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Instructional Plan and Presentation

Christina Whitfield
CUR 516
August 15, 2016
Professor Joan Beckner


Phase I

Direct Care Staff Training

Ogletrees HCS provides a safe, welcoming, and comfortable place to


individuals with special needs to call home. Each home has around the
clock direct care staff. The Direct Care Staff provide individualized
support to persons with special needs and assisting them with daily
living skills. The Direct Care Staff training will provide the staff with
an overview of the importance of their role and their responsibility of
supporting individuals with disabilities in their homes and community
Everyone employed at Ogletrees HCS (OHCS) will have to complete
the training. The staff at OHCS varies in age, experience, education and


Delivery Method:

their attitude about completing the training will be diverse. Common

characteristics that the staff share include that they:
are at the age of 18,
have at least a high school diploma or higher,
have some medical care experience and
have basic computer and internet skills.
Training will be conducted through an online module that can be
accessed in a synchronous or an asynchronous online learning
The training will consist of four one-hour face to face sessions in which

Length of Training

the main goal will be to target each of the topics. Also, individuals will
have an opportunity to access the course through the companies online
website that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. A required date
will be established for individuals that are interested in completing the
training in an asynchronous learning environment. Completion of the
training is required before assuming any job responsibilities.
Session 1: Confidentiality of Consumer Information
Session 2: Abuse and Neglect
Session 3: Universal Precautions
Session 4: Emergency and Evacuation Procedures


The staff will be able to identify the different type of abuse and

Training Goals:

The staff will understand the importance of confidentiality of
the consumers information.
The staff will understand why and how to follow universal

Phase II
Learning Objectives:
After completing the Direct Care Staff Training four one-hour sessions, the staff at
Ogletrees HCS (OHCS) should be able to:
A) Define abuse, identify the different types of abuse and how & when to report
B) Understand the importance of confidentiality.
C) Understand universal precautions and know what safety measures to take to
protect you and avoid exposure to infectious diseases.
D) Understand the guidelines for conducting and evaluating evacuation drills and
the use of the fire extinguishers.
Objective Explanation:
The objective for the Direct Care Training sessions is to introduce the staff to direct care
work settings for individuals with special needs. The training sessions will help the staff
build and progress to include critical thinking skills and development for in home
management and personal care tasks that will be needed to care for the consumers. The
staff will be encouraged to utilize the skills when faced with similar scenarios.
Instructional Strategies and Activities Description:


The training sessions are conducted online to accommodate staff. The sessions will use a
variety of instructional strategies and activities to engage the staff. These include:


Situational scenarios,



Simulations and

Pre-learning and Post-Learning Assessments

These strategies and activities directly reflect the goals and objectives of the training.
Examples, situational scenarios and demonstrations give staff the ability to see firsthand
how to assist individuals with special needs and how important it is to keep their
information confidential. It also provides real-life scenarios of the different types of abuse
and neglect that can take place within the facility. Investigations and stimulations provide
staff with a way to test their knowledge. The final assessment will evaluate what the staff
have learned about Confidentiality of Consumer Information, Abuse & Neglect,
Universal Precautions and Emergency & Evacuation Procedures.
Instructional Technologies Description:
The training sessions is conducted online in that can be accessed in a synchronous or an
asynchronous online learning environment. Therefore, the training sessions relies heavily
on technology such as:
i. Videos and stimulations to assist with learning goals,
ii. Discussion forums for staff to chat, post questions, and discuss what

that have learned and

Online assessments to evaluate learning.

