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TUESDAY, AUG. 16, 2016 | VOLUME 132 ISSUE 01



Everything you missed this summer

is inside: from new University
leadership to the latest video game
craze. Not to mention some quick
refreshers on how to navigate
campus, classes and beyond.
Read about where the Rock Chalk
Chant got its start, and what
campus landmark is dubbed the
Big Tooter. Check out how one
residence hall is accommodating
the entire gender spectrum, and
how to get help if you think you
need to sue your landlord.
All inside, from the University Daily
Kansan news team.




Missy Minear/KANSAN

The student section throws up confetti during a home mens basketball game at Allen Fieldhouse.

Campus customs come with long tradition


Coming to the University

of Kansas is a brand-new,
exciting experience for so
many freshmen, but the
things they do at the University may not be so new.
The University has many
exciting traditions that have
developed over its 150-year

Rock Chalk, Jayhawk,

Perhaps one of the most
well-known and well-flaunted traditions, the long,
drawn-out yell is now linked
with basketball and Allen
Fieldhouse, though it can be
heard elsewhere. But a book
by Robert Taft, The Years
on Mount Oread, traces its
origins to science students
and oratorical contests.
At a meeting in 1886, the
students in the University
Science Club expressed their
desire for a club yell and
their faculty advisor, Professor Bailey, suggested Rah,
Rah, Jayhawk, KSU, (The
University was once known
as Kansas State University)
said three times in quick
succession, according to the
The Jayhawk was not
even the official mascot of
the University at the time,
but a nod back to the nickname given to Kansas abolitionists during the border
skirmishes of 1850s, also
known as Bleeding Kansas.
As the Science Club adopted the yell as their official
call, Rock Chalk was eventually substituted in as a nod
to the limestone rock that
makes up Mount Oread. As

Taft writes in his book, The

yell has thus uniquely preserved Kansas tradition and
Kansas geology, with both of
which we are well supplied.
In covering an 1886 oratorical contest in Topeka,
the school paper, the University Courier, suggested
that the school needed a college yell. The science clubs
yell attracted attention and
by the oratorical contest in
the spring of 1887, the students were said to have been
yelling the chant.
The long, drawn-out yell
we know today, followed

The yell has

thus uniquely
preserved Kansas
tradition and
Kansas geology,
with both of
which we are
well supplied.
Robert Taft

by three short chants, was

adopted by 1889. Taft suggests that it was this yell that
popularized the figure of the
Jayhawk and led to its eventual adaptation as the Universitys mascot.

The Steam Whistle

As often as Jayhawks
hear the Universitys traditional yell, the frequency of
that chant cannot begin to
rival that of The Big Tooter, the steam whistle that
today signals the end of
Originally, the whistle, now located on top of
the power plant behind

Stauffer-Flint Hall, blew at

7:45 a.m. as a wakeup call
and late at night to signal
curfew, according to a KU
History article written by
John McCool. In 1912, it was
changed to mark the end of
classes and the beginning of
the passing period.
The shift to marking the
end of classes caused controversy between instructors and students, McCool
writes. Chancellor Frank
Strong told students that
they could leave class as
soon as the whistle sounded,
even if instructors were still
lecturing. Several instructors thought it rude when
their students would immediately run for the door and
students got angry when instructors kept them after the
The University Daily
Kansan even occasionally published the names of
professors who kept their
students after the whistle.
The professors fought back
with their own story in the
paper, according to McCool,
saying that they had a right
to finish their thought, rather than stopping mid-sentence. Some declared that
they were hard-of-hearing
and couldnt hear the whistle.
The issues between professors and students over
class ending are not completely gone today, but they
have been helped over the
years by the whistles move
to the centrally-located
power plant and the additional of an automatic timer.

ible number of hills during

their time at the University,
but no walk is as anticipated
or meaningful as the walk
down the Campanile Hill towards the Memorial Stadium on Commencement Day.
walked from the old Fraser
Hall (located about where
Wescoe Hall is now) down
to the Robinson Gymnasium on Sunnyside Drive,
according to Tafts book. In
1924, graduation was moved

to the stadium and the graduates would gather at Strong

Hall before walking down to
the ceremony.
Almost as important as
the walk down the hill, the
walk under the Campanile
Tower is a vital part of graduation. Supposedly, a student who walks under the
tower before graduation will
not graduate on time. No
one is quite sure where this
legend comes from, but a
1950 issue of Graduate Mag-

azine marks the first time

graduates walked under the
tower on the way down to
Students can learn more
about KU Traditions and
history by visiting or the Spencer Research Library. The Office of
First-Year Experience and
Public Affairs Office also
host a Traditions Night on
Saturday, Aug. 20 as part of
Hawk Week.

Graduation ceremonies
Students going to school
on Mount Oread will trudge
up and skid down an incred-

File Photo
The steam whistle that marks the end of classes. The whistle is located on a power plant behind Stauffer-Flint Hall.

340 Fraser | 864-4121


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Liston: Six tips to becoming

a better roommate

Is itdid
Peas become the
my calves havent
of hip
trained hard
for this semester

campus just isnt the

you have
Haramidea howbe...
you paid for

dinner/drinks or got

the fastest
man in
a the
wow! so quick!

Is anyone else using

Wash your hands.
Tinder social for orgies
or just me

Why did
is toI the
every a
is toworth
20 percent of my
can russia
was due
writing it
another semester, another game of whats
Let Me
Be The
in her water

Last To Know" is an
I havent seen
Ponyboy and I think
thats an oversight.

It's geocaching
mama always said life

is like a pawn shop.

you never know whats
going to come through

engaged last night

this morning
on mari-twix
Finally, I can
my backpack.
in all its been a good
day for the family.
All-time gold medals:
Ethiopia, 22. Phelps,
23. Brazil, 24.

Beyonc's new album

like loose
its boringI don't
the boyfriend
like me
Zayn was framed

Going from one job to

Usain Bolt just ran
job right 23
at approximately
miles per hour to winis
the done.......
100 meters.
Im an internet com-

I vote.
Long time reader, first
time FFAer

A gingerbread man
I putinthe
in inaphouse.
the house
made of his flesh? Or
of house?
it or you can wine
about it

Sometimes I think
Howis do
I college?
then I
remember I don't live
Life is like a football
just realize
it could
win much
Some days I just want
to throw away all of
start (clap
go, and

clap, clap clap clap)

Never trust KU buses.

Theyre either full or

Illustration by Jacob Benson


ollege is the first time

many students live
independent of their
parents and with roommates. Initially, it seems
that everyone is excited to
live with people they dont
know. Roommates meet
up, they post pictures on
Instagram (#Roomies), and
they imagine late nights
eating pizza. Yet these expectations often become a
filtered version of reality.
Relationships with room-

mates can grow sour as the

dishes are left passive-aggressively unwashed for the
third day in a row and trash
begins piling up in the most
obscure places (behind the
couch, on top of the TV,
etc.). For those who are new
to the roommate experience
or those who are still improving, here are some tips
to being a better roommate:
amount of appliances, furnishings, necessities, etc.
that can be used by everyone in the room. Do not
split payment on these

items, however, because

then it will be unclear who
has possession over them
when move out day comes.
Take part in the housework: cleaning, taking out
the trash, dishes, etc.
If you have a problem regarding one of your roommates, address the problem. Dont talk about the
problem behind that roommates back and expect it to
get solved.
Pick up after yourself.
Dont leave your clothes,
shoes, food, drinks, etc.
strewn all over the place,

especially in community
Respect your roommates schedules. Even if
you arent early to bed or
early to rise doesnt mean
your roommate will be the
same way. There are few
things worse than a groggy,
grumpy roommate being
woken up in the middle of
the night.
Spend time away from
your roommates. When
youre cramped up in a
house, apartment or dorm
with other people, tensions
can rise and your tolerance

for even the smallest issues

can drop.
Overall, the best way to
be a good roommate is to
act how you would like your
roommates to act and respect the space and belongings of your roommates.
You and your roommates
will likely break some or all
of these rules at one point
or another. The key in those
situations is to admit blame
and correct the issue.

Orth: Embrace academic experiences


College is many things.

It is a time for growth and
education, friendships and
introspection. While we
students enjoy the freedom
and diversity of choice and
time, we must remember
why we enrolled in the first
place. We enrolled to get a
degree, to make money, but
most importantly, to learn.
Here are four valuable tips
to make the most of your
learning experience.

1. Ask questions and

encourage discussion
in class

Odds are that you are

not the only person confused in class. Speak up!
Not only will it be beneficial for you, but also your

classmates. Additionally,
the professor will take note
of your interest and participation. Be cautious when
asking several questions,
however. There is a fine line
between helpful and downright obnoxious.

2. Control your

College can be roughly

divided into three realms:
social life, sleep, and school.
Now pick two of those. To
reduce deadlines and extra
stress, plan how you will allocate your time. So, whether this requires a planner,
a note in your phone or a
superb memory, create a

3. Be accountable,
go to class

Your parents will not be

there to wake you up. Your
school will not hold your
hand. If you miss, that is
tough luck. Always email
your professor if there is a
real reason. Of course there
are classes where you can
slip by not buying a book
and only showing up on
exam days. But those are
truly rare. The majority of
classes have strict attendance policies. For example, in my history of contemporary art class I earned
a D. Even though all my papers and exams averaged a
94 percent, I skipped class
here and there. In the end,
it totaled a staggering 11
missed days. I had to retake
it. In my women, gender
and sexuality studies class,
I missed 4 classes when the
cut off period was 3. I had to
drop and take a W. Showing

up is half the battle. There

is more to it than simply
going. Sit where you will be
seen. The farther a student
sits, the lower the grade in
the course tends to be.

4. Take notes

Within two weeks, you

will forget 80 percent or
more of what you have
heard . If you choose to take
notes on a computer, try not
to be distracted or distract
others with your addiction
to Sons of Anarchy or whatever. Those who take notes
on a laptop tend to fall victim to simply recording the
professor verbatim. Taking
notes by hand produces
significantly deeper understanding and improves
retention. In your notes,
implement an outline and
be systematic. Write with

a smooth pen for fluidity

and speed. Keep subject
notes dated and together.
To save time, abbreviate.
Writing down examples is
important for thoroughly
understanding the presented material. If you do not
understand the material
and cannot ask questions,
leave gaps in your notes and
revisit them later. At a later
time, with supplemental resources, you can return and
The amount of learning
you can experience inside
and outside the classroom
is astronomical. Every one
of these lessons is applicable to real world scenarios.
With practice and proper
implementation, organizational skills like these will
create a competitive advantage on top of what other
skill sets you possess.

I'm ready for selfdriving

I need
in an IV

and school hasnt even

started yet

Last Saturday, I

only in
I could
a whole pizza.
Then, Imoney

it was Tuesday.




Illustration by Jacob Hood




File Photo/KANSAN
The exterior of Watson library. Watson is one of seven libraries on campus, and is primarily home to the humanities and social science collections.

Getting to know the libraries on campus


Studying can be a process for some students, one

that is unique and different
for every person. Some jam
out to their favorite music,
while others need complete
silence to focus. Some get
together with friends, while
others shut themselves
away. Some prefer the privacy of their room or apartment, while others prefer
the library.
The libraries at the University have much to offer students, and whether
youre a seasoned Jayhawk
or new on the hill, getting
to know the libraries could
help you in your academic
There are seven libraries on campus, with lots of
spaces for students to use as
well as extensive collections,
both online and print, that
all students in all disciplines
should be utilizing, said Jill
Becker, head of the Center
for Undergraduate Initiatives and Engagement at
Watson Library.
Becker said five of the
libraries are specific to
schools and subjects. These
include: Spahr Engineering
Library, the Art & Architecture library, the Music
& Dance Library, Kenneth
Spencer Research Library
and the Wheat Law Library.
Anschutz Library and
Watson Library are more
diverse in content and services, and are used by a larger variety of students, she

Watson, which is sometimes called the main library,
mostly has humanities and
social science collections, as
well as the international collections, Becker said. Anschutz is very popular with
The learning studio is located there, which is a collaborative learning space. The
writing center is there also,
as well as tutoring services,
group study spaces and research assistance. Anschutz
also houses the sciences, education, business and political document collections.
Sydney Wickliffe, a junior and University library
intern, said she prefers Watson when it comes to studying, and Anschutz for finals.
I think Anschutz is a
great place, but it feels a little more social, which makes
it hard for me to study,
Wickliffe said. The learning
studio in Anschutz is one of
my favorite services that the
libraries offer. I used it a lot
during finals to study with
friends. Its really nice to
have your own space with a
whiteboard to work.
Wickliffe said Watson
will also have its own, smaller area similar to the learning studio this semester. It
will also have new furniture
and power outlets to make
group studying easier, according to Becker.
New furniture is being
placed on the third and fifth
floors of Watson to better
meet the needs of students,
Becker said. The old furni-

ture was a little dated, and

wasnt conducive to the kind
of studying that students
like to do. There will also be
more power outlets for students to use.
In addition to new group
studying options in Watson,
Becker said students will
also be able to practice presentations in the new Studio
We installed what were
calling Studio K, which is a
studio where students can practice
presentations. Its
a private setting
with all of the
technology students will need to
record and watches
Becker said.
When it comes
to learning about
library services,
Becker said stopping in for a visit
is a good first step
to take, as well as
asking librarians
for help.
Firstly, visiting us or going to
the website is the
best way to find
out what we have
to offer, Becker
Secondly, I really want
students to know
that its ok to ask
for help. Research
can be really challenging, especially
in a large library
system like what
we have here at

File Photo/KANSAN
Students walk through the entrance to Anschutz library. Anschutz is commonly used for studying.

Going to the librarians
with questions is one of the
best things students can do
to find out what the libraries
have, Wickliffe said.
I really would recommend becoming familiar
with the people working at
the front desk and throughout the library, no matter
which one you are at. I feel
like a lot of people dont
know about some of the re-

sources that are available

through the libraries. Forming those relationships is so
useful because they know so
much about what is going
on, Wickliffe said.
Becker said students can
communicate with library
staff online, as well as in
Students can chat with
librarians online through
Ask a Librarian, which is
one of our more popular

resources. Students can

ask questions or even set
up a meeting with library
staff for general questions
and research consultation,
Becker said.
For more information,
visit, and find out
how you can best utilize the
resources available.

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Missy Minear/KANSAN
The new augmented-reality game Pokemon Go allows players to see a virtual world of Pokemon characters through their smartphones.

Pokemon Go combines nostalgia with innovation


Summer 2016 will be

remembered as the beginning of a phenomenon:
Pokemon Go.
Its a game that has attracted both gamers and
non-gamers alike. According to the Google Play store,
there have been 100 million
downloads since the game
was released on July 6.
The premise of Pokemon
Go is for players to catch as
many Pokemon as they can
acquire by walking around
their community with their
cellphone. The GPS in the
phone pinpoints the location of the Pokemon. There
are also teams in the game
that a player can join once
they reach level five: Team
Instinct (Yellow), Team
Mystic (Blue), and Team
Valor (Red).

Pokemon players
will probably still
keep playing it
until they capture
every possible
Johnathan Tran
Pokemon Go player

Pokestops are certain

locations in town that give
players items that add assistance in the game. An
important objective of the
game is to take control
of gyms around the community, which consist of
churches, monuments or
other landmarks. The more
Pokemon a player collects, the faster a level up is
Additionally, the game
tracks distance that is
walked by players participating in the game. Once
a player completes each
target successfully, a new
Pokemon is hatched.
Pokemon Go has been
welcomed with positive reviews from University students.
I like Pokemon Go because it gets you active and
outside, Hilary Robertson,
a graduate student from
Wichita, said. Its nostalgic

since I played Pokemon as a

kid and its fun meeting other people. We all help each
other get rare Pokemon or
battle at gyms.
Avid Pokemon Go player Jared Coltharp, a senior from Chanute, shared
similar views to Robertson
about Pokemon Go.
My favorite thing about
Pokemon Go is that it gets
me moving and makes
me want to walk more,
Coltharp said. I think Ive
been playing it about every
other day. Ill probably play
it every day when I get to
Even though the game
has shown much enthusiasm from players, there
have been technical issues
that have risen with its popularity.
While the glitches can
be annoying, a lot of people
dont realize that the game
is still [being developed],
Coltharp said. Discovering the games glitches is
the purpose in this stage of
development. Threatening
to quit playing the game
because theyre trying to fix
the glitches is just childish.
Thats the reason you even
have the game. Also, its
Michael and Jonathan
Tran, two brothers studying
at the University, said they
play the game roughly four
to eight hours a day. The
most popular places, they
said, are Massachusetts St.
and Broken Arrow Park,
near 31st and Louisiana.
Thats where we usually
go on most nights to camp
there, people put the lures
down there, Michael Tran
The Tran brothers said
during the summer, they
played the game anywhere
from four to eight hours a
day. And theyre not going
to stop anytime soon.
Weve been playing it
before it got hyped up and
everything, Jonathan Tran
said. The thing is, people
who go for the hype probably are starting to quit right
now because theyre just
in there just because its a
players will probably still
keep playing it until they

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Jonathan and Michael Tran have been playing Pokemon for years, and are avid fans of the new game.

capture every possible

Pokemon, he said.
The two said theyre
dedicated veterans of the
Pokemon games, and have
been playing them long before smartphones existed.
This newest version, they
said, has been useful for
exercise and meeting fellow
Its good exercise, Michael Tran said. Im a disabled vet, and it helps me
get out of the house and
walk around.
The future of Pokemon
Go looks to be progressive,
as does the future of augmented reality, and virtual
games. Coltharp said he
thinks there is a future for
games like it.
Its the newest technological advance in gaming,
alongside virtual reality,
and it was a very challenging thing to develop,
Coltharp said. These types
of games just seem to make
the experience more immersive, which, for a lot of
people, makes the games a
lot more enjoyable.
-Lara Korte contributed
to this story.

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Popular locations for Pokemon players include downtown Lawrence, South Park, and Broken Arrow Park.




Missy Minear/KANSAN

The sign for Lot 90, near the Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center. Lot 90 will undergo changes due to construction.

What students should know about parking on campus


With spaces limited,

know the rules

With the start of the fall

semester just around the
corner, parking at campus
is going to be a little bit
At a community forum
earlier this year, it was announced that there would
be a loss of 1,300 spots
due to construction for the
2016-17 school year.
Despite the restrictions
on the spaces, students will
still be held responsible for
parking according to the
rules, which includes parking according to their permit.
Students should know
the rules with regard to
their own permit, said
Donna Hultine, director
of Parking and Transit. If
they buy a residence hall
permit, for example, they
should know which parking lots their permit allows them to use. Students
should read signage at the
entrances to parking lots.
The sign includes what type
of permit is valid to park
there and the times the permit is required.
To purchase a permit,
students will have to register for a parking account

on and will

be able to buy the permit
through the portal.
Students living on-campus will need to buy the
pass that correlates to the
lot for their dorm.

The downside of the

residential dorm parking
is even though one is guaranteed a parking permit if
they purchase one, there
may not be spots in close
proximity to their dorm.
In my experience, there
werent enough spots by the
dorms for how many people
had parking passes, Kim
Kaufman, a sophomore
from Humboldt, said.

