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Bloque 5 - 1

Determinacin de viscosidad de gases y lquidos

Problema 1
Se est empujando la placa inferior a una velocidad relativa 0.40 m/s mayor que la placa superior. El fluido
que se usa es agua a 24 C.
a) Qu tan separadas deben colocarse las placas para que el esfuerzo cortante sea 0.30 N/m2? Calcule
tambin la velocidad cortante.
b) Si en vez de agua se usa aceite con una viscosidad de 2.0 x 10-2 Pa.s con la misma separacin entre las
placas y la misma velocidad que en el inciso a), cules son el esfuerzo cortante y la velocidad cortante?
Problem A
Two horizontal plates are placed 5 cm apart. The space is filled with a high-viscosity lubricating oil (100
poise). The bottom plate is stationary and the upper plate moves at a velocity of 0.8 m/ s. Considering an area
of 0.01 m2 located far from any edges find the force (in units of newtons), the shear stress, and the momentum
flux (N/m2 ).
Problem B
In Problem A, convert the velocity to ft/s , the distance between plates to ft, the area to ft 2 , and the
viscosity to lbf/( ft-s). Then find the force on the plate in lbf. Do you prefer the English or the SI system and
Problem 2
Use fig. 1.3-1 (Bird) to find the viscosity in Pa.s of methyl fluoride at 370 C and 120 atm. Use the
following values for the critical constants: Tc = 4.55 C, Pc = 58.0 atm, c = 0.300 g/cm3.
Problem 3
Predict the viscosities of molecular oxygen, nitrogen, and methane at 20 C and atmospheric
pressure, and express the results in mPa.s. Compare the results with experimental data given in this chapter.
Problem 4
The following data are available for the viscosities of mixtures of hydrogen and Freon-12
(dichlorodifluoromethane) at 25 C and 1 atm.
Mole fraction of H2 :
x 106 (poise):
Use the viscosities of the pure component to calculate the viscosities at the three intermediate compositions
by means of Eqs. 1.4-15 and 16.
Problem 5
Predict the viscosities (in cp) of chlorine-air mixtures at 75 F and 1 atm, for the following mole
fractions of chlorine: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. Consider air as a single component and use eqs. 1.4-14 to
Problem 6
Estimate the viscosity of saturated liquid water at 30 C. Compare the result with the experimental

Bloque 5 - 2
Determinacin de viscosidad de gases y Liquidos
Problema 1
Se est empujando la placa inferior a una velocidad relativa 0.122 ft/s mayor que la placa superior. El fluido
que se usa es agua a 68 F.
a) Qu tan separadas deben colocarse las placas para que el esfuerzo cortante sea 4.3511x10-5 psia?
Calcule tambin la velocidad cortante.
b) Si en vez de agua se usa aceite con una viscosidad de 4.0 x 10-4 Lbf-s/ft con la misma separacin
entre las placas y la misma velocidad que en el inciso a), cules son el esfuerzo cortante y la
velocidad cortante?
Problem A
Two horizontal plates are placed 5 cm apart. The space is filled with a high-viscosity lubricating oil
(100 poise). The bottom plate is stationary and the upper plate moves at a velocity of 0.8 m/ s. Considering an
area of 0.01 m2 located far from any edges find the force (in units of newtons), the shear stress, and the
momentum flux (N/m2 ).
Problem B
In Problem A, convert the velocity to ft/s , the distance between plates to ft, the area to ft 2 , and the
viscosity to lbf/( ft-s). Then find the force on the plate in lbf. Do you prefer the English or the SI system and
Problem 2
Use fig. 1.3-1 (Bird) to find the viscosity in Pa.s of methyl fluoride at 370 C and 120 atm. Use the
following values for the critical constants: Tc = 4.55 C, Pc = 58.0 atm, c = 0.300 g/cm3.
Problem 3
Predict the viscosities of molecular oxygen, nitrogen, and methane at 20 C and atmospheric
pressure, and express the results in mPa.s. Compare the results with experimental data given in this chapter.

Problem 4
The following data are available for the viscosities of mixtures of hydrogen and Freon-12
(dichlorodifluoromethane) at 25 C and 1 atm.
Mole fraction of H2 :
x 106 (poise):
Use the viscosities of the pure component to calculate the viscosities at the three intermediate compositions
by means of Eqs. 1.4-15 and 16.
Problem 5
Predict the viscosities (in cp) of chlorine-air mixtures at 75 F and 1 atm, for the following mole
fractions of chlorine: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. Consider air as a single component and use eqs. 1.4-14 to
Problem 6
Estimate the viscosity of saturated liquid water at 60 C. Compare the result with the experimental

