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Jaudee Electrical health and Safety Plan for Thembi village Construction site

1. Introduction
a. Site location
b. Project description
c. Scope of work
2. Legal reference
3. Jaudee Electrical SHE Policy
4. Site management, Supervision and responsibilities
a. Jaudee Electrical appointments
5. Workers management
a. Workers medicals
b. Workers details
6. Sub-Contractors Management
a. Contractors selection
b. Appointments
c. Responsibilities
7. Proof of good standing
8. Competence, training and duty to inform
9. Material storage and management
a. Storage of construction materials
b. Management, storage and removal of waste material
10. Site access control
11. SHE monitoring
a. Inspections
b. Risk Assessments
c. Safe work procedures
d. Audits
e. Non conformance management and reports
f. Stop work notice
12. Working at height
a. Fall Protection Plan
b. Open edges
13. Scaffolding
14. Working with HT installations and temporary electrical Installation
15. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
16. Signage
17. Recording, Investigation and Reporting of Incidents (Act 15, 18, 20, 24)
18. Health and Safety Representatives and safety Committee
19. Emergency Procedures
a. Emergency numbers and procedures
b. First aid
c. Fire Precaution
d. Evacuation
20. Site hygiene facilitates
a. Toilets
b. Potable water
21. Management hazardous chemicals
22. Plant, machinery, power and hand tools
23. Environmental protection
a. Spill prevention
b. Waste management

24. SHE Plan update

25. SHE file index
26. SHE plan approval

1. Introduction
a. Site location
Erf 3020
Cor Sophy de Bruyn and Struben street
Pretoria Central
b. Project description
Building of 734 social housing units, including retail units, offices, 2 3- stay walk-up
blocks, seven 4 storey walk-up blocks and two 10 storey tower blocks.
c. Scope of work
2. Legal reference
Jaudee Electrical has a moral and legal duty to ensure that their workplace is safe from hasards
to the health and safety of their workers and shall as a minimum comply with the requirements
of the client specifications, the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, its regulations
with specific reference to the Construction regulations and all associated standards as per
section 44 of the Act and any other legislation and industry accepted standards pertaining to
their scope of work.
An updated copy of the Act and Construction Regulations 2014 are kept on site
3. SHE policy
Add SHE Policy
4. Site management & Supervision and responsibilities
a. Jaudee Electrical appointments
Jaudee Electrical will appoint:

An assistant to CEO (16.2): ____________________

The CEO, >CEO< has appointed an assistant who will assist him in his duties
under the act and will be under his control and directions.


Construction manager ______________________

The construction manager will be responsible for the management of the physical
construction processes and the coordination, administration and management of
resources on a construction site, managing all the construction work on a single
site, including the duty of ensuring occupational health and safety compliance, and
in his absence will appoint an assistant construction manager.

iii. Construction supervisors: _______________________

: ________________________

The construction supervisors are responsible for supervising construction activities

on a construction site;
iv. Site safety officers: ____________________
The safety officers will assist in the control of all health and safety related aspects
on the site.

SHE representatives _____________________

The SHE representatives will carry out the duties as prescribed in Section 17, 18,
19 and 20 of the Act.

vi. First aiders: ______________________

The first aiders (Level one) will tend to all first aid cases and where applicable
notify the emergency services to tend to and transport the injured to the hospital.
vii. Fire fighters and equipment inspectors __________________
The fire fighter will ensure that adequate appropriate fire fighting equipment is
available onsite. inspected and in good working order on a monthly basis and that
all non conformances is reported to the construction manager.
5. Workers management
a. Workers medicals
All workers onsite have undergone the required medical examination for the type of
work they will be performing on this project as required by the Construction regulation
7.8 and proof in the form of annexure 3 is available in the health and safety file.
b. Workers details
The following information of all workers on site are on record in Jaudee Electrical
health and safety file, i.e. Name, Copy of ID document, next of kin information, proof of
training and competence.
6. Sub-Contractors Management
a. Sub-Contractors selection
Sub-contractors are selected on the basis of competence, available resources, i.e.
available management, competence of staff, financial stability, past experience, health
and safety competence and completeness of SHE system.
b. Appointments

A mandatary agreement and a section 7 appointment will be done with subcontractor before commencement of work.