Color zones, which consist

of blue, red, yellow and
gold, will be marked with
the specific color on the top
of the sign.
Each sign is different,
Hultine said. For example,
yellow zones are generally restricted (appropriate
permit required) 8 a.m. to 4
p.m., Monday through Friday. In residence halls lots,
restrictions are generally
7 a.m. Monday through 5
p.m. Friday.
Abbey Snell, an alumna
from McPherson, commuted to campus last year. She
remembered the difficulty
of parking close to the recreation center, where she
often visited.
It was always a struggle
to find a spot in the recreation parking lot, Snell
said. I parked near, in
stadium parking too, and
it was a pretty long walk.
Sometimes, it was hard to
find a spot. On the bright
side, I did not receive any
parking tickets at my time
at KU.

Know your permit

How to deal with tickets

Students should
know the rules
with regard to
their own permit.
Donna Hultine
Director of Parking and

On campus, there are

many different traffic signs
that students need to keep
an eye out for. Signs state
at the top the lot number
and what kind of permit is
needed to park there, the
hours the lot is restricted.

With parking on campus

comes parking violations.
If a student gets a parking ticket, it can be paid
through the same parking
portal that a student buys a
pass through. Furthermore,
a student can file an appeal

File Photo/KANSAN
A parking ticket sits under the windshield wiper of a car on campus.

on a parking ticket.
If a student is new and
receiving their first parking
violation, they can take a
First Time Ticket Forgiveness Quiz for a chance to get
their first ticket fee waived.
Additionally, students
can also come into our office at 1501 Irving Hill Road
during office hours to pay
tickets in person, Hultine
To avoid getting a parking ticket, students are encouraged to look closely at
signs, and always park in
their designated areas.

Choosing a permit

can purchase a yellow, garage yellow, park and ride,
or carpool permit. Carpool
permits are new to the Fall
2016 semester, and allow
students in groups of three
or more individuals to park
in lot 52 or 61, or other student yellow zones. These
permits cost $229 per student.
Graduate students are
eligible to purchase an annual parking permit for the
Allen Fieldhouse garage for

$217. Students have to be

put on a waiting list to gain
this type of permit, however, and this typically takes
close to a year.
For students still wanting to purchase a pass,
permits are still available.
None of the yellow area permits have sold out yet.
Were still taking names
for lottery lists for all housing. Lotteries will be conducted Aug. 19, Hultine
said. Students should
watch their official KU
e-mail for notification.

Campus construction leads to updates in accessibility


As construction continues and new buildings

emerge, the ADA Resource
Center for Equity & Accessibility is working to ensure
that students of all abilities
can access the entire campus.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), initially
passed in 1990, received
updates in 2010 to ensure
greater design standards
for new buildings and renovations. According to Catherine Johnson, director of
the Universitys ADA office,
these standards provide for
accessible ramps, elevators,
lifts and more to accommodate students with a wide
range of abilities.
Were built into a hill,
so figuring out how to navigate the topography is a
huge challenge, Johnson

However, these standards only apply to structures

implemented after 2012, according to the ADA website.
Many of the Universitys
older buildings and historical buildings still remain
below standards of accessibility. But construction of
new dorms and buildings
such as the business school
along with renovations
to buildings like Summerfield Hall are improving the
landscape over time.
According to Johnson,
multiple offices are accountable for accessibility
in the construction process.
Many of these features are
obvious to contractors,
such as ramps and elevators, as well as accessible
bathrooms with full-size
stalls and lower sinks. But
not all disabilities are visible, and the Office of Design
& Construction Management (DCM) works with the

crews to highlight some of

the finer details.
Theres a requirement
in the 2010 standards for
auditoriums to have assistive listening systems,
Johnson said. And sometimes thats something
thats forgotten until its
pointed out.
Budig, Haworth and the
new Capitol Federal Hall
have all been outfitted with
assistive listening systems
to help people with hearing impairments in lecture
halls. These accommodations include an FM microphone system and an
induction looping system
installed in the floors and
ceilings of the venue, to
transmit audio from lecturers directly to students
hearing aids.
Johnson stressed the
importance of inclusivity
for all disabilities when designing new features. She
said this has been empha-

sized while creating and

modifying digital materials.
The ADA office aided in the
recent launch of Accessible
KU, an umbrella site for all
accessibility resources and
offices offered at KU. The
site includes a number of
visual resources, such as
accessibility maps, that are
still being updated in light
of ongoing construction.
Some of [the maps] are
old enough that they have
buildings that dont exist
on them anymore, Johnson said. Were all aware
of that and were working
on it.
Presently, Accessible KU
offers four separate maps
for main campus, west campus, parking and the Hawk
Route. The parking map is
the most recently updated,
since it includes the two
new dorms, but Johnson is
working to combine all four
into a single, comprehensive map.

The Hawk Route is

an accessible route connecting Sunnyside Avenue with Jayhawk Boulevard through a network of
ramps, elevators and tunnels. According to the ADA
office, the route is about
450 feet and guides users
both inside and outside
with signs labeled Hawk
Route, located along pathways and near automatic
doors and elevators. As of
now, the Hawk Route primarily utilizes those buildings in compliance with the
2010 standards.
Were working on making that route even more accessible, said Johnson.
Johnson said the ADA
office is creating video
guides to show people using the route. It is currently
being edited and will likely be rolled out in August.
The Hawk Route will also
be supplemented with an
audio script of the route so

people with visual impairments can download it as

a podcast and more easily
navigate campus.
While the Americans
with Disabilities Act requires campuses to comply with certain standards
of accessibility, it does not
provide any funding for
Universities to do so, Johnson said. The DCM has a
list of projects that are not
up to standards and sets
aside money for ADA projects, but its up to University leadership to determine
how that money is spent.
Some of our buildings
are older, so its a challenge to include every site
that someone might want
to access, she said. Every
building on campus needs
to be accessible. There is a
cost to keep in mind, but if
theres a building we know
that doesnt have an elevator, that has to be a top priority.




Twitter accounts you should follow right now


Social media has been

prevalent at the University
for years, but some students may not being using
it to its full potential.
Here are nine accounts that
any student should follow
to get the most out of their
college experience and data

The KU Union is a
gathering place for all
University students. It
hosts many opportunities to eat, shop, and
@KUunion currently
has 3,368 followers, and
is very active. It also
keeps its followers updated on other meeting
places around campus
and new buildings.







Perhaps their Twitter

handle, @newjayhawks,
says it all. The account
KU FYE is aimed at
helping new students
make the most of their
first year experience.
They currently have
Our Twitter account
allows us to uphold
our motto of helping
first-year students to
discover, engage, and
belong by sharing resources and establishing
connections in the KU
community, said Cornelius Baker, the Education Program Assistant
for Office of First-Year

KU Athletics, @KUAthletics, has 165,006 followers. These followers

are students, alumni,
and fans from around
the world. The KU Athletics Twitter account
serves as a hub for all
of KUs separate sports
accounts. Followers of
KU Athletics will view
schedules, behind the
scenes, and the stats of
their favorite team.

Hot Box Cookies is a

student favorite, which
could explain their
13,017 followers. Their
Twitter account serves
three cities, Lawrence
included. Followers can
tag along for free cookie
opportunities, and good
deals throughout the
school year. Hot Box
Cookies is located at
1200 Oread Ave.

@KUnews is the official

Twitter account for
the University. Its bio
states, The University
of Kansas lifts students
and society by educating leaders, building
healthy communities
and making discoveries
that change the world.
This Twitter account
covers all of these
attributes for its 60,399
followers, by updating
them on academics,
opportunities, and KU
The main goal of
KUs university-level
social media accounts
is connecting with
people and compelling
them to engage with the
KU story, said Erinn
Director for News and
Media Relations.

Instead of following
every restaurant near
the University,
@freefoodatku does it
for you. Free Food at
KU updates their 7,983
followers whenever, and
wherever, there is free
food around campus.

@KUSenate tweets about upcoming changes to the
University. They also keep followers up to date on
when and where to vote, which is critical during election season. KU Senate has 2,207 followers.

For daily news on
whats happening on
campus and in the
Lawrence area, students
can follow the Kansan
on all its social media
Twitter: @KansanNews
and @KansanSports
Facebook: /theKansan
Snapchat: Kansan.News
Instagram: @UniversityDailyKansan

Bert Nash and CAPS relationship secure despite cuts


Bert Nash, the Lawrence

community mental health
center, is feeling the impact of state funding cuts to
mental health services. On
July 1, with the beginning
of the new fiscal year, the
center lost nearly $1 million
of its $11.5 million budget,
CEO Dave Johnson said in
an email.
In May, to balance the
state operating budget, Gov.

Sam Brownback cut funding for the state Medicaid

program by four percent.
The reduction amounted
to a loss of $30 million in
funding for mental health
hospitals across the state.
Even with the loss in
funding, however, the relationship between Bert Nash
and Counseling and Psychological Services at the
University will not change,
Johnson said. During the
student fee review process
for the 2016-17 school year,

members of Student Senate

approved a $1.60 increase
in funding provided to Bert
Johnson said the increase will allow Bert Nash
to maintain the services
provided to University students, which include medical evaluations for more
serious mental health conditions which CAPS is not
equipped to treat.
CAPS Director Mike
Maestas confirmed in an
email that he was not aware

of any impacts on the relationship between Bert Nash

and CAPS due to state cuts.
Nashs Medicaid health
home program, Bert Nash
Health Connections, felt
the most impact from the
cuts, and positions within the program have been
eliminated or reassigned.
The health home program
was formed with the goal of
improving how care is coordinated for patients with
both mental and chronic

medical conditions.
In addition to the reduction in the state Medicaid
funding, Brownback also
vetoed a provision in the
state Department of Aging and Disability Services
which required mental
health centers such as Bert
Nash to screen patients
seeking admission to Kansas two mental health hospitals.
The elimination of the
screening program not only
means a loss of revenue, it

means more people waiting

for hospital beds, more admissions, and fewer people
diverted to more appropriate care, Johnson said
in the email. We are and
will continue to do everything within our means to
see that people get the care
they need [...] Still, cuts of
this magnitude will be felt
by consumers and staff.
Edited by Candice

Get out of the classroom and into LFK


School can make some

students a little stir-crazy.
The stresses of the classroom can stack up when
most of ones day is spent at
a desk. When stress is high,
it can be tempting to lay
down for a nap or throw on
some Netflix, but going outside and doing something
active can be can be rewarding and relaxing.
For those looking to golf,
disc golf, skate, bike, jog or
even just relax under a tree,
Lawrence has a great many
options to choose from. For
those of a more adventurous
nature, theres Clinton State
Park, just west of the city.
Roger Steinbrock, marketing coordinator for Lawrence Parks and Recreation,
said there are various trails
and parks within Lawrence
that may be of interest to
We have 54 parks that
community spaces to simple playgrounds, Steinbrock said.
Popular locations include Centennial Park by
Iowa Street, which features
a disc golf course and skate
park, as well as Riverfront
Park, which also has a disc
golf course, Steinbrock said.
South Park on both
sides of Massachusetts
Street is another popular
park for college students,
he said. We often see students throwing Frisbee or
playing catch there.
Steinbrock said Holcom
Park is a good option for
those looking to play baseball, kickball, handball or
Holcom Park is more of
a traditional park. Our adult
recreation leagues play
baseball and kickball there,

as well as tennis. It also has

a recreation center, which is
open to the public, Steinbrock said.
For those looking to get
some cardio the old fashioned way, the trails and
paths around Lawrence may
be of interest.
Were very trail-rich
here in the community,
Steinbrock said.
One of the things Parks
and Recreation is trying to
do is connect all of the trails
around Lawrence, Steinbrock said. It is a project
theyve dubbed the Lawrence Loop.
Were about 13 miles
short of connecting them,
Steinbrock said. Once its
complete well have an entire loop that will basically
circle the city. Many of the
parks will be included in the
loop as well, so people will
be able to move between
various parks.
Steinbrock said many
of the trails can be used to
skate and bike as well. Those
who prefer park skating also
have a number of options to
choose from.

Were very trailrich here in the

Roger Steinbrock
Marketing coordinator
for Lawrence Parks and

We have skateparks at
a few of the parks, for those
interested in skateboarding.
Theres one over at Centennial Park, and another at
Deerfield Park. Theres also
one at Holcom park, which
is more of a beginners area,
Steinbrock said.
While the outdoor swim-

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Mikey Wagner and Kevin C. skate at Centennial Park, west of Iowa St. and between 9th and 6th St.. It offers disc golf, paths, and other amenities.

ming season will be ending

soon, Lawrence has year
round options, as well as
an exciting opportunity for
those with furry friends.
The outdoor aquatic
center will be shutting down
around Labor Day, but we
have an indoor aquatic center as well. The indoor facility is currently getting a
new air conditioner, but it
will open up on Sept. 6 with
the fall hours, Steinbrock
said. One exciting thing
we do on the last day for
the outdoor aquatic center
is the Pooch Plunge, which
is kind of a unique feature.
People can bring their dogs
and swim from four to seven
on that day, which is the day
after Labor day.
Steinbrock said there are
also two parks for dog owners which include Mutt Run
by the Clinton Lake dam
and one in Riverfront Park.

If you tee it up instead of

chucking a disc, there are a
number of golf courses scattered throughout Lawrence.
This includes the city operated Eagle Bend golf course
near Clinton Lake.
Eagle Bend is an 18 hole
course with different sets
of tees ranging from yellow
to championship. A lot of
times golf courses are set
around neighborhoods. Eagle Bend is different because
its out in nature. Theres a
lot of wildlife to be observed,
including some wild turkeys
that hang around the area,
Steinbrock said.
If fishing, hiking, camping or even Nordic skiing
is more your thing, Clinton
State Park is a short drive
west of Lawrence.
Manager Bruce Husman
said there are many trails
throughout the park, as well

as plenty of camping and

fishing options.
We have 22 miles of hiking and biking trails, some
of which get pretty rough.
We also have some cross
country skiing trails on
the north side of the park.
None of which are too difficult, most are green level
difficulty, Husman said.
There are ample fishing areas around the lake. Crappie
and walleye can be caught in
Clinton Lake. Theres also a
trout fishing pond.
Husman said there are
also swimming beaches
around the lake.
There are two beaches on the lake. The Corps
of Engineers has the more
popular beach, which is the
larger one. Our beach is a
bit smaller, and its located
just off the main road down
a flight of steps.
In addition to fishing

and hiking, Husman said

there are 383 camping
sites around the park, 214
of which have water and
electricity, 169 of which are
primitive sites.
Prices for the sites are
$11, $19 and $21. Three
tents or one camping unit
can be placed on any of
those sites, Husman said.
Beyond camping, hiking and fishing, Husman
said there is also an archery
range and sand volleyball
areas around the park.
If youre itching to learn
more about recreation opportunities in Lawrence
or out at the lake, visit the
Lawrence Parks & Rec website,, or
the Clinton State Park web
Edited by Brendan




Newly-appointed Provost Neeli Bendapudi

looks to use role to give back to the University

When newly-appointed
Provost Neeli Bendapudi
concluded her presentation for the vacant position
in April, she showed audience members her fathers
47-year-old University ID
to demonstrate what the
University has meant to her
and her family.
This is why KU means a
lot to me. I want to do this
genuinely, because it transformed my life, my familys
life, and if I get this opportunity, all I can tell you is
my heart and soul will go
into this job, she said to
the audience.
Now that Bendapudi has
officially been approved as
provost and executive vice
chancellor, a role which
she assumed on July 1, she
wants to use the office to
give back to the University.
Bendapudi, who previously served as dean of
business, is the oldest of
three children and grew up
in a small town in south
India. She said her father
decided to obtain his doctorate around the time she
was five.
We knew that he was
going somewhere far away,
and honestly did not know
where it was or what it was.
But he came to KU, she
said. He had choices, interestingly. It couldve been
Iowa, Wisconsin, or [the
University of Texas], but he
picked KU and he made the
best choice possible, in my
Later, Bendapudi and
the senior lecturer in the
School of Business, had the
opportunity to return to the
University and obtain their

graduate degrees. During

that time, she said they
served as the University
host couple, a former program in which a married
couple lived in the Chancellors guest house and hosted the most distinguished
guests to visit the University.
Every way KU could
help us, they did. So then
you feel like youve got to
give back to KU, she said.
Ive been able to communicate that with a small group
of people. Now I have a bigger platform from which to
share it.
One of her first priorities will be addressing student retention, Bendapudi
said. She said it is essential
to create a pipeline for the
future regarding low retention rates within marginalized populations.
Students come first in
my book. Thats the reason
for being a university. The
biggest thing that I see for
our students: when student
retention is low, it hurts
the students a lot, she
said. Our chancellor really believes in it as well, so
weve worked our priorities
together and weve talked
about it. Shes [told] me,
absolutely, go do this.

Diversity is
actually a core
value of mine.
Its not even a
priority, it comes
down to values.
Neeli Bendapudi

Another priority for

Bendapudi will be furthering campus discussion on

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Now-Provost Neeli Bendapudi gives a presentation on her candidacy for the position. Bendapudi took office on July 1.

issues relating to diversity,

equity and inclusion. She
said the role of provost begins with supporting the
work that so many people
have done so much for.
Diversity is actually a
core value of mine. Its not
even a priority, it comes
down to values, she said.
of the identities they hold,
irrespective of who they
are, what background they
come from, theyre a Jayhawk.
In addition to continuing discussions of diversity, as well as continuing
the work completed by
the Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion Committee last
semester, Bendapudi said
she wants to work with
members of the Multicultural Student Government,
which was vetoed by Chan-

cellor Bernadette Gray-Little in May.

We need to look at
bringing the key people to
the table. We need to keep
in mind what the objective
is that were working toward, she said. Clearly,
[a Multicultural Student
Government is] not the viable option, is what we were
told. That doesnt mean
those objectives dont matter anymore. What I will
be focusing on is, what is
the problem were trying
to solve and are there other
ways to get there?
Sara Rosen, who has
held the provost position
on an interim basis since
January, said in an email
that Bendapudi possesses
a great deal of positive energy that will serve the campus well.
Rosen said her greatest

accomplishment during her

interim tenure was furthering diversity, equity and inclusion discussions.
During the past semester, our campus experienced a great deal of turmoil around diversity and
inclusion through protest
and activism. I was able to
hear the concerns from students, faculty, and staff and
to mobilize the campus to
develop significant plans to
move the campus forward
in diversity and inclusion,
she said in the email. We
have much work to do to
create a truly safe environment that is inclusive for all
students, staff, and faculty to live, learn, work, and
grow. We are committed to
doing so.
Rosen left the University
in July after accepting the
position of dean of the col-

lege of arts and sciences at

Georgia State University.
Bendapudi said she
wants to ensure the continuation of the Universitys
strengths in her new role,
including the dedication of
faculty and staff and comfort of students within their
respective communities.
Whenever you come
into any new organization,
its what are we doing now
that we need to keep doing?
What are things were doing now that we should get
rid of? What are things that
we dont do that we need
to make sure that we dont
do? she said. I think that
KU does so many things
very, very well.

First Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

looks to make the University a model for the nation

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Professor Jennifer Hamer, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a new position in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.


