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Virtual Lab Migration

Attempt all questions in Part A and all questions in either Part B or Part C
Part A
1.A. Given the matrices A and b that represent a matrix equation of the form Ax = b, write a Scilab
function that determines the value of x_i using Cramer's rule.
B. Using Xcos, create signals with sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. Use Xcos to create a signal that
takes a combination of 10 Hz and 100 Hz Sine Wave.
2.A. Write a Scilab function to check if a given matrix is a diagonal matrix or not.
B. Create Xcos code to demonstrate addition of two numbers using super blocks.
Part B- Control Systems
3.A.Write a Scilab code which accepts a transfer function in terms of a polynomial from the user.
The code finds its roots and plots the pole-zero plot, bode plot, and calculates the gain margin and
phase margin
B. Implement the expression u1*sin(u2) in Xcos. u1 and u2 are inputs from sliders and the output
should appear on a numeric indicator.
4.A. Using Xcos, design and simulate a PID controller for a 2nd order system. Tune it for set point
B. Next, add white noise to the system output. Comment on the controller performance (in terms of
offset, stability etc.).
Part C- Signal Processing
5.A. Design of a low-pass butterworth filter with 50 Hz cut off frequency that will eliminate 100Hz
B. Using Xcos, generate a ramp signal which starts from -10. If the value crosses 0, make the Xcos
simulation stop automatically.
6.A. Generate sine wave and cosine wave in Xcos. Write the data points in to a text file with
appropriate name.
B. Read the file created in the (a) part of this question. Calculate the frequency and phase difference
between the retrieved sine and cosine data vectors using Scilab script.

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