Sub-contractors are required to have adequate full-time competent site

supervisors as per the requirement of section 8.2.i of the act and section 8 of the
Construction regulation 2014

c. Responsibilities

The contractors will have the responsibility to comply with the client specification
and all legal requirements. This will include ensuring that their staff is competent to
complete their work, have a valid medical certificate for the type of work they will


Perform work in accordance to Jaudee Electrical and safety, quality and program

iii. Report any incidents and deviations to Jaudee Electrical as soon as possible
7. Proof of good standing
a. Jaudee Electrical is registered with a registered with the compensation commissioner
and a copy of updated letter of good standing.
b. Registration number: __________________
c. Expiry date: __________________
8. Competence, training and duty to inform
a. Site specific employee induction for Jaudee Electrical scope of work are done before
work commences and thereafter at least every 6 months.
b. Thereafter, the continuous risk assessments will be done by the appointed site/area
c. Proof of induction is kept on file at the site.
d. Only competent personnel are employed to and it is the Site supervisors responsibility
to ensure that staff are competent to complete their work safely.
e. Jaudee Electrical has an ongoing training program driven by the HR department.
9. Material storage and management
a. Storage of construction materials
All materials are stored in Jaudee Electrical storage container and in a safe
manner that will not pose a threat to safety and/or damage to the environment.
b. Management, storage and removal of waste material

Waste material onsite will be stored in designated areas and will be removed on a
regular basis to a registered dump site.

10. Site access control

a. Jaudee Electrical will not allow any worker to enter the site without their site ID or if
they do not have appropriate basic PPE, i.e. Hard hat and safety shoes.
b. In accordance with legislation Jaudee Electrical will ensure that entry to the site is
refused to any person or who appear unfit through alcohol, drug use or any other
relevant reason.

11. SHE monitoring

a. Inspections
Jaudee Electrical will inspect site/tool/equipment/plant/facilities on a
daily/weekly/monthly basis as established in the issue based risk assessment for the
scope of work to ensure that it is safe for use, create no hasard and poses no risk to
persons and property.
b. Risk Assessments
As per Construction Regulation 2014 section 9.1 Jaudee Electrical has developed a
risk assessment for the scope of work for this project which includes the followingThe identification of the risks and hazards to which persons may be exposed to,
including ergonomic hasards;
The analysis and evaluation of the risks and hazards identified;
A documented plan of safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce or control the risks
and hazards that have been identified;
A monitoring plan; and
A review plan;
In order to maintain a safe and incident free project, continuous risk assessments are
completed/arranged including;
Daily supervisors task specific risk assessment before work commences
Arranged health and Safety audits that take place at least once a month
Daily site/tool/equipment/plant/facilities inspection
Toolbox talks/Safety talks on a weekly basis
General awareness programs, and
Planned job observations.
Daily supervisors task specific risk assessment
It is required of Jaudee Electrical supervisors to do a daily task specific risk
assessment before any task commences in their area of responsibility during the daily
task planning discussion. The team of workers are expected to participate in the
discussion and their input is of critical importance.
This is to establish what activities are planned, what hasards and risks are attached to
these activities and what pre-cautionary measures should be taken.
This risk assessment is required to be recorded and the responsible supervisor and
his team must sign this document as proof that they are aware of the hasards and
risks of the planned task and that appropriate precautionary action have been
discussed and taken. Such proof is kept in the safety file.

This risk assessment is compulsory before a task commences if it has not been
completed could lead to work stoppage and disciplinary procedures against the
responsible construction supervisor if this risk assessment has not been completed.
c. Safe work procedures

Jaudee Electrical has developed safe work procedures for all activities that will
performed on this project.


Contractors who have been contracted for specific work has the responsibility to
develop safe work procedures for their scope of work.

d. Audits
As per section 7 of the Construction Regulation 2014 WF Kroon Projekte will be
conducting monthly audits at times agreed with Jaudee Electrical.
Jaudee Electrical health and safety officer will do the same with any appointed
Jaudee Electrical will ensure that the requirements of the client specifications,
legislation and this SHE plan is implemented and updated and available for these
audits. .
Jaudee Electrical SHE officer will attend the audits from WF Kroon Projekte and the
contractors Health and Safety Representative must accompany the Jaudee Electrical
auditor on all Audits.
e. Non conformance management and Reports

WF Kroon Projekte reports of the findings of audits and inspections will be
examined and appropriate remedial action taken.

ii. Non-conformance close-out reports

Non-conformances reported via audit or inspection reports as above will be closed
out and a report sent to the auditor and Jaudee Electrical SHE officer within the
time prescribed by the auditor/inspector on the report.
f. Stop work notices
In the event that Jaudee Electrical has received a Stop work notice from the DOL,
the client or WF Kroon Projekte, Jaudee Electrical will immediately take the
appropriate action required.
12. Working at height
a. Fall protection plan
In accordance with the 2014 Construction regulations Jaudee Electrical has
designated a competent person to be responsible for the preparation of a fall
protection plan.