Jennifer Hamer has

been named the Associate
Dean for Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion, a new position in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. She
assumed the role on July 1.
The decision to create
a specific job with the purpose of recognizing and
solving problems in the
area of diversity, equity,
and inclusion came about
when Carl Lejuez, dean of
liberal arts & sciences, felt
that there was need for improvement.
Supporting diversity in
the University setting has

been an important focus for

me throughout my career,
Lejuez said. When I arrived last spring, students,
faculty and staff were making their voices heard about
our universitys climate,
and I took those concerns
seriously, he said.
Hamer began working
in her field at the University of Illinois as the head
of the Department of African-American
While there, she coordinated three projects that
dealt with diversity, race,
and building academic programs.
She has also been involved in several journals,

the topic of which include

women, gender, families
of color, black women, and
race and society. Hamer
has most recently spent five
years at the University as a
professor and faculty member.
This kind of work has
been part of my portfolio,
formally and informally,
probably since I came into
the Academy, Hamer said.
Hamer believes that her
passion and her own family
inspire her to continue this
line of work.
African-American, from a military working-class
background, Hamer said. The

experiences of my own
family, and not just my immediate family, but my extended family, really moved
me to be a person that made
a difference.
Hamer said she thinks
that while the role is a necessity, the work is truly the
important factor in her position. She emphasized that
there is room for growth
both on campus and in our
society as a whole.
I hope that the position
elevates the work enough,
that people have the will to
do better. I do know that
this is a moment that we
do have an opportunity to
move forward in a real and

meaningful way, Hamer

Hamer is excited to begin her work and has a main
goal in mind. She hopes to
establish an opportunity for
faculty, staff, and students
to become educated in the
areas of diversity, equity
and inclusion.
I think our starting
point is our faculty, staff,
we understand how to do
things better, than were
better able to move students in that direction,
Hamer said.
Hamer plans to focus on
making sure people understand what the expectations

are in terms of their behavior, and in an academic setting. She believes that the
University can accomplish
what none has done before.
We actually can be a
model, not just for the region, but for the nation,
Hamer said. If everyone is
willing to be a community
and be a college where everyone, regardless of race,
ethnicity, sexuality, gender,
gender identity, economic
class, regardless of whether youre first generation or
third generation, that you
know that when you come
to KU, that were here to
support you.

Keep this until finals week and receive

free wings from Jeffersons!





A guide to Student Senate


Stephonn Alcorn

Gabby Naylor

Danny Summers

Senior from
Gardner, Kan.
Studying finance

Senior from
Providence, R.I.
Studying accounting
with an emphasis in
information systems

Senior from Mission Hills,

Studying political science
and English with a minor
in philosophy

Dalton Willey

Connor Birzer

Allyssa Castilleja
Senior from Olathe, Kan.
Studying accounting

Senior from Ellinwood, Kan.

Studying political science
and communications

Junior from Salina, Kan.

Studying political science

Photos courtesy of Student Senate

$59.70 (13.12%)

$16.00 (3.5%)

Building Fee - $41.00

Burge Union Fee - $18.70

$62.50 (13.7%)


Operations - $44.00
Sports Clubs - $4.00
Facilities & Maintenance
- $2.50
Recreation Center
expansion bond $12.00


$14.15 (3.1%)


All students pay a student fee
in addition to tuition. This year
the student fee is



$156.95 (34%)

$94.20 (20.7%)

Counseling &
Psychological Services
(CAPS) - $27.40

Bus Purchases - $25.85

Bert Nash - $1.60

Operations - $52.05

Facilities, Maintenance &

Equipment - $3.50

Safe Ride/Safe Bus $16.30

Operations - $124.45


Any senator can author
a bill,but it must be sponsored by at least one other
senator. Technically, an unlimited number of senators
can be sponsors on that bill.
Once a bill is drafted
and sponsored, it is sent

to the Student Body Vice

President, who assigns it to
be heard in two of the four
For example, if a bill
gives funding for a project
in the Asian American Studies Program, it would likely

be assigned to the Finance

and Multicultural Affairs
Committees. The legislation
is then heard in both committees, and it must pass
both by a simple majority
before it can be heard by
Full Senate.

If the bill passes both

committees, the Student
Body Vice President will
then put it on the schedule
to be debated at Full Senate
the next week.
With the exception of
a few types of bills, every-

thing must again pass by a

simple majority of senators
present before it moves on
to the Student Body President.
Legislation code: a bill
is a piece of legislation that
allocates funding, creates a

program, etc. A resolution

is essentially Senate giving
its opinion on something in
the news, like a controversial piece of legislation in
the Kansas Legislature, or
something the University itself has done.

Source: Student senate rules and regulations




Contributed Photo
Dylan Jones, a sophomore from Wichita, spent his summer campaigning for Gene Suellentrop, a Kansas senate candidate.

Sophomore spends summer on the campaign trail


In late summer 2015,

Dylan Jones, like many
Jayhawks, found himself
on Daisy Hill facing his first
year of college. Like most,
Jones wasnt quite sure
where he was going, but he
was excited for the paths his
new adventure would take
him on.
Jones found his home
with the University group
a primarily conservative
group of students that discuss and promote the Republican party on campus.
Jones was also involved in
Student Senate as a finance
During the spring semester, Jones accepted an
internship with State Representative Jerry Lunn,
and this summer, he helped

campaign for Gene Suellentrop, who was elected as

the Republican nominee for
Kansas State Senate District
27 in the Aug. 2 primary.
Toward the end of his
first semester on campus,
Jones attended an internship fair. Though he was
studying economics and
political science, he came in
with an open mindset.
I was looking toward
something involving business and economics, Jones
said. When I met Jerry
(Lunn), we hit it off and I
found out I could receive
credit for the internship.
It was just something I
couldnt turn down.
It was from shadowing
and working with Lunn that
Jones heard about Suellentrops senate campaign
in his hometown of Wichita, KS. Following the internship with Lunn, Jones

connected with Suellentrop

and was hired for the summer.
If someone would have
told me on move-in day that
I would get an internship at
the Capitol, and then campaign for Gene, I would
have probably called them
crazy, Jones said.
For 12 to 14 hours a day,
Joness job on the campaign
trail consisted of knocking
on the doors of all registered Republican voters in
the district and finding out
the issues that concerned
them, as well as rallying
support for Suellentrop.
I knew that we would
be working very hard almost every day in 100 degree heat. Besides that, I
didnt know what to really
expect. I knocked on over
3,000 doors just by myself
and each time someone different answered with some-

thing new to say, Jones

said. It took some time to
develop expectations.
Suellentrops campaign
manager, Chase Blasi, said
the day-to-day campaigning of a state race is different than that of a national
Local elections impact
the people far more than
national and state elections, he said. It is a lot of
reaching out to family and
friends, and direct face-toface communication.
One challenge that the
Suellentrop campaign faced
was campaigning for an
open seat in the state Senate. The current senator in
the district, Les Donovan,
held his seat for over two
decades before announcing
he would not seek reelection.
Normally there is an incumbent privilege. With an

open seat, lots of people will

challenge you, Blasi said.
This year is an anti-incumbent year in the presidential
election. So it was the greatest asset for our campaign
to not be an incumbent.
Unlike a large, nation-wide presidential campaign, Jones has enjoyed
connecting personally with
the people he interacts with
daily. He and several of
his co-workers live in the
district Suellentrop is campaigning for.
My boss tells me that
campaigning is like your
first child, Jones said.
When you win, you love it
for life. If you lost, you just
lost your first child.
Blasi said the hard work
of a campaign results in
either great excitement or
great sadness on Election
[The campaign work-

ers] spent the last 2 months

dedicated to campaigning
in the 100 degree weather.
It is usually a huge relief but
involves a lot of high anxiety, Blasi said. It all can
be a huge success or a huge
Jones and his coworkers were not disappointed.
Suellentrop won the primary election by 105 votes, securing 51% of the votes over
opponent Lori Graham,
4,045 to 3,946.
After working on the
campaign, Jones said he
has learned valuable lessons that cant be taught in
the classroom; primarily:
hard work pays off.
This has all taught me
that focus and motivation
is all key, Jones said. Half
the battle is getting out the
door and starting.




Universities strive to provide

welcoming living environments for
their students, however institutions
have not always thought outside of
the gender binary.
Vanessa Delgado
Assistant coordinator for SGD

File Photo/KANSAN
The exterior of Lewis Hall. The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity and Student Housing have worked together to provide gender-inclusive housing in Lewis for the fall semester.

Gender-inclusive housing now available at Lewis


To better serve students

who dont identify on the
gender binary, the University will be implementing
gender inclusive housing,
starting this fall.
Due to the efforts of Student Housing and the Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity, Lewis Hall
will reserve a small amount
of four-person suites for
students who wish to opt
out of gender-binary housing.
The housing change was
sparked when the SGD expressed concerns to student
housing officials about students feeling marginalized
in campus housing.
I asked that a group of
our staff work with SGD to
look into it. They connected
with students through SGD
and through our housing
government groups last
year to assess the situation and get a sense for the
scope of the needs and how

to best meet those need,

said Diana Robertson, director of student housing.
Vanessa Delgado, the
assistant coordinator for
SGD, believes that universities across the nation are
putting forth effort to be
accommodating to all students, but there is still progress to be made.
Universities strive to
provide welcoming living
environments for their students, however institutions
have not always thought
outside of the gender binary, Delgado said.
Delgado said that University students have been
active in the discussion
for change, not only in the
realm of housing, but other
facilities as well.
Our students have advocated for gender-inclusive spaces for many years,
whether that is in housing
or in restrooms across campus. This is a monumental
step for the inclusion of our
students who do not identify within the gender bina-

ry, Delgado said.

So far, there are only a
few units reserved exclusively for gender-inclusive
housing. The suites will
consist of two bedrooms
with bunk beds in each, as
well as one bathroom and
living area per suite. They
will remain the same as all
other four-person suites in
Lewis Hall. Robertson said
she is excited about the interest in them.
Were pleased to have
two students assigned so
far. We dont know yet if all
the units will fill, she said.
Overall, Delgado is excited about the mutual effort and accomplishment
of both SGD and student
The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity is
proud to have worked with
KU student housing on this
initiative. Student housing
has made great strides in
making our university more
inclusive and the Center is
thankful to have such great
allies on campus.

While SGD and Student Housing are content

with the progress they have
made, they still look forward to seeing their plan
come to fruition during the
fall semester.
The Center is excited to

help Student Housing in the

implementation stages and
to serve as a resource to all
residents and undergraduate, graduate and professional staff, Delgado said.
We are looking forward to
telling incoming trans and
queer students about this

new option, in hopes that

they will know that they are
valued at KU.
For more information
about how to be placed in
gender inclusive housing,
contact Student Housing at




Alex Robinson/KANSAN
The exterior of the David A. Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center, commonly known as the rec. Use of the Ambler Center is included in the required student fee.

A breakdown of student services at the University


From tutoring to doctors

visits, the University offers
many services to students.
Here are some that firstyear students should know

The Academic Achievement and Access Centers
main goal is to help students reach their maximum
potential, such as having
equal access to activities,
events, facilities and classes. The AAAC offers numerous programs and services
for students to enhance
their academic experience,
including tutoring services,
student strategy consultations, group workshops
and supplemental instructions. The AAAC is located
in Strong Hall Room 22. It
is open Monday through
Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Emily Taylor Center

The Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender
Equity is designed to help
create leadership and advocacy of gender equity. The
center provides assistance
and advocacy to students
of all genders, and also also
extends its services to students at the Edwards campus, parents, and the community. ETC services and
appointments are private.
The ETC is located in 4024
Wescoe Hall.

Watkins Health
Watkins Health Services
provides students medical care and outreach programs. It is accessible to all
students at the University.
Watkins features its own
pharmacy, where students
can transfer their prescriptions from their hometowns, and receive counsel-

ing from pharmacists about

medication. It is also home
to the Universitys Counseling and Psychological Services, where students can
make appointments with
psychiatrists and psychologists. Watkins also provides
STD testing and gynecological services.
Watkins Health Services
is located at 1200 Schwegler
Drive, and is open Monday
through Friday, 8:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m., and Saturday,
12:00 to 4:00 p.m. Walk-in
hours are from 8 a.m. to 3
p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday 12 p.m. to
4 p.m.

Student Involvement
and Leadership Center
The Student Involvement and Leadership Center (SILC) is where student
groups and clubs are organized and run, including
Greek life. For ways to get
involved, visit their office,
which is located in room
400 on the fourth floor of
the Kansas Union.

Center for Sexuality

and Gender Diversity
The center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity provides information
and support for LGBTQ+
students and allies. The
SGD provides sensitivity
training, academic-related resources, events and
programming, information
and news about upcoming
events and support services
in Lawrence and on campus. The SGD is located in
the Student Union, within
the SILC.

Recreation Center
The Ambler Student
Recreation Fitness Center,
also known simply as the
the rec, is a physical fitness center where students
can join intramural sports,

classes, and personal training.

The rec is located at 1740
Watkins Center Drive, and
is currently on its summer
hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday through Friday,
and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on
the weekends. The building
will resume its normal
hours starting Sunday,
Aug. 21. Check online
at for
updates on the schedule.

Office of Multicultural
The Office of Multicultural Affairs offers resources for underrepresented
populations on campus,
as well as educational programming for all students
on campus. The office offers
enrichment programs and
services such as Hawk Link,
Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP), and Initiative
for Maximizing Student
Development (IMSD). The
OMA also brings in guest
speakers in the areas of
social justice, such as Opal
Tometi, co-founder of the
#BlackLivesMatter social
movement, who visited
campus last year. The OMA
is located in the Sabatini Multicultural Resource
Center at 1299 Oread Avenue.

Sexual Assault
Prevention and
Education Center
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center provides students with
information about sexual
assault and consent.. Students can attend Bringing
in the Bystander training
sessions, which are available until September 29th.
Students can also volunteer
at SAPEC as a peer educator or campus/community
partner educator. SAPEC is
located in room 116 in Carruth-OLeary hall.

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
The exterior of the Sabatini Mulitcultural Resource Center, which houses the Office of Multicultural Affairs.




Illustration by Jake Kaufmann

What your advisors want you to know


The University of Kansas can sometimes be difficult to navigate, and its

not just because of the
hills. At an institution as
big as the University, creating and following through
with an academic plan can
be daunting, especially for
first year students.
But whether youre still
deciding on a major or just
need a shoulder to cry on,
there are people on campus
to answer your questions
and guide you to success:
Samantha Raines is a
2005 University graduate
and now works as Coordinator of Student Services,
Academic Advising and
Admissions, and Course
Scheduling Officer in the
Design Department. Raines
has worked in various departments at the University for 11 years and said she
sees how easy it is for students to get overwhelmed
at such a large institution.
I think what first-year
students really have a culture shock with is the size
of the University. I think
that really, that concerns

them at first, Raines said.

They go into their bigger
classes like psychology that
are in the huge lecture hall
in Budig, some math classes are taught like that, and
its just a little intimidating
for them.
Raines said the solution
she stresses to students is
to find a group that you can
stick to and call your own
throughout your time on
What I try and stress
with the group is that
youre at a relatively large
University, but your group,
your cohort that youre going to move through with,
thats going to be your
group moving through for
the whole four years, give
or take, and that is kind of
a nice thing to hold on for
them, Raines said. Yes,
youre going to have those
big, scary lecture halls and
you may feel like a number,
but youre not a number to
us and youre not a number
to your peers.
Valerie Kutchko is a
fifth-year senior at the
University who has had
experience transferring to
the University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Johnson Community College and back to

the University. She is now a

peer advisor at the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Kutchko said in addition
to making connections for
personal comfort, students
should try to take advantage of networking while
theyre in college.
I think that one of the
best things for students to
do is to get in touch with
people in their classes,
their professors, their TAs,
everybody, Kutchko said.
As much as networking
sucks, if you make a good
contact with someone else,
I can almost guarantee that
they have someone else
they can connect you to
that can help you in another area.
Raines said regardless of
a students major, making
professional connections
are a huge benefit.
What I think design
and art and architecture
and theatre and film and
the business world, even,
have in common is that its
all about networking, she
said. You can get lucky,
but its also who you know.
When it comes to planning a class schedule, Kutchko said she often sees
students coming in unpre-

pared, which can mean it

takes a little bit longer to
get the ball rolling in an advising appointment.
What she recommends
is that students take the
initiative to do a bit of research on their own part, so
the advisor isnt spending
the first half of the appointment updating someone on
their own information.
Actually a little bit of
prep on the students part
is going to get them a long
way in terms of feeling out
their idea a bit more and
having that advisor as a
sounding board or someone who can connect them
to other resources, Kutchko said.
Raines said that she
wants students to know its
okay not to know everything, but that if they want
to succeed, they need to ask
questions and be persistent
in getting the right answer.
I always tell students
I dont have mind-reading
capabilities, thats not been
bestowed upon me, so if
you dont tell me whats going on with you, I cant help
you, I cant fix something
or guide you in the right
direction if I dont know
you need that assistance,

Raines said.
Raines said one thing
she always tells her students is that they should
know their rights.
If you dont know what
is available to you, you cant
get the most out of your experience and your time,
Raines said.
Some of the the services
student might not realize
are available to them are
the options to take a class
as Credit/No Credit or the
repeat option.
Taking a class Credit/No
Credit means a student will
receive credit for a class
as long as they receive a C
or higher. This prevents a
low grade from damaging a
students GPA. The repeat
option allows students to
retake a class in which they
received a D or F and replace that score with a better grade in their GPA.
Raines said these options are a great resource
for students.
I know its more money, but in the long haul, this
is the time to correct that.
And theyre not thinking
about grad school, theyre
not thinking about the next
step, but it could really affect it, Raines said.

Although its important

to plan proactively for the
future, Kutchko said she
wants students to know
that its very rare to have it
all figured out, especially in
their first year.
Its okay, most of us
are always going to be deciding, Kutchko said. I
think people that come into
college and know what they
want to do already are extremely fortunate, but most
of us dont fall into that
group so its okay to dabble a bit and change your
plans, its okay to change
your plans when youre in
your third or fourth year of
Raines said whether its
problems with school or
problems elsewhere, advisors are there to help students through the trials and
tribulations of the college
I always make a joke
that this box of Kleenexes is always here, Raines
said. No matter what it is,
if youre roommate is driving you crazy, if youre dead
tired and exhausted and
need to just cry it out before
you go to studio, its okay.

Common legal problems and how the University can help


The University offers advising services for students

on nearly all legal matters,
ranging from taxes, landlord-tenant conflict resolution and drug and alcohol offenses. The services
are housed in room 212 of
Green Hall, the University
School of Law.
Services are funded
through required campus
fees, which are set by Student Senate and approved
by Chancellor Bernadette
Gray-Little each spring. For
the 2016-17 school year,
$16 of the fee will be dedicated towards funding the
services, which advise students on nearly any legal
Bill Larzalere, chief litigation attorney for the Legal Services Office, breaks
down the issues the office
advises on frequently.

Larzalere said one of the
bigger services the office
advises students on is filing
taxes. He said the issue is
seasonal, and the office often provides assistance to
international students.
There are more and

more international students on campus, so we set

up workshops in Budig Hall
to help them, and we have
appointments come here.
There are over 2,000 international students on campus, and even if theyre not
working, there are certain
forms they have to file, so
we do that a lot for them,
he said.

Landlord-Tenant Issues
The top everyday issue
the office advises students
on, Larzalere said, is disputes between students and
their landlords. He said the
office sees hundreds of cases every year, which mainly
focus on the return of security deposits.
Any time you move
into an apartment, if they
dont ask for a deposit, I
walk away from the place,
he said. That would be my
advice. Theyre very likely
going to, at the end of your
lease, still charge you for
something. But you dont
have a deposit down at that
point, so you really dont
have a lot of leverage, so
they send a bill to you, your
cosigners or your guarantors.
He said at that point,

students are required to

pay the extra charges, or
face a negative credit report
from the landlord, which
can cause problems for students in the future in terms
of purchasing cars or houses, or applying for loans.
Most of the large complexes in town do not take
students to court when they
dont pay their bills at the
end of the lease. Instead,
they send them a letter
saying, Hey, were going
to turn you over to a collection agency and theres going to be a negative credit
report, he said.

in Strong Hall, he said.

