, he had shown
McKay the array in connection with a separate investigation and had failed to
perceive its importance to Muse's trial.

The next day, Muse moved for a mistrial or, in the alternative, to suppress
McKay's in-court identification. Muse also asked the district court for a hearing
outside the jury's presence to investigate the circumstances of the photographic
identification. The district court denied the motion for a mistrial and refused to
conduct a hearing outside the jury's presence. Instead, the court offered to
permit Muse to recall McKay to the stand to inquire into the circumstances of
the out-of-court identification. Citing the potential prejudice involved in
questioning McKay in front of the jury, Muse's counsel declined the court's
offer. Defense counsel did question the federal agents as to why they had failed
to inform the prosecutor about the out-of-court identification. Additionally,
defense counsel was permitted, during closing argument, to ask the jury to draw
"inferences" from the government's failure to disclose that agents had presented
McKay with the photographic array.

On appeal, Muse contends that the district court's offer to allow him to question
McKay in front of the jury was insufficient to redress the prejudice caused by
the government's discovery violation. The government concedes that its failure
to disclose McKay's identification violated Rule 16(a)(1)(C), but asserts that
the district court did not err in refusing Muse's request for a hearing outside of
the jury's presence.


The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provide a district court with discretion

in determining the proper remedy for a discovery violation. Fed.R.Crim.P.

16(d)(2). Accordingly, a trial court's decision as to the appropriate remedy may
only be reversed for abuse of discretion. See United States v. Ford, 986 F.2d 57,
59 (4th Cir.1993).

Conducting a hearing outside the presence of the jury to "determine the

admissibility of identification evidence" has long been recognized as the
"prudent" course. See Watkins v. Sowders, 449 U.S. 341, 345, 101 S.Ct. 654,
657, 66 L.Ed.2d 549 (1981) (collecting cases). But the Supreme Court has
expressly held that, because cross-examination before the jury is generally
sufficient to determine the trustworthiness of identification evidence, the due
process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not invariably require a
judicial determination of this issue outside the presence of the jury. Id. at 349,
101 S.Ct. at 659. The Watkins holding applies equally to a Fifth Amendment
due process claim. See United States v. Mills, 704 F.2d 1553, 1563 (11th
Cir.1983), cert. denied, 467 U.S. 1243, 104 S.Ct. 3517, 82 L.Ed.2d 825 (1984).
Muse does not argue to the contrary. Nor does he assert another constitutional
basis for his claim. Rather, relying on language in Watkins, Muse maintains
that refusal to grant a hearing outside of the presence of the jury violated his
due process rights.


In Watkins, the Supreme Court did leave open the possibility that, "[i]n some
circumstances ... such a determination [outside the jury's presence] may be
constitutionally necessary." 449 U.S. at 349, 101 S.Ct. at 659. But Muse has
failed to demonstrate any "circumstances" that would constitutionally require
such a hearing in this case, or that would even establish that the trial court's
refusal to grant such a hearing was an abuse of discretion. It is true that here, in
contrast to the two cases consolidated in Watkins, because of the government's
violation of Rule 16(a)(1)(C), the defense did not learn of the out-of-court
identification until it was revealed during McKay's cross-examination.
Significantly, however, Muse conceded that the prosecutor did not knowingly
withhold McKay's out-of-court photographic identification; thus, there is no
claim of prosecutorial misconduct that might require a special hearing by the
court. See United States v. Joya-Martinez, 947 F.2d 1141, 1145 (4th Cir.1991).
Moreover, in view of the fact that McKay and Burnett had already identified
Muse in-court, any prejudice that may have arisen from the defense counsel's
unknowing introduction of the out-of-court identification was insignificant and
does not qualify as a circumstance that constitutionally required a hearing
outside the jury's presence. Cf. United States v. Mills, 704 F.2d 1553, 1565
(11th Cir.1983) (to require a hearing outside the jury's presence, circumstances
must be "unusual" or "particularly prejudicial").