The construction supervisor will

have the latest version of the fall protection plan and ensure that the fall
protection plan is implemented, amended where and when necessary and
maintained as required; and

take steps to ensure continued adherence to the fall protection plan;

ensure that fall prevention and fall arrest equipment are approved as suitable and of sufficient strength for the purpose for which
they are being used; and
securely attached to a structure or plant of sufficient strength and stability
for the purpose of safely supporting any person who could fall;
fall arrest equipment is used only where it is not reasonably practicable to
use fall prevention equipment;
no person is required to work in a fall risk position, unless such work is
performed safely;

The fall protection plan includes:

a risk assessment of all work carried out from a fall risk position and the
procedures and methods used to address all the risks identified per location;

a processes for the evaluation of the employees' medical fitness necessary to

work at a fall risk position;

a programme for the training of employees working from a fall risk position;

a procedure addressing the inspection, testing and maintenance of all fall

protection equipment; and

a rescue plan detailing the necessary procedure, personnel and suitable

equipment required to affect a rescue of a person in the event of a fall incident
to ensure that the rescue procedure is implemented immediately following the

Jaudee Electrical and contractors will ensure that b. Open edges

Jaudee Electrical supervisors will ensure that all unprotected openings in floors,
edges, slabs, hatchways and stairways are adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded
or that similar means are used to safeguard any person from falling through such
openings in their work area of responsibility;
13. Scaffolding
a. Scaffolding on this project will be provided, assembled, maintained, inspected and
signed off as safe for use by WF Kroon Projekte or its designated contractor;

b. Jaudee Electrical will not assemble, maintain or inspect any scaffold;

c. Jaudee Electrical construction supervisor shall inspect scaffolding that his team will
work on and will not allow its workers to work on any scaffold that is not safe for work;
d. Any unsafe scaffold must be reported to WF Kroon Projekte construction manager.
14. Working with HT installations and temporary electrical Installation
a. All HT work are done by competent persons in accordance with relevant electrical
standards and is supervised by a competent person with relevant training and
b. Temporary electric installations will be inspected on a weekly basis by a competent
person and records of inspections will be available in Jaudee Electrical Health and
Safety file.
15. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
a. It is important to note that PPE is the least desirable option to prevent injuries or
damage and therefore Jaudee Electrical has taken such steps as may be reasonably
practicable to eliminate or mitigate any hazard or potential hazard to the safety or
health of employees, before resorting to personal protective equipment;
b. Jaudee Electrical has provided staff with appropriate personal protective equipment
(PPE) for the work they perform in accordance with the HIRA outcomes and the
requirements of General Safety Regulation 2(1) of the OHS Act.
c. PPE inspections are done as and when required.
d. A document with all of the above information and the signature of the relevant workers
are kept in the site safety file.
16. Signage
a. Jaudee Electrical will provide for the relevant signs are placed correctly conspicuous
areas in accordance with the risk assessment including;

No Unauthorized Entry
Danger Workman Above

17. Investigation, Recording and Reporting of Incidents (Act 15, 18, 20, 24)
Incident investigation procedures
Jaudee Electrical will:
a. Investigate all incidents onsite through an incident investigation team lead by an
appointed competent person.
b. Incidents where an employee is injured and receive medical attention or there has
been damage to property will be reported to the client within 24 hours after the

c. As per Section 24 of the Act & General Administrative Regulation 8 where a person
has died, lost a limb, becomes disabled to do normal work for more than 14 days or
permanent disabled or becomes unconscious will be reported to the inspectorate by
means of annexure A and forward a full investigation report within seven days of the
incident to the inspectorate, the client and Jaudee Electrical management.
d. Provide WF Kroon Projekte with a monthly "incident/near-miss" statistics report.
18. Health and Safety Representatives and safety Committee
a. Jaudee Electrical shall appoint Health and Safety Representative in writing and
necessary training is provided. A proof of such training shall be kept on site.
b. Jaudee Electrical has appointed one Health and Safety Representative who shall form
part and attend the Joint Health and Safety Committee meeting of WF Kroon Projekte,
irrespective of the number of workers onsite.
19. Emergency Procedures
a. Emergency numbers and procedures
Emergency procedures
Steps in case of an emergency
In the event of an accident, one person will take charge until the emergency team arrives any
worker that have not been disabled should not panic but follow these steps
Make alarm, Notify and summons help

Make alarm and call for immediate assistance

Alert the emergency first response team

Secure the scene preventing any further injury or damage.