They can take additional
action, including canceling
your contract if youre in
the dorms.
He said issues with fake
IDs also arise for students
who visit a friend at the
dorms and accidentally
hand desk assistants a fake
Not a smart thing to
do, because the desk person feels theyre obligated,
because of their job, to call
the KU police if they dont
believe it is a real ID, he
said. Then the KU police

come, they see there is a

fake ID, then they go knock
on the dorm and the person
is charged with a fake ID.

Advising Services
Legal Services for Students can advise and provide representation students on nearly any legal
issue, Larzalere said, except for issues involving
two University students or
issues involving a student
and University officials.
When its a KU problem, we can give advice, but
we cant represent them,

he said. If its a problem

outside of KU, we can go
to court and can represent.
If it involves KU, I can give
advice that is confidential,
but I cant go to a conduct
hearing with that person.
If a student needs a mediator between the University and themselves, Larzalere said they can utilize
the University Ombuds Office. The office serves as an
impartial party and works
with the student and University officials to find amicable solutions.

Alcohol related
Larzalere said issues
of minors being charged
with possession of alcohol
often coincide with fake
IDs. However, the process
for students is different,
depending on whether the
violation occurred on or off
If you get charged with
a criminal charge on campus, you will also face a
conduct hearing. Even a
minor in possession charge,
if thats on campus or in the
dorm, you will also have a
conduct hearing that will be
held with conduct officers

File Photo/KANSAN
A student recieves advice from Legal Services for Students.




Liston: What to expect at KU

D isc o v er the P o s SI bilities


si. k u . e


Supplemental Instruction (SI) provides peerfacilitated study sessions to all students in

specific large lecture classes. The following
list identifies the Fall 2016 courses in which
Supplemental Instruction will be provided:

File Photo/KANSAN
Students forming a counter-protest around the preacher known as Brother Jeb, right.


Although I have lived

in Lawrence since I was in
fourth grade, I never truly
experienced the University
community until I moved
onto campus last year. As a
local, I thought I would not
be surprised by anything
while walking around campus. Yet even as a local and
a die-hard KU sports fan,
life at the University was
different than I had imagined. Below I have laid out
expectations for those who
are new to campus.
Expectation Number One:
Sore Calf Muscles
The campuss hills are
one of the most apparent issues all students face. While
I had run these hills several
times prior to attending KU
for high school cross-country practice, walking up
them with a backpack full of
books is somehow more arduous. Unless you are lucky

enough to catch the bus

every day before class (you
wont), you will encounter
these hills and work up a
sweat on the way to class.
Expectation Number Two:
Wescoe Beach Sermons
If you are unfamiliar
with Wescoe Beach, you
will certainly be aware of it
within the coming weeks.
Wescoe Beach is the open
area in front of Wescoe
Hall. It is also where many
groups like to set up tables
and assault you with flyers for upcoming events
or promotions. The most
memorable occurrences on
Wescoe Beach are the sermons from religious groups
around the area. Most of
these sermons take the
form of people telling students they are sinners and
will be punished in the afterlife.
Expectation Number Three:
Obsessed KU Basketball

Few sports teams in the

area can match the success
of the KU mens basketball team. Prior to game
day, students camp out in
groups for hours on end
at Allen Fieldhouse to receive a number that determines the order they will
enter The Phog on game
day. Groups lucky enough
to receive a coveted lower number rush into Allen
Fieldhouse before any other students and take the
first rows of seats behind
the goals. If you have never
experienced a KU basketball game, prepare to be
energized. Allen Fieldhouse
fills up every game, and the
crowd support has made it
one of the toughest arenas
for opposing teams.

tions and other projects.

Just when you think all of
the construction is complete, some new project is
beginning, chain link fences go up and students have
to find alternate routes to
maneuver campus. I must
admit, though, that the resulting upgrades to campus
have been high quality.

Expectation Number Four:

Endless Construction
around campus is beautiful, much of it is constantly
being torn up to make way
for new buildings, renova-

Ryan Liston is a
sophomore from Lawrence
studying Journalism.

Expectation Number Five:

You Will Love It Here
The University is a place
where all people can find a
niche. The vast amount of
opportunities afforded to us
as students allows everyone
to have a unique experience
and discover new passions.
Almost everyone who has
attended the University is
proud to be a Jayhawk.



ACCT 200

Tim Shaftel

ARCH 605

Shannon Criss

ASTR 191

Bruce Twarog

ATMO 220

David Braaten

BIOL 100

Brad Williamson and Gerrit de Boer

BIOL 240

Victor Gonzalez

BIOL 241

Victor Gonzalez

CE 310

Remy Lequesne

CLSX 148

Tara Welch

ECON 142

Brian Staihr

ECON 144

Brian Staihr

GEOL 101

Noah McLean

ME 312

Peter TenPas

PHIL 140

Erin Frykholm

PHIL 150

Armin Schulz

PHIL 160

Lara Giordano

PHIL 160

Ben Eggleston

PHIL 310

Corey Maley

POLS 110

Mark Joslyn

POLS 170

Alan Arwine

POLS 306

Gail Buttorff

Wescoe 4017

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TUESDAY, AUG. 16, 2016 | VOLUME 132 ISSUE 01



Lawrence is known for its active

and often eccentric arts community
as well as the unique culture
throughout the city. The Arts and
Culture section in the Kansan is an
embodiment of it all. The section
regularly features local artists and
their work, along with the latest
and greatest in music.
Inside this issue youll find a
behind-the-scenes look at Professor
Tanya Hartman and how she uses
art to tell stories of refugees and
war, how an alumnus has spent
his summer conserving age-old
University artifacts, an alumna
whos recently become the CEO
of the Lawrence Arts Center and
the latest and greatest in film and





August 24,
7:30 p.m.
The Granada

Mac Sabbath
w/ Clownvis
September 14,
7 p.m.
Jackpot Saloon
and Music Hall

The Milk
Carton Kids

Alice Sweet

August 28, 7

September 3, 8

Liberty Hall

Jackpot Saloon
and Music Hall


September 17,
8 p.m.
The Granada



The Jauntee
September 6, 9
The Bottleneck

Orange with
and Stiff


September 20, 9

The Granada

The Bottleneck

September 23,
7 p.m.



Rogers Band
September 8, 7
The Granada

Benny Green
September 2627
Lied Center
$19 for
students, $35
for public

Gabe Dixon
with David
Ryan Harris
September 12,
8 p.m.
The Bottleneck

September 30,
7 p.m.
The Granada


Five restaurants to visit on Massachusetts Street

Juice Stop

Papa Kenos

The Burger Stand

With a handful of different frozen yogurts and

ice creams, as well as just
about every fruit you could
want, Juice Stop is the best
place in Lawrence to grab a

Some of the biggest,

best pizza in Lawrence.
Come Monday-Thursday
and University students get
$2 cheese slices.

Consistently voted as
the best burger in Lawrence, the Burger Stand is
unique and innovative in
their burger construction.
The truffle fries, along with
the homemade unique
sauces, also add to the
Burger Stand experience.


Massachusetts Street is
known for its many restaurants. Everything from
Mexican food to pizza can
be found here. Here are five
restaurants to check out on
Massachusetts Street.

Free State Brewing

With great beers, appetizers, entrees, and service,
Free State Brewing Company has it all. It gets crowded during the weekend, but
the food and atmosphere is
well-worth the wait.

Fuzzys Taco Shop

Known for its late weekend hours, this counter-service shop serves all kinds of
Mexican food, from nachos
to quesadillas. Take advantage of Fuzzys after a
night out on Massachusetts
Edited by Brendan

File Photo/KANSAN
The exterior of the Burger Stand at the Casbah.

File Photo/KANSAN
Free State Brewing Company on Massachussetts Street.

File Photo/KANSAN
The exterior of Papa Kenos Pizzeria on Massachussetts Street.




Contributed Photo
Cyclists ride by an advertisement in Greensboro on bikes designed by Professor Lance Rake.

Professor uses bamboo to create change in rural Alabama


The town of Greensboro is located in central

Alabama in the so-called
Black Belt. Of the roughly 3000 residents, about
16 percent are unemployed
and 24 percent are below
the poverty line according
to 2010 Census data.
For the last five years,
Lance Rake, professor in
the Department of Design,
has been using industrial design to combat rural
poverty in the area with
the Hale Empowerment
and Revitalization Organization (HERO). HERO is a
nonprofit focused on community development in Alabamas Black Belt.
When he first traveled
to Greensboro in 2011,
Rake was surprised at see-

ing fields of bamboo, which

grows naturally in the
southeastern United States,
within city limits.
[The fields are] kind
of impressive, Rake said.
Theres a lot of good things
about bamboo, and you can
do a lot of things with it. I
was just looking for a way to
use that resource to kind of
help create jobs in the community.
strong, and relatively easy
to harvest, making it ideal
for products such as fishing
rods. Rake, who is also a bicycle enthusiast, saw potential in the building qualities
of the plant, and his interest
was piqued. He got in touch
with Pam Dorr, HERO executive director and started
[The challenge] is trying to come up with a de-

sign that takes advantage of

the strength of bamboo and
minimizes the weakness,
Rake said.
With the help of his
friend John Bielenberg,
a graphic designer whose
Project M has been partnered with HERO since
2009, Rake has assisted HERO in
introducing a mini-enterprise into
Branded HERObike,
tourists can pay between
$600 and $650 to spend a
weekend in town and build
their own bamboo bicycle
out of a kit developed by
Rake. The kits run cheaper,
between $475 and $699 depending on if the customer
wants to buy the bamboo
from HERO or harvest it on
their own. A bike typically
takes between 20 and 30
hours to fully assemble.

With just some basic

carpentry skills, anyone
can build a bike, Dorr
said. And for some people
who are do-it-yourself-ers,
its neat to be able to make
what you want for yourself.
Bielenberg had already
stared manufacturing relatively crude bamboo bike
frames with fellow designer Marty Odlins Brooklyn
Bike Studio. Rake took it
upon himself to improve
their design. The Semester Bike was Rakes first
bicycle design. Durable and
simple, the bicycles bamboo tubes are reinforced
with carbon fiber and fiberglass to overcome the flexibility of the material. Rake
has used the same principles to design a skateboard,
stand up paddle board, and
a childrens pushbike, all of
which can also be built in

the Greensboro shop.

What Lance has been
able to do is help us develop
better products and launch
new styles and help us become more relevant in the
biking industry, Dorr said.
About 64 people have
traveled to Greensboro to
build a bicycle, and another 336 have ordered kits
online to assemble them at
home. The workshop has
produced around 462 bikes
and 38 skateboards in total.
Since he first traveled to
Alabama, Rake has taken
two sabbaticals in India,
where bamboo is a more
regularly used construction
material. Rake returned
last June from his second
trip funded by a Fulbright
Grant. He traveled to Nepal
to observe the methods of
a group that builds schools
and homes out of the same

material Rake is using to

build bikes. He ended up
with more ideas of how to
improve the work hes already doing with HERO,
and hes pretty excited
about it.
One of the things I love
about Lance is that hes very
unassuming, theres virtually no ego, but hes a relentless maker, Bielenberg
said. Hes just constantly
pushing the envelope of design and making.
HEROBike has also
been turned into a learning
opportunity for University
students. Rake and University Design Professor Andrea Herstowski have taken
four groups of design students to Greensboro since
the summer of 2013. They
spend two weeks in the

University alumnus hones interest in conservation


In the summer of 2010,

Noah Smutz, then a sophomore at the University, wanted to expand his
knowledge of archaeology.
So he set out on a trip to
Greece; four weeks with a
University sponsored program, six in an archaeological dig.
But by the time Smutz,
now 2012 alumnus with a
bachelors degree in classical antiquity, headed home
ten weeks later, his interest
had shifted.
dig] was a great experience and opportunity, but
I learned when I was there
that I was much more interested in where the stuff
we were pulling out of the
ground was going, and
what we were doing with it,
instead of just pulling it out
of the ground, he said.
The trip sparked his interest in the work of conservation, and he has studied
the field since he returned
from Greece. Just this last
summer, Smutz came faceto-face with one of his two
most challenging projects
in his time with conservation thus far: a Saltine
cracker or more formally, a hardtack in a century-old student scrapbook.
Smutz encountered the

project as a part of the Ringle conservation internship

offered by the University.
An eight week assignment
offered by the University of
Kansas Libraries to those
with a bachelors degree in
the field and strong skills
in book or paper conservation, is is an opportunity
that Whitney Baker, head
of conservation services,
said provides training for
with short-term projects.
Mock-ups, designs, and
hours of work were put in to
figure out how to keep the
hardtack in place during the
conservation. Noah, with
several other contributors,
discussed and decided on
separate housing; the hardtack would be displayed in a
double-window mat structure right next to the scrapbook in a single box.
Several other options
were considered, such as
removing the hardtack and
replacing it with a high-resolution photo, but through
the mentoring of his peers,
Noah agreed with the separate housing strategy.
When I think of the
most valuable lessons I
have learned from more experienced conservators, it is
to keep things simple when
possible and not to over-engineer treatments or housings, said Angela Andres,
special collection conserva-

tor of University Libraries,

who worked with Smutz
during the internship. This
is something I strive for in
my own work and tried to
impress upon Noah in our
Before arriving at the
university in 2009, Smutz
spent a year at the College
of Wooster in Ohio. But he
transferred to the University after a year, in order
to take advantage of the
opportunities available in
He is extremely personable and cheerful, said
Andres of Smutz. He is
also open to learning new
things, which is a critical
quality for a conservator to
Smutz then joined the
University of Kansas Libraries in 2011 as a student
worker, now with an inclination for conservation.
It takes somebody who
can do a lot of tedious work
without going insane to be
successful in conservation,
Smutz said on what attracted him to the subject.
While the finished product is rewarding, Smutz attributes his attachment to
the problem-solving aspect
during the process.
For me, every treatment is different that you
come across because there
are many different reasons
for wanting to fix some-

Contributed Photo
Noah Smutz during his 2016 Ringle Conservation Internship.

thing, whether its access

or exhibition; whether its
just for collection upkeep.
Thats what I enjoy the
most, Smutz said.
After his graduation in
2012 from the University,
Smutz returned overseas
for a graduate program at
West Dean College in the
U.K., where he would receive his masters in the
conservation of books and
library materials. It was
there that Smutz faced his

second greatest challenge

in conservation.
It was a book that
was filled with navigation
charts, Smutz recalled. As
a part of that, there were a
lot of volvelles -- basically
wheel charts -- a number of
them had been damaged. It
was then figuring out how
to repair them in such a way
that allowed them to keep
their original function that
made it a very interesting

Now back in St. Louis,

where his family currently lives, Smutz said he has
another challenge to tackle
while he works on private
client work and workshops:
finding his first full-time
job as a conservator.
Ive spent a number of
years becoming an expert
in this field. Now its time to
put that expertise to good
use, Smutz said.




Contributed Photo
A completed bike, the first product designed by Lance Rake for HERO.

shop designing, developing,

and improving upon bamboo bicycles and the other
products made by HERObike.
Senior Jake Hoard went
with Rake, Herstowski
and 20 other students to
Greensboro over winter
break last year. Their mission was to build childrens

pushbikes whose design

Rake had been developing.
For the next 12 days, the
students worked [their]
asses off, according to
Hoard. After waking up in a
bunkhouse located around
the corner from the shop,
they worked the whole day,
only stopping for meals and
sleep. The trip had a trial-and-error format. Rake

had provided them with a
rough outline of what the
bike should be, but it was
up to them to make a working product.
Students were broken up
into teams that each produced their own prototype.
At least one of them broke.
When something went
wrong, they simply went
back to the drawing board.

Hoard said they left Greensboro having produced five

working pushbikes, three
paddle boards and with
tons of experience.
We were kind of a part
of that larger goal of creating a place where people
could work and build these
bikes and make products
for themselves, Hoard
said. I think a sense of
place is really important.

How to maintain healthy eating habits in college


From soda and Pop-Tarts

to Ramen and pizza, the average college students diet
is known for being a mixed
bag of unhealthy options.
A new study published this
March in the BMJ, an online
medical journal, shows that
students fast-and-easy mentality when it comes to food
might not be too far removed
from the rest of the country.
Foods like frozen meals,
pizza, soft drinks, cookies,
cakes and salty snacks comprise nearly 57.8 percent
of the standard American
diet, according to the study.
To put it in perspective, the
study also found that only
0.7 percent of the average
Americans diet is vegetables.
Kelsey Fortin, a Health
Educator at Watkins Health
Services, specializes in educating students to be more
conscious about the food
they put in their bodies.
Fortin said ultra-processed foods, in addition to
being high in salts, fats and
additives, are also low cost
and high in convenience,
making college students
prime candidates for consumption.

The main problem with

processed items, Fortin said,
is that the consumer lacks
control over what goes into
the food they are eating. As a
result, a diet of mostly readymade products will include
extra unwanted fats, sugars
and salts.
Fortin said there are other day-to-day effects and
greater health risks, beside
weight management, when
people continually choose
things like frozen meals over
those made from scratch.
Fortin said she likes to
explain the short-term and
long-term effects of processed foods by comparing
the body to a car.
So, if I put the wrong
type of gasoline in my car, it
might run, but its not going
to run as efficiently, and that
could be damaging things on
the inside and eventually, its
not going to run very well,
Fortin said.
While students might be
able to grasp the short-term
effects, problems like disease
are not always on their radar.
Fortin said many students
do not realize that processed
grains, foods high in salt,
sugar, saturated fats and
trans fats can contribute to

major health problems.

I think its hard with the
population that were working with because its kind of
the idea that, Oh those are
the things that affect people
when theyre older, Fortin
Heart disease and diabetes might not seem like
threats to young college students, but Fortin said prevention is key.
foods like whole grains, fruits
and vegetables can ward off
health problems later on in
life, Fortin said.
We know that theres a
strong correlation between
vitamins and minerals that
we receive in nutrient-dense
foods and disease prevention, Fortin said.
For the best prevention,
Fortin recommended foods
with whole grains, fruits,
vegetables and lean proteins.
Trevor Bashaw, a freshman from Manhattan, Kan.,
is a member of the Lawrence
group Food Not Bombs,
which focuses on providing
food to people in need.
Bashaw said he thinks it is
easy for college students to
pick up bad habits when it

get informed
get involved
get empowered

Missy Minear/KANSAN
My Plate is a nutritional guide to help you create balanced meals.

comes to food.
A lot of times youre not
thinking about where the
food is coming from or how
good it is for you. Youre just
trying to get some caloric intake by being quick and easy
with Ramen or microwavable meals or ultra processed
foods, or just going through
a drive-through, Bashaw
The best way to avoid
instant gratification and
processed foods is to be
proactive about eating habits and emphasize things like

nutrition-label literacy and

meal planning, Fortin said.
I think that is the biggest
thing, because what happens
is, with any busy lifestyle,
all of a sudden its Monday
night and its dinner time
and I need to go to the grocery store and I dont have
time to go to the grocery
store, and I dont have anything at home I dont have
time to cook, because I have
to do x, y or z, and Im going
to go grab whatever, Fortin
said, So had I taken that extra time on Sunday to go to

the grocery store, and proactively plan, then I would

have already known what I
was going to do.
Although some students
might find it daunting to
take control of their diet,
Fortin said a few proactive
changes can make all the difference.
Getting back to the basics and planning things out
is the biggest thing you can
do, Fortin said.
Edited by Deanna




File Photo/KANSAN
The interior of Java Break.

