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1 Vocab- Renaissance and Reformation

*Highlight Key Terms (or lose 10 points)
1. Renaissance
2. Medici Family
3. Humanism
4. Secular
5. Patrons
6. The Courtier- author; what were characteristics of a Renaissance Man? Woman?
7. Perspective
8. Michelangelo
9. Donatello
10. Leonardo da Vinci
11. Raphael
12. Vernacular
13. The Prince- author; 3 major ideas
14. Erasmus- book? Two ideas from book.
15. Thomas More- book? Purpose of book
16. William Shakespeare
17. Johan Gutenberg
18. Martin Luther
19. 95 Theses
20. Indulgences
21. Reformation
22. Protestant
23. Peace of Augsburg
24. Henry VIII
25. Annul
26. Anglican
27. John Calvin
28. Predestination
29. Theocracy
30. John Knox
31. Presbyterian
32. Huguenots
33. Anabaptists
34. Catholic Reformation
35. Pope Ignatius
36. Jesuits
37. Council of Trent- Year; What was it?; Four Major beliefs

DUE DATE:____________________

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