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Private equity, venture capital and crowd funding industry

The causes and effects of firm-bank relations, bank competition, the advisory roles of
banks in mergers and acquisitions, and IPO underwriting.
Karpo_, (2001), Public Versus Private Initiative in Arctic Exploration: The Effects of

Incentives and Organizational Structure", Journal of Political Economy 109:1: 38-78

Harris, Jenkinson and Kaplan, (2012), Private Equity Performance: What Do We

Know?", NBER Working Paper No. 17874

The competitive advantages and disadvantages of family firm
The impacts of family firms on manager-shareholder conflicts of interest
Controller-minority investor agency problems
The political influence of family firms and their effects on government tax and fiscal

Regulatory induced barriers to entry
Mandatory corporate disclosure rules
Securities regulation and minority investor protections
The legal acceptance of various control preserving devices.

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