Restaurants that satisfy the need for late night food


Late night food runs are

a traditional part of college.
Here are some places to turn
to for that late night craving.

Java Break (17 E.

Seventh St.)
This multi-floored coffee
shop that also offers a cereal
bar, cupcakes and sandwiches is open 24 hours a day
and offers internet to anyone who asks for it. If your
group of friends is looking
for a place to get away from

campus, this odd but homey

coffee shop is a great place to
do it.

Pizza Shuttle (1601 W

23rd St.)
A Lawrence staple, Pizza
Shuttle keeps things basic.
From their walk-in specials
that cost as little as $5 and
sodas that run under a dollar, this pizza shop delivers
until 3 a.m. on the weekends.
Just be sure to bring cash,
because Pizza Shuttle doesnt
accept cards.

(925 Iowa St.)

Another Lawrence staple,
Munchers makes a cream
cheese doughnut that should
be a rite of passage for University students. Even better,
Munchers is open 24 hours.
Munchers is a must for any
late night doughnut run.

Picklemans (818 Massachusetts St.)

A sandwich shop that
also offers salads and pizzas,
Picklemans is open until 3
a.m. every night.

Munchers Bakery

The Burger Stand (803

Massachusetts St.)
For one of the best burgers and most fun dining experiences in Lawrence, visit
the Burger Stand. Give the
counter any name and your
burger will be called out exactly as you asked. Its open
until 1 a.m. Stop by in the
evening for a packed house
or come in during the wee
hours of the morning for
some late night grub.
Edited by Brendan

File Photo/KANSAN
Fries from the Burger Stand at the Casbah.

Four fun, free things to do in Lawrence


College is your first attempt at balancing finances,

studying, sleeping and having a social life. It sounds
daunting at first, but luckily, Lawrence has a variety of
free things to do. Here are
the top student picks:

Massachusetts Street

is home to 48 restaurants
and different shopping and
entertainment options, according to Downtown Lawrence.
Sara Baak, a junior from
St. Louis, said her favorite
free thing to do in Lawrence
is to walk down Massachusetts Street.
There are so many different shops and things to
do and food to eat, Baak
said. And everyone is so
friendly in Lawrence. Its a
very eclectic area.

Free food at KU

If you have a Twitter

account and dont follow
what youre doing and
follow them. Emily Melente,
a freshman from Junction
City, said this is the best
way to find free stuff,
namely food, in Lawrence.
Sometimes there is free
pizza at this place or like
free pizza at Anschutz,
Melente said. Then people will just go because who

doesnt like free food?

Clinton Lake
Although Clinton Lake
is on the west side of Lawrence about an 18 minute
drive from campus Andrew Kustodowicz, a second-year graduate student
from DeLand, Fla., said its
one of his favorite spots in
I love going out to Clinton Lake, he said. And its
free to go out on the reservoir its a good walk. Its
actually a great date spot
because you can just walk,
its pretty water, its not too
hot and its free.
Kustodowicz also said
students looking for something free to do should explore the trails or have a
picnic at Clinton Lake.

File Photo/KANSAN
A trail marker in Lawrence.

Dole Institute
Neil Glaser, a freshman
from Junction City, said the
Dole Institute of Politics,
located on west campus at
2350 Petefish Dr., is one
place to find free events.
They bring in a lot of
cool speakers that normally
I wouldnt really see anywhere else, Glaser said.
So when they can bring in
a Harvard professor that
gives his thoughts on politics going on right now, its
kind of a cool opportunity
for me to see.
Glaser said the Dole Institute hosts speakers every
few weeks.

File Photo/KANSAN
A trail by Clinton Lake in Lawrence.




What films to watch out for this fall


This summer was rife

and all manner of franchise-driven films. Movie
studios do this in order to
get paying customers into
movie theaters, because
they want to watch something familiar. Although the
new releases this fall consist of blockbusters galore,
there are also many promising independent, less
mainstream films that will
likely flood the Academy
Awards telecast this winter.
Take a look at the most anticipated blockbusters and
indie films being released
this fall.


This stop-motion epic
features an all-star cast,
including Academy Awards
McConaughey and Charlize
Theron, along with Rooney
Mara and George Takei.
The film takes place long
ago in Japan and centers
around the titular character
Kubo, voiced by Game of
Thrones actor Art Parkinson. Through a series of life
altering events, Kubo finds
himself beings pursued by
all matter of fiendish creatures in his quest to find a
magical suit of armour. In
theaters Aug. 19.

In this his latest project, Daniel Radcliffe adds a
new role to his repertoire.
Donning a shaved head
and a believable American
accent, Radcliffes charac-

ter, FBI agent Nate Foster,

assumes a new identity in
order to infiltrate a band
of white supremacists. Foster struggles to conform to
the extreme practices of
the group, causing a cast
of doubt among the other
members. Can agent Foster stop these men before
many people are killed? In
theaters Aug. 19.


Real-life couple Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander play lovers
in this romantic drama.
Tom (Fassbender) and his
wife Isabel (Vikander) live
peaceful, happy lives on
the coast of Australia. Their
whole life changes when
they discover a baby abandoned on the beach. They
decide to adopt the child,
and life couldnt seem better. Things turn sour, and
a mysterious woman (Rachel Weisz) comes into the
picture to stir things up. In
theaters Sept. 2.

Academy Award winners Clint Eastwood and
Tom Hanks team up for
this thrilling biopic, based
on the novel Highest Duty
by Chesley Sullenberger
and Jeffrey Zaslow. Chesley Sully Sullenberger
(Hanks), and veteran airplane pilot, comes under
fire when his plane suffers
dual engine failure and he
is forced to make an emergency landing in the Hudson River. He becomes a
familiar face in the media,
and accusations of bad
judgment and carelessness

Contributed Photo
Daniel Radcliffe in Imperium.

harm his reputation. He is

forced to defend the choices
he made under great pressure. In theaters Sept. 9.

underdog against the overbearing institution of white

slave owners. In theaters
Oct. 7.



This historical drama set in the antebellum

South is the most anticipated awards season film
release of the year. The
film debuted at Sundance
Film Festival to widespread
acclaim, having garnered
the Grand Jury Prize and
Audience Award. The film
follows Nat Turner (Nate
Parker) through the insurmountable pains of being
an African American during
this time in history. Turner
leads a rebellion, pitting the
strength and passion of the

The title of this film is

quite deceiving; it is not a
horror film as the name may
suggest, but an inspiring
kid-friendly fantasy epic.
Based on the novel by Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls
brings together Conor, an
oft-bullied 12-year-old, and
a very unlikely friend and
ally, the Monster. Conors
new friend helps guide him
and make new discoveries
along the way. In theaters
Oct. 21.

Marvel is finally intro-

ducing a new superhero

after a string of films with
virtually the same roster of characters, and this
new onscreen superhero is
very unique. Dr. Stephen
Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, used
to be one of the best neurosurgeons in the world.
That all changed when he
was injured in a car accident, effectively ending his
career in medicine. While
on a journey of healing and
self-discovery, Dr. Strange
encounters a mysterious
woman who opens his eyes
to a whole other dimension
and range of possibilities.
In theaters Nov. 4.



Although Harry Potter

mania never really ended,
it is most certainly making
a big resurgence in popular
culture. This film, with a
screenplay by book author
J.K. Rowling, is set 70 years
before the events portrayed
in The Sorcerers Stone.
Newt Scamander, played
by Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne, is a
British magizoologist who
finds himself in New York
City surrounded by a brand
new environment. Things
go awry when some of Scamanders magical creatures
escape from his enchanted
briefcase. Will he be able
to round them all up before they destroy New York
City? In theaters Nov. 18.





Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Associate Professor Tonya Hartman with her multimedia paintings at the Lawrence Arts Center. Part of her inspiration is global strife.

Associate professor tells stories of strife through art


War, strife, refugees and

family history: these are all
areas from which Associate
Professor Tonya Hartman
draws her inspiration and
drive as an artist.
Hartman, who has been
teaching at the University
since 1997, is originally from
New York but spent large
portions of her childhood
in Cuernavaca, Mexico and
London, and this international influence is evident in
her work.
My paternal grandparents were Jewish and managed to escape from Germany during World War II,
Hartman said. They ended
up in Mexico, where my father and I were both partially
raised, so the artwork comes
from that family history of
knowing somehow that who
you are just ethnically or religiously can induce hatred
in others towards you, profound enough to make them
want to kill you.
Hartman said that just
as she had always been
drawn to expressing herself
through art, so too had she

always been drawn to the

stories of the Jewish ghettos, concentration camps
and displaced refugees.
Even as a child I remember drawing Jews in
the ghettos and imagining
the strife that they went
through, Hartman said.
Over the past decade
however, Hartman said
that shes shifted her focus towards refugees from
war-torn nations who came
to Kansas to find shelter.
Through interviews, Hartman has found men and
women whose stories have
spurred her artwork.
Ive painted their portraits and Ive done some
text-based pieces of work,
Hartman said. Im trying to
create an archive of stories
of survival from war-torn
regions around the world.
Hartmans work itself
resembles hundreds of displaced men and women as
she uses an abundance of
different material from human hair to glass shards to
glitter. Hartman describes
herself as an artist without
I like to use lots of
strange material, like dry

corn and sequins, Hartman said. If you think of all

those thousands of people in
the world who have a story
to tell I guess using manifold
materials is a way to express
that vastness.

If you think of all

those thousands
of people in
the world who
have a story
to tell I guess
using manifold
materials is a
way to express
that vastness.
Tonya Hartman
Associate professor

Stephanie Maximovich,
a Univeristy alumna with a
bachelors degree in painting, met Hartman when she
was enrolled in one of her
classes and said that as both
a professor and an artist,
Hartman expresses a deep
love, empathy and compassion for others.
In every work of art as in
every situation of life, Tanya

Associate Professor Tonya Hartmans multimedia sculpture Alphabets and Earth at the Lawrence Arts Center.

finds first the benefit in even

misfortune and mistake,
Maximovich said. She
has the power to show you
that your failures are worth
something more than your
Currently, Hartman has
two pieces on display at the
Lawrence Arts Center. One,
Alphabets and Earth, seek
to show the horrors in regions from A to Z that have
endured tragedies, such as
Poland during the Holocaust. With woven hair and
faded Hebrew, Hartman
shows her empathy for the
Despite focusing her
talents on more morbid
subjects, Maximovich said
that Hartman has remained
cheery and one of her most
helpful professors while she
was at the University and
that her art has inspired her.
When I see Tanyas
work, I personally feel very
connected to a primitive,
humbler version of myself,
Maximovich said. The objects of embellishment are
so precious, more precious
than any mass produced
object that we encounter

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Associate Professor Tonya Hartmans multimedia painting, Cambodia, at
the Lawrence Arts Center.

Alex Robinson/KANSAN




Contributed Photo
Crowd members cheer at the May 2016 Theatre Banquet. University Theatre will hold their annual rally for incoming students on Sunday, Aug. 21.

University Theatres annual rally provides students

with a warm welcome and a chance to make friends

The University Theatre

program will begin the fall
season with its annual Theatre Rally on Sunday, Aug.
21, in Crafton-Preyer Theatre at Murphy Hall.
The rally, which will begin at 4 p.m., serves as a
friendly introduction to the
theatre department and its
productions for both theatre majors and non-majors
as well.
Nicole Hodges Persley,
chair of the theatre department, will work closely
alongside Katherine Pryor,
managing director of Uni-

versity Theatre, to bring

these two groups together
and make them ready to get
We use the rally to create a safe and inclusive environment for our students
that works to encourage
and inspire them to achieve
at their highest level at KU,
Persley said.
This sense of security
built at the rally, Persley
said, prepares new students to make friends they
werent expecting, an intimidating task for many who
are still unfamiliar with the
Lawrence community.
Many new students

make friends at the rally, and thats a comforting

thing for those first few
weeks of learning to navigate KUs beautiful campus
freshman year, Persley
At this years rally, students should expect to see
and listen to many different facets of the theatre
program that they might
be interested in. A chance,
Persley said, to get the inside scoop on how to be
For instance, JIST, the
Jayhawk Initiative of Student Theatre, a student-led
theatre group that often di-

rects, acts, and writes their

own performances, will be
speaking about how to be
a part of the theatre family,
along with the university
improvisational group.
Directors will also be
there to speak about upcoming productions. The
first of the fall, William
Inges Picnic, awaits new
students willing to collaborate in different areas of the
Jack Wright, professor
emeritus and former director of theatre, will be back
to direct Picnic. He will
also attend the rally to bring
students to audition for act-

ing roles and make aware

the opportunities behind
the scenes.
This is a show that really appeals to young people
first and foremost, Wright
said of Picnic. The thing
with Kansas native Inge
is that he really deals with
Midwest values.
For those interested in
going behind the curtain
and delving into technical
aspects of theatre, there will
also be student designers
and stage managers to talk
about the many opportunities.
Right after the rally,
there will be an audition

workshop that will help

new students get ready for
the open call auditions,
which start Aug. 22.
The open call auditions
will be held the following
day and into Tuesday, and
are for the four productions
this fall, including Picnic,
Late: A Cowboy Song,
Pooter McGraw is Not
Dead Party and R.U.R.
For more information
on the rally and the fall productions, contact University Theatre at (785) 8643381 or visit its website at





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New Arts Center

CEO Lawrence native

Windish Agency
M stands in a desert. Her untitled second studio album is due out later this year.

Rogers: Ms Final Song is

the true song of the summer

It feels safe to say that

pain and anger was felt by
us all this summer. If its
not because of the murders
of Dallas police officers,
then it might be because of
the slaying of 49 people at
a gay nightclub in Orlando.
If its not shootings in this
country it might be refugees dying in an attempt to
escape death. Or maybe its
terrorist attacks in Nice or
across Germany.
Judging by Twitter
these feelings have manifested into one question
that feels more and more
legitimate each time its
asked What is going on
in 2016 and why does it feel
like the world is coming
to an end? I felt the same
way when the shootings in
Dallas happened. Laying
in bed, watching the local
TV coverage, it felt like the
world was collapsing and I

was 30 minutes away with

no way to make it stop. I
was hopeless and fearful.
Because of all the tragedies surrounding us, I
found myself listening to
music in a different way
than I usually do this summer. The traditional pop
hits just werent right.
Songs like One Dance
by Drake or Needed Me
by Rihanna felt trivial and
meaningless in a world
where people were losing
their lives while trying to
celebrate in community at
night clubs and protests.
We were in a world of catastrophes with no songs
to properly lift the mood
except for one.
Ms Final Song is
the song America and the
world needed this summer.
It can be assumed the motivation for the song was not
for these exact moments,
but the song still hits where
it needs to. It goes from
ostensibly sad verses to an

uplifting chorus in which

M sings Dont let this
be our final song, which
in the context of 2016 feels
like a musician telling the
world to continue pushing
According to Pitchfork,
M said in press release,
Final Song is about reconnecting with your inner
strength. With your inner
glow, passion, spirit animal, whateverthe force
that keeps us going and
doing what we love. 2016
is a year where the inner
strength of the people in
the world is, understandably, depleted. Summer
music should be uplifting,
giving people the energy
the need and this is where
Final Song achieves the
Think about This Is
What You Came For by
Calvin Harris and Rihanna, a song that is perfect for
the summer. Its got the fun
beat, its got the star pro-

ducer and the star singer.

Its got everything the song
of the summer needs, but
its impossible to ignore
the meaninglessness in the
song to the world in this
moment. Sure, it causes
the distraction some folks
might be looking for, but it
fails to define the time like
Final Song does.
The same could be said
for the aforementioned
One Dance and Needed
Me along with DJ Khaleds
entire record, Panda and
anything else you heard on
the radio this summer. All
the great music that came
out this summer should
be appreciated, but Final Song is the only one
that will make you want to
get up and pursue a better
future, which seems like
something we all need to do
after the events of summer

After a three monthlong search, the Lawrence

Arts Center announced in
June that it would welcome
Kimberly Williams as its
new CEO this September.
Williams is replacing Susan
Tate, who is retiring from
the position shes held since
Williams is coming
recently having served as
a founding member and
partner of the Solar Fuels
Institute at Northwestern
University. She grew up
in Lawrence and attended
the Universitys School of
Business. After graduating
in 1979, she started at
the Graduate School of
business but left in 1981 to
pursue a career just a few
credits short of an MBA.
Since leaving Lawrence,
she has dedicated her life to
public service and nonprofit
It was at a benefit
auction for the Arts Center
that Williams first became
aware that its board of
directors was accepting
The more closely that
I looked at it, especially
the board and staff talent
relationship, I thought
this was an amazing
opportunity for Lawrence
and for me to contribute,
Williams said.
Centers board of directors
began the search for a new
CEO in the spring after Tate
announced her resignation
last January. Board Chair
Joan Golden said they
were very open minded
in their search for Tates
replacement. Williams was
selected from a pool of
more than 50 applicants
of various backgrounds.
Her ties to Lawrence set
her apart from the rest,
according to Golden.
What we wanted to
find was someone who had
connections to Lawrence
but had applied experience
that would allow whoever
we hired to hit the ground
running and bring some
expertise and experience
from their previous career
to this position, Golden
The Solar Fuels Institute

Contributed Photo

was started four years ago

by Williams and three
other partners as a research
harness solar energy as
a renewable fuel source.
The institute has brought
together scientists from all
over the world.
background has given
her a strong sense of
the importance of STEM
Lawrence Arts Centers
STEAM Program, headed
by Chief Program Officer
expanded under Tates
leadership, and Williams
hopes to expand it further.
STEAM stands for Science
& Technology, interpreted
& the Arts, all based in
Mathematical elements.
Program curriculum is
designed to integrate art
into traditional science,
technology, engineering,
and math education.
[Artists] need to tell
their story and artists are
makers, and when you
bring art to that STEM
youre asking all students
and all participants to
integrate the arts and
creativity, Williams said.
Williams said her family
encouraged a love of the
arts and an appreciation
for the value of community
from a young age. Its a
dream job because I get to
come back to something
thats deeply embedded
in my family of origin,
she said. Its like coming

Rae Sremmurds new album is no sophomore slump


Ive always believed that

to a certain extent, sophomore slumps are inevitable
for artists. When coming
out of nowhere, people are
satisfied to have something
new and unexpected in their
ears. But, when fans have
over a year and a half to set
expectations, they are more
likely to turn lukewarm to
music they wouldve once
been on fire for.
The rollout of Rae
Sremmurds new album,
SremmLife 2, is no different. With four singles
out (By Chance, Over
Here, Look Alive and
Do Yoga) and none of
them cracking the Billboard
Hot 100, after 2015s SremmLife had three in the top
40, the new music hasnt
been received the same way
it was in 2015.
Devoted to the turn

up last year, the brothers,

Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi, have taken to new
ways of approaching their
music. Still perfect for almost any party, the music
is more stretched out and
focused on changing pace
throughout SremmLife 2.
The aforementioned Look
Alive relies more on melody and flow than being
catchy to seize listeners
ears. Both Came a Long
Way and Do Yoga feel
less freestyled and more
labored over than anything
on the first record, as do
many others on SremmLife 2.
The group doesnt abandon their roots, though. The
album opens with Start a
Party informing the masses that theres still a core intention behind their music.
Welcoming Juicy J and Lil
Jon on Shake it Fast and
Set the Roof, respectively,
both songs seem intended

for drunken nights and not

much more, indicating the
brothers are still here for a
good time.
Their rapping stays interesting enough throughout the album to not completely ignore and the
vocals, mostly Swaes, are
capable of carrying it if the
rapping ever stops working
in their favor.
SremmLife 2 might be
an acquired taste for fans
of the group who had their
sights set on a different album from the brothers, but
Rae Sremmurd is a group
we shouldnt be setting expectations for.
The duo is fun and has
proven over the course of
two records now that they
know how to make music
pleasing to the ear, and
whether or not its pleasing
to our expectations of Rae
Sremmurd should be irrelevant.

