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Future Research Directions

Following are some of the research areas suggested by different researchers discovered during
the analysis of the literature on organizational change management.
According to Skinner (2004) in the earlier studies there is no clue that the organizations evaluate
change but he suggested a research area of barriers to change evaluation (Andrews, Andrews, &
Harris, 2008, p. 311).
Schema change during different types of authorization, specifically job-level authorization or
empowerment (Labianca, Gray, & Brass, 2000, p. 235). According to Chesley and Huff(1998)
using structuration theory as a framework for assessing organizational change processes (ibid)
can be significant to get insight about the implanted structures in the organization and for the
relationship between the change agents to organization (ibid). Effects of job stress on absentia
and employee turnover and organizational change (Vakola & Nikolaou, 2005, p. 174).
Green culture change from the perspective of front line operatives and customers (Harris &
Crane, 2002, p. 230)green culture change in views of larger samples of organizational members
rather than individuals managers (ibid) ,investigation of the potentially differentiated
relationships between the three aspects of depth, degree and diffusion of green organizational
culture and various performance dimensions (Economic and environmental factors) (ibid).
Some topics which can be tested are large scale changes, plan changes, administrative and
strategic changes (Fernandez & Rainey, 2006).
The impacts of ongoing changes on negative feelings in a different context and individual
differences (Kiefer, 2005).
The influence of personality on the experiences of emotions, investigations of the effects of
conducts of individuals e.g. Rating performances by caolege and Boss, turnover effects in
organizations, on the job employee experiences (ibid) .
Critical analysis of the role of leadership in terms of adoption of change management strategies
or, of the consequences that cultural shifts caused during a merger place on Individuals and
ultimately their acceptance of Change (Kavanagh & Ashkanasy, 2006, p. 82).

The study of impact of leadership and change management strategy on organizational culture and
individual acceptance of change during a merger can be repeated to include populations from
both academics and administrative to build comparisons (Kavanagh & Ashkanasy, 2006, p. 99).
A new research can be conducted if the effects of variables like the size, type and financial
position of organizations included, in this case the required leading ability to successfully
manage the merger can be different (ibid). Leadership skills needed to examine step-step, quick
and neutral change processes during mergers (ibid).
The scholars (Jorritsma & Wilderom, 2012) observed cultural and climate experiences of
Individual employees and BU as prime unit of study and for that purpose quantitative and
qualitative methodology were used (Jorritsma & Wilderom, 2012), Future research that is
longitudinal at the individual level will be able to compare employees pre- and post-perceptions
of organizational change attempts, Likely yielding additional insights (Chiang, 2010 cited in
Jorritsma & Wilderom, 2012)). The observations can be repeated if size of organization is
changed, unsure conditional relation of one-sidedly imposed change on the work oor (see,
e.g. Oreg and Sverdlik, 2010 cited in Jorritsma & Wilderom, 2012). Headquarters cooperation
with those who have detailed local service knowledge of what the service employees see as
barriers and opportunities for service enhancements (Jorritsma & Wilderom, 2012).
Researchers can develop appropriate techniques for measuring resistance in different situations.
More importantly, research documenting how these techniques has been applied and how
managers have gained utility from resistance would be of considerable benet to managers.
(Waddell & s.Sohal, 1998, p. 547).
Under which conditions is the projected identity of the organization incongruent with the values
and norms projected by external pressures (Pitsakis, Biniari, & Kuin, 2012, p. 848)? Empirical
studies across different organizational contexts may provide insight on factors such as
organizational culture that shape organizational identity (ibid). Future studies can also explore
the role organizational leaders can play to inuence the identication process of individuals and
the interplay between organizational and institutional identities (ibid).

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