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Putnam City Schools

2016-2017 Course Syllabus/Parent Notification Letter

Course Title: Dance II
Room Number: Field House

Instructor: Conaughty

School Email:

Planning time: By
Web page:

What your child will learn:

This course will be a more challenging and in depth study of the fundamentals of dance in varying genres;
explore the artistry of dance, dance history, basic theater/dance etiquette, dance technique, dance
terminology, basic anatomy, and performance basics.
Sequence of learning:
Each new genre of dance introduced will begin with history and progress to learning the fundamental
movements of that genre, culminating to a completed choreographic work at the completion of the
Teaching methods:
Students will learn through lecture, and MOVEMENT. *If there is some medical reason that a student
cannot fully participate, this is NOT the class for them. EVERY student will be expected to
dance daily.
Other materials:
On occasion we will be viewing youtube videos and dance related movies.
Students will practice vocabulary daily, be given handouts, and be personally responsible for all
1. Black leotard, black soffee shorts, dance shorts, or leggings/yoga pants are REQUIRED. Men need
to be dressed in a fitted shirt and sweats or shorts. *Not dressing out will result in a zero for
the day and student will not be allowed to participate in class.*
2. Jazz shoes, or any other teacher approved dance shoe must be worn for every class. Failure to
comply will result in a 10 15 point deduction daily.
3. Dance class t-shirt. These will be worn for performances so it is required purchase. The cost will be
around $15 and be due in February.

Assessments and grades:

1. Daily Participation (60%): students are required to actively engage in class daily. This includes
dressing appropriately and participating in EVERY activity.
2. Movement/Written Quizzes/Performances (20%): At the end of every section students will be given
a movement quiz over given material and a written quiz over vocabulary/anatomy. Students will be
required to attend one outside performance. Students will be required to provide a program and
short summary of performance to receive full credit.
3. Quarter Finals/Performance (20%): Finals for this class will be performance based. There will be a
Dance Showcase in which EVERY student will be REQUIRED to participate.
Grades are determined by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible
in given grading period.
Grade Scale: A = 90 - 100
B = 80 89
C = 70 79
D = 60 69
F = 0 - 59
Learning Process:
Students will learn through repetition of movement. Once a skill is mastered a level of difficulty will be
added. Each student will be able to work at their own level until a skill is mastered and graded
accordingly. A skill chart will be on display for students to track their own progress.
Communicating progress: You may frequently check your students progress using our Power School
parent portal on your schools website. If you need a username/password, contact the District Enrollment
Office at 5604 NW 41st Street. Their phone number is 491-7631. You must go in person and show your
photo ID.
I am also providing each student and parent with a class Remind 101 number so that students may be
sent class information and reminders.

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