Contributed Photo
The cover art for Rae Sremmurds latest album Sremmlife 2.




Lawrence Arts Centers year-long residency

program allows emerging artists to shine

Alex Robinson/Kansan
Amanda Maciuba, former printmaker-in-residence at the Lawrence Arts Center, uses the center to develop her work and teach classes.


The Lawrence Arts Center, along with providing

lessons, kindergarten and
galleries, offers a handful
of different residency programs. From a few days to
a whole year, artists from
around the world come to
the center, usually after
earning their masters de-

gree, for an opportunity to

further develop their style
and continue to learn.
We employ about 150
artists who either live in
Lawrence or near Lawrence
and we love to complement that with people from
around the world and different walks of life to bring
the best art possible to the
program, Susan Tate, CEO
of the Lawrence Arts Cen-

ter, said.
This August marks the
beginning of the yearround program, which will
see two new artists, Carly
Slade and Tressa Jones,
join the Lawrence Arts
Center team. For the yearround program, the center
offers two types of residencies: ceramics and printmaking.
Slade, originally from

Alex Robinson/Kansan
Maciuba prints off signs to post.

Canada and an alumna

of San Jose State University, will be the ceramicist-in-residence
Jones, a native Bostonian
and alumna of the University of Montana, has been
selected as the printmaker-in-residence.
Both women have a lot
to look forward to according to last years printmaker-in-residence, Amanda

time here and I couldnt be

happier how it all turned
out, Maciuba said. Having this residency was exactly what I needed when
I needed it and it has been
the perfect buffer between
school and the real world.
Maciuba said that as
a printmaker, in order to
simply rent the space and
equipment necessary to
pursue her art, she would
have been spending upward of $200 a month. At
the Lawrence Arts Center,
however, Maciuba was givI definitely felt very
en a private studio, free
supported and I am
access to all the equipment she needed, a fully
so grateful that I
was able to continue furnished residence within
walking distance of the cento work on my art
ter and even a bike.
so seamlessly after
We want to make sure
graduating. I would
that the artists have everydefinitely recommend thing they could need and
that they enjoy their time
this program to
here with us, Kyla Strid,
director of residencies at
Amanda Maciuba the Lawrence Arts Center,
Former Lawrence Arts Center said.
Emerging artists who
need a kiln or who need a
press cant exactly be expected to have the ten to
I have had an amazing fifteen thousand dollars

Alex Robinson/ Kansan

Amanda Maciuba, last years printmaker-in-residence at the Lawrence Arts Center, works on her prints.

needed to go buy one so

our program really helps
new and developing artists
as they leave school and go
out into the professional
Strid, a former artist-in-residence at the center, said that the residents
are expected to teach classes, participate in community outreach as well as construct a new body of work
during their time in Lawrence.
Maciuba said that she
spent the time working
on community pieces and
delving into the history of
the Lawrence area.
Ive learned so much,
from being a teacher to how
to speak to anyone about
my art and how to promote
myself, Maciuba said. I
definitely felt very supported and I am so grateful that
I was able to continue to
work on my art so seamlessly after graduating. I would
definitely recommend this
program to anyone.
Edited by Brendan

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a worthy

addition to the books but maybe wait to see it live


Professor Snape must

have taught Harry Potter
author J.K. Rowling the potion for success, as she continues to stun her fans with
her work.
Earlier this year, Rowling announced that an
original play titled Harry Potter and the Cursed
Child would be performed
in Europe, and along with
it would come a book with
the same title. However,
she specified that the book
would be the script from the
Many were outraged at
the fact that this was not a
true Harry Potter book, but
the script was almost able
to recreate the world many
had once entered.
The story takes place
19 years after the Battle of
Hogwarts and centers on
Harrys youngest son, Albus Severus Potter, and his
time at Hogwarts. Albus is
shockingly chosen as Slytherin, just as his father was
considered for the house
during his experience with

the Sorting Hat.

While fighting to live up
to the legacy his father left
as the boy who lived, Albus
ignites a friendship with the
last person any Harry Potter fan would expect, the
son of Draco Malfoy, Scorpius. The duo gets a hold
of the time-turner device,
first seen in Rowlings third
Potter book, The Prisoner
of Azkaban, and visits the
past of their fathers.
A new villain, temporary
resurrection of dead characters and the rewriting of
classic Harry Potter stories
brought in a sense of nostalgia for me and many other Potter fans.
As I read the book, I
couldnt help but notice the
lack of substance between
the pages. This was mostly
due to the book being a rehearsal script for the play,
but I did not feel the energy Rowling put into her
work as I did from the past
seven novels. Instead of a
Rowling original, the book
read more as a fan fiction,
though a beautifully written
fan fiction.
The book delves into the

Kristy Wigglesworth/Associated Press

The Palace Theatre in London showing advertising for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the new play that continues the Harry Potter book series.

idea how the future would

transform if Harrys story
was changed even one bit;
whether it be the rescue of
a beloved character on the
brink of death, or if Hogwarts had fallen to He Who
Must Not Be Named. Rowl-

ing was able to toy with the

masterpieces she had written in the past and show the
audience why she the choices she had made for Harry
were the correct ones.
Overall, Harry Potter
and the Cursed Child was

a nostalgic trip into the past

of the Potter universe and
a look into the satisfying
future, but it is not of the
same caliber of the original seven Potter novels. If
you are looking to truly experience a new chapter to

the Potter franchise, then

waiting for the play to make
its way over to the United
States would be the best
way to capture the beauty
Rowling wanted her audience to experience.




Nick Wall/Associated Press

Hugh Grant as St. Clair Bayfield, left, and Meryl Streep as Florence Foster Jenkins.

Film Review: Streep shines in Florence Foster Jenkins


Florence Foster Jenkins is a touching love

letter to life and music. As
the titular character, Meryl
Streep is irresistibly intoxicating, bringing to fruition
the outlandish, yet believable performance needed
to impressively portray the
essence of Florence Foster
Possibly even more
delightful than Streeps
performance is Simon
Helbergs take as her accompanist, Cosme McCoon.

His reserved presence manages to impact the film in a

very big and comedic way.
Hugh Grants performance
as St. Clair Bayfield, the
husband of Florence, keeps
things grounded and graceful.
It is immediately apparent that music is central to the film. The very
first scene consists of a live
band followed by an impassioned speech by Florence
among her socialite friends
where she confesses her
love for music. Luckily for
the audience, she does not
yet reveal *spoiler* her in-

credibly unpleasant singing

voice, and her acute lack of
pitch, rhythm, and musicality is not revealed until we
see her in her voice lessons.
The first shrill squawk from
Streeps mouth is absolutely divine.

Florence Foster
Jenkins is a
touching love
letter to life and

The premise of the film

seems far too peculiar to
be true, as if a Hollywood
screenwriter crafted it, but
the film is based on real
events, and each character
retains the name of the real-life person they portray.
Although Florence is undoubtedly a horrible singer,
she is none the wiser. Oddly enough, this bears great
similarities to the reality
television series American
Idol. Whether all the auditions were real or not, many
bad singers had no idea the
quality of their voice, having overestimated it ten-

fold. Luckily for Florence,

she doesnt come across her
Simon Cowell until later
in the film.
The film adds a very
strong extra layer with the
knowledge that Florence
suffers from many health
issues. St. Clair makes it his
mission to keep Florence as
happy as possible, and that
includes encouraging her
singing pursuits. However,
these pursuits end up getting in the way of her best
With a mind set on succeeding as a singer, Florence makes a record and

signs up to sing at Carnegie

Hall (shes friends with the
owner). Despite objections
from St. Clair, Florence
takes the stage with Cosme.
Her singing incited laughter among the audience,
though she is oblivious.
A bad review from the
New York Post sends Florence into a frenzy, which
leads to a health decline and
eventual death. Although
sad, the film ends in an oddly inspiring and pleasant
tone; sing loudly no matter
your ability, which can apply to anything in life.

TV stock market: Your guide to whats on this fall


We disrupt your regularly scheduled binge-watch to

remind you: school starts...
like, soon.
While we, as indecisive
young adults, might want
to remain in the summer
comatose digesting hours
upon hours of Bachelor in
Paradise, The Voice (hey,
Miley) and the presidential
campaign its time to
buck up and get entertained
like you mean it.
If youre new to the TV
stock market, this column
serves two purposes: one, to
keep you on the right track
on what shows you need to
watch, and two, giving you
insight on why your favorite
TV shows are just so good.
This week is a little different. With the semester
starting up, lets break down
what shows you need to
jump on, and lay out a game
plan for whats coming in
hot in the fall.

Stranger Things
Netflix enthusiasts had
something to talk about
when this show came out
mid-July. Why? Because it
is the rare sci-fi thriller series that works. It proved
capable of not only detailing what happens when
the comfort of suburbia is
threatened, but also the
eternal struggle of parent/

child communication.
Set in the 80s, Stranger
Things is a story of a town
in Indiana where a select
group of families are shaken by the disappearance of
a boy the son of Joyce
(Winona Ryder).
The cause of the boys
disappearance is the root of
the drama: aliens who harness forms of electricity to
communicate and tend to
attack humans in their most
vulnerable state of mind.
There are many other
aspects of the show, but
what sticks out is that its
perfectly saturated with
nostalgia and that nostalgia
resonates with any generation. Call it the Twinkie of

proven by last weeks episode set in a twisted version

of a 1980s family sitcom.
What makes Mr. Robot one of the must-watch
shows of the last few years
is not the end game, but everything in-between. It is
the purest character study
of a man searching for righteousness in the 21st century glutton of media and
overwhelming control from
those in power. A familiar
theme for college students
to relate to.

In the last year or two,
there has been a trend
dominating TV series with
strong female characters:
severely dysfunctional relationships that win us over.
Take Amazon Primes Catastrophe, Netflixs Love
and even in a more visceral
extent, Starzs The Girlfriend Experience.
An HBO deep cut is soon
to make it on that list, ushering in the return of Sarah
Jessica Parker to the small
screen and creepy patches

of fur called mustaches.

Divorce premieres Oct.
9, and the most intriguing
thing about the first season
is that it will be 10 halfhour episodes. So if you really wanted to, just give it a
chance on a lonely Tuesday
night. No harm, no foul.

Another talent heading
back to television is Donald
Glover, better known by his
stage name Childish Gambino.
While still a comedy,

FXs Atlanta will attempt

to genuinely illustrate the
trials and tribulations of
the Atlanta rap scene, a
path Glover had to take in
his own life, being raised in
Stone Mountain, Georgia.
The cinematography is
compelling, and the subject
matter from the teasers and
trailers seems relaxed and
playful. Glover has already
hailed it as Twin Peaks
with rappers, and with a
premiere date of Sept. 6, it
wont be too long until we
find out if its true.

Mr. Robot
For those who have yet
to embark on USA Networks adderall high of
hacking sequences and socially awkward hallucinations, now is the time.
Currently in the middle of season two, Mr.
Robot dares you to question your own sanity. With
our troubled, iconoclastic-to-the-core Elliot (Rami
Malek) in the middle of
another monumental hack
as a part of the anarchist F
Society group, his own idea
of the world around him
has become as whimsical
and sedated as ever before,

Contributed Photo
Finn Wolfhard (left) as Mike Wheeler and Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven in Netflixs Stranger Things.

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TUESDAY, AUG. 16, 2016 | VOLUME 132 ISSUE 01



Illustration by Jacob Benson

A look at what improvements

Kansas football needs to make
going into the 2016 season, a
profile of a key contributor to
the football team next season
and a preview of whats to come
for Kansas basketball after a
productive offseason for recruiting.
The Kansan also checks in with
Kansas volleyball star Kelsie Payne
after she represented the United
States in the Pan-American Cup
this summer. Plus, an up close and
personal interview with Kansas
linebacker Joe Dineen Jr.



File Photo/KANSAN
Quarterback Ryan Willis looks to pass in a 2015 game.


Missy Minear/KANSAN
Freshman wide reciever Steven Sims Jr. attempts to escape a Memphis defender on Sept. 12, 2015, against Memphis.

5 things to watch for at Kansas Football Camp



After a disappointing first

season, coach David Beaty
leads a slightly different
looking Kansas team into
2016. From experience to
personnel changes, here are
five things to look for during
fall camp.

As an unfortunate result
of injuries and depth issues,
Kansas featured quite a few
freshmen last year who will
have significant roles in 2016.
First, theres obvious names
like quarterback Ryan Willis, who started eight games
last season, or wide receiver
Steven Sims Jr., whose 349
receiving yards were second
on the team.
However, key contributors like guard Jacob Bragg
(five starts last year) and
defensive tackle Daniel Wise
(seven starts and 3.5 sacks
last year) could contribute
to an improved Kansas team
this year.
Thats not even mentioning defensive end Dorance
Armstrong Jr., who finished
with five tackles for loss in
addition to 3.5 sacks as a
freshman. He has all but certainly earned a starting spot
on the defensive line this
It makes me feel different because last year I wasnt
the guy to talk, to be vocal or
anything, Armstrong said
about the sophomore jump.
But now, as a team, the
team has pushed the leadership thing on me so now Im
more vocal and get the team
going a lot.

Its not exactly a secret
that speed is an important

attribute for almost any team

to focus on. However, Beaty
is putting an extra emphasis
on it this year.
The acquisition of junior transfer wide receiver
LaQuvionte Gonzalez adds
a much-needed speed boost
to the receiving corps, which
looks to be better than last
Were going to be able
to create ways to get him the
ball. My challenge with him
is to get him to understand
that you dont have to do it
all, Beaty said during his
media day press conference.
The 2016 freshman class
is also full of speed. Cornerback Kyle Mayberry might be
one of, if not the, fastest player entering fall camp, which
could lead to playing time on
special teams.
Throw in redshirt junior
quarterback Montell Cozarts
return, along with the quickness of senior running back
Keaun Kinner, sophomore
running back Taylor Martin, and junior Joe Dineen
Jr. and the Jayhawks have
speed in all classes.

and the sophomore who

threw for 1,719 yards as a
freshman. Either way, a little competition will only
improve whomever Beaty
chooses to start against
Rhode Island to open the

Offensive line
Its hard to run a successful offense when you give up
40 sacks in a season. Luckily,
the 2016 Jayhawks are more
experienced and healthier than they were a season
ago. Last year, freshmen offensive linemen like Jacob
Bragg, Clyde McCauley and
Larry Hughes were forced
into starting roles, which
had mixed results, but often
resulted in constant pressure
on the quarterback.
Fall camp will be a crucial
test to see if these sopho-

mores can beat out the likes

of senior tackle Jordan Shelley-Smith or junior guard
Jayson Rhodes.

Were going to
be able to create
ways to get him
the ball. My
challenge with
him is to get him
to understand that
you dont have to
do it all
David Beaty
Kansas football coach

Itll be interesting to see

how offensive line coach
Zach Yenser tries to fix both
the problems with run blocking and pass protection.

Having a healthy offensive

line with Big 12 experience
will make camp interesting
for both the linemen and the
rest of the offense behind

New Coaches
A lot of interesting things
to watch for this fall will concern progression made by
players and questions surrounding who will start at
what position. Despite that,
potentially the most important thing to watch at camp
is the new Kansas coaching
Beaty returns for his his
second season but with a few
new faces on his staff, some
of which college football fans
may already recognize.
New special teams coach
Joe DeForest comes over
from Big 12 foe West Vir-

ginia, while new defensive

line coach Michael Slater
and linebackers coach Todd
Bradford arrive in Lawrence
after coaching at Rice and
Maryland respectively.
Joe DeForest answers a
lot of questions for us. Just
having him here, the comfort level I have with him, I
think that might answer your
question a little bit more than
anything, Beaty said during
his press conference. That
guys experience, watching
him work with our team each
day, I just appreciate him.
Then theres running
back coach Tony Hull, who
Beaty hired after Hull enjoyed nine successful seasons
coaching high school football
in New Orleans. All four new
coaches will have their work
cut out for them in 2016.

Quarterback battle
Cozart was enjoying the
best year of his college career before getting injured
last October. Through just
four games, he had already
passed for a career-high 752
yards and completed 63 percent of his throws.
At that point, freshman
Ryan Willis stepped in and
broke the Kansas freshman
record for passing yards in a
season. During Willis more
successful outings, it seemed
that he would be the simple
choice to start the 2016 season.
Beaty will have to choose
between the more mobile,
experienced and, most importantly, healthy Cozart

Coach David Beaty sends lineman Jordan Shelley-Smith into play.

File Photo/KANSAN
A Kansas linebacker makes a tackle against Southeast Missouri State.

File Photo/KANSAN

File Photo/KANSAN
Offensive lineman Keyon Haughton, a senior from Baltimore, prepares to
hike the ball.




The evolution of Fish Smithson: From

spectator to defensive leader

File Photo/KANSAN
Now-senior safety Fish Smithson greets the Kansas basketball team as the football captains enter Memorial Stadium on Sept. 12 2015.


A group of defensive
backs stood on Kivisto
Field, catching their breaths
with their hands on their
hips at the end of a coverage
drill. They gathered around
senior safety Fish Smithson, listening as the senior
spoke and shared tips.
Here, on the Kansas
football practice field, is
where Smithson has become a leader. After two
years as one of the best
safeties in the Big 12, the
defensive backs have good
reason to listen intently to
Smithson and his lessons in
It took time, however,
along with a willingness to
do whatever the team needed on and off the field for
him to get to this leadership
Kansas wasnt even on
Smithsons radar initially. He declared to Navy

straight out of high school,

and then transferred to
Hartnell College. Playing in
the Big 12 never seemed like
an option.
Then, during his freshman year at Hartnell,
Smithson led the squad to
a 9-2 season and a conference title, which led to his
recruitment and eventual
offer from the Jayhawks.
When players are afraid
to tell coaches they are confused or need guidance,
they go to Smithson. By
now, the coaching staff has
learned to put a lot of trust
into the safety, now going
into his senior year.
Fish is a go-to guy for
all the [defensive backs],
defensive coordinator Clint
Bowen said. If they have
a question they will go to
Fish and he will have the
answers. He leads in a lot
of ways like that and on the
field hes made a lot of plays
and done some things you
feel more confident stand-

ing next to that guy.

