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Current Texas Polling

May 2, 2016
Contact: Doug Kaplan, 407-242-1870
Executive Summary
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 618 likely Republican
Primary voters in Texas. The poll was conducted from April 27th to the 29th and has a margin of error of
4% at a 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were
conducted using automated telephone calls and weighted by anticipated voting demographics.
What is your party affiliation?

Did you vote in the March 1st Republican Primary 2016?

If you had to vote today for the Republican nominee for President would it be?

Did you vote for Ken Paxton in the 2014 Republican Primary?

Are you aware that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been indicted for three felonies
alleging securities fraud?

Are you aware that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is being sued in Federal Court by the
Securities and Exchange Commission for the same alleged securities fraud?

Knowing that, do you think Ken Paxton should resign?

Do you think that the Republican Party of Texas at their state convention in Dallas should vote on a
resolution calling for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to resign for the good of the party and
the state?

Do you know anything about the four candidates running for the two Texas Court of Criminal
Appeals seats in the Republican runoff elections May 24th?

Did you know that Judge Mary Lou Keel is the only one of the four who is Board Certified in
Criminal Law?

Did you know that her opponent has failed the exam for Board Certification in Criminal Law at
least once?

Do you think Texas should change the way it chooses judges?

The following questions are for demographic purposes:

What is your political ideology?

Are you or is a member of your immediate family from a Latino, Hispanic or Spanish speaking

What race do you identify yourself as?

How old are you?

What is your gender?

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