For similar reasons, the court below did not abuse its discretion in refusing to
grant such a hearing. McKay's out-of-court identification of Muse was simply
not significant in this case. When McKay identified Muse in court, McKay
explained that, in addition to observing Muse during the sale of the gun, he had
met Muse "three to four months before any of this stuff [the weapons
transactions] took place." McKay also testified that he had met Muse through
Burnett, who, when he identified Muse in-court, stated that he had known
Muse well for twenty years. As a result, the main thrust of Muse's defense at
trial was not that McKay and Burnett had identified the wrong man, but that
their entire testimony was fabricated. Accordingly, McKay's identification of
Muse was not a central issue in the case and the district court's refusal to
convene a hearing outside the jury's presence does not require reversal. Cf.
United States v. Davenport, 753 F.2d 1460, 1462 (9th Cir.1985) (finding no
abuse of discretion under similar circumstances in which a prosecutor had
mistakenly informed defense counsel that no out-of-court identification had
taken place).


In sum, the district court's refusal to permit an inquiry as to McKay's out-ofcourt identification of Muse outside the jury's presence neither violated the
constitution nor constituted an abuse of discretion.


Muse next maintains that the district court committed reversible error when it
instructed the jurors that "punishment of others" was not their concern. He
claims that the instruction removed from the jury's consideration his main
defense argument--that McKay and Burnett were lying in the hope of receiving
lenient treatment from the government.


Muse concedes that the trial court afforded him broad latitude in crossexamining McKay and Burnett as to their motives for testifying. In addition,
defense counsel was permitted, during closing argument, to remark repeatedly
on the witnesses' motive and bias against his client and in favor of the
government. Muse's attorney urged the jury to take the witnesses' desire to
avoid prosecution into account in assessing their credibility. Defense counsel
then went further--suggesting that it was unfair that only his client, Muse, was
put on trial, while McKay and Burnett were given a "free ride."


When instructing the jury, the district court gave a lengthy and typical
instruction on the factors the jury should consider in assessing witness
credibility. The court instructed the jury to consider the witnesses' "motives,"

"bias[ ] or prejudice[ ] for or against either side" and whether "bias or prejudice
has colored the testimony of the witness so as to affect the desire and capability
of that witness to tell the truth." This instruction was given in the context of the
weight the jury should place on witness testimony in determining whether the
government had carried its burden of proving Muse's guilt beyond a reasonable

Later in the instructions, the district court noted several matters that the jury
was not to consider in making its decision. For example, the court instructed the
jury not to consider evidence that the defendant may have committed crimes
other than the crime charged. Additionally, the court instructed the jury not to
consider the defendant's possible punishment, but only to consider whether the
evidence proved his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In this context, the district
court also noted that the jury should not consider the "lack of punishment as to


Defense counsel objected to the instruction, arguing that "lack of punishment is

an issue [because] the witnesses think that they are getting away with
something." The district court overruled the objection, and the following
colloquy ensued:


THE COURT: There is nothing that permits an attorney to argue a lack of

punishment on a person not charged.... You know what the problem with your
argument was? It is unfair.... You were saying its not fair to punish him and not
them. So, I have to tell the jury that that is not the law. The law says you deal
with him and not with somebody else. That was your argument, if you recall,
and that was not fair. If you had stuck with your argument that they had a
sweetheart deal, which is a standard argument--


[DEFENSE COUNSEL]: I understand, judge.


THE COURT: But you went on further to say it wasn't fair, which dealt strictly
with punishment, and I thought I should state to the jury that punishment is
strictly--you can't deal with the lack of punishment on somebody else.


On appeal, Muse renews his objection to the district court's instruction on the
theory that it foreclosed the jury from considering whether McKay and Burnett
were lying to avoid punishment.


The fundamental problem with this argument is that it ignores the context in
which the district court used the language to which Muse objects. Jury

instructions must be viewed in their entirety and in context. See Cupp v.

