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General Traits

-GoodCommander 5 +5 Command
-GoodAttakcer 5 +5 Command when attacking
-GoodDefender 5 +5 Command when defending
-Feck 4 -4 Chivalry, -6 Piety, -2 Loyalty, -2 Authority, Troop Morale +4
-Ar se 4 -3 Command, -5 Authority
-Girls 5 -2 Chivalry, LocalPopularity -3
-Sobriety 3 +1 Command, -2 TroopMorale, Personal Security +2, LocalPopularity -2
-GoodAmbusher 4 +4 Command When Ambushing
-Disciplinarian 3 +1 Command, +1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, +4 MovementPoints,
+1 Law
-GoodSiegeAttacker 4 +4 Command when assaulting settlement
-GoodSeigeDefender 4 +4 Command when defender from beseigers
-Brave 5 +2 Authority, +2 Troop Morale
-Energetic 4 +2 Authority, MovementPoints +5
-Beserker 3 -4 Chivalry, Troop Morale +3, Attack +3
-Xenophobia 3 +3 Public Security
-PublicFaith 3 +4 Piety
-GoodAdministrator 3 +3 Law, +10 Trading
-InspiringSpeaker 3 +2 Law
-RhetoricSkill 2 +2 Authority
-StrategicSkill 3 +3 Command
-TacticalSkill 3 +4 Command When Ambushing, +3 Line of Sight
-MathematicalSkill 3 +3 Command when Beseiging, +30 seige equipment points, +15
-PoliticsSkill 3 -2 Loyalty, +2 Authority
-LogisticalSkill 3 +3 Morale, +4 Movement Points
-RabbleRouser 4 +2 Authority, +4 LocalPopularity, +2 Unrest
-VictorVirtue 3 +3 Authority, -2 PersonalSecurity, +3 Local Popularity
-Epicurean 3 +10 Trading, -3 BribeResistance
-Stoic 3 +2 Loyalty, BribeResistance +30
-Austere 3 +2 Loyalty, +30 Bribe Resistance, +10 Tax Collection
-Aesthetic 3 -3 Command, BribeResistance -2, Squalor -2
-SpyMaster 3 -1 Chivalry, PublicSecurity +2, Training Agent Cost Reduced
-AssassinMaster 3 -3 Chivalry, +2 Personal Security, Reduces Assassin Recruitmen
t cost
-CounterSpy 3 +1 Chivalry, +1 LineofSight, +4 PublicSecurity
-AssassinCatcher 3 +2 Chivalry, +1 LineofSight, PersonalSecurity +4
-Trusting 3 -3 PersonalSecurity
-DeceiverVirtue 3 -3 Loyalty, +3 authority
-Upright 3 +3 Loyalty, +30 BribeResistance, +6 Law
-Authoritarian 3 +2 Authority, +3 Unrest, +6 Law
-Loyal 4 +3 Chivalry, +4 Loyalty
-GoodFarmer 3 +3 Farming Income
-GoodMiner 3 +3 Mining Income
-GoodEngineer 3 +2 Seige Attack, +60 Seige Build Pts
-GoodTrader 3 +30 Trade
-Just 3 +3 Chivalry, +3 Law
-Unjust 3 -3 Chivalry, +3 Unrest
-HarshJustice 3 -1 Chivalry, +3 Unrest, +6 Law
-LenientJustice 3 +1 Chivalry, -3 Law
-HarshRuler 3 -3 Chivalry, -2 PersonalSecurity, +2 Squalor, +3 Law
-KindRuler 3 +3 Chivalry, Squalor -3
-GoodBuilder 3 +15 Construction, -3 Squalor
-BadBuilder 3 -15 Costruction, +3 Squalor
-Generous 3 -5 Trading, -10 Tax Income
-Miserly 3 +5 Trade Income, +10 Tax Income, +3 Squalor
-Noctophobia 3 -3 Command at Night, +2 PersonalSecurity
-Noctophilia 3 + 3 Command at Night
-Scout 3 +3 Line of Sight

