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May the Force Be With you!


SHAPE Middle School

Much to learn you still have my old Padawan. This is just the beginning. Yoda
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. My name is Nadine Davis, and I will be working with
your child in the 7 Grade Language and Literature Program at SHAPE Middle School. The 7
Grade Language and Literature classes are designed to develop strength in reading, writing,
speaking, listening and viewing skills. Your child should increase his/her ability to analyze and
synthesize information, increase his/her reading ability and become a more proficient writer.
Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. --Yoda
I believe my classroom to be a training ground developing students to become better writers,
readers, and thinkersas well as better students. We will drill and practice and practice and drill
some more working toward our goal of becoming masters of the 7 Grade ELA curriculum!
Course Standards
(Taken from the DoDEA website Standards)
During the seventh-grade year, students develop advanced skills in reading and writing. They
identify and understand idioms and comparisons, such as analogies and metaphors, in prose and
poetry. They begin to use their knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon roots and word parts
to understand science, social studies, and mathematics vocabulary. They continue to read a
variety of grade-level-appropriate classic and contemporary literature, nonfiction, poetry, and
plays, and they begin to identify their own areas of reading interest. They begin to read reviews,
as well as critiques of both informational and literary writing.
They write or deliver longer research reports (500-800 words or more) that take a position on a
topic, and they support their positions by citing a variety of reference sources. They use a variety
of sentence structures and modifiers to express their thoughts. They deliver persuasive
presentations that state a clear position in support of an argument or proposal.
By the end of Grade Seven, students are expected to be reading At the Standard (See the
DoDEA ELA Addendum 1: Reading Performance Levels). The quality and complexity of materials
read should reflect the grade-level-appropriate levels.

Methods of Instruction
Students will be engaged in the learning process by:
Individual exploration and research
Group lectures and discussions
Cooperative learning
Hands-on activities such as projects and portfolio work
Oral presentations
Written compositions
Reading literary selections
Major Works and Assignments
We have many exciting and enriching activities to look forward to this year. Some of these will
require outside preparation and the aid of a parent to be successful.
Class Literature: We will read and study many genres of literature this year including
selected pieces from the 7 Grade Literature book, poetry, essays, and novels. Various
activities and projects will be tied to these readings. We will be following the Engage NY
Common Core Curriculum which focuses on close reading, analytical thinking, and high
level academic writing while building students literacy skills as they develop knowledge
about the world. The selected may include, but are not restricted to:
o The Last Book in the Universe
o A Long Walk to Water
Greek/Latin Roots: 75% of the English language is made up of Greek and Latin roots.
Writers Workshop, daily journals, and 6+1 Trait Writing: to be a better writer, you
must write.
MobyMax: MobyMax is an online differentiated grammar tool that we use to supplement
our grammar skills. There will be weekly MobyMax grades (to be discussed in class).
Bell Ringers: As students come into class each day, they will need to get seated quickly
and quietly and start on the daily bell ringer. These bell ringers consist of Daily Oral
Language Skill practice, writing practice, and/or discussion questions pertaining to
classroom topics. These are considered daily points and cannot be replaced (excused
absences will be excused from that particular bell ringer). At the end of each quarter, I
will collect and mark the bell ringer points.
There will be more specific assignments and projects detailed each quarter.
Students will be graded in a variety of ways including formal assessments such as tests;
participations grades for daily work; and authentic assessments using rubrics for oral
presentations, projects, and written assignments. Students will be encouraged to self evaluate
their work and to evaluate their peers work. The grading scale is as follows:

98-100 = A+
93 - 97 = A
90 - 92 = A 88 89 = B +
83 87 = B
80 82 = B
78 79 = C+
73 77 = C
70 72 = C 69 60 = D
59 and below = F
It is expected that students check their Gradespeed accounts several times a week in order to
keep up with missing assignments and possible discrepancies in grades. If there are any issues,
they will need to be brought to the teachers attention as soon as possible in order for a quick