Phase III
September 2016
Presenting Plan to Ogletrees HCS CEO, Della Ogletree and Vice
President Jacqueline Ogletree
Revising of plans
Gaining Approval


October 2016
Create training material
Testing of the online modules
Gather supplementary materials
November 1, 2016
Begin the trainings for all current Direct Care Staff
November 15, 2016
Begin the trainings for all new hired Direct Care Staff for Ogletrees HCS
Total Length of Time:
The Direct Care Staff Training session consists of four one-hour sessions. The training
sessions will become available November 1, 20016. The sessions are available is online.
The staff must master each session in order to move on to the module. Completion of
each session can be done all at once or at another time. ALL current Direct care staff of
Ogletrees HCS are required to complete the training sessions by November 30, 2016.
Effective November 2016, all new hires of Ogletrees HCS is required to complete all
training sessions before assuming any job responsibilities.
Individuals Involved:
o Ogletrees HCS senior management team: for planning, implementation, approval
o Ogletrees HCS Direct Care Staff: as learners
o Facilitator: to monitor the online environment, assist learning and to assess
o Designer: to organize instruction activities and create and gather materials.
Resources and Materials Needed:
Resources needed includes:
Computers/Smartphone/Tablet with online access
Materials to be created or gathered includes:
Training Guide
Discussion starters
Case Studies
The training session will launch on November 1, 2016. Direct Care Staff will be made
aware of the training sessions before its availability, to allow for preparation. All direct
care staff of Ogletrees HCS are required to complete the training, therefore proper
notification is essential. Ogletrees HCS management team will use memos, emails, and
meetings to communicate training details and needs to staff. Current Direct Care Staff
will be able to select a date between November 1st to November 30, 2016 to complete the


Selection of real-life scenarios and case studies close to the direct care staff work life
situations are vital to enhancing motivation. The more relevant better enhances interest in
the training. Discussion revolves around these scenarios and case studies. The staff will
have the opportunities to share their personal experiences of providing direct care to add
relevance and importance while actively involves the learners. Clear objectives are set an
communicated at the beginning of each session to give staff an idea of what to expect
within each session.
Ogletrees HCS commitment, practical scenarios, real-world problems, respect for
employee experience and clear objectives enhance learning.
Use of formative assessments throughout each training session ensures quality
instruction. These assessments include
Discussions to ensure that staff understand the topic and to deepen

understanding and
Short quizzes in the beginning and end of each session to track the staff

progress through the topics.

Active discussions will help identify problem areas in the topic that need materials or
resources. The training sessions will use short, simple quizzes at the beginning to access
what the staff knows. Quizzes at the end will monitor learning.

Phase IV
Evaluation Criteria:
The Direct Care Staff take an online final assessment to measure understanding of the
material. The assessment will consist of 2 case studies. To pass the training sessions, the
staff will be expected to identify the different type of abuse and neglect, the importance
of confidentiality of the consumers information, why and how to follow universal
precautions and emergency & evacuation procedures. Staff will have to repeat the
modules if they fail to pass the assessment with an 80% or higher.
Evaluation Instruments:
The evaluation instruments include:
Discussions starters,
Short answer quiz questions,
Case studies for quizzes,
Final assessment and
Feedback forms.
Evaluation Overview:


Evaluation will start at the beginning to test prior knowledge of providing direct care.
Planned discussion starters along with guidelines aid in critical thinking. Realistic case
studies throughout each training sessions in quizzes, discussions, and final assessment
provide real-world situations for the staff to relate to. Each training session must be
passed by the direct care staff. The staff will need to be able to:
Define abuse, identify the different types of abuse and how & when to report
Understand the importance of confidentiality.
Understand universal precautions and know what safety measures to take to
protect you and avoid exposure to infectious diseases.
Understand the guidelines for conducting and evaluating evacuation drills and
the use of the fire extinguishers.
Direct care staff will have the opportunity to use feedback forms to evaluate the materials
used in the training sessions and the effectiveness of instruction at the end of the four
one-hour sessions. The feedback provided will be an aid to improving the Direct Care
Staff Training and implementation as they will identify materials and activities that need
to adapt, areas that need enhancement and prove the validity of training.


Brown A., Green T. D., (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design, Connecting Fundamental
Principles with Process and Practice. Pearson (2nd ed.)
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2016, from

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