Goalnotes Completed

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Goal Notes!

Name _________________________________

Goals- what you are trying to achieve or the aims you are trying to reach.
Short Term Goal - A goal that can be met in a short period of time.
Long Term Goal- A goal that takes many months, a year, or many years to reach.
Priorities - What is considered most important based on values.
Values - Standards that guide actions, attitudes, and judgements. The beliefs, feelings, and
experiences a person considers important.
Tips for achieving your goals
1. Choose a goal
2. Write it down.
3. Be very specific.
4. List the things you need to reach your goal.
5. List the things you need to do to reach your goal.
6. Set a date for reaching your goal.
7. Decide how you will reward yourself when your goal is achieved.

Place a T on the line in front of the statement if it is True, and a F if the statement if it is False.
_____1. Goals help us plan for the future.
_____2. Breaking a goal down into small steps makes it easier to achieve.
_____3. Only people who have plans for their future careers have goals.
____4. Achieving your goal usually takes time and effort.
_____5. Goals are usually things we have to do rather than things we would like to do.
_____6. It is possible to have small everyday goals as well as long-term goals.
_____7. To achieve your goal sooner, all you have to do is speed up the steps in your plans.
_____8. Learning form our mistakes makes achieving our goals more likely.
_____9. You are more likely to achieve your goal if it is a realistic goal.
_____10. If you dont achieve your goals the first time you try your plan, it means that you need to
select a different goal.

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