Naughten, 414 U.S. 141, 146-47, 94 S.Ct. 396, 400-01, 38 L.Ed.2d 368 (1973).
Here the district court initially gave a full and proper instruction with regard to
the factors involved in assessing witness credibility. It was only in response to
defense counsel's closing argument that it was unfair for Muse to stand trial
while the others were given a free ride, that the court instructed the jurors that
such an extraneous consideration was not their concern. Cf. United States v.
Pena, 930 F.2d 1486, 1491 (10th Cir.1991) (unless statutorily mandated, the
jury's role is to determine guilt or innocence, not punishment). This was within
the court's discretion. Although a jury is entitled to acquit on any ground, a
defendant is not entitled to inform the jury that it can acquit him on grounds
other than the facts in evidence, i.e. a jury has the power of nullification1 but
defense counsel is not entitled to urge the jury to exercise this power. See
United States v. Moylan, 417 F.2d 1002, 1006 (4th Cir.1969). If defense
counsel attempts to do so, the trial court may make an appropriate corrective
instruction, such as the instruction at issue here. See United States v.
Sepulveda, 15 F.3d 1161, 1190 (1st Cir.1993) (a trial judge "may block defense
attorneys' attempts to serenade the jury with a siren song of nullification"), cert.
denied, --- U.S. ----, 114 S.Ct. 2714, 129 L.Ed.2d 840 (1994).

We agree that had the district court used the language to which Muse objected
without any similar provocation from defense counsel, the instruction might
have been error. Viewed in isolation, the instruction could be construed as
improperly removing the witnesses' motives from the jury's consideration in
assessing their credibility. However, language in jury instructions may not be
viewed in isolation. Cupp, 414 U.S. at 146-47, 94 S.Ct. at 400-01. When all of
the instructions here are examined in their entirety and in context, as they must
be, it is clear that the court appropriately instructed the jury to take into account
the witnesses' motives in evaluating their testimony, and also appropriately
instructed the jury that it should not acquit the defendant if the evidence
(including the witnesses' testimony, whether credible or not) proved Muse's
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, simply because the government was not
similarly punishing other people. Accordingly, there was no error.


Finally, Muse argues that the court below erroneously instructed the jury on the
effect of certain stipulations of fact that he had entered into with the
government. Muse contends that the district court overstated the effect of these
stipulations and essentially directed a verdict for the prosecution on two
elements of the 922(g)(1) offense. Alternatively, he contends that if the
stipulations had the effect the court ascribed to them, the court erred in not

ensuring that he knowingly and voluntarily waived his right to have the jury
find that the elements existed.

Prior to trial, Muse, his attorney, and the government agreed to the following
stipulations of fact:It is hereby stipulated and agreed between the United States
of America and Randall Dwayne Muse, defendant, that:


1. Prior to September, 1993, Randall Dwayne Muse, the defendant, had been
convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 922(g)(1) and


2. Government's Exhibit 1 a High Standard 6170 38 7 Model .22 caliber semiautomatic handgun, serial no. 1761198 was manufactured outside the State of
Maryland, thereby affecting commerce....


During trial, the government read the stipulations to the jury.


At the conclusion of the trial, the court instructed the jury as follows:


Now, the Government must prove each of the following elements beyond a
reasonable doubt before you may find the defendant guilty of the offense
charged.... First, that the defendant was previously convicted of a felony.... This
has been stipulated to; and, as I told you earlier on, a stipulation is an
agreement among the parties that this element has been proved or is proved,
and the Government does not have to go any further to prove that. So, you
should not have to concern yourself with that, because the stipulation
establishes that element, the first element that the Government is required to
prove. The stipulation says everybody agrees to that. You should go right past
that. You have to consider it, certainly, as one of the elements, but the
stipulation makes it very clear that you don't have to look into the evidence to
see if it has been proven by the government. The stipulation does that.


Third, that the possession charged was in or affecting interstate commerce. The
third element is again stipulated to between the parties. So, you don't have to
worry yourself about whether or not the gun was in or affecting interstate


