Training Strategy Process Flow

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Training Strategy Process Flow

Initiate Competency Mapping

Study Job Clans & Job Series

Determine Competencies required for each Job Series

(Might be already defined through PBCs)

Map the competencies against each job

Design Competency Matrix for each job

Analyse gaps in current competencies of each job through

competency mapping

Develop individual plans to fill the gap

Future - Competency Based Recruitment & Performance

Management System (Maybe PBCs)

Set Training Target for the year (For ex. - 3/2/1 manday mandatory
training per employee depending on their level) & Set a budget

Initiate Training Need Analysis through Competency Mapping (Maybe

decide a training coordinator in each department who will take care
of this step)

Consolidate Need Analysis and Determine the Training Calendar for

the year

Create Training Database for each employee which would nclude full
training details of the employee

Execute Trainings - External Trainings/Internal Trainings/Knowledge

Sharing Sessions/Outbound Trainings

Eveluate every training through Feedback and Impact Assessment

Analyse post training competency gap fulfilment and update

competency matrix

Future - Career Development Plans (Like Career Ladders),

Developming inhouse trainers, Communities of practice, training
university, etc.

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