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John H. Gieske and Mark A Rumsey
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800, MS 0615
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0615


Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques

An acousto-ultrasonic inspection technique was

developed to evaluate the structural integrity of the
epoxy bond interface between a metal insert and the
fiber glass epoxy composite of a wind turbine blade.
Data was generated manually as well as with a PC based
data acquisition and display system. C-scan imaging
using a portable ultrasonic scanning system provided an
area mapping of the delamination or disbond due to
fatigue testing, field operation conditions, or
manufactured conditions of a turbine blade. Comparison
of inspection data with a destructive visual examination
of the bond interface to determine the extent of the
disbond showed good agreement between the acoustoultrasonic inspection data and visual data.

An investigation of characterizing the root bond area

shown in Figure 1 for defects was undertaken using
ultrasonic techniques. Normal pulse-echo, through

Sandia National Laboratories has been investigating
tubular composite-to-metal lap joints.1,2 As a tool to
determine the quality of the joint bonds, pulse-echo
ultrasonic C-scan NDI techniques have been used. The
principles of ultrasonic C-scan imaging with manual and
automated scanners can be found in a number of
sources.3,4 The ultrasonic C-scan method was shown to
be successful in detecting and mapping incomplete
adhesive fills, interface debonds and composite
delaminations in laboratory prepared and tested samples.
As an extension to this work, the composite-to-metal
joints in the root section of selective wind turbine blades
were tested. This report describes an acousto-ultrasonic
variation of the C-scan NDE technique that has been
developed for looking at these joints. A schematic view
of a wind turbine blade with a representative compositeto-metal joint is shown in Figure 1. Ultimately, the
acousto-ultrasonic NDE technique is being developed to
be used on full-scale wind turbine blades in the
manufacturing, testing and field environments.
* This paper is declared a work of the U.S. Government
and is not subject to copyright protection in the United

transmission, and pitch-catch techniques were

examined. A cross section of the root bond area
showing the geometry and propagation path of
ultrasonic pulses by these techniques is displayed in
Figure 2. Since the fiberglass epoxy composite was
over 1 inch thick for the wind turbine blade under
examination, considerations of ultrasonic

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

scattering, and attenuation of the pulses from the

multiple interfaces within the composite were
Pulse-echo and pitch-catch techniques were investigated
with limited success. Clear back-surface echoes from
the bond interface as shown in Figure 2 or from the
back-surface of the steel insert at were not distinct
from all the echoes generated from the multiple
interfaces of the composite. In general, ambiguous
results were obtained with the pulse-echo and pitchcatch techniques. However, a through transmission (TT)
technique proved to show unambiguous results where
areas of disbonds, delaminations, and voids could be
mapped out and detected with certainty.

ultrasonic data acquisition and display system using a

water bath to couple the ultrasonic energy between the
transducers and the test piece. However, water
immersion techniques will not be appropriate for wind
turbine blade examinations. In addition, the blade will
be installed in a fixture or wind turbine where the inside
surface of the turbine blade will not be accessible for
application of an ultrasonic transducer for the TT
technique. For these reasons, an acousto-ultrasonic
(AU) inspection technique was developed. The AU
technique would approximate the detection capability of
the TT technique as near as possible.

As an example, Figure 3 shows the ultrasonic C-scan

results obtained with a TT technique for a 305 mm
square test sample that had two strips of disbonds

The AU technique developed is illustrated in Figure 4

where contact transmitter and receiver ultrasonic
transducers are used at the OD surface of the turbine
blade. The receiver transducer is attached to the OD
surface of the steel insert inboard of the fiberglass
composite. As illustrated in Figure 4, the ultrasonic
pulse generated by the transmitter enters the composite,
travels through the composite thickness, and then enters
the steel insert where it propagates down the insert and
finally arrives at the receiver transducer. The first arrival
of the pulse at the receiver is most sensitive to the
energy entering the steel insert directly below the
transmitter since the acoustic wave velocity in the steel
is faster than that in the composite and very little energy
is lost in the steel.
purposely manufactured into the test piece that
consisted of the structural components of the fiberglass
composite bonded to a steel plate. Adequate C-scan
images of the same disbond areas could not be obtained
with the pulse-echo or pitch-catch techniques. The
results of Figure 3 were obtained with an automated

For a disbond in the epoxy adhesive interface, a crack in

the composite, or distributed damage in the composite,
little if any energy enters the steel insert directly below
the transmitter. Therefore, the first arrival signal
recorded by the receiver will be

