About ZodiacSigns

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Significations/Characteristics (Kaarakatwas)
12. Meena/Pisces
Swabhaava: Dwi
Tattwa: Jala/Water
Direction: North
Colour: Violet
Type: Jeeva
Body parts: Feet
Gender: Female
Type: Negative
11. Kumbha/Aquarius
Swabhaava: Sthira
Tattwa: Vayu/Air
Varna: Shudra/Working
Direction: West
Colour: Indigo
Body parts: Calves
Gender: Male
Type: Positive

1. Mesha/Aries
Swabhaava: Chara
Tattwa: Agni/Fire
Varna: Kshatriya/Ruling
Direction: East
Colour: Red
Type: Dhatu (Metal)
Body parts: Head
Gender: Male
Type: Positive

2. Vrishabha/Taurus
Swabhaava: Sthira
Tattwa: Bhoomi/Earth
Varna: Vaishya/Business
Direction: South
Colour: White
Type: Moola
Body parts: Face
Gender: Female
Type: Negative

8. Vrishchika/Scorpio
Swabhaava: Sthira
Tattwa: Jala/Water
Direction: North
Colour: Brown
Body parts: Genital
Gender: Female
Type: Negative

7. Thula/Libra
Swabhaava: Chara
Tattwa: Vayu/Air
Varna: Shudra/Working
Direction: West
Colour: Rose
Type: Dhatu (Metal)
Body parts: Lumbar
Gender: Male
Type: Positive

10. Makara/Capricorn
Swabhaava: Chara
Tattwa: Bhoomi/Earth
Varna Vaishya/Business
Direction: South
Colour: Black
Type: Dhatu (Metal)
Body parts: Knees
Gender: Female
Type: Negative
9. Dhanur/Sagittarius
Swabhaava: Dwi
Tattwa: Agni/Fire
Varna: Kshatriya/Ruling
Direction: East
Colour: Yellow
Type: Jeeva
Body parts: Thighs / hips
Gender: Male
Type: Positive

3. Mithuna/Gemini
Swabhaava: Dwi
Tattwa: Vayu
Varna: Shudra/Working
Direction: West
Colour: Green
Type: Jeeva
Body parts: Throat,
arms, breast, chest
Gender: Male
Type: Positive
4. Karkataka/Cancer
Swabhaava: Chara
Tattwa: Jala/Water
Direction: North
Colour: White
Type: Dhatu (Metal)
Body parts: Heart /
above stomach
Gender: Female
Type: Negative
5. Simha/Leo
Swabhaava: Sthira
Tattwa: Agni/Fire
Varna: Kshatriya/Ruling
Direction: East
Colour: Orange
Body parts: Navel /
Gender: Male
Type: Positive
6. Kanya/Virgo
Swabhaava: Dwi
Tattwa: Bhoomi/Earth
Varna Vaishya/Business
Direction: South
Colour: Yellow
Type: Jeeva
Body parts: Abdomen
Gender: Female
Type: Negative
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Significations/Characteristics (Kaarakatwas) (Continued)

12. Meena/Pisces
Governs: Oceans and
watery surfaces, places
of pilgrimage, shrines
and pagodas and
localities frequented by
holy men and Mahatmas.

1. Mesha/Aries
Governs: Shrubbery
caves, mountains, mines,
gems and places worked
by internal fires.

2. Vrishabha/Taurus
Governs: Wildernesses,
jungles, cultivated fields,
projecting rocks,
mountains abounding in
elephants, agricultural

11. Kumbha/Aquarius
Governs: Toddy sellers,
drinks of all kinds,
places where toddy
palms, coconuts inferior
grains grow, tracts where
large number of birds
congregate together,
drunken localities,
gambling and infamous
10. Makara/Capricorn
Governs: Rivers, lakes,
forests, jungles, swamps
and large sheets of water
where crocodiles and
whales are found.

9. Dhanur/Sagittarius
Governs: Battle fields,
cavalry, infantry and
battle lines, magazines
and armories, chariots,
horses, warriors, parade
grounds, war
implements, plains and
racing grounds.

3. Mithuna/Gemini
Governs: Gambling and
musical houses, special
manufactures, immoral
places and dancing

4. Karkataka/Cancer
Governs: paddy fields
and wet cultivation,
picturesque places and
sandy plains, localities
frequented by divine

5. Simha/Leo
Governs: Deep forests,
extensive fortifications,
hills, forts, caves and
mountains, hunting
places and jungles
infested with wild beasts
and birds of prey.

8. Vrishchika/Scorpio
Governs: Natural caves,
dens, openings in the
earth, underground cells
or constructions,
concealed strategic
fortifications, mole hills,
wildernesses and places
frequented by scorpions,
snakes and other
venomous reptiles.

7. Thula/Libra
Governs: Betting,
Gambling and racing
centres, streets,
exchanges, roads and
roadsides, commercial
halls, large towns and
broad thorough fares.

6. Kanya/Virgo
Governs: Grassy plains,
and meadows,
manufacturing cities,
skillful workshops,
oceanic surfaces and
places where lovers

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Rulership/Ownership; Ucchattva (Exaltation), Neechattva (Debilitation) and Moola Trikona of

Grahas in Rashi/Sign
12. Meena
Ruled by: Guru/Jupiter
Neechattva-Budha 15

1. Mesha
Ruled by: Kuja/Mars
Ucchattva-Surya 10
Neechattva-Shani 20
Moola Trikona: Kuja (0

2. Vrishabha
3. Mithuna
Ruled by: Shukra/Venus Ruled by:
Ucchattva-Chandra 3
Moola Trikona:
Chandra (3 30)

11. Kumbha
Ruled by: Shani/Saturn
Moola Trikona: Shani
(0 20)

4. Karkataka
Ruled by:
Ucchattva-Guru 5
Neechattva-Kuja 28

10. Makara
Ruled by: Shani/Saturn
Ucchattva-Kuja 28
Neechattva-Guru 5

5. Simha
Ruled by: Surya/Sun
Moola Trikona: Surya
(0 20)

9. Dhanus
Ruled by: Guru/Jupiter
Moola Trikona: Guru (0

8. Vrishchika
Ruled by: Kuja/Mars
Neechattva-Chandra 3

7. Thula
Ruled by: Shukra/Venus
Ucchattva-Shani 20
Neechattva-Surya 10
Moola Trikona: Shukra
(0 15)

6. Kanya
Ruled by:
Ucchattva-Budha 15
Neechattva-Shukra 27
Moola Trikona: Budha
(15 20)

According to 2 different school of thoughts

Exaltation Sign for Rahu: 1)Vrishabha 2)Mithuna; Debilitation Sign for Rahu: 1)Vrischika 2)Dhanus
Exaltation Sign for Ketu: 1)Vrischika 2) Dhanus; Debilitation Sign for Ketu: 1)Vrishabha 2)Mithuna
Points to note:

Movable / Chara they will be ambitious Good for short term projects
Fixed / Sthira good in routine work, very firm good for long term projects
Dwi wavering, unstable, indecisive. They are good mediators
Fiery energetic, dominant, determined, confidence, restlessness
Earthy stable, calm, perseverance, cautious, hard working, changeable
Water emotional, psychic, bonding with relations and family affairs, easily gets influenced by
7. Airy versatile, intellectuals, logic, planners, old age, disease etc
8. Space expansion, wisdom, creativity, accommodative
9. ODD Signs Positive; Male; Day; Kroora (intense)
10. EVEN signs Negative; Female; Night; Sowmya (mild)
11. Moola Trikona Sign of a Graha is very powerful sign next to exaltation sign.

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