-BattleScarred 4 +2 Authority, +8 HitPoints

-GoodInfantryGeneral 3 +3 Command when commanding Infantry
-BadInfantryGeneral 3 -3 Command when commanding Infantry
-GoodCavalryGeneral 3 +3 Command when Commanding Cavalry
-BadCavalryGeneral 3 -3 Command when Commanding Cavalry
-Fearsaztec 3 -3 Command v aztec
-Hatesaztec 3 +3 command v aztec
-Fearsbyzantium 3 -3 command v byzantium
-Hatesbyzantium 3 +3 Command v byzanitum
-Fearsdenmark 3 -3 command v denmark
-Hatesdenmark 3 +3 command v denmark
-Fearsegypt 3 -3 command v egypt
-Hatesegypt 3 +3 Command v egypt
-Fearsengland 3 -3 command v england
-Hatesengland 3 +3 command v england
-Fearsfrance 3 -3 command v france
-HatesFrance 3 +3 command v france
-Fearshre 3 -3 command v holy roman empire
-Hateshre 3 +3 command v holy roman empire
-Fearshungary 3 -3 command v hungary
-Hateshungary 3 +3 command v hungary
-Fearsmilan 3 -3 command v milan
-Hatesmilan 3 +3 command v milan
-Fearsmongols 3 -3 command v mongols
-Hatesmongols 3 +3 command v mongols
-Fearsmoors 3 -3 command v moors
-Hatesmongols 3 +3 command v moors
-Fearspapal_states 3 -3 command v papal states
-Hatespapal_states 3 +3 command v papal states
-Fearspoland 3 -3 command v poland
-Hatespoland 3 +3 command v poland
-Fearportugal 3 -3 command v portugal
-Hatesportugal 3 +3 command v portugal
-Fearsslave 3 -3 command v rebels/brigands
-Hatesslave 3 +3 command v rebels/brigands
-Fearsrussia 3 -3 command v russia
-hatesrussia 3 +3 command v russia
-Fearsscotland 3 -3 command v scotland
-Hatesscotland 3 +3 command v scotland
-Fearssicily 3 -3 command v sicily
-Hatessicily 3 +3 command v sicily
-Fearsspain 3 -3 command v spain
-Hatesspain 3 +3 command v spain
-Fearstimurids 3 -3 command v timurids
-Hatestimurids 3 +3 command v timurids
-Fearsturks 3 -3 command v turks
-Hatesturks 3 +3 command v turks
-Fearsvenice 3 -3 command v venice
-Hatesvenice 3 +3 command v Venice
-Fearscatholic 3 -3 command v catholic factions
-Hatescatholic 3 +3 command v catholic factions
-Fearsorthodox 3 -3 command v orthodox factions
-Hatesorthodox 3 +3 command v orthodox factions
-Fearsislam 3 -3 command v islamic factions
-Hatesislam 3 +3 command v islam factions
-Hatesheretic 3 -1 troop morale
-Fearspagan 3 -3 command v pagans
-Hatespagan 3 +3 command v pagans
-Handsome 4 -1 command, +1 Authority, +4 popularity
-Fertile 3 increases chance of having children

