The Effectiveness of Animation Video in Teaching Speaking To Junior High School

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The Effectiveness of Animation Video in Teaching Speaking

to Junior High School

(An Experimental study conducted for seventh graders in SMP N
1 Seyegan-Sleman)

English Department, English Teaching and Training Department
Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta*
English Department, English Teaching and Training Department
Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta

The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of animation video in
teaching speaking to seventh graders in SMP N 1 Seyegan-Sleman. In this research, the
researcher used experimental study to overcome students problem in learning English
especially speaking skill.
The researcher used two classes as a subject of this research. They were 7A as
experimental class that was taught by using animation video and 7B as control class that was
taught without using animation video. There were 32 students on each class. The researcher
used pre-test and post-test to evaluate students speaking skill improvement. The method that
researcher used in conducting the research was quasi-experiement study. Quasi-experiment
study is used to find out the effectiveness of animation video by comparing experiment and
control class. One kind of designs that is classified into quasi-experiment is Pre-test Posttest Control Group Design. This design is done with pre-test before treatments and post-test
after having treatments. The result of this research can be seen from the significant different
in those classes.
From the result findings, researcher found that teaching speaking using animation
video was effective. It can be seen from the result of the statistic computation which has been
calculated previously by using t-test. The t-test result of post-test in both of classes was
2,170. While t-table with the degree of freedom N-2 at 5% significance level was 1,999. It
means that the result of the t-test was higher than t-table. Therefore, teaching speaking skill
using animation video was effective. Based on this finding the researcher suggested the next
relevant researcher and teachers to use animation video in improving speaking skill
especially for students in Junior High Schools.
Keywords: Speaking, Animation Video, Experimental

English is an international language that is used for communication in many
countries. According to Niklas Luhmann (2011) Communication consists of some different
components: message, information and understanding: communication happens when its
understood of an information is given.. Then, According to Niklas Luhmann (2011)
languange is a transferring innformation orally to the global community and it is a
foundation of communication. Based on those definitions, they mention that language is a
communication system that contains of some elements in transferring an information.
Language has two forms spoken and written. Spoken language involves sounds that
produced by our oral system while written language is language in the form of text. Spoken
and written language are used for communication and exchange information between
speakers and listeners. In this research the researcher focused on spoken languange only.
However, speaking cannot be separated from other elements in English teaching-learning
process because it influences the ability of students in studying English language. In addition,
by mastering speaking skill people can carry out conversation with others, express their ideas,
and exchange information with the other people. In this case, students should be able to speak
English to have a communication with people who use English.
Speaking is one of the important and essential skill that needs a lot of
practice to communicate. By speaking the students can express their ideas to others.
Language is not only taught and learned, but it is used as a habit. That is why the students
must be able to speak in English because students will need English in the future. In
speaking, the students will study about components of speaking, such as grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension.
Then, teaching speaking is not easy for several reasons. First, it relates to the
condition of students who lack of the vocabulary mastery. Second, they like to use their
native language more than English language in the teaching learning process. Third, they
rarely practice to use English to communicate. Fourth, most of the students are not confident
to speak English in speaking class, especially in front of the class. The other problem related
to the student is they are not interested in the method given to them.
According to Marily (2003) to improve the students motivation in speaking class,
the teacher has to offer the equal chances to the students to speak up, use the varrying
speaking activities such as individual presentation and group work. It means that the teacher

can improve the students motivation in teaching speaking by providing the attractive
activities and equal chances to the students. When the teacherv can offer the equal chances,
the students will feel fair in the class activities.
Based on the early observation in SMP N 1 Seyegan, the teacher did not give more
opportunity for the students to express their ideas in speaking class. The students were only
asked to memorize the vocabulary, to open the exercise book, read the task, and then do the
Then, the teacher asked the students to write the words without asking their friends to
be used in the communication. Hence some students did not know the function of this
language exercise. As a result, the students were not interested in English learning process.
They became passive in English learning and they could not speak in English. Therefore, the
English learning teaching learning process was not effective.
Based on explanation above the researcher provided animation video to overcome
those problems. Since the research sample was the first grade of Junior High School students,
they were young and liked the animation. According to Hidayat (2010) the use of animation
video in learning process is to promote the interaction among teacher and students and
produce an effective learning process. Then, the learning process would enjoyable and
interesting because many potential things inside of the animation video through sound,
picture, the dialogue, colour and others. Because of the background study above, the
researcher was interested in Experimental study entitled The Effectiveness of Animation
Video in Teaching Speaking to Junior High School. It was expected that the researcher as a
teacher would be able to test the effectiveness of animation video to teach speaking.
............. The researcher used experimental research that involved

experimental group and control group was selected purposively. It

means that all of the students who were available in the research
setting were treated as the research subjects. In teaching reading,
the researcher used jigsaw strategy at the experimental class and
inquiry technique at the control class.

The researcher used observation, questionnaire, interview,

tests, and documentation as instrument to collect the data. The
researcher did the observation in the classroom. The situation and
the students condition in the class were observed. Not only it, the
researcher also observed how the English teacher taught reading
competence. After doing the observation in the class,


researcher collected the data by using the questionnaire as need

analysis to find the students ability in reading. The researcher
provided questionaire as set of questions to be answered by
respondents. These questionnaire were

provided after doing

observation. Then, to get more information clearly, the researcher

did the interview directly to English teacher of eighth grade. The
interview guidelines was used in collecting the data. The tests were
used to measure the students competence and achievement. The
data was collected by giving written test. These written tests was
conducted twice, they are

pre-test and post-test. The researcher

applied this technique to know the students achevement that have

done in leaning Engish, especially in teaching reading. The tests
were used to compare students speaking achievements before and
after treatments. They were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was
interview and gave before treatments. While the post-test was
monologue that gave after treatments. The researcher also useds

to support the data. In this step, the researcher

used the researcher colleted the students name list of each

classes, then the reseacher used the given syllabus from the
teacher. Then, designing lesson plan for each experimental and
control class. The researcher also

took out some pictures while

interview with the Engish teacher, during pre-test and post-test, and

while conducted the treatments. This activity used as a proof that

the researcher did the research. To analyze the data, the researcher
used descriptive analysis, mean, and standard deviation.



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