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

significantly diminished or of zero amplitude depending

on the severity of the damage in the structure below the
transmitter. As the transmitter is moved away from the
receiver, a gradient of the signal amplitude recorded by
the receiver will be observed. However, the gradient
should be uniform for a normal undamaged blade
around the circumference of the blade for a given axial
separation of the transmitter and receiver transducers.
Abrupt decreases, non-uniform gradients, or very low
values of the recorded AU signal amplitude by the
receiver as the transmitter is translated along the axial or
circumferential directions of the insert would indicate
possible disbonding, cracking, or material degradation
of the composite at the location of the transmitter.
The AU technique was implemented using the test
sample of Figure 3 by attaching the receiver transducer
to the bottom side of the steel plate of the sample. The
detection of the two strip disbonds was observed by an
abrupt loss of signal recorded at the stationary receiver
as the transmitter passed over the disbonds. This test
demonstrated the capability of the AU technique to
simulate the IT examination and it could be used in a
similar way to assess and identify certain areas of
damage and disbonds at the metal insert of a full-scale
turbine blade.

AU Signal Amplitude Results Obtained on Wind

Turbine Blade Joints
AU signal amplitude data using the technique as shown
in Figure 4 was collected on 3 full-scale turbine blade
root joints at the steel insert root bond area. The root
bond area, as shown in Figure 1, consisted of the area
included by 360 degrees around the cylindrical steel
insert and the entire length in the axial direction starting
at the inboard edge of the fiberglass composite. For
reference points, this area was divided into square
circumferential and axial segments as shown in Figure
5. The grid of the segments that was scribed on the
surface of the blade was used as reference lines for
mapping the amplitude of the AU signal over the root
bond area. For the first blade early in the developmental
stages of the project, the AU signal amplitude was
recorded manually by observing the signal height on the
oscilloscope screen as the transmitter transducer was
placed point-by-point in the area defined by the grid

Manual AU Data Acquisition and Display for a Wind

Turbine Blade
The first AU examination was performed on a wind
turbine blade while it was attached to the fixture of a
fatigue tester. The blade had undergone a number of
high load fatigue cycles at the time of the AU
examination. The AU amplitude data was taken by
moving the transmitter point by point by hand along a
grid line in the axial direction while the receiver was
stationary at the bottom of the grid line as shown in
Figure 4. In a similar manner, axial AU amplitude data
was taken at grid lines separated in the circumferential
direction until the entire area of the insert was
A pair of 400 kHz 1 inch diameter contact transducers5
were used for the transmitter and receiver transducers.
A 0.25 inch thick RTV silicone rubber pad was bonded
to the transmitter to provide coupling of the acoustic
energy from the transducer into the composite. The
surface of the composite was also coated with an
ultrasound gel couplant to facilitate the transfer of the
acoustic energy from the transmitter as the transducer
was moved over the surface of the composite. A
pulser/receiver module6 with 60 dB gain was used to
generate and amplify the acoustic signals. The receiver
transducer signal amplitude was recorded from 0 to 10
where 10 was full screen height on the oscilloscope
screen. Coverage of the entire steel insert area resulted
in a table of AU amplitude data that contained 20 rows
for the axial direction and 34 columns for the
circumferential direction.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

damage in the root bond area of a steel insert of a wind

turbine blade during testing and could be applied
manually using a minimum amount equipment.

Automated Data Acquisition and Correlation of AU

Results with Dissection of a Turbine Blade
To gather conclusive results, a second turbine blade
joint that contained a failure of the bond was examined.
A visual examination of this turbine blade showed that a
failure existed at the composite-to-steel bond interface
but the area of the disbond was unknown. This blade
was then used to obtain an AU signal amplitude
mapping of the disbond and the results were compared
with visual inspection by cutting the composite into
small sections between grid lines and removing them
from the steel insert.
To improve on the manual data collection process
which was tedious and slow, an automated data
collection scheme was implemented. The improved
system used a PC ultrasonic data acquisition and
display system7 integrated with an encoded manual
scanner for recording the position of the transmitter. AU
data was collected fast and efficiently in 0.25 inch
increments in both the axial and circumferential
directions using the PC data acquisition and display
system. The PC manual scanner system provided a
direct mapping of the AU signal amplitude by C-scan
color images of the scanned area. The number of C-scan
images enclosing the total area of the root bond was
completed in approximately 1 hour.