Muse did not object to this instruction. Nevertheless, on appeal, he contends

that the instruction amounted to an improper directed verdict on the prior felony
and interstate commerce elements of the offense. Because Muse failed to object
to the instruction, our review is limited to "plain error." See United States v.
Hanley, 974 F.2d 14, 18 (4th Cir.1992); Fed.R.Crim.P. 52(b). The Supreme
Court has directed that, even if we find the trial court erroneously instructed the
jury, "[i]t is the rare case in which an improper instruction will justify reversal
of a criminal conviction when no objection has been made in the trial court."
Henderson v. Kibbe, 431 U.S. 145, 154, 97 S.Ct. 1730, 1736, 52 L.Ed.2d 203
(1977), quoted in United States v. Silva, 745 F.2d 840, 851 (4th Cir.1984), cert.
denied, 470 U.S. 1031, 105 S.Ct. 1404, 84 L.Ed.2d 791 (1985). With this
standard of review in mind, we turn to the particular kind of instruction at issue
here, one in which the court directed the jury on the effect it should give to
stipulations involving elements of a criminal offense.


We note at the outset the special nature of a factual stipulation, agreed to and
signed by a defendant, his attorney, and the prosecutor. Such a stipulation is
more potent than simply an admission. By so stipulating, a defendant waives
the requirement that the government produce evidence (other than the
stipulation itself) to establish the facts stipulated to beyond a reasonable doubt.
See United States v. Clark, 993 F.2d 402, 406 (4th Cir.1993). This works to a
defendant's benefit when he or she fears that introduction of facts concerning an
element of the crime would prejudice his or her case. Indeed, for this reason,
defendants often stipulate to a prior felony conviction when charged, as was
Muse, with violating 922(g)(1), because the government is then prohibited
from introducing potentially prejudicial evidence concerning the prior felony.
See United States v. Rhodes, 32 F.3d 867, 871 (4th Cir.1994) ("when a
defendant offers to stipulate to the fact of his prior felony conviction, evidence
of the nature of the conviction is irrelevant and should be stricken") (citing
United States v. Poore, 594 F.2d 39 (4th Cir.1979)), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----,
115 S.Ct. 1130, 130 L.Ed.2d 1092 (1995).


However, such stipulations also exact a price from the defendant. Because a
stipulation induces the government not to offer evidence to prove the facts
involved in the stipulation, a defendant may not argue at trial or on appeal that
the stipulation is insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the facts or
elements to which he has stipulated. See United States v. Reedy, 990 F.2d 167,
169 (4th Cir.1993). A defendant is not allowed to produce evidence to
contradict or challenge the existence of facts to which he has validly stipulated.
This restriction on the defendant's ability to contest the existence of certain facts
or elements (in exchange for the government's promise not to introduce
evidence on the subject) is what distinguishes fact stipulations from more

general evidentiary admissions such as confessions or other statements, which

the defendant may freely contradict at trial.

Thus, in return for the benefit a defendant may receive from a stipulation, it
provides powerful evidence for the prosecutor. A stipulation does not,
however, entitle the prosecution to a directed verdict or exact the ultimate price
from a defendant: a "guilty plea" with respect to an element of the crime. While
a valid stipulation relieves the prosecution of the burden of producing any other
evidence in order to establish the fact stipulated, it does not relieve the
prosecution from the burden of "proving every element of the crime" beyond a
reasonable doubt. Cf. Estelle v. McGuire, 502 U.S. 62, 69, 112 S.Ct. 475, 481,
116 L.Ed.2d 385 (1991) (this burden "is not relieved by a defendant's tactical
decision not to contest an essential element of the offense"). As this court
recently held in a case similarly involving a felon-in-possession charge, when a
defendant pleads not guilty to the offense, "the district court must instruct the
jury that the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that at the time
the defendant possessed the firearm he had a qualifying previous felony
conviction...." United States v. Milton, 52 F.3d 78, 81 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, -- U.S. ----, 116 S.Ct. 222, 133 L.Ed.2d 152 (1995). In other words, the district
court may not remove the element from the jury's consideration, even though
the defendant has stipulated to that element. Id. To "remove from the jury's
consideration an element of the crime" would, as the Second Circuit remarked
in a case virtually identical to Milton, violate the "very foundation of the jury
system." United States v. Gilliam, 994 F.2d 97, 100 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, --U.S. ----, 114 S.Ct. 335, 126 L.Ed.2d 280 (1993).