Bloque 5 - 3
Determinacin de viscosidad de gases y lquidos
Problema 1
Se est empujando la placa inferior a una velocidad relativa 0.40 m/s mayor que la placa superior. El fluido
que se usa es agua a 24 C.
b) Qu tan separadas deben colocarse las placas para que el esfuerzo cortante sea 0.30 N/m2? Calcule
tambin la velocidad cortante.
b) Si en vez de agua se usa aceite con una viscosidad de 2.0 x 10-2 Pa.s con la misma separacin entre las
placas y la misma velocidad que en el inciso a), cules son el esfuerzo cortante y la velocidad cortante?
Problem A
Two horizontal plates are placed 5 cm apart. The space is filled with a high-viscosity lubricating oil (100
poise). The bottom plate is stationary and the upper plate moves at a velocity of 0.8 m/ s. Considering an area
of 0.01 m2 located far from any edges find the force (in units of newtons), the shear stress, and the momentum
flux (N/m2 ).
Problem B
In Problem A, convert the velocity to ft/s , the distance between plates to ft, the area to ft 2 , and the
viscosity to lbf/( ft-s). Then find the force on the plate in lbf. Do you prefer the English or the SI system and
Problem 2
Use fig. 1.3-1 (Bird) to find the viscosity in Pa.s of methyl fluoride at 370 C and 120 atm. Use the
following values for the critical constants: Tc = 4.55 C, Pc = 58.0 atm, c = 0.300 g/cm3.
Problem 3
Predict the viscosities of molecular oxygen, nitrogen, and methane at 20 C and atmospheric
pressure, and express the results in mPa.s. Compare the results with experimental data given in this chapter.
Problem 4
The following data are available for the viscosities of mixtures of hydrogen and Freon-12
(dichlorodifluoromethane) at 25 C and 1 atm.
Mole fraction of H2 :
x 106 (poise):
Use the viscosities of the pure component to calculate the viscosities at the three intermediate compositions
by means of Eqs. 1.4-15 and 16.
Problem 5
Predict the viscosities (in cp) of chlorine-air mixtures at 75 F and 1 atm, for the following mole
fractions of chlorine: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. Consider air as a single component and use eqs. 1.4-14 to
Problem 6
Estimate the viscosity of saturated liquid water at 30 C. Compare the result with the experimental

Bloque 5 - 4
Determinacin de viscosidad de gases y Liquidos
Problema 1
Se est empujando la placa inferior a una velocidad relativa 0.122 ft/s mayor que la placa superior. El fluido
que se usa es agua a 68 F.
c) Qu tan separadas deben colocarse las placas para que el esfuerzo cortante sea 4.3511x10-5 psia?
Calcule tambin la velocidad cortante.
d) Si en vez de agua se usa aceite con una viscosidad de 4.0 x 10-4 Lbf-s/ft con la misma separacin
entre las placas y la misma velocidad que en el inciso a), cules son el esfuerzo cortante y la
velocidad cortante?
Problem A
Two horizontal plates are placed 5 cm apart. The space is filled with a high-viscosity lubricating oil
(100 poise). The bottom plate is stationary and the upper plate moves at a velocity of 0.8 m/ s. Considering an
area of 0.01 m2 located far from any edges find the force (in units of newtons), the shear stress, and the
momentum flux (N/m2 ).
Problem B
In Problem A, convert the velocity to ft/s , the distance between plates to ft, the area to ft 2 , and the
viscosity to lbf/( ft-s). Then find the force on the plate in lbf. Do you prefer the English or the SI system and
Problem 2
Use fig. 1.3-1 (Bird) to find the viscosity in Pa.s of methyl fluoride at 370 C and 120 atm. Use the
following values for the critical constants: Tc = 4.55 C, Pc = 58.0 atm, c = 0.300 g/cm3.
Problem 3
Predict the viscosities of molecular oxygen, nitrogen, and methane at 20 C and atmospheric
pressure, and express the results in mPa.s. Compare the results with experimental data given in this chapter.

Problem 4
The following data are available for the viscosities of mixtures of hydrogen and Freon-12
(dichlorodifluoromethane) at 25 C and 1 atm.
Mole fraction of H2 :
x 106 (poise):
Use the viscosities of the pure component to calculate the viscosities at the three intermediate compositions
by means of Eqs. 1.4-15 and 16.
Problem 5
Predict the viscosities (in cp) of chlorine-air mixtures at 75 F and 1 atm, for the following mole
fractions of chlorine: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. Consider air as a single component and use eqs. 1.4-14 to
Problem 6
Estimate the viscosity of saturated liquid water at 60 C. Compare the result with the experimental

Bloque 5 - 5
Determinacin de viscosidad de gases y lquidos
Problema 1
Se est empujando la placa inferior a una velocidad relativa 0.40 m/s mayor que la placa superior. El fluido
que se usa es agua a 24 C.
a) Qu tan separadas deben colocarse las placas para que el esfuerzo cortante sea 0.30 N/m2? Calcule
tambin la velocidad cortante.
b) Si en vez de agua se usa aceite con una viscosidad de 2.0 x 10-2 Pa.s con la misma separacin entre las
placas y la misma velocidad que en el inciso a), cules son el esfuerzo cortante y la velocidad cortante?
Problem A
Two horizontal plates are placed 5 cm apart. The space is filled with a high-viscosity lubricating oil (100
poise). The bottom plate is stationary and the upper plate moves at a velocity of 0.8 m/ s. Considering an area
of 0.01 m2 located far from any edges find the force (in units of newtons), the shear stress, and the momentum
flux (N/m2 ).
Problem B
In Problem A, convert the velocity to ft/s , the distance between plates to ft, the area to ft 2 , and the
viscosity to lbf/( ft-s). Then find the force on the plate in lbf. Do you prefer the English or the SI system and
Problem 2
Use fig. 1.3-1 (Bird) to find the viscosity in Pa.s of methyl fluoride at 370 C and 120 atm. Use the
following values for the critical constants: Tc = 4.55 C, Pc = 58.0 atm, c = 0.300 g/cm3.
Problem 3
Predict the viscosities of molecular oxygen, nitrogen, and methane at 20 C and atmospheric
pressure, and express the results in mPa.s. Compare the results with experimental data given in this chapter.
Problem 4
The following data are available for the viscosities of mixtures of hydrogen and Freon-12
(dichlorodifluoromethane) at 25 C and 1 atm.
Mole fraction of H2 :
x 106 (poise):
Use the viscosities of the pure component to calculate the viscosities at the three intermediate compositions
by means of Eqs. 1.4-15 and 16.
Problem 5
Predict the viscosities (in cp) of chlorine-air mixtures at 75 F and 1 atm, for the following mole
fractions of chlorine: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. Consider air as a single component and use eqs. 1.4-14 to
Problem 6
Estimate the viscosity of saturated liquid water at 30 C. Compare the result with the experimental

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