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#NTS_CAA_test for #AD_Electrical

I have mentioned as many question as i remember kindly comment any other as you may remember
1- The range of diesel locomotive in h.p is? 1500-2500
2-what kind of generator is used for arc welding? series generator
3-speed of dc motor is? directly proportional to emf
4-transient response is due to? stored energy
5-In penumatic system we have ------ as an isolating medium?
6-draw back of servo motor?
7-form factor of 220v,50hz a.c wave is? 1.11
8-3000kw power is transmitted through 30km by how much volts? 11kv
9-no load losses of dc shunt motor is obtained by?swinburne's test
10-at short circuit capacitance ohm-meter will gives the value of? zero
11-if the I/p capacitance is short circuited the o/p will be? increased
12-in a 3-phase transformer the phase difference b.w primary and sec winding is? 180'
13-formula of form factor? peak/rms
14-what is ampacity? capacity of current to flow in a conductor
15-OSHA stands for? occupational safety and health administration
16-two dc shunt generator operating parallel.The easiest way to shift the load? adjust
field rheostat
17-electrical workers should follow these steps? recognize hazards->evaluate risk ->
control hazards
18-burn caused by electricity are? electric burns,arc burns,thermal contact burns
19-which one has the highest form factor? half wave rectifier
20-the vol meter with uniform distribution is?
21- for the accurate measuring of vol b.w the cells of a battery we use? potentio-meter
22-if one of a zero is located in the right half plan then the system will be?
23-largest river in the world? Neil
24-world war one started in? 1914
25-electron reside in ? shell
25-charge on electron ? -ve
26-which one is having largest content of carbon ? Bituminous coal
27-when a step-1 system is applied with a step response we have?
28-Isolators are subjected to which test before use?
29-which one is the quick damped response ? critically damped

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