Emergency procedures with contact names and numbers will be posted in conspicuous
places in the workplace and all workers must be informed of these procedures.

Identify witnesses
Identify witnesses who will be able to recall what happened and provide input at the investigation.
Care for the injured
Injured will be cared for as soon as possible by the first response team.
Isolate the accident scene
The scene will be secured to prevent any tampering with the evidence.
The area will be barricaded
Only members of Rescue/EMS, law enforcement and investigators will be allowed inside this area

Preliminary investigation
This investigation will happen as soon as possible after the accident and the purpose is to gather
certain important information that is needed to conduct the full investigation. This information is
necessary to report to the authorities and management and should be reported on the day of the
Formal company investigation
An investigation committee will be established after any accident to investigate the preliminary
a. First aid
The following first aid arrangements are in-place

Jaudee Electrical has ___ qualified first aiders and a sign with first aiders
names and cell numbers will be posted outside the site office.


Appropriate first aid equipment as required by the GENERAL SAFETY

REGULATIONS 3 is available in the site office.


The first aid box shall be inspected by a competent appointed person on a

monthly basis and records kept in their health and safety files.

b. Fire Precaution
Jaudee Electrical will place two 9 kg multi-purpose fire extinguishers at the work
areas, and;

No open fires are allowed onsite.

Fire precautions must be taken when any work is performed that could cause
fire, i.e. grinding, welding and gas welding.


Smoking is not allowed inside the structure.

c. Evacuation

A site specific emergency evacuation plan of the WF Kroon Projekte forms

part of the site induction training.


The emergency evacuation plan of WF Kroon Projekte is placed on the site

notice board

20. Site hygiene facilitates

a. Toilets

As required by the construction regulation 2014 WF Kroon Projekte has provided

a portable toilet for every 30 males and a portable toilet for every 30 woman


These toilets has been clearly marked male/female.

iii. Any problems with these facilities will be reported to WF Kroon Projekte
construction manager.
b. Potable water
Fresh potable water is available onsite for all workers
21. Management hazardous chemicals
a. A list of all hasardous chemicals are in the health and safety file.
b. Copies of all MSDS are in the health and safety file.
c. There is a copy of hasardous chemical procedures in the health and safety file.
d. Staff who are exposed to these chemicals will receive appropriate training.
22. Plant, machinery, power and hand tools
a. Jaudee Electrical Plant is operated, maintained and managed under the supervision of
a competent appointed person.
b. Only appointed drivers/operators who have a valid operators competence certificates,
drivers licences and certificate of medical fitness are allowed to operate plant.
c. All plant and equipment are required to be in good, safe working condition and is
maintained and serviced in accordance with manufacturers specifications before it is
allowed to work onsite.
d. Daily inspection on plant, machinery, equipment are completed before start of shift and
records must are kept in health and safety file.
e. Hired Plant and Machinery
Jaudee Electrical shall:

ensure that any hired plant and machinery used on site is safe for use as
required by the OHS Act 85/1993 and Construction Regulations 2014.


ensure that operators hired with machinery are competent and that certificates,
proof of medicals, completed daily inspections and copies of ID documents are
kept by the operator and in the site health & safety file.

23. Environmental protection


Spill prevention

All plant and machinery onsite will be checked before and during their operations
onsite for leaks and if it is found in a poor condition, it will be removed from site.


No filling of construction plant may be done onsite.

iii. No servicing or repair of plant will be allowed onsite.

iv. No washing of plant will be allowed onsite.

b. Waste management

Waste onsite will be minimised and placed in demarcated areas.


Waste will be removed from site on a regular basis to prevent accumulation.

24. Content of health and safety file

Insert content(Index) of health and safety file
25. SHE Plan update
This SHE plan will be updated as and when the need arises through changes in the scope
of work or any other situation that will require an update.
26. SHE file index
I, >CEO< as CEO of Jaudee Electrical approve this SHE plan for the Thembi village
project on
>DATE<. Signature: ______________
SHE Plan approval by WF Kroon Projekte health and safety officer.
I, ___________________ as appointed health and safety agent of _______________
hereby approve this SHE specifications on >DATE<.
Signature: _________________

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