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‘The following data were collected between 5/2/2016-6/20/2016 Der a eM ee ee CURE PCa Total number of respondents: 28 ‘Note: All quotations are direct statements from respondents arning Outcomes by Area jeaches you things you can't learn in the states. It broadens your mindset and will hel Deke rv DV aon ane era abroad experience is experiencing other cultures and customs different from my ce Da A eer an age a) RC eee Cae Cee ere ann nee cue Fun Curae ea te ne 10% ETIoA A eae on eT Ce eed gar oar ret eer 4s an openness to new experiences that I wouldn't necessarily have eer ea see "Don't miss this opportunity to ‘yourself into another country, it's culture, it's food, it's language, and this experience." MTB CCl ce ACU ttl) Abroad Experience Was...": DTaP Metta MUM OOP bay Lee PURSUE EXPLORE PREPARE IMPROVE MAKE DISCOVER "| Would Recommend My Education Abroad ace cee am ed q Cm Test LEARNING OUTCOMES "=" oem ww 0 1 2 3 4 RUTTER TEPC Ar eee ee ee a ey impact a global experience can have on their future career. A recommendation for this area could be connecting cor better connecting study abroad advising to career advising on campus, The Education Abroad Office could Dee ee ee eee oe en ec ery during the Re-Entry session. By meeting with a career advisor post study abroad, students will be able to better understand the direct impact their experience abroad will have on their future career and explore new career paths. By meeting with a career advisor, students can also learn how to better incorporate their study abroad. Coes ‘Students highly rated themselves in the area of being open and adaptable to new experiences both before and after studying abroad. However, there was still a noticeable increase in this area after studying abroad. A recommendation for continued growth in this area is to encourage on-site coordinators and host institutions to promote events and new experiences to our students, Students could connect with their host institutions prior to going abroad via social ‘media to follow updates on events they can attend or participate in, This will allow students to learn more about all the opportunities available through their host institution prior to arrival. The Education Abroad Office could also ‘encourage on-site coordinators to run through scenarios during their on-site orientation to better prepare students for their in-country experience. There was a moderate increase of students reporting being more aware of who they are as a person (beliefs, values, and meaning) after studying abroad. A recommendation for growth in this area could be to incorporate a cultural Pare eee Se a ee eer or Ts geet ere etn ee kee oe and how they identify before going abroad which will hopefully help them reflect on the impact of their experience abroad better once they have returned, Students should continue to be encouraged to keep a blog or diary while abroad, as this will allow they to continuously reflect on their moments, feelings, and experiences had while abroad. Recognizing different cultural perspectives to think critically and solve problems had litte difference before and after students studied abroad. However, there was still a positive increase in this area. A recommendation for growth in this area could be suggesting that our division create an area on our division's website dedicated to cross-cultural Coe eters ea ee as eS ore et ee een ee eee assessments. Providing an area for intercultural resources would allow students to explore perspectives, biases, and knowledge related to other cultures and their own. By having these resources available students can work towards breaking down cultural stigmas and generalizations both before and after their study abroad experience. ee ee ee ee ee ee eee Rg relationships with those from different cultures. A recommendation to continue growth in this area is to promote International Club meetings to students who are anticipating going abroad. Tis wil allow them to connect with and Cr ee Re Coren a McCrae gore seer ea oun program as they will become familiar with the cultural differences, language structure and become more familiar With the struggles of learning a new language from the international student perspective. Through communication and interacting in club activities, bth domestic and international students can become more understanding of each eseeee inertness eet ete ‘Communicating ideas effectively while interacting with others had one of the lowest positive increases after Pet ea ee eet Le reer eae ns ‘countries where the native language was English whereas others studied in countries where a language other than English was spoken. A recommendation for more insight into this area could be viewing students’ transcripts to find ‘out if they have taken a speech or communications course. Such a course is often required, yet not all students take it during the same year. Those studying abroad who have taken a speech or communications course may rate themselves higher in this area than those who have not, ‘The lowest positive increase was in the area of understanding the significance of volunteering and giving back to society. However, this area was one of the highest rated areas by students before and after going abroad, This could indicate that students have a high understanding of this area before going abroad and only a slightly higher Re ae eee eee Sec ett students to get involved with their campus or community while abroad. A suggestion would be to connect with Ue a eee or Lace ent att are being promoting so that we can better connect out students.

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