In 2015, Smithson had
the most regular season solo
tackles in Division I college
football and solidified his
spot as the defensive anchor of the Jayhawks. But
years earlier, Smithson was
just a spectator watching
his older brother, Shaky, do
the same at Utah.
Fish lived with Shaky
during his time at Utah and
learned to play college football through his brother,
which helped him become
such a defensive anchor.
From Shaky, Fish learned
the ups and downs of the
college game, an experience
most players dont get until
they reach that level themselves.
Fishs rise as a dominant
safety came to no surprise
to Shaky, who eventually made it to the NFL for
a stint with the Packers.
At one time, pressure may
have been on Shaky to be a
sturdy role model and hard

File Photo/KANSAN
Safety Fish Smithson gestures as he returns a long interception.

worker, but now it falls to

I think the pressure is
on him being the younger
brother of a professional
football player, Shaky said.
For me its about making
the mistakes for the both of
us so he knows what not to
At the end of 2015, when
Fish was told he led the Big
12 in total tackles, and was
second in the NCAA in solo
tackles, he wasnt at all elated. The Jayhawks had just
gone 0-12. What many saw
as an accomplishment was
essentially meaningless for
Fish. His team was winless.
That has been what this
whole offseason has been
about, Shaky said. What
can he do better to get more
wins for the team?
Despite his brothers
success, Fish is still out
build his own reputation
and remains his toughest
I hold myself to a really

high standard. I like to go

back and look at what I can
fix, Fish said. Even if I led
the NCAA in tackles, I still
look at all the ones I missed.
I do look at those more than
the plays I made.
In the early season practices, Fish has already had
to show composure and
maturity to the younger
players when practice gets
rough. Thats exactly why
they group up around him.
Its my job to go out
there sometimes and let
guys know that this drill is
competitive right now but
on the next one we cant be
having that, Fish said.
While Fish has been
able to witness all levels of
football as a result of his
brothers success, improving the Jayhawks team
and making the pros is still
a steep slope to climb. The
Jayhawks went winless in
2015, but did have their
moments. In a 23-17 loss to
ranked TCU, the Jayhawks

showed that they could play

with any team in the Big 12,
but inside the team, they already knew that.
If you watched our
practices you would never know the type of season
that we had, Fish said. We
werent surprised at all. We
go into every game thinking
we are going to win.
Fishs play has improved
in each year at Kansas and
this is no coincidence. From
season to season, Fish has
improved his tackling stats
and has earned an All-Big
12 second team pick. If
anything is changing about
Fishs play, its that hes
consistently getting better.
That consistency goes
back to something that
Shaky has told him since he
learned it in the NFL.
From the meeting room
to the field, you have to be
the same guy, Shaky said.
Consistency is everything.




File Photo/KANSAN
Kansas volleyball celebrates during the NCAA tournament.

Volleyball ranks in preseason polls for first time



Missy Minear/KANSAN
Junior libero Cassie Wait celebrates during a game against Kansas State.
The Jayhawks defeated the Wildcats in four sets.

Coming off an appearance in the NCAA Championship semifinals, the

Kansas volleyball team
appeared on the American
Volleyball Coaches Association preseason poll for the
first time, ranking fifth out
of 25 teams.
Topping the poll is
reigning national champion
Nebraska, followed by Big
12 rival Texas, then Minne-

sota and Wisconsin.

The Big 12 Preseason
Coaches Poll ranked Kansas second with one first
place vote in the conference behind Texas, who
appeared in the National
Championship against Nebraska.
The Big 12 foes will face
off twice in the regular season, with the first match
being held at Texas on Sept.
24 and the second being
held at Kansas on Oct. 29.
Texas was ranked higher

in both polls, but Kansas junior right side hitter Kelsie

Payne was named the Big
12 Preseason Player of the
Year after her record-breaking sophomore season.
In 2015, Payne broke
the Kansas record for most
kills in a season (496) and
was named to the AVCA
All-America First Team,
All-Big 12 First Team,
and NCAA Championship
All-Tournament Team.
Its insane and I am
honored, Payne said in a

KU Athletics release. With

everything that we accomplished, I have to thank my
teammates for any individual accolades I receive. I
couldnt do it without my
setter, libero, hitters and
everyone who took part in
helping me get where I am.
Kansas will host the
Crimson and Blue Scrimmage at Horejsi Family
Athletics Center on Aug. 20
at 1 p.m. to begin their season.

Kansas Kelsie Payne receives bronze medal

and life lessons while in Dominican Republic


After a phenomenal
season with the Kansas
volleyball team in 2015, junior right side hitter Kelsie
Payne received numerous
honors; she was named to
the All-Big 12 First Team
and was an AVCA FirstTeam All-American. These
honors showcased Paynes
talent and potential.
However, possibly her
highest honor was her selection in June as a representative for the United
States at the Pan-American
Cup on the 12-woman volleyball roster. Now shes a
bronze medalist.
It was an awesome feeling to be selected, Payne
said after returning from
the Pan-American Cup.
Her Kansas teammate,
Cassie Wait, was invited to
compete for a roster spot
and trained with the team
until they traveled to the
Dominican Republic on
July 2. Although Payne and
Wait were not able to experience the adventure together, they shared an extra
week of practice together.
The team practiced for
just a week before traveling for the Cup, one which
Payne used to not only better herself as an athlete, but
to create and strengthen

bonds with other top volleyball players across the

On the court, the only
loss handed to the United
States was dealt by Puerto
Rico in the playoffs. However, Payne and her 11 other
teammates were able to earn the
bronze medal after defeating Cuba in the third-place
match, which was Paynes
favorite moment from the
whole experience.

My mentality
has gotten
tougher and
my ability to be
coached became
Kelsie Payne
Junior right side hitter

The host country of the

Pan-American Cup was
much different than the areas Payne normally plays
in. Santo Domingo is often
seen as the beautiful capital
of the Dominican Republic, which is true for some
areas, but in others its less
fortunate and more impoverished than Lawrence.
Although the team spent
most of their time on the
court, they were able to explore the city and see some

of those areas.
I had never been to an
area like the Dominican
Republic besides staying in
resorts, Payne said. Some
houses were only one room,
but housed 10 people.
Seeing how people live
in a much different part of
the world made Payne reflect on where shes been
and what she may change
in the future.
I am definitely going
to be more appreciative
of what I have in my life,
Payne said. I dont want to
lose sight on whats really
Being able to represent
her country is one experience Payne will remember
for the rest of her life, but
what she brought home
with her may be better than
the entire trip itself.
My mentality has gotten tougher and my ability to be coached became
stronger, Payne said.
Payne will be able to
take her newfound abilities and bring her Jayhawks to heights theyve
never reached before. First
though, they will take it one
step at a time, just as they
did last season.
Edited by Brendan

File Photo/KANSAN
Right side hitter Kelsie Payne attacks during a game at Horejsi Family Athletics Center.




Missy Minear/KANSAN
Now-junior linebacker Joe Dineen, Jr. attempts to tackle Baylor wide receiver Jay Lee. Baylor defeated Kansas 66-7.

Up Close and Personal: Linebacker Joe Dineen Jr.


To most Jayhawk fans,

hes one of the standout players on the football team. But
to the rest of his teammates?
Hes known as The Mayor.
Junior linebacker Joe
Dineen Jr.s nickname was
coined first as a joke by coach
David Beaty, then it stuck.
Beaty knows that on game
day, Dineen flips a switch
and does what needs to be
done. He sees such strong
leadership in his player, just
like a mayor is responsible
for leading a city hence the
Its fitting for the Kansas
linebacker, who has grown
up in Lawrence.
As a Lawrence Free State
player, Dineen always knew
he was going to end up a
Jayhawk. His family Kansas
lineage only solidified his
decision; his mother played
volleyball for Kansas, his
grandfather played running
back on the football team

and his great-grandfather

was a member of the 193637 Kansas basketball team
coached by Phog Allen.
Growing up here, you
become a Jayhawk fan,
Dineen said. I feel like if I
had left, it wouldve been bad
on my part. I feel like I owe it
to the town.
Dineen started playing
football when he was in third
grade and soon realized
he loved playing the game.
He worked from being just
okay to a top linebacker
recruit in the state. Additionally, the competitive nature
of his family helped push his
athletic background to where
it is today.
My dad let us do what
we want, Dineen said. Yes,
he pushed us, but not to the
point where we didnt like
That was how he found
Dineens dream of playing
at the collegiate level started
during his sophomore year
while playing on the varsity

football team at Free State

High School.

Overall, I just
want to help my
team win, and if
we can get a W
at the end of the
day, Ill be happy
with that.
Joe Dineen Jr.
Junior linebacker

He soon found his way

to the University, first as a
running back before moving
to linebacker after his freshman year. In his sophomore
year, he made a crucial impact for the Jayhawks, with
the second-most tackles on
the team.
Using the 2015 season
as motivation, it still sits as
a dark cloud over the team.
But Dineen has moved past
Im still embarrassed

File Photo/KANSAN
Now-junior linebacker Joe Dineen Jr tackles a TCU ballcarrier during a game in the 2014 season.

we went 0-12, but you cant

look at the past, Dineen
said. Theres nothing I can
do about that now. The team
has built on that and attacked it head-on. The work
weve put in [over the summer] is reflective of how we
do not want that to happen
Looking ahead to the
upcoming season, Dineen

doesnt want to set expectations, and instead goals for

himself and his defensive
I dont really care about
expectations for myself, as
long as we win. Overall, I just
want to help my team win,
and if we can get a W at the
end of the day, Ill be happy
with that, he said.
As for Dineens foresee-

able future, he says that if

the NFL presents itself, that
would be ideal. Football is
plan A.
Im going to KU so Im
going to get a good education
and have a back-up plan,
he said, but I think number
one would be the NFL for




Associated Press
West forward Josh Jackson, right, from Justin-Siena high school/Prolific Prep Academy in Napa, Calif., blocks East forward Jayson Tatum during the McDonalds All-American game, Wednesday, March 30, 2016, in Chicago.

Basketball recruiting
roundup: Udoka
Azubuike, Josh Jackson
and transfers

With the departures of a

few key contributors, such
as Perry Ellis and Wayne
Selden Jr., Kansas basketball reloaded this season in
recruiting. Kansas added a
couple key freshmen at positions without a returning
starter and improved its
depth going into a promising 2016-17 season.
Kansas got what it needed this offseason: some
frontcourt players to balance an experienced and
talented backcourt. While
the teams recruiting class
looks to be strong, it wasnt
considered among the best
in the nation. Duke ran away
with its recruiting class this
season, earning the No. 1
ranking from 247Sports,
while Kansas recruiting
class was ranked No. 16 in
the nation.
Forward Dwight Coleby
wasnt a recruit, but he will
be a new face for the Jayhawks on the floor. Coleby,
a transfer from Ole Miss,
returns from a torn ACL
to play this season. He was
also ineligible to play for the
Jayhawks last season due to
NCAA transfer rules.
1. Mitch Lightfoot
Position: Power Forward
High School: Gilbert
Christian (Gilbert, Ariz.)
Lightfoot was the first
recruit Kansas secured this
season. Hell provide a bit
of depth at power forward,
but Self will probably look
to develop Lightfoot for the
future. Lightfoot is a fourstar recruit who was ranked
No. 67 in the ESPN 100. He
chose Kansas over Stanford,
Arizona and St. Johns.
2. Udoka Azubuike
Position: Forward/Center
High School: Potters House
Christian (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Kansas adds some needed size with the 6-foot-11
Azubuike. After Ellis graduation, Azubuike will step
in with the expectation to
contribute from the start
and split time with forward Landen Lucas. A fivestar recruit, Azubuike was
ranked No. 22 in the ESPN
100. Azubuike is younger
than an average recruit, too;
he will turn 18 just a couple
weeks into the school year.
3. Josh Jackson
Position: Small Forward
High School: Prolific Prep
(Napa Valley, Calif.)

Josh Jackson is likely to

be one of the best players
in the nation in 2016-17. In
fact, hes so good he broke
247Sports rankings; the
basketball recruiting website rated him 102 out of
100 in its scouting report.
Jackson chose Kansas over
Michigan State and Arizona
last April, making the decision official in May. Jackson
should be an instant starter
on the wing and his hype
brings some reminders of
2013-14 Kansas one-anddone Andrew Wiggins.
4. Tucker Vang
Position: Guard
High School: Goddard High
School (Goddard, Kan.)
Vang joins the Jayhawks
as a walk-on for this season.
In previous years, hes practiced with the Kansas womens basketball team, so hes
been around the athletic
program. He joins the team
in his junior year. Expect
Vang to play sparingly this
season, as his value comes
in giving the Jayhawks a little depth and some help in
practice. Vang comes from
a Jayhawk family, according
to a KU Athletics release; his
father and uncle played on
the Kansas football team.
5. Malik Newman
Position: Guard
High School: Callaway High
School (Jackson, Miss.)
After two difficult seasons with his hometown college Mississippi State and a
trial at the NBA Combine,
Newman announced he
would transfer to Kansas.
The talented guard will not
be eligible to play in 2016-17
due to NCAA transfer rules,
but will play his senior year
in 2017-18 with the Jayhawks. Newman is likely
to be a key addition in that
season. Newman was a McDonalds All-American and
a five-star recruit out of high
school. Newman should be
able to take over for Josh
Jackson at shooting guard if
he decides to leave after the
2016-17 season, but regardless, will get major minutes
in his final college season.
6. Evan Maxwell
Position: Forward/Center
High School: Abington
Heights High School (Clarks
Summitt, Penn.)
Evan Maxwell will have
to sit out for the 2016-17
season due to NCAA transfer rules after transferring
from Liberty University,
but he will take the floor

for his senior year in 201718. Maxwell was a two-star

recruit out of high school
who played at Liberty for
his first two years of college.
Averaging 10 points and 4.8
rebounds, Kansas coach Bill
Self is likely counting on
Maxwell to develop for the
7. Marcus Garrett
Position: Guard
High School: Skyline High
School (Dallas, Texas)
Garrett is the only player
on this list who has committed to Kansas but not
yet signed, but hes also still
one year away from his college career. On Aug. 1, Garrett committed to join the
Jayhawks for his freshman
season in 2017-18. Garrett is rated four stars by
247Sports and is ranked No.
44 in the 2017-18 class by Garrett will add
to the backcourt strength for
the Jayhawks. Svi Mykhailiuk and LaGerald Vick will
be the remaining players at
shooting guard for the Jayhawks in 2017-18.
Edited by Brendan




Tennis stays sharp over the summer, hosts ITA tournament

Baxter Schanze/KANSAN
Sophomore Smith Hinton looks to return a shot during a match against Wichita State.


Kansas tennis hosted the

fourth week of the six-week
long Intercollegiate Tennis
Associations 2016 Sum-

mer Circuit at the Jayhawk

Tennis Center this July. The
2016 Summer Circuit consists of 50 tournaments.
The ITA welcomes college players, incoming college freshmen, recent college graduates and junior

Assistant coach Caroline
Lilley said that its important for the team to have this
opportunity to compete so
the coaches know what the
players need to continue to
work on.

Its really hard to stay

motivated sometimes when
you dont have a competition or tournament coming up, Lilley said. Thats
the biggest thing for us, is
getting them out there and
competing and making sure
were seeing improvements
in their game.
planned, several Kansas
players competed against
each other in the final
rounds of the singles and
doubles matches. Sophomore Nina Khmelnitckaia
won head-to-head against
sophomore Janet Koch to
be crowned champion in
singles after winning 6-1,
6-3. Khmelnitckaia went on
to join Koch in the doubles
final against senior Tess
Bernard-Feigenbaum and
sophomore Anastasia Rychagova. Bernard-Feigenbaum and Rychagova won
that match, 8-3.

I dont think theres

any harder moment than to
play against a good friend
or teammate, said Lilley.
But we know that if they
can compete like they did
against one another this
summer, then they can play
against anyone in the country.
Along with winning the
doubles title, Rychagova
was named an ITA Scholar-Athlete for the 2015-16
school year. The Jayhawks
were given the ITA All-Academic Team award for the
school year as well.
The team has two incoming freshmen this season,
Tatiana Nikolaeva and Maria Toran Ribes. Ribes will
not be with the team until
late August, but Nikolaeva
got the chance to compete
at the summer circuit with
the rest of her new teammates. She made it to the
fourth round of the singles,

where she was knocked out

by teammate Koch, losing
[Nikolaevas] training
situation has improved
since she got here. Its been
good to see her improve
just because shes playing
with a higher level than
shes accustomed to, Lilley
said. Also, shes incredibly competitive and to see
that competitiveness come
out has been really positive. Shes definitely further
along than we expected.
Lilley thought the teams
experience in the ITA Summer Circuit was successful.
Were really excited to
see them continue to grow
as a unit, but in order for
us to grow as a unit, we also
have to be willing to push
one another in match play
as well.
Edited by Brendan

Paige: Embiids videos can influence debut season


After missing his first

two seasons due to injuries,
Joel Embiid has a chance
dominate his rookie season
in the NBA with the Philadelphia 76ers.
As a Jayhawk in his
freshman season in 20132014,
crowds at Allen Fieldhouse
with his monstrous dunks
and ability to dominate
the paint. He averaged
11.2 points per game, 8.1
rebounds, and 2.6 blocks;

the Cameroonian center became one of the finalists for

the Naismith College Player
of the Year as a freshman.
But his time with Kansas
abruptly ended as Embiid
suffered a stress fracture
in his back that caused
him to miss both the Big
12 and NCAA tournaments
before he declared for the
2014 NBA Draft. The injuries would not stop there,
though. Prior to the Draft,
Embiid had surgery on a
broken navicular bone in
his right foot that made him
miss his first two seasons in

the NBA with Philadelphia.

Now, it seems as though
Embiid has never missed
any time in the NBA from
the looks of his recent workout videos that he posted on
It even appears that Embiid has improved his game
a bit with his jumpers and
ability to aggressively get to
the rim.
Additionally, the video
featured something that
most centers in the NBA
struggle with range and
dribbling skills, especially
with his between-the-leg

dribbling before a dunk.

His skill set displayed in
his workout video revealed
another aspect to the seven
footers game. In a league
that is more reliant on small
ball, Embiids new skills
show that he has trained to
adapt to the changes within the league. It validated
his versatility, which is essential for big men in the
Overall, Embiid looks
healthy and ready enough
to take on his rookie season.
But looks can be deceiving. Those workout videos

are the only hope for Sixers fans, but it really is not
enough to thoroughly predict an outcome for Embiid
this season. And with the
arrival of the most heavily-anticipated rookie this
season, Ben Simmons, it is
unlikely that Embiid will
garner most of the attention
and hype for the Sixers.
Embiid has not had NBA
competition, so it is likely
that he will be restricted in
his playing time if he does
play. And he is not a built-in
integral and reliable part to
the teams success because

Real talk is good. Real change? Even better.
So take the climate survey tell us about
your experience as a Jayhawk and well take
action to improve the living, learning, and
working environment at KU.

Survey runs Sept. 13 to Oct. 14.

Responses are secure and anonymous.

of his absence.
If Embiid does in fact
show that he is capable of
handling the competition
and transfer his skill-set
from those workout videos
to the league, then he will
definitely be a force to be
reckoned with this season
as part of this young 76ers
team. One way or another,
he will undoubtedly surface
as a key player for the team.
Edited by Brendan




File Photo/KANSAN

Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby addresses the media. Bowlsby has sparked discussions of expanding the conference in recent months.

Maicke: Regardless of stature, the Big 12 must add more teams


The Big (almost) 12 Conference has been openly

starving for more teams.
Nebraska kicked off the
Big 12 exodus in 2011 by
joining the Big 10 conference, which actually sports
14 teams now, and Missouri, Texas A&M and Colorado soon followed suit.
Missouri and A&M joined
the football-dominant SEC
while Colorado was headed west to link up with the
Four old school programs with large fan bases
departing sent the conference into a bit of a tailspin.
The rest of the eight teams
in the former 12-team conference all wisely began to
draft their own secession
The Big 12 saved face by
scooping up West Virginia from the other imploding power conference, the
Big East, who was putting
non-Catholic institutions
on the clearance rack, then
grabbed the perennially competitive mid-major
TCU to return to a ten-team
But is a 10-team league

enough for a Power 5 conference?