A color contour plot of the tabular data was made by

entering the AU data into a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Figure 6 displays an equivalent gray scale
mapping of the AU data over the steel insert area of the
blade. The AU data in Figure 6 indicated that some
damage was present at this stage in the fatigue cycle
schedule near the high and low pressure sides of the
blade as referenced in the sketch of Figure 5.
Maximum loading occurs at the outboard end of the
steel insert during the fatigue test and during the normal
operation of the blade in these two areas. After the AU
examination was performed, the blade was fatigue
tested to failure. It is noted that the failure of the blade
was expected and it did occur in these two areas of the
At this stage of the project, the interpretation of the AU
data was encouraging but not conclusive. It did show
that the method had the potential of indicating early

For a single C-scan image of the AU amplitude data, the

receiver transducer was attached to the steel insert at the
center segment of a group of 3 circumferential
segments. The X-Y plot was generated by moving the
transmitter in the axial direction (X axis) and in the
circumferential direction (Y axis). As a result, a C-scan
area plot of the AU amplitude data was developed for
the group of 3 circumferential segments. To cover the
entire circumferential area of the blade, a total of 6 Cscan images were made. For each X-Y plot, the AU
signal was gated in time delay for the data acquisition
system to cover the entire length of the axial scan.
Figure 7(a) displays a montage of the 6 C-scan images
collected around the entire circumference of the blade.
The C-scan images of Figure 7(a) were rendered in a
simple gray scale since the normal 16 color scale could
not be reproduced in this publication. Some detail of the
AU signal variations is therefore lost but an

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

assessment of the disbonded area is clearly indicated in

the gray scale images. The area of Figure 7(a) shown in
black where a low AU signal amplitude was recorded
indicated the area of disbond.
Figure 7(b) shows the corresponding visual examination
of the bond interface of this blade by cutting the
segments of the composite and removing them from the
steel insert. The removed pieces of the composite were
then reassembled with the metal-to-composite bond
interface facing outward. A photograph of the
reassembled pieces is shown in Figure 7(b) where the
bond failure is shown in black due to a dark metal oxide
present on the adhesive surface of the failed area. A
comparison of Figures 7(a) and 7(b) shows that the AU
data correlated well with the disbond visually observed
after removing the composite with the exception of two
small areas. The area to the right of center in Figure
7(a) indicated an area of low AU signal but not
completely disbonded. It is possible that the composite
was held in compression against the metal surface so

that a so-called kissing bond existed in this small area.

Also, the area just above the left eyebolt hole in Figure
7(a) is shown in black because the metal path to the
receiver was obstructed by the eyebolt hole. This area
does not show a disbond in Figure 7(b).
The steel insert area of a third blade joint was also
examined with the PC data acquisition and display
system. A manufacturing defect was suspected in this
blade but the location and extent of the defect was not
known. Figure 8(a) shows the montage of the 6 C-scans
of the AU signal amplitude. The AU signal amplitude
data was processed so that a black color was assigned
to signal amplitudes below a given threshold value. The
result is shown in Figure 8(b). The area of the defect is
then clearly indicated in Figure 8(b) by the area in
black. After the AU examination was made, a partial
removal of the composite skin at the area of C-scan
number 3 showed that a large void existed in one of the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

layers in the composite and the void area correlated well

with the C-scan image number 3.

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia

Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the
United States Department of Energy.

From the examples shown in this paper, the
demonstrated acousto-ultrasonic method can provide
useful information of disbond, delaminations, voids, and
composite damage in the root bond area of the steel
insert of a wind turbine blade. The method can be used
on the factory floor for quality control by detecting
manufacturing defects such as voids in the bond
interfaces of the composite as well as at the compositeto-metal interface. The method can be used as a
diagnostic tool to assess the accumulative damage that
occurs during fatigue testing by mapping changes of the
AU signal amplitude during progressive stages of the
test. The scanning equipment is portable so that AU
examinations can be made in the field to assess
accumulative damage that may occur during the normal
service life of the blade.
This work was supported by the United States
Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC0494AL85000.





Guess, T.R., Reedy, E. D., Jr., and Slavin, A. M.,

1995, Testing Composite-to-Metal Tubular Lap
Joints, Journal of Composites Technology &
Research Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 117-124.
Reedy, E. D., Jr. And Guess, T. R. Tubular Lap
Joints for Wind Turbine Applications: Test and
Analysis, Proceedings 14th Annual EnergySources Technology Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, January 1991.
American Society for Nondestructive Testing
(ASNT), Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
Second Edition, Vol. 7, Ultrasonic Testing, 1991.
ASM International Handbook, Nondestructive
Evaluation and Quality Control, Vol. 17, 4th
Printing, Jan. 1996.
Aerotech Transducers supplied by Krautkramer
Branson Inc., Lewistown, PA.
Pulser/receiver model 5055, Panametrics Inc.,
Waltham, MA.
Infometrics Inc. now supported by SONIX Inc.,
Springfield, VA.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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