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Week 5

Teacher Name
School Name
Week No.
Day / Date

Teaching Materials

Lesson Contents

: ________________________________________________________________________
: ________________________________________________________________________
Monday, 8th February 2010
Year 1
Basic Parts of Computer
System Unit
At the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:
Identify the system unit
Identify the main functions of the system unit

Computer Peripherals.

Computer Projector.

Interactive Whiteboard and pen.

Discovering ICT Textbook Year 1 (pg 14-15).


Classwork sheet
Identify the system unit and the main functions of the system unit

System Unit
A System Unit is a metal or plastic casing box. The system unit is the most important part of the
computer. The parts of system unit are:
1. Power button and reset button
2. Case
3. Drives e.g., floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive and pen drive.
4. Ports e.g., back ports and front ports.
(5 min)

Recap the previous lesson regarding the introduction to basic parts of computer by asking the
pupils randomly. Questions to be asked:
1. How many parts of basic parts of computer?
2. What are they?

Teacher tells the pupils the topic for the day and asks the pupils randomly. Questions to be asked:
1. Which one is system unit?
2. What is the main function?

Lesson Development
(10 min)

Step 1:
Teacher gives out the textbook to pupils and open page 14.
Step 2:

Week 5
Teacher explains the main functions of the system unit and their parts.
Step 3:
Teacher spells the system unit and the pupils follow the teacher.
Step 4:
Teacher shows the system unit through the CD-ROM.
Pupils Activity
(10 min)

Teacher gives out the classwork sheet and explains to the pupils on how to do it.
1. Label the SYSTEM UNIT below by choosing the correct answer given in the box provided.
Pen drive

Power button

CD-ROM drive

Reset button

Floppy disk drive

2. Color the selected key below.

a) CD-ROM drive blue
b) Floppy disk drive yellow
c) Power button green
d) Reset button purple
e) Pen drive red

(5 min)

Teachers Evaluation

Teachers In-charged

Teacher recaps the whole lesson by asking the pupils randomly. Questions to be asked:
1. Could you show us which one is system unit?
2. What is the main function of the system unit?
3. What are the parts of the system unit?
? Objective achieved / not achieved: ( / )
? Pupils finished their activity / work: ( / )
? Homework provided: ( / )
? Lesson continue: ( / )
? Others:

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