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Course Syllabus - Revelations of Jesus

Mr. Jim Wood -- Room 203 -- 2016/2017
1. Course Description:
Revelations of Jesus is a course that systematically examines how God reveals himself
to people. It begins by considering natural revelation - what can be known about God
by contemplating creation itself - then moves to the two modes of Divine Revelation Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture. The majority of the course is devoted to an
examination of Divine Revelation as found in Scripture, showing how the Bible can be
seen as one story in which the New Testament is hidden in the Old and the Old
Testament is revealed in the New Testament. The central figure in Divine Revelation is
Jesus Christ.
2. Course Outline and Unit Themes:
Unit One - Knowing God Through Natural Revelation, Reason, and Faith: The
student will examine how God wants people to know him and has provided ways to
do so. Reason and modern science are allies in the quest for God.
Unit Two - Divine Revelation and Supernatural Faith: The student will be able to
identify the ways God reveals himself to win us to him. He provides plenty of solid,
external evidence that his Revelation can be trusted.
Unit Three - The Church Transmits the Revelation of Jesus Through Sacred Tradition
and Sacred Scripture: The student will understand the impact of how Christ
entrusted Revelation to his Church, which has Magisterium, or teaching authority,
guarded by the Holy Spirit.
Unit Four - Sacred Scripture: The inspired Word of God: The student will examine
the Bible as one book with Jesus Christ at its heart. The canon of Scripture was
decided by the Church, which supports and safeguards translations of the Bible into
the vernacular.
Unit Five - The Old Testament: God Reveals Himself to His People: The student will
survey the origins of how God established covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham,
Moses, and David. These covenants set the stage for Christ New Covenant.
Unit Six - Jesus Christ: The Fullness of Divine Revelation: The student will
understand the contributing factors how God became man in the fullness of time.
Christs humanity and divinity were fully revealed.
Unit Seven - The Church Transmits Gods Revelation: The student will review and
analyze how Christ gave his apostles a final forty day preparation for their mission
after his Resurrection and Ascension. Pentecost brought the Church to life.

3. Textbook:
and Revelation
Armenio, Rev. Peter V.
Theological Forum; Woodridge, IL. 2009.

(The Didache Series): Midwest

4. Unit Plans and Assignments: I will post a Unit Scope and Sequence for each of the
seven units of the course. The scope and sequence will included Key Ideas for the unit,
Unit Objectives, and a list of the Assignments for each unit. Hopefully, this will keep the
student and parent informed as to the course progress throughout the semester.
5. Assignment and Grade Distribution: Typically I will take three or four grades per unit;
Unit Review and Unit Test will always be graded. Additionally, each unit will have a
Project that will be some type of research. Other assignment may or may not be graded
depending on available time.
6. Grading Scale: Letter grades will be assigned in accordance with Springfield Catholic
High School Student/Parent Handbook.
7. Theology Journal: All students are required to keep and maintain Class Notes on
various assignments; including lecture notes, group discussion notes, definitions, study
guides and other written assignments that will be required from time-to-time.
Approximately 10% of the student's grade will be accumulated by maintaining well
organized notes demonstrating proper grammar and correct spelling.
Students will always be alerted as to what information needs to
be included in their daily notes by icons (see illustrations to
right)that will appear in my Google Slides presentations.
8. Missed Assignments/Exams: Credit for make-up work is permitted for all absences
except for suspensions. Refer to Student/Parent Handbook for detailed explanation of
this policy. When a student has returned to class all make-up work or alternative
assignments must be completed and turned-in within 5 school days. Gade will be
lowered if turned-in after 5 school days.
9. Tests: At the conclusion of each unit a quiz/test will be given covering the material
from that particular unit only. Dates of all test will be announced in advance and study
guides will be provided at the beginning of each unit. A total of seven unit tests/quizzes
will be given throughout the semester.

10. Mid-Term & Final Examinations: I do not give a typical mid-term or final. Rather I
assign a research project which is a summation of material covered to-date. Usually
these projects take the form of a Slide Presentation, or Tri-Fold Brochure or an Essay.
11. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is defined as cheating, plagiarism, or
knowingly furnishing false information as part of a class assignment. Such behavior is
unacceptable and consequences will be applied according to the Student/Parent
Handbook. Do not copy from your fellow students.
12. Electronic Devices/Cell Phone Usage: Springfield Catholic Schools prohibits
students from using these devices during class times anywhere on school premises.
Please refer to page 46 of student handbook for further explanation. If I see a cell
phone in my class I will immediately write a demerit.
13. Christian Service: All students at SCHS perform a minimum of 60 hours of Christian
Service over a four-year period as part of the Theology Curriculum. Each student has a
service portfolio in which service hours and reflection essays are filed. Throughout the
semester the student will be provided details related to their Christian Service and
opportunities to review their file.
14. Classroom Rules: Other than those listed above I dont have a detailed list of class
rules other than the classroom environment must be that of one built upon mutual
respect for each other and Christian ideals. My only request is that students use quiet
voices and not talk while the teacher or other student may be speaking. Remember cell
phones are a distraction, you know the policy and I enforce policy.
15. Grade Distribution: Each unit will have four or five graded assignments which will
always include Class Participation, Unit Test, and Closing Activity (Project). Additionally,
grades will be assigned to In-Class Assignments; such as, Writing Assignments, Graphic
Organizers, Vocabulary, Unit Reviews, Etc.
16. Participation Grade: A positive contribution to the class setting by all students is an
essential element of the learning experience. Positive participation is expected;
therefore, Five Daily Participation Points will be posted weekly. Points will be awarded
based on the students contribution to class discussions, appropriate behavior,
completing assignments on-time, and and a general positive attitude.
See Reverse Side

17. Homework: I only assign homework if due to time restraints or other interruptions
we have not had sufficiently covered the required material in class.
My Prayer for Students: I pray everyday that you will find during this class some idea or
thought that will convince you that God is very near. I pray as you read and study this
semester you will be reminded that the same voice that stilled the raging water on the
Sea of Galilee can still the storm in our lives too. Be assured-He is closer than youve
ever dreamed.
Each student is asked to review the Course Syllabus with their parent/guardian and
return to the teacher within 7 school days signed by both parent and student.
Refer to the attached form.
Thank you for your support to SCHS.

Jim D. Wood

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