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1. Identify the grammar point the sentence is testing (i.e. passive, modals, ...).
2. Make sure your sentence has the same meaning as the original.
3. Make sure it makes sense.
4. Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
1. He is very smart but he won't succeed = No matter how..

2. If he doesn't have a good mark his father won't give him a gift.= Unless.

3. I have never seen such a friendly boy. = He

4. Mummy asked, where is the knife ?' = Mummy asked me

5. I think you should be more careful with your handwriting.

I advise .
If I were .
6. Would you mind lending me your pen?
7. Its possible that Jane will visit Switzerland next year. (could)

8. Im sure theyll be home by now. (must)

9. Its possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow. (might)

10. Perhaps he won the lottery. (could)

He .

11. Its not necessary to make your bed. (have to)

12. Smoking is forbidden in public places. (mustnt)
13. Ill take the raincoat in case it rains. (might)
Ill take the raincoat because

used to + infinitive and be/get used to

used to
- used for actions things that happened in the past (that no longer happen now)
- the negative is didnt use to
- the interrogative is did you use to?
Mark used to smoke 3 cigarettes in the morning but now he doesnt smoke at all.
I used to listen to folk music but now I hate it.
Did she use to drink coffee in the night?
Did you use to eat fish?
Jane doesnt use to wear long skirts.
Be used to
- used to say that something is normal, not unusual (you are accustomed to it you dont find it unusual)
I'm used to living alone.
John is used to driving for long hours. He has worked as a professional driver for 20 years.
get used to
- something is in the process of becoming normal (you are becoming accustomed to it it was strange, now its
not so strange)
Im getting used to driving on the right. (Present Continuous)
I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather. (Past Simple)
I think she'll get used to her new life. (Future)

Be/get used to can be used with past, present and future tenses.
Both be used to and get used to are followed by a noun (or pronoun) or the gerund the ing form of a

1. Circle the correct answer.

1When I was a child I ..... .. .............. go swimming in the Lake District.
A used to

B am used to

2. I ..................... in front of many people. I am a teacher.

A used to speak

B am used to speaking

3. My grandmother ..................... 1 mile to go to school every day.

A used to walk

B is used to walking

4. After a few years I have become quite ..................... Excel.

A used to operate

B used to operating

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. When I was a student, I used to (work) in a restaurant called Marmalade and
Friends. It was in Brighton near the sea front.
2. When I worked there, I used to (go) to bed very late at night and .(get
up) very early.
3. It is very difficult to get used to.. (work) nights. It's much better and easier to work days.
4. Are you getting used to.. (live) in your new flat yet?
5. She isn't used to (fly) on her own. She is always terrified.
6. I'm not used to. (sit) in an office all day. I used to (be) a gardener.

4. Choose the correct answers

1- We in this climate.
a) are using to

b) used to

c) are used to

d) use to

2- Are you used to . before going to bed.


b) be read

c) reading

d) be reading

3- I used to thirty cigarettes a day.

a) smoking

b) be smoking

c) smoked

d) smoke

4- This restaurant very good but now, it isn't.

a) was used to

b) used to be

c) used to was d) use to be

5- Don't worry! You will soon .. living in such a crowded city.

a) be used to

b) used to

c) get used to d) to get used to

6- Soldiers must .. waking up early in the morning.

a) used to

b) to be used to

c) to get used to d) get used to

7- People who are used to . a lot, are called "Talkative".

a) speak

b) spoke


d) spoken

Complete with used to or be used to, according to the context and put the verb in
brackets in the right form.
We _______________________ (live) in London years ago.
I didnt like London but I.. (already/live) in London now.
Tourists __________________ (not/come) here years ago.
I (hear) about the fantastic things he does. Thats no surprise.
When she was younger she never (wear) jeans because they didnt fit her.
Now she. (wear) jeans because it is very cold where she lives

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