Simple answer: No, absolutely not. And the Big
12 is crippling themselves
financially by not having 12
Its all about divisions
within the conference. The
SEC, Big Ten, ACC, and
PAC-12 all have two divisions. This is enormously
important because it allows
a football conference championship game to be played.
Not only does that take
the incredibly anticlimactic
round-robin style winner
out of the equation, but it
allows another week of Big
12 football to be played.
This would be a game between blue blood football
programs with passionate fans who would either
watch the game on television and boost ratings, or
purchase tickets and travel
to the city where the game
is played at a neutral site.
Thats already a financial
incentive enough; however, lets not forget the merchandise. Every competitive collegiate fan base has
an inevitable degree of arrogance. (I cant tell you the
last time I heard a fan talk
Jayhawk basketball without

bringing up the streak of

12-straight titles.) But this
arrogance is profitable. This
arrogance buys thousands
of Conference Champion
t-shirts, sweatshirts, posters and whatever else.
Now heres the hot take:
It makes no difference if

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its Connecticut joining

the conference or Northern Illinois. This conference expansion isnt about
building the most dominant conference, its about
giving already established
programs like Oklahoma,
Texas, Baylor and whoever

else a chance to make more

money for the conference
by playing an extra week
and drawing in passionate
Would it be nice to get
competitive teams? Absolutely! But is it the most important part of the expan-

sion process? No way.

So sure, try for Connecticut, Memphis, and Cincinnati. But Im just as fine
with Tulane and Northern




Michael Tinsley skips senior year for shot at the majors

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Junior catcher Michael Tinsley swings at a pitch against Nebraska. Kansas lost 3-1 at Kauffman Stadium on April



The NCAA baseball season is a short one lasting

only about three months
but for most players, the

end of the NCAA season

doesnt mean baseball is
Many college baseball
players, including the majority of the Kansas baseball
team, participate in sum-

mer leagues all across the

country every year.
Its part of the development process of college
baseball, Kansas coach
Ritch Price said. It allows
the young guys to make up

playing time.
However, one Kansas
baseball player chose to
forego his last year of eligibility to pursue a career in
the major leagues.
Catcher Michael Tinsley, who led the Jayhawks
in almost every offensive
statistic during the 2016
season, entered the 2016
MLB draft along with his
graduating teammates Sam
Gilbert, Colby Wright, and
Ben Krauth.
Losing Tinsley is devastating to our team, Price
said. He was our best offensive player and had an
outstanding KU career.
Tinsley was the first to
be drafted of the four Jayhawks this year, going to
the Cleveland Indians in
the seventh round with the
212th pick.
I had been sitting in the
conference room with my
parents and agent, and we
were just waiting, Tinsley

said. The moment I got

picked, it was just relief.
It was probably one of the
most stressful days of my
After being selected, the
Indians sent Tinsley to the
Mahoning Valley Scrappers, a Class A short season affiliate in Niles, Ohio.
Short season affiliates allow
recently drafted players to
start their season after the
draft, instead of joining a
team midseason.
Tinsley batted .214 with
two RBIs in eight games
with the Scrappers, before
tearing his labrum during
an at-bat against the State
College Spikes on July
15. He will undergo season-ending surgery and rehab through the offseason.
I hope to start where I
left off and keep on improving, Tinsley said.
Because of the injury,
Tinsley spends more time
in the bullpen than the dug-

out, allowing him to reconnect with his former Kansas

teammate Ben Krauth, who
was also drafted by the Indians, in the 16th round.
Having one of my best
friends here with me is
great. Its very comforting,
Tinsley said. We get to
hang out a lot in the bullpen
since he was moved to a relief role.
Friendships are one of
the many things that come
with playing college baseball, and leaving Kansas
early wasnt an easy decision for Michael Tinsley.
Its always hard leaving a place that youve
grown accustomed to. KU
had been amazing to me.
My plan is to come back
and finish my degree at
KU, Tinsley said. It was
a first-class experience and
I couldnt have gone anywhere else. KU really got
me ready for this.

Where Kansas baseball players spent their summers


25, 30

36, 4


35, 44, 59


40, 5

22, 34


11, 32,
46, 50


29, 33

Map of United States of America with States - Outline by

#29 Sam Gilbert (Graduated, 18th rd) Arizona League Athletics (Athletics Rookie Affiliate)

Phoenix, Ariz.

#35 John Remick (SR)

#44 Blake Weiman (JR)

Chillicothe Mudcats
Chillicothe Mudcats

Chillicothe, Mo.
Chillicothe, Mo.

#28 Blake Shinkle (SO)

#3 David Kyriacou (SO)
#7 Ty Denzer (SO)

Dodge City As
Duluth Huskies
Elmira Pioneers

#33 Marcus Wheeler (SR)

Arizona Pro Grey
#24 Colby Wright (Graduated, 25th rd) Billings Mustangs (Reds Rookie Affiliate)

#59 Zack Leban (SO)

#31 Chris Fearon (SO)

#40 Stephen Villines (SR)

#5 Matt McLaughlin (JR)

#14 Joe Moroney (Graduated)

#12 Ryan Ralston (JR)
#36 Blake Goldsberry (SO)
#4 Owen Taylor (JR)

#22 Ben Krauth (Graduated, 16th rd)

#34 Michael Tinsley (Drafted, 7th rd)
#19 Casey Douglas (JR)
#20 Jackson Goddard (SO)
#11 Tanner Gragg (JR)
#32 Ryan Jackson (JR)

#46 Jeremy Kravetz (SR)

#50 Ty Stahl (SR)
#25 Peyton Grassnovits (SO)
#30 MJ Farthing (SR)
#26 Tyler Davis (JR)
#27 Devin Foyle (SO)

Chillicothe Mudcats
Danville Dans

Falmouth Commodores
Falmouth Commodores

Gary Southshore Railcats

Humboldt Crabs
Liberal Bee Jays
Liberal Bee Jays

Phoenix, Ariz.
Billings, Mont.

Chillicothe, Mo.
Danville, Ill.

Dodge City, Kan.

Duluth, Minn.
Elmira, N.Y.
Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Mass.
Gary, Ind.
Arcata, Calif.
Liberal, Kan.
Liberal, Kan.

Mahoning Valley Scrappers (Indians Class A Short Season) Niles, Ohio

Mahoning Valley Scrappers (Indians Class A Short Season) Niles, Ohio
Neptune Beach Pearl
Newport Gulls

Alameda, Calif.
Newport, R.I.

Rossville Rattlers
Rossville Rattlers
Topeka Golden Giants

Rossville, Kan.
Rossville, Kan.
Topeka, Kan.

Rossville Rattlers
Rossville Rattlers

Topeka Golden Giants

Waynesboro Generals
Willmar Stingers

Rossville, Kan.
Rossville, Kan.

Topeka, Kan.
Waynesboro, Va.
Willmar, Minn.



Associated Press
Chicago Cubs third baseman Kris Bryant, right, catches Miami Marlins Derek Dietrich during the fourth inning of
a baseball game, Monday, Aug. 1, 2016, in Chicago.


Associated Press
Texas Rangers starting pitcher Cole Hamels works against the Detroit Tigers in the first inning of a baseball game,
Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016, in Arlington, Texas.

DAILY DEBATE: Who will win the World Series?


Chicago Cubs
With MLB regular-season play winding down
and the postseason right
around the corner, the Boston Red Sox, Texas Rangers, Chicago Cubs, and San
Francisco Giants have begun to establish themselves
as elite teams this season.
The tight matchups and
standout talent this year
has helped raise the question: Who will win the
2016 World Series?
For the Chicago Cubs,
their path begins with
manager Joe Maddon, a
man who has helped bring
back the winning tradition
to the Chicago Cubs organization. In 2015, he was able
to lead the Cubs to the NL
championship game and
was named the NL manager of the year.
The Chicago Cubs, who
have suffered a 108-year

look more promising than

ever to win it all in 2016.
This year, Chicago has
made key moves to help
improve their clubhouse,
which includes the addition of former Kansas City
Royals utility player Ben
Zobrist as well as outfielder Dexter Fowler, who was
signed to a two-year, $13
million deal.
The Cubs have one of
the deepest pitching staffs
that the MLB has seen in a
very long time in 2016 with
Kyle Hendricks, Jake Arrieta, Jon Lester, and Jason
Hammel all have posted
a top 20 ERA this regular
elite pitchers is a group of
talent in the field and at the
plate that are impressive
on their own. Kris Bryant
and Anthony Rizzo carry
the No. 1 and No. 4 spots
on the National Leagues
wins above replacement
list, with 5.2 and 4.3 wins.
Within the past two seasons, Bryant and Rizzo
have become the Cubs dy-

namic duo.
Bryant currently holds
the second spot in the NL
for home runs hit with 28
while Rizzo is also fourth in
the NL runs batted in, with
85 this year.
Although the Chicago
Cubs are considered by
many as the team to beat
this postseason, American
League teams such as the
Texas Rangers and Boston Red Sox have shown
they are ready to put up
a fight. With the Rangers
currently sitting on top of
the AL West and David Ortiz having one of the best
seasons of his career on his
retirement tour, there is no
shortage of competition.
Although these teams
may have some of the qualifications necessary to win it
all, the Chicago Cubs deep
bullpen, strategic manager
and pure talent at the plate
will allow them to prevail
among the rest and put an
end to their organizations
championship drought.


Texas Rangers
The Texas Rangers currently sit atop the American League West, and are
consistently near the top
of the entire AL standings. Entering the final
two months of the season,
however, the team has unspectacular stats: they rank
only eighth in batting average and are all the way
down at No. 23 in ERA.
So, why exactly should this
team be a legitimate threat
to win it all?
moves made at the deadline, the Rangers now
boast one of the most
well-rounded and complete
lineups in all of baseball.
The team acquired catcher Jonathon Lucroy and
outfielder Carlos Beltran,
filling two of the teams few
glaring needs. After inserting Lucroy and Beltran into
the lineup, every Ranger is

now a constant threat to do

damage at the plate.
The additions of Lucroy
and Beltran were essential
for the Rangers to make a
late playoff push. Before, a
combination of Robinson
Chirinos and Bobby Wilson
started behind the plate.
This pair hit a combined
.219, becoming arguably
the teams biggest downfall. A similar effect was
felt in the outfield, as Ryan
Ruas meager .266 average
dragged the team down as
Lucroy and Beltran are
instant fixes for these issues. Before being traded
from the Milwaukee Brewers, Lucroy was batting
.299. Meanwhile, Beltran
had slugged 22 home runs
for the New York Yankees
before the trade, more
than any Texas hitter. Both
players were selected to the
2016 MLB All-Star Game.
After including these
two, the Rangers worst
hitter is longtime first
baseman Mitch Moreland. However, despite

only hitting .246 thus far,

Moreland has hit 18 home
runs and plays above-average defense, so his presence can be considered a
net-positive. The rest of the
Rangers offense performs
strongly as well, as no other
regular hits below .270. Its
hard to find many things
wrong with this lineup.
In order for a team to
succeed in the postseason,
its essential that they have
a complete roster with as
few holes as possible. A
team can be led by star
players and have stats that
pop off the page, but when
it comes down to it in October, its all about consistency.
An entire season can
hinge on one late game atbat a team needs to ensure that at-bat is taken by
a solid hitter, not an offensive liability. The Rangers
need not worry about such
a scenario, as they have
taken the steps necessary
to guarantee themselves as
good of a shot at the title as




Kansas football needs improvement

in all phases this upcoming season

File Photo/KANSAN

Kansas coach David Beaty looks on from the sidelines. The Jayhawks went 0-12 last season, and hope to secure their first win since 2014 in their upcoming game against Rhode Island.


A new season is almost

upon Kansas football, and
there couldnt be more
relieving news for second-year head coach David
Beaty and his team.
Year one was highlighted
by an abysmal 0-12 record
for Beaty, but that doesnt
mean the season was necessarily a complete failure.
A foundation was built,
and the team appears headed in the right direction.
The great thing about
our program is [that] we
created an environment
from the day that we got
there that is based on caring for your teammate more
than you care for yourself,
Beaty said at Big 12 Football
Media Days on July 18.
Thats a positive sign for
the 2016 season, as the Jayhawks will need to see improvement on both sides of
the ball in order for the improvement of the program
to translate into success on
the football field.

Win Column

Its pretty clear this is

the most glaring need for
improvement for Kansas,
simply to improve their national image and local support.
Beaty will be searching
for his first career win as
a head coach and first
win for the Jayhawks since
November 8, 2014, against
Iowa State when the

team takes on FCS Rhode

Island in its home opener.
This first game of the
year is an ideal opportunity
for Beaty to secure his first
win, as the Rams went 1-10
and ranked last in total offense and second-to-last in
total defense in the Colonial Athletic Association in
We are completely focused on the most important game in the history of
our program, which is the
next one, Rhode Island,
Beaty said.
Securing that first win
under Beatys tenure would
certainly provide the instant improvement the Jayhawks are searching for this


As a team, the Jayhawks

threw only 12 touchdown
passes, compared to 14 interceptions, last season.
The Jayhawks also finished
eighth in the Big 12 in pass
offense, and the offense
desperately needs that to
improve in 2016 in order
to sustain more consistent
quarterback Ryan Willis
showed glimpses of becoming a potentially effective
starting quarterback last
season after he took over
for redshirt-junior quarterback Montell Cozart after
the first four games of the

While Willis threw for

a Kansas freshman record
1,719 yards and nine touchdowns, there were still
growing pains along the
waymost notably, his 10
interceptions and 52 percent completion rate.
That has made the starting quarterback spot an
open competition heading
into fall camp, which includes Willis, Cozart, sophomore Keaton Perry, and
redshirt-freshman Carter
That competition at the
quarterback spot is not unlike any of the other spots,
Beaty said during Kansas
Football Media Day on August 6. Theyve got to earn
it. The first day, I didnt
think anybody separated
Since that first day,
Willis has become the best
quarterback at practice
and has started to separate
himself from the pack. Still,
Willis, like the other quarterbacks on the roster, will
need to show consistency in
fall practices in order to win
the job.

Wide Receiver

The loss of Tre Parmalee is notable, as he led

all Kansas receivers with an
average of 59.9 yards per
game last season. However,
the receiving corps could
see a rise in production with
the addition of junior transfer LaQuvionte Gonzalez.
Gonzalez, a former fourstar recruit, was coached by

Beaty during his first two

seasons at Texas A&M before he transferred to Kansas and sat out last season.
We cant put too much
on Quiv, Beaty said. Hes
not the answer to all the ills
that we have. He is just a
piece of it. He cant do too
We had a kid at Rice
named Sam McGuffie, came
from Michigan. Sam was
a tremendous player, very
much like Quiv. The thing
we did, we put too much on
Sam that year. We learned a
hard lesson and he was not
as productive as he could
have been.

The great thing

about our
program is [that]
we created an
from the day
that we got there
that is based on
caring for your
teammate more
than you care for
David Beaty
Kansas coach

It will be key for Beaty to

maximize Gonzalezs talent,
because he has the potential
to provide instant offense.

know that kids talented
and if they can get it close to
him at the right spot, he can
do something extra with it,
Beaty said. We can throw
it to him short and he can
turn it into something big.
Thats been really good for
him and good for them.
Kansas also added Keegan Brewer, who was the
top receiver in the spring
game, and have 6-foot-3
Chase Harrell in the fold
after he redshirted last season.


The Jayhawks allowed a

Big 12 conference-high 560
yards per game and seven
yards per play last season.
Beaty believes the defense will improve this season due in large part to the
job that strength and conditioning coach JeNey Jackson did in the offseason.
Our kids in the summertime, credit to our
strength staff, have come
back in really good shape,
looking really good, performance numbers have
increased, defensive coordinator Clint Bowen said.
should come on the shoulders of sophomore defensive
Armstrong Jr. and junior
linebacker Joe Dineen Jr.
the most this season. They
have the biggest potential
to thrive in Bowens system
this season.
Armstrong, who tweaked

his leg early in camp, should

be healthy when the season
starts. Last season, Armstrong recorded 23 tackles,
as well as four pass breakups and 3.5 sacks both
second on the team.
Dorance, obviously, is
one of our better players
on defense, a kid that did a
great job for us last year and
has continued to develop,
Bowen said.
As for Dineen, he recorded 86 tackles and three
sacks last season, which
were third on the team.
Joe is one of those guys
who has developed himself, Bowen said. You
know they gain weight, and
at the same time add speed
to it, so his running and
changing direction is good.
Hes probably 15 pounds
heavier, but hes continued
to be able to move even
faster and change direction
better. Hes a guy that got
to play a lot of football last
year so that experience is
critical for kids.
Notable players like Willis, Gonzalez, Dineen and
Armstrong cant lead the
improvement in these areas
all by themselves, but they
will be the major factors toward that improvement.
If the Jayhawks can improve collectively in these
areas, they should see more
success in the 2016 season.

Soccer begins 2016 with new faces and same resolve

File Photo/KANSAN
Grace Hagan (right) kicks the ball past an Oregon State defender during a 1-0 loss last season.


Kansas soccer sophomore Grace Hagan stepped

to penalty spot in the 22nd
minute of Kansas soccers

against Creighton.
Particularly for her,
Hagan said, a penalty
kick would normally be a
nerve-wracking task. But
on this humid August evening, it was nothing but a
warm-up for Hagan. She

buried the penalty, Kansas

second goal in a 3-0 exhibition win over Creighton.
Entering her sophomore
year as one of the many offensive threats Kansas possesses, Hagan and a number of underclassmen serve

as the replacements to last

seasons linchpins Colombian midfielder Liana
Salazar and forward Ashley
Williams. Last season, Salazar would have stepped up
for the penalty kick.
In replacing Salazar and
Williams, who combined
for 11 goals and eight assists
in 2015, Kansas still focuses
on building off the ups and
downs from last season.
Kansas coach Mark Francis
focused on building on the
Big 12 tournament final loss
to Texas Tech. Kansas was
unlikely to advance to the
final, but narrowly lost the
match 1-0.
Last year we were one
win away from winning a
said. Thats the biggest
thing these guys take from
it is they want to win, you
know. They dont want to
be second place.
Kansas jumps back in
2016 with a lot of the same
goals as 2015, but not with
the scorers or key players.

The highest-scoring returning player is Hagan.

But Francis added several players who will likely
creep into starting lineups over the offseason.
Icelandic midfielder Erna
Gudjonsdottir drew praise
from Francis, who said she
could distribute the ball
like Salazar could. Austrian
freshman defender Sophie
Maierhofer is likely to start
at center defender for the
Even the returning players on the Kansas squad are
a little new. Forward Ashley
Pankey put in two impressive performances in preseason exhibitions, recording a couple in each game.
Pankey played in 21 games
last season but didnt make
a single start. A senior, Pankey is expected to start at
forward this season.
right now and she didnt
start for us last year, Francis said. She made a lot of
improvements and worked

really hard this summer.

Shes getting to play more
because of that. Ashleys
just tough to deal with for
the other team.
The Jayhawks depth in
2016 can make the team
more versatile. It also will
help resolve an issue Francis and his team struggled
with through much of last
season: creating opportunities. Right now, Francis
said theyre better there
than they were a year ago.
But theyre still working
on turning those opportunities into goals.
We still have to be better at finishing them; were
not clinical enough in the
box, Francis said. In the
tight games it just comes
down to one play. We had
22 shots (in a 3-0 exhibition
win over Creighton).
The good news is we
created that many chances.
We just have to be better at
executing them.

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