-GoodTaxman 3 +30 tax income, +2 Unrest

-GoodRiskyAttacker 3 +1 troop morale, +3 attack command
-GoodRiskyDefender 3 +1 troop morale, +3 command when defending
-Superstitious 3 -2 Piety, -1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale
-Pragmatic 3 +3 Authority, +2 TroopMorale
-ExpensiveTastes 3 Increased construction cost, - 30 tax income, -2 squalor
-Cheapskate 3 decreased construction cost, +15 tax income, +3 squalor
-Hypochndriac 3 -2 troop morale, -2 command, - 6 hitpts
-HaleAndHearty 3 increases chance of having children, +6 hp
-TouchedByTheGods 3 +4 piety
-Insane 3 -4 Authority, -3 Morale
-Deranged 3 -3 command, -3 Authority, Troop Morale -2, -10 Trade Income, -5 Tax
-Bloodthirsty 3 -3 Chivalry, -1 Command, -3 Morale
-Haemophobic 3 -3 Authority, -3 Troop Morale
-Anger 3 -2 Chivalry, +2 Command, -2 Troop Morale
-Lewd 3 -3 Authority, -5 BribeResistance
-Prim 3 -1 command, +2 Authority, +4 Bribe Resistance, -1 Squalor, +3 Unrest, +3
-IndecisiveAttacker 3 -3 command when attacking
-Intelligent 3 +3 Command, +10 Trade Income, +10 Tax Income
-Despoiler 3 30% more loot
-Genocide 3 -3 chivalry, +30% more loot
-NaturalMilitarySkill 4 +4 Command
-Factionleader 1 +1 Command, +2 Authority, +3 Personal Security
-Factionheir 1 +1 Command, +1 Authority, +2 PersonalSecurity
-Exheir 1 -3 Loyalty
-NightBattleCapable 1 allows character to conduct night battles
-LoyaltyStarter 1 +5 Loyalty
-ForcedReligious 3 +3 Piety, -1 Morale
-CrusaderHistory 3 +3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3command v islamic factions
-JihadHistory 3 +3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3 command v catholic factions
-AdoredByPope 3 +3 Piety, +3 command v islamic factions
-PopesEnforcer 2 +2 Chivalry, +2 Command v islamic factions
-BattleDread 5 -5 chivalry, +2 Authority
-BattleChivalry 5 +5 Chivalry, +2 Authority
-StrategyDread 5 -5 Chivalry, +3 Authority
-StrategyChivalry 5 +5 Chivalry, +3 Authority
-CaptorDread 4 -4 Chivalry
-CaptorChivalry 4 +4 Chivalry
-RansomChivalry 4 +4 Chivalry, +3 Morale
-RansomDread 4 -4 chivalry, -3 Morale
-GoodArtilleryCommander 4 +4 command with artillery
-BadArtilleryCommaner 3 -3 command with artillery
-GoodGunPowderCommander 4 +4 command when commanding gunpowder units
-StrickenSilly 3 -1 Piety, -3 Command, -2 Authority, - 3 TroopMorale
-StrickenSerious 3 -1 Piety, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 TroopMorale
-Gregarious 3 +2 TroopMorale, +3 Popularity
-ContentGeneral 3 +5 Loyalty
-DiscontentGeneral 3 -5 Loyalty
-EasternWarlord 3 -3 Chivalry, +6 Command
-JaguarWarlord 3 -3 Chivalry, +6 Command
-WifeIsCharming 3 +2 Popularity, Increases chance to have children
-WifeIsFertile 3 increases chance to have children
-WifeIsWise 3 +15 Trade Income, +15 Tax Income
-WifeIsNoble 3 +1 Personal Security, +3 Popularity
-FactionKiller 4 +4 Authority
-GoodDiplomacy 4 +4 Authority
-BadDiplmoacy 3 -3 Authority
-FathersLegacy 3 +3 Authority