resolution. It is also advisable for parents to create a Parent Gradespeed account to help monitor
student progress. There are helpful trigger settings that when activated will email you if your
child drops below a certain percentage in a class.
I will try to upgrade Gradespeed once a week. If a student turns in an assignment after the due
date for a late grade, please understand it my not be updated in Gradespeed until the next week.
Late Work: I do accept late work but the grade will be dropped 10% each class period it is late.
There is always a final day each quarter that this late work will be accepted which will be the last
Friday before the last week of the quarter. The dates will be noted on the assignment calendar.
Google Apps for Education: DoDEA has provided all students with a GAfE account for
educational purposes. This account can be accessed from any computer with a network
connection and includes email, google docs, and google drive where students can save work
between school and home. I use GAfE a lot with my students for turning in work and
communication. It is expected that students access their email at least once-a-week to be sure
that they are up-to-date with all possible teacher correspondence.
Student Agenda:
Each year, SAMS provides each student with a planning agenda. This is a very powerful
organizational tool, and it is expected that students use them each day. Seminar teachers will do
weekly agenda-checks to be sure that the agenda is complete. It is also helpful if parents do
periodic checks at home and emphasize the importance of using the agenda.
Classroom rules:
Be Prompt
Be Productive
Be Positive
Be Prepared
Be Polite
Course Expectations:
To ensure we have a successful year, please review the following with your child.
The school environment is where teachers teach and learners learn. Period.
Attendance is necessary to keep up with the class. If a student misses class time, they
are missing the instruction time needed to learn a skill. However, if a student must miss
class, they are required to make up missed work in a timely manner (1 day for each
excused day missed, after which deductions will be made for late work).
Students are required to participate in class and be respectful to their peers, themselves,
and their teacher.
Students are required to keep up with their assigned reading and turn in assignments on
time. Students will lose valuable learning experiences if they come to class unprepared.
It is the responsibility of the student to check the Absent drawer when they return from
an absence for documents given out in class while they were gone.
Do your best!!!
The most articulated value in Greek culture was aret. Translated as "virtue," the word
actually means something closer to "being the best you can be," or "reaching your highest human
potential. The 7 Grade Language and Literature class is a venue to push the human potential
of thinking, and it is expected that students will engage and participate fully in class

Taken from TeacherPaulP

As part of our effort to instill strong Jedi character, any form of cheating will not be tolerated.
Infractions will result in an automatic zero. If a student is letting another student cheat from their
work, they will also receive a zero. This can be a difficult lesson for students to learn, but it is
best they learn it now than later when the consequences will be more severe.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

Classroom Consequences: Behavioral Metamorphosis Questionnaire (BMQ)

1, 2, BMQ!
1 -If there is a classroom infraction. The student will be asked to change the behavior.
2 -If there is a second infraction, the student will be warned.
BMQ-If there is a third infraction, the student will be assigned a BMQ. Each question will need
to be answered with a minimum of 3 sentences.
If a student is given a BMQ, they will need to put their name in the BMQ Log book, fill out the
information, and take a BMQ sheet. The BMQ will be due the next class period completed and
signed by the parents.

**SAMPLE**Behavioral Metamorphosis Questionnair**Sample**

Name________________________________ Period ____________
You have been making poor choices in class. Please take a moment and
think about those choices as you answer the questions below.
Answer legibly and in complete sentences. Your name and date of
infraction should be recorded in the BMQ Binder.
You will need to return the completed BMQ, signed by your parents, to Ms.
Davis the next school day.
Each question needs to be answered with a 3 sentence minimum.
What poor choices were you making?
Why are these choices not acceptable in the classroom?
Why were you making those choices?
How are you going to change and make better choices?
If you do not change my behavior immediately, what would be a fair
Student signature ________________________ Date ______________
Teacher Website:
I have a class website with lots of useful information and some ideas on how to best provide
Date _______________
home support.
This Signature
is also the________________________
place where students and parents
can find assignment due dates
as well as all of the assignment documents that have been given in class. The url is:
Mission for the Class
I believe all students are intelligent and can achieve great success. I will never give up on any
student and if you as a student do your best, I will help you to make your best even better. I
discourage being average and I believe all of my students can learn. I do not believe in "maybe"
and I do not believe that the kind of home a student comes from has anything to do with what the
child can become. I want my students to think for themselves and it is education that will give
them the opportunity to lead themselves. My work as your teacher is ageless, timeless, and my
influence will never end... because you, my students, will carry on what I have the
world with excellence, self-determination, and pride.

Do or Do Not. There is not Try --Yoda

This promises to be a fantastic year full of stimulating activities and projects. Working together
as a team (student, teacher(s), and parent(s)), there is no limit to what we can accomplish! I look
forward to being part of your childs educational growth and development and being witness to
their becoming Grand Jedi Masters of ELA!
If you have any questions, please let me know. Parents and students can reach by email at
any time at

Nadine Davis
7th Grade Language and Literature
SHAPE Middle School

Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.


**Please complete the following form and

return it to Ms. Davis.

Parent/Student Letter Confirmation

This is to verify that my child and I have read

through the Parent/student letter and discussed the
contents as they pertain to the learning environment.
Student Name _______________
Student signature
Parent signature _____________________________
Ive been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last.
The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the
learner; now I am the master. Darth Vader

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