Milton and Gilliam involved defendants who stipulated to the existence of prior
felony convictions and then asked the court to withdraw the element from the
jury's consideration, and to preclude the government from mentioning the prior
felony convictions in any manner. Milton, 52 F.3d at 80; Gilliam, 994 F.2d at
99. The defendants thus sought to have their trials focused solely on the issue of
whether they had possessed weapons. In both cases the courts rejected this
proposal, noting, "[w]hatever the basis of the reasoning, be it Congressional
mandate or the duty of the jury to make a totally informed judgment, there is
virtual judicial unanimity in the belief that the jury must be informed of all the
elements of the crime charged." Milton, 52 F.3d at 81 (quoting Gilliam, 994
F.2d at 102). Milton and Gilliam therefore teach that once a defendant pleads
not guilty to a crime and elects to proceed before a jury, the district court must
instruct, and the jury must consider, whether the government has proved
beyond a reasonable doubt all the elements involved in the crime charged--even
if the defendant and the government have entered a stipulation as to certain of
those elements.


Milton and Gilliam are, of course, entirely consistent with the fundamental
principle that if a defendant avails himself of his Sixth Amendment right to trial
by jury, only the jury can reach the "requisite finding of 'guilty.' " Sullivan v.
Louisiana, 508 U.S. 275, 277, 113 S.Ct. 2078, 2080, 124 L.Ed.2d 182 (1993)
(citation omitted). Thus, no matter "how overwhelming the evidence," a judge
"may not direct a verdict for the [government]." Id. Although a fact stipulation
may have the effect of providing proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the
existence of the facts that make up an element, a conviction is not valid unless a
jury considers the stipulation and returns a guilty verdict based on its finding
that the government proved the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable
doubt. A court may not by-pass the jury and enter its own finding that the
element has been established. As the Supreme Court recently explained, the
"Constitution gives a criminal defendant the right to have a jury determine,
beyond a reasonable doubt, his guilt of every element of the crime with which
he is charged." United States v. Gaudin, --- U.S. ----, ----, 115 S.Ct. 2310, 2320,
132 L.Ed.2d 444 (1995); see also United States v. Piche, 981 F.2d 706, 716
(4th Cir.1992) (a district court may not "direct a verdict, even a partial verdict,
for the government even though the evidence is overwhelming or even
undisputed on the point"), cert. denied, 508 U.S. 916, 113 S.Ct. 2356, 124
L.Ed.2d 264 (1993).


This limitation on the extent to which the jury's province can be invaded is
based, at least to some extent, on the earlier referred to "undisputed power," of
juries to nullify guilty verdicts. See Moylan, 417 F.2d at 1006 ("We recognize
the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the
law as given by the judge and contrary to the evidence.") Stated differently, the
jury has "the power to bring in a verdict in the teeth of both law and facts."
Horning v. District of Columbia, 254 U.S. 135, 138, 41 S.Ct. 53, 54, 65 L.Ed.
185 (1920). Thus, trial courts are foreclosed from instructing juries not to
consider certain elements of a crime, even if the case involves a stipulation
encompassing those elements.


In view of the special evidentiary character of a stipulation--more potent than

an admission but less draconian than a "guilty plea"--and the power of the jury
to "acquit for any reason," Moylan, 417 F.2d at 1006, developing the proper
language for a jury instruction regarding the effect of stipulations as to an
element of a criminal offense requires a trial court to walk a careful line. The
government is entitled to have the court inform the jury of the powerful effect
of a stipulation but a court cannot direct a verdict, even a partial verdict, against
the defendant.


We have been unable to find much guidance in the case law; indeed, no

appellate case seems to have set forth proper language for a jury instruction in
the situation at hand.2 Other circuits have, however, developed short and simple
model instructions. For example, the following jury instruction is utilized in the
Eighth Circuit: "The Government and the defendant have stipulated--that is,
they have agreed--that certain facts are as counsel have just stated. You should
therefore treat these facts as having been proved." Model Criminal Jury
Instructions for the Eighth Circuit 24 (West 1994) (emphasis added). See also
Ninth Circuit Manual of Modern Jury Instructions--Criminal 17 (West 1995)
("The parties have agreed to certain facts that have been stated to you. You
should therefore treat these facts as having been proved.") (emphasis added). In
light of the special evidentiary force of a stipulation, yet the inability of the trial
court to remove even a stipulated fact from the jury's consideration or to
mandate that the jury return findings as the court directs, these model
instructions appear to strike the appropriate balance.

