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8 tips to close your sales

1) Close with them - Closing is what you do WITH the prospect, not something you do TO
the prospect.
2) Remember: closing is logical - Closing should be the logical conclusion to your selling
3) Get the prospect excited to buy - The buyer should be as eager for this stage of the
process as the seller.
4) Set your ego aside - You ask people to buy from you so that you can feed your family...
not your ego.
5) Assert your right - When you perform your job in a professional manner, you have every
right to ask the prospect to buy from you.
6) Be confident - When you ask the prospect to purchase from you today, he/she wants to
know that you believe his/her decision is a correct one.
7) Expect success, don't hope for it - Expect sales success, not hope for sales success.
8) Never forget your closing attitude - You probably have a number of strong closing
techniques. However, if you lack a strong closing attitude, you may never use them.

Source: Ziglar Vault

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