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MCQ Exams
The MCQ exams will cover all the contents of the module mainly;
1. Cartilage
2. Bone
3. Muscle

Practical exams
The practical exams shall include all the slides that were viewed under the microscope as
well as the photos that were seen in the album

For the slides

This will include all the slides that were taken in all the practical sessions’ but mind you
it doesn’t means that there will be question on every slide. The slides are divided into
-3 are fixed under the microscope.
-The remaining 13 will be unfixed
The fixed slides are;
1. Stellate cells
2. Purkinje cells
3. pyramidal cells
So whenever you see any fixed slide, kindly narrow your thought to these three

Expected question on slides are:

1. Name (title) of slide
2. Stain
3. Site
4. Shape of cells and nucleus
5. Section (either transverse or longitudinal)

For the photos

Mainly arrows shall be pointed to certain areas and you are expected to name
the pointed area and key features related to it.

-Do try to study all the contents of the lecture as well as the theoretical aspect of the
-Do come to both the MCQ exams and the practical early.
-Do try to observe all slides carefully.
-Don’t be confused and do not let others confuse you.
-Don’t move the slides so that you save your time and that of others, please.
-Don’t rely on this alone but read as much as you can for you are here to succeed and
failure is NEVER yours insha Allah.
Finally, we wish you all the best.
Source: the histology lecturer on Cartilage.

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