The district court's instruction in this case, although not as concise as the model
instructions, struck a similar balance. On the one hand, the court emphasized
the force of the stipulation--"the government does not have to go any further
[than the stipulation] to prove [an element of the offense]." On the other, the
instruction at issue here, like the model instructions, was couched in precatory
language. The court below repeatedly instructed the jury that, due to the
stipulations, it "should" find the facts that formed the basis for two of the
elements existed, and that it "should" therefore find that the government had
proved those elements. Additionally, the court specifically instructed the jury
that it had to consider all the elements, even those encompassed in the
stipulations: "You have to consider [the felony element], certainly, as one of the
elements, but the stipulation makes it very clear that you don't have to look into
the evidence to see if it has been proven by the government."


For these reasons, the lower court's instruction to the jury that it must
"consider" the elements, and that it "should" find that the government
established those elements through the stipulations, was not erroneous. To the
extent that certain language in the instructions could be construed as going
beyond the directive that the jury "should" find the government had established
the elements by the stipulations, such error (if any) is certainly not "plain." See
United States v. Matzkin, 14 F.3d 1014, 1018 (4th Cir.1994) (errors in
instructions are not grounds for reversal unless they are "obvious" and clear).


Alternatively, Muse argues that if the district court's instruction with regard to
the fact stipulations was proper, the district court erred in not following the

procedures outlined in Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to

determine if he knowingly and voluntarily entered into the stipulations. He
maintains that Rule 11 procedures were required before the court could validly
remove the stipulated elements from the jury's consideration. This argument is

This theory can be disposed of summarily because, as noted above, the district
court's instruction did not result in the removal of the stipulated elements from
the jury's consideration, nor did it result in an improperly directed partial
verdict in the government's favor. Because the jury was still required to
consider and return a verdict finding Muse guilty of all of the elements of the
offense, his theory is without support.


Of course, the issue would be different if Muse had stipulated to all the
elements of the offense. In such a case, the knowing and voluntary nature of
Muse's entry into the stipulations (amounting effectively to a de facto guilty
plea) would raise more significant concerns. Cf. United States v. Strother, 578
F.2d 397, 403 (D.C.Cir.1978) (when stipulations are tantamount to a guilty
plea, Rule 11-type procedures required); United States v. Brown, 428 F.2d
1100, 1102 (D.C.Cir.1970) (same). But see United States v. Schuster, 734 F.2d
424, 425 (9th Cir.1984) (Rule 11 limited to pleas of guilty or nolo contendere);
United States v. Robertson, 698 F.2d 703 (5th Cir.1983) (Rule 11 limited by its
terms to guilty pleas and therefore does not apply even if the defendant
stipulates to all the elements of an offense). However, here, although Muse
stipulated to two of the elements, he vigorously contested the existence of the
third, and most critical, element at trial. We, therefore, need not address the
question of whether Rule 11-type procedures would be required if the
stipulations on the elements amounted to a de facto guilty plea on the charge as
a whole.


For the foregoing reasons, Muse's conviction is



See United States v. Kerley, 838 F.2d 932, 939 (7th Cir.1988) (although the
jury does not have the right to refuse to return a verdict on unreasonable
grounds, "[i]t has the power to acquit on bad grounds")

For example, although in Clark we quoted language from an instruction to the

jury that, due to the defendant's stipulation to an element of the offense, "that

element has already been established and is not for your consideration," 993
F.2d at 406 (emphasis added), we had no occasion or reason to determine the
validity of the underscored language. We cited the language only to support our
holding that the defendant, in stipulating and in consenting to this instruction,
had intended the stipulation to provide sufficient evidence to establish the
element. See also United States v. Houston, 547 F.2d 104, 107 (9th Cir.1976)
(without quoting or paraphrasing any portion of the jury instruction, the court
approved the submittal of a stipulation to the jury as conclusive proof of the
fact stipulated to)

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