-ChivalryLegacy 2 +2 Chivalry
-DreadLegacy 2 -2 Chivalry
-TourneyKnight 5 +3 Chivalry, +2 Authority, +2 CavalryCommand
-HorseRacer 3 +1 Authority, +2 Movement Points, +1 CavalryCommand
-ReligiousActivity 4 +2 Chivalry, +4 Piety
-ReligiousInactivity 2 -2 Piety
-MarriedAPrincess 1 +3 Loyalty
-GloriousFool 3 -3 Command, +6 TroopMorale
-TooOldToFight 1 Not Sure About this ones effect, probably stops general from en
tering battles or just making him useless when he is involved in the battle
-Cultured 2 +1 Authority, +2 Popularity
Priest Traits
-NaturalPriestSkill 3 +3 Piety
-GoodDenouncer 5 +5 Piety
-Warmonger 3 +3 Violence
-Peaceful 3 -3 Violence
-Righteous 3 +3 Purity
-SecretlyFemale 1 +1 Piety, -1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, -1 Violence
-StrongFaith 4 +4 Piety
-OpenMinded 3 +3 Orthodoxy
-DivineProtection 3 +2 Piety, +2 Violence
-Doomsayer 3 +2 Unorthodoxy, -2 Violence
-Purifier 3 +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +2 Violence
-Missionary 3 +3 Piety, +2 Eligibilitym +3 Purity, -2 Violence
-TheologiansGuildMember 2 +2 Piety
-TheologiansGuildTrained 1 +1 Piety
Princess Traits
-HumbleWoman 2 +2 Charm
-PrettyWoman 3 +3 Charm
-BraveWoman 2 +2 Charm, +2 Personal Security
-TimidWoman 3 -3 charm, +2 PersonalSecurity
-SpiritedWoman 2 +2 Charm
-FaithfulWoman 3 +1 Loyalty, +2 Charm
-EducatedWoman 3 +2 charm
-PassionateWoman 3 +2 Charm, increase chance to have children
-TolerantWoman 3 +3 Charm
-FertileWoman 3 increases chance to have children
-FairWoman 3 +3 Charm
-GoodPrincess 4 +4 Charm
-NaturalPrincess 3 +3 Charm
Merchant Traits
-GoodMerchant 4 +4 Finance
-NaturalMerchantSkill 3 +3 finance
-MerchantEnemies 3 -4 Personal Security
-Monopolist 3 +3 Finance, -1 Personal Security
-LegalDealer 2 +2 Finance
-SecureMerchant 2 +2 Finance
-SecurityMerchant 2 -1 Finance, +2 Personal Security
-WorldyMerchant 2 +2 Finance
-MerchantsGuildMember 1 +1 Finance
-MerchantsGuildTrained 1 +1 Finance
Spy Traits
-GoodSpy 5 +5 Subterfuge, +4 Line of Sight
-GoodConspirator 3 +3 Subterfuge
-NaturalSpySkill 3 +3 Subterfuge
-ThievesGuildMember 2 +2 Subterfuge

-TheivesGuildTrained 1 +1 Subterfuge
Assassin Traits
-GoodAssassin 5 +5 Subterfuge
-GoodConspirator 3 +3 Subterfuge
-NaturalAssassinSkill 3 +3 subterfuge
-AssassinsGuildMember 2 +2 Subterfuge
-HashashinGuildMember 2 +2 Subtefuge
-AssassinGuildTrained 1 +1 Subterfuge
-GoodSaboteur 3 +3 Subterfuge
Diplomat Traits
-GoodDiplomat 5 +5 Influence
-SmoothTalker 3 + 30 bribery
-Talkative 3 -3 Influence, -5 Bribery
-Secretive 3 +3 Influence, +10 Bribery
-NaturalDiplomatSkill 3 +3 Influence
-Multilingual 3 +3 Influence
-ReligiousTolerance 3 +3 Influence
-ReligiousIntolerance 3 -3 Influence
-BraveDiplomat 3 +3 Influence, -1 PersonalSecurity
-CowardDiplomat 3 -3 Influence, +2 PersonalSecurity
Admiral Traits
-Sailor 5 +5 Naval Command
-LandLubber 3 -3 Naval Command
-FamousPirate 3 -3 Loyalty, +3 Naval Command
Heretic Traits
-NaturalHereticSkill 3 +3 Piety
-GrowingConviction 3 +3 Piety
-WaningConviction 3 -3 Piety
Witch Traits
-NaturalWitchSkill 5 +5 Magic
Universal Traits
-LaxPersonalSecurity 3 -4 PersonalSecurity
-HighPersonalSecurity 3 +4 PersonalSecurity

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