Transcendence Reaction Paper: Transcendence Is Just So Much Scientific Hokum Added To An Issue of

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Transcendence Reaction

Having watched, and enjoyed, Transcendence it is somewhat confusing to
see so much vitriol being spewed at the film, treating the cautionary tale
of internet AI with the sort of reaction usually reserved for virus spreading
spam. Granted the film is more of an intellectual mish mash of several
different themes, plots and subplots, and does not contain any nudity or
an overabundance of gratuitous gory violence. It also requires the usual
suspension of disbelief needed for any fictional film, unfortunately those
who have been panning the poor movie to the nth degree, seem
incapable of doing that.
Apparently most critics and reviewers are slamming the Christopher Nolan
produced science fiction epic tale of mans attempting to become God
and those who try to stop it havent been able to suspend any disbelief.
The Depp curse may have a lot to do with the amount of dissatisfaction
with the films story and its ambiguous ending. Certainly the actor has
had a run of bad luck in his film roles of late. There seems to be a lot of
hostility left over from his portrayal of Tonto in The Lone Ranger for
Depp bashing aside, Transcendence does have a lot to offer. From taking
the base plot of the 1953 sci-fi/horror film Donovans Brain starring Lew
Ayres and one of a few versions of the Curt Siodmak novel and making it
all about AI and God may have have upset someone. Although the original
film was about a rotter, and deceased millionaire, whose brain is kept
alive in a tank by an honest scientist. It had nothing to do with the
Internet either which was not even thought of back in the 1950s.
Transcendence is just so much scientific hokum added to an issue of
mans hubris being responsible for trying to create life in his image. In
other words, suffering from a God complex. To cloud this morality tale
even further, the man who becomes God, is aided, set up and
influenced by a woman. Another variation of the Adam and Eve story?
Perhaps. This film manages to really look at the issues of mans doubting
the existence of the Almighty and whether mans attempt to circumvent
the myths and truths of a creator should result in failure which results in
his being feared and loathed by his fellow denizens. Treating this film like
so much cinematic spam makes no real sense.

The initial plot has Will Caster (Depp) and his wife working together on
their joint project PINN. For Will, its all about artificial intelligence (AI) for
his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) its about healing the world. Caster doesnt
think much past his project of making a computer self- aware, it is the
love of his life who develops the God complex as she struggles to get
her dying husbands brain uploaded into PINN. For those whove seen the
film, a lot has been left out in this opening of the plot. In a nutshell, the
upload works, Will is merged with PINN and becomes omnipresent and,
pretty much, all powerful. In other words, a lot like Christians version of
As Caster himself points out, people fear what they do not understand, so
his AI self, and Evelyn are targeted by the anti-tech terrorist group.
Although to be fair, they are trying to save Evelyn. By the time the movie
ends, with an ending that smacks of a possible sequel, no one wins,
Castel, and his image, are gone and so is the omnipotent AI that was,
miraculously, healing the Earth. There should not have been a dry eye in
the house.
Taking the films multiple plots out of the equation and taking a good look
at the cinematography, reveals that the Wally Pfister has probably been
Chris Nolans best kept secret. Helming his first film, the picture looks
beyond great. The CG FX impress on every level. At the risk of sounding
like a religious lunatic, even the CG supports the main underlying theme
of man attempting to become God. When the people that AI Will makes
super human are injured by being attacked by the opposite faction,
the earth, aka dust, rises up and heals them. Another Adam and Eve
allusion if ever there was one.
Perhaps Transcendence seeking to ask a morality question about mans
trying to become God, wrapped in a story about AI, the Internet, a love
story, and mans terrified ignorant reaction to too much technology feels
like spam by critics. Reviewers have, for the most part, slammed the film
and ignored the obvious things that Pfister, and the talented cast, got
right. Possibly the mix of religion and technology has hit a nerve
somewhere or its all a part of the recent sport of Depp bashing. Who
knows, but really, the film is not as bad as critics would like everyone to

Transcendence Reaction
I watched the movie Transcendence. It is about the death of a computer
genius who made himself in a computerized form and made change in the life of the
people. He heals the persons that come to him and somehow they turn into hybrid
persons and he can control each of the people he cured. Before he dies his dream
was to help people heal their illnesses especially those with severe illnesses, so
when he was reborn in a computerized form he made his dreams come true. It was
also his wifes dream to cure people with severe disease so his wife supported him
in everything. At first his wife was surprised that her husband was uploaded into a
computerized form. But because of her love to him and willingness for them to be
together again she did and gave everything for his husband needs to stay
connected. Until his husband was into the internet and was all over the place. But
because of some haters they were wanted and searched everywhere. The haters or
the anti-guys dont want the computer genius to continue his doings because its
very dangerous to the humans, so they went and hunt them. The government also
helped them in the mission to stop the couple. The wife was blinded because of her
for his husband and her willingness to be together again so she supported and
obeyed everything he said but one day the girl realized that something was wrong
when she was told by her husband that he wants her to be also uploaded. So she
ran away for a day and when she was about to wake up strange people entered the
room she rented and unwillingly took her to their hide-out. The people who took her
were the government, a friend of her, a dear friend of her, some soldiers and the
anti-guys. She was told to stop everything that she and his husband was doing, at
first she didnt let them do they were planning but later after continues pursuing
she understand what the government was talking about and agreed to their plan.
She let herself be the bait in this plan just to stop what she and her husband was
doing. So she went back to their place and did her mission. The mission went blood
she was hit and her husband tried to save her but he didnt know that her blood was
injected with a virus that would stop everything they did. They died together and
their operation was stopped. And everyone was at peace.

Jonny Depp was the main character who played the role of Willy Caster, the
computer genius. Jonny Depp was acting very serious in this movie not likely with
those of his other weird movies. His wife was played by Rebecca Hall as Evelyn
Caster. They had chemistry together and I cried every sad scene the played
together. Applause to their director Mr. Wally Pfister . Effects are surreal and sound
effects were very nice. The movie was surreal guess it can really happen in the
near future. But itll be scary. I also learned that you should not mess will Gods
creation or else everything will be unbalanced and everything will be far gone. Yeah
cool movie.

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