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About The Fallen Ones, also Known as Nephilim

by Anders Sandberg (

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------About The Fallen Ones, also Known as Nephilim.

By Frater IAM, Magister Templi of Ordo Rosae Crucis
Fratres et Sorores, I will tonight speak of an odd group of beings, who don't
seem to easily fit in with what we know about the rest of reality, at least from
the views of some mages. These rare beings, variously known as the Nephilim or
Fallen Ones are apparently independent Avatars, who move from person to person,
capable of independent thought and magick.
Their origin is unknown, although they explain themselves as formed out of the
primal fields of Quintessence, moving through humanity in order to purify
themselves and finally Ascend. Some mages believe they are the result of
extremely potent magick which somehow has severed the link between a human and
his avatar, maybe some form of Gilgul. Others claim the Nephilim are the result
of mages straying so far from the path towards eventual Ascension that their
Avatars fled to seek their own Ascension without their fallen hosts.
There are four types of these beings, which correspond to the four elements and
essences. Pattern and Earth, Questing and Fire, Dynamic and Air, Primordial and
Water. The Nephilim seem to regard these divisions as very important, and their
personalities often reflect their element. Fire beings tend towards violence,
action and passion, while Earth beings tend towards stability, stubbornness and
materialism. Its worth noting that they do not themselves believe in our notion
of Avatar families.
In most cases, the Nephilim are reincarnated into human bodies and spontaneously
awaken either randomly or when subjected to the presence of strong magick. They
rise to the conscious level, and take over the body of their host. The host
consciousness seems to become suppressed by the power of his Avatar (they have
sometimes been described as "inside out people"). The Fallen Ones seem to be
unable to leave their bodies except at death, when they are reincarnated. Some
escape their hosts by committing ritual suicide.
Their magickal powers are roughly equal to a normal mage's, but they do not
require foci. On the other hand, they seems to fear Paradox much more. It
appears to cause them actual physical pain, and they usually rely on very subtle
coincidental magick. Due to their long existences and close connection to
magick, they are usually very powerful mages.
The goal of the Nephilim seems to be mystical in nature. They appear to seek
personal Ascension, mainly using mystical methods of meditation, gnosis or
arcane study. In this matter they can sacrifice their current hosts, or anybody
else standing in their way. In fact, they appear to search for enlightenment
desperately, as if they were filled with a burning inner need for perfection.
This supports the theory that they are escaped Avatars seeking Ascension on

their own.
How long have these beings existed? Nobody knows, but my research implies that
they may have existed since ancient times, quite possibly before written
history. Due to their reincarnation, they spend much time in an unconscious
state deep within their hosts, and it appears that they can remain dormant
through many incarnations. Some of them claim to have been famous people or even
the truth behind the ancient Egyptian gods.
Needless to say, different Traditions have very different views of the Fallen
Ones. In my research I have discussed them with fellow scholars from the
Celestial Chorus, Ahl-I-Batin, Euthanatos and Akashic Brotherhood. It was the
Celestial Chorus who named them the Fallen Ones. According to their doctrines,
the Nephilim are guardian angels who have stepped out of line, refusing to obey
the dictates of the Highest and instead tried to reach Ascension by themselves
instead by helping mankind. They are fallen, and will remain a disharmonious
part of Creation until they realize that the only way towards Ascension is to
follow the divine Will.
The Ahl-I-Batin scholars I met called them the Watchers, the First Race or
sometimes the Djinn. According to the Koran, Allah first created these beings
but had later forsaken them for humanity, who showed greater promise and had
free will. There is a warning in one of the suras of the Koran against any
contact between the races, on the penalty of eternal damnation. However, due to
the great magickal prowess of the Djinn some human sorcerers apparently summoned
them to use them, allowing them access to our plane of existence. The
Ahl-I-Batin apparently do their best to trace the escaped Watchers (so named
because they see all of our reality from their own plane) and bring them back
into the fold.
The Euthanatos actively hunt the Nephilim. They regard them as one of the worst
perversions of existence known, a Kia who has been polluted by the lower will of
a incarnation and now moves along the wheel polluting new reincarnations. The
Euthanatos apparently seeks to capture them and subject them to Gilgul in order
to prevent further contamination.
The scholar of the Akashic Brotherhood I discussed with claimed that the Fallen
Ones were an almost purely western phenomenon and were practically unknown in
the east for some reason. He speculated that the widespread belief in
reincarnation somehow limited their activity, but this seems doubtful. Another
explanation which may or may not be true, is that the Fallen Ones were once
defeated in the east and driven west. However, nobody have any idea of when this
happened, who did it and why.
To sum up, the Fallen Ones or Nephilim, are among the most bizarre beings our
Order have ever encountered. They doesn't seem to fit in with our current
theories of the nature of the Avatar, and might even be something else all
together. Their magickal powers are great, making them fearsome adversaries and
powerful allies. Their single-minded seeking of Ascension is both fascinating
and most dangerous, perhaps best seen as a warning against letting the Seeking
overcome our humanity.
Ateh. Malkuth. Ve Geburah. Ve Gedulah. Le Olahm Amen.

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