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Unit 003 Working Effectively In A Team In Processing

Industries Operations

K1. What is the definition of authority and responsibility within the

The definition of authority and responsibility within the organisation are stated in the
companys policy. In order to give better understanding about workers
responsibilities, the company must distribute the copy of those policies, to
understand individuals role and responsibility. Also, the company will provide a
training to describe and confirm each workers responsibilities, authority, and also
line of reporting.
K2. How to check whether you have the required authority:
It can be checked by asking the shift supervisor or superintendent, then the leader
will consider the worker whether they have the authority to carry out the job or not
and whether they have the required competency. Also the company policy will dictate
your authority level.
K3. What are your personal responsibilities in the operation:
Every worker has responsibilities to wear proper PPE, care about safety issues,
remind other workers about their safety, and work in proper manner. In addition to
this, every worker has to follow all regulations, procedures, and comply with
company policy and standards that are implemented in order to achieve company's
goal maintaining your competency level at all time.

K4. How to check whether others need to be informed:

The policy and SOP of the company have to be used to determine where others
need to be informed. But if workers are working that closely related to the health and
safety matters, these workers need to be informed.
K5. How to check that all parties understand what is required of them (if
Engaging all parties in the inductions, training, toolbox talks meeting, give them
questions and answers opportunity, get the results from the experience in order to
identify whether all parties already understand or not.

K6. What is the method of work activity planned:

It is very essential to plan activities. The method could be done by informing
everyone about their jobs also provides them procedures so that everyone could
determine their responsibilities. Also, everyone will understand how to carry out their
jobs. Toolbox talks and planning meetings are the most valuable activities in work

Unit 003 Working Effectively In A Team In Processing

Industries Operations

K7. Why it is important that all personnel understand what is required of them:
By understanding what workers require, they understand how to complete the job
effectively and work safely. Also they could perform the job by following the
procedure and in order to obtain the companys goals fully compliance with
Company policy and Health and Safety rules.
K8. What are the methods of monitoring the activity:
Monitoring the activity can be applied by observing the log sheets, reading sheets,
permit to work sheets, work order sheets, procedures (SOPs), and meetings. The
Control Room is used to fully monitor process operation.
K9. How to keep all relevant personnel informed of the progress of the activity:
Communicate through workers either via written documents or verbal communication
to inform them the current condition of the activities. These communications could be
carried out by radios, PTW, risk assessment, toolbox talk, maintenance orders, etc.
and will depend on actual activity.
K10. What actions could be taken when disagreement occurs:
Discuss about their point of views and also talk to them each other. It is important to
engage all parties together especially to make all parties feel important with all
opinions to be considered. Also have a meeting and involve them in making decision.
K11. How to identify when assistance may be required:
The worker in doubt, the worker confused to decide a decision when working, the
worker is not confident with the procedures, the job is taking too long, and for a new
worker that is not familiar with the job.
K12. How to give assistance within your limit of authority:
Workers can only provide assistance in accordance with their competence. If the
workers have not been competent, or if the assistance is in another discipline such
as mechanical/electrical/instruments, they have to refuse to give assistance and ask
the supervisor to assign a competent person.

K13. Why it is important to give constructive feedback and support in the

It is very important to involve all workers to share their advice, knowledge, and
experience in order to support the plant operations run safely and also achieve the
target of the company. In this case, employees will feel appreciated for being
involved in the plant operation. Constructive feedback boosts team morale while
destructive feedback is usually non-productive.

Unit 003 Working Effectively In A Team In Processing

Industries Operations
K14. How to give constructive feedback and support within the organisation:
By giving reliable feedbacks which are supported with accurate data, whether is
paperwork like log sheets, reading sheets, or other types constructive feedback like
emails. Also it is very important to have regular shift meetings and toolbox talks as
well as listening, contributing and praising people to give or receive constructive
feedbacks from other workers.
K15. What methods of communication to use and when to use them:
Ways of communication sometimes depends on the importance also depends on its
Face to face communication

Communicate by radio.

By communicating the plant phones.

Communicate by written documents such as log sheets, PTW, risk


By email

In the formal and informal forums such as meetings

K16. What is the importance of keeping to agreed time schedules:

It helps to keep the costs down and allows the workers to operate the plant
according to procedures in order to maximise companys products. The workers will
be able to narrow down the target of company and avoid the unnecessary cost of
plant interruptions. Having a plan and schedule clearly communicated also helps in
making companys goals seem more realistic and achievable. (SMART goals)
K17. Why it is important to deal with problems effectively:
It is important to deal with problems effectively in order to achieve targets of
company about heal and safety, maximise companys products, and also avoid the
unnecessary cost due to poor problem solving.
K18. What typical problems may arise and how to deal with them:
Typical problems may arise like poor handover, ineffective and poor communication,
poor log sheets, inundate procedure, feel unfairly treated, complacency, etc. All
these problems can be overcome by training and raise awareness of workers.
K19. Who to inform if you cannot solve the problem and/or it is not your

Unit 003 Working Effectively In A Team In Processing

Industries Operations
If there is a problem that I cant solve or it is not my responsibility, I will contact my
shift supervisor, superintendent, manager, or engineer about that problem. They will
appoint personnel that are able to fix the problem. Also ask the team shift is one of
the ways to solve that problem since they maybe have experience about that then
they might be able to solve it.
K20. What are your personal responsibilities with regard to health, safety and
Every worker has responsibilities to wear proper PPE, care about safety issues,
remind other workers about their safety, and work in proper manner. In addition to
this, every worker has to follow all the regulations and procedures that are
implemented in the company.
K21. What documentation needs to be completed:
All documents should be completed as clear as possible because it is very important
to support the production process, for example written procedures, PTW, risk
assessment sheets, log sheets, handover sheets, toolbox talk sheets, maintenance
order sheets, procedure sheets, MSDS sheets , COSHH sheets, etc.
K22. What is the importance of completing documentation/records accurately
and clearly:
It helps the production process which serves as future references, if it is found
abnormal production process so, the solving problem decisions can be taken easily.
Also prevent any mistake reports that possibly used as a reference when workers
perform the job which could lead to incidents. Those documents will be used
continuously in the start up process, normal operation, and shut down process.

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