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Eduardo Enrique Cullar Ramos - A01380075

August 16th, 2016

Homework 1
1. Experimentation plays an important role in technology commercialization
and product realization activities, as well as in other areas such as
marketing, service operations, and general business operations.
2. Most problems in science and engineering require observation and
experimentation. Well-designed experiments often lead to a model of
system performance; such models are called empirical models.
3. The general approach to planning and conducting an experiment is called
the strategy of experimentation. Some types of strategies of
experimentation are the best-guess approach, the one-factor-at-a-time
approach, and the factorial approach.
4. Experimental design is a critically important tool in the scientific and
engineering areas for improving the product realization process.
5. The statistical design of experiments is the process of planning an
experiment so that appropriate data will be collected and analyzed by
statistical methods, resulting in valid and objective conclusions. This
approach is necessary if we want to make meaningful conclusions from
the data.
6. There are two aspects to any experimental problem: the design of the
experiment and the statistical analysis of the data. These two aspects are
related because the method of analysis depends directly on the design
7. The proper use of statistical techniques in experimentation requires that
every experimenter keeps the following points in mind:
- The use of nonstatistical knowledge is also required
- The design and analysis must be as simple as possible
- Statistical significance doesnt mean that it has practical value
- Experiments are iterative, it takes time and process to answer all
8. The three basic principles of experimental design are randomization,
replication, and blocking. These principles are part of every experiment. A
fourth principle is sometimes added, which is called the factorial principle.
9. The following guidelines are recommended for designing an experiment:
1. Recognition of and statement of the problem


Selection of the response variable

Choice of factors, levels, and ranges
Choice of experimental design
Performing the experiment
Statistical analysis of the data
Conclusions and recommendations

10. The cause-and-effect diagram, also known as Ishikawas fishbone

diagram, can be a useful technique for organizing some of the information
generated in pre-experimental planning.
11. If the experiment has been designed correctly and performed
according to the design, the statistical methods required are not
elaborate. There are many excellent software packages, as well as
programs and methods designed to assist in data analysis. One of the
most well known methods are the simple graphical methods.
12. The statistical experimental design has been used and developed since
the 1920s, when it was led by the pioneering work of Sir Ronald A. Fisher.
However, it was until the 1960s that work on optimal design of
experiments began.


Montgomery, D.C. (2013). Design and Analysis of Experiments (8 th ed.).

United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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