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English Foundations
(Blocks 1 - LHS - Fall 2016)
Ms. Rognerud
Planning: Blocks 6, 7
Work Room: C114
Voicemail: 303-982-1237
Description: English Foundations offers a balanced focus on composition and literature. Students read widely to improve
their reading rate, vocabulary, and comprehension and develop skills to determine the authors intent and theme and to
recognize the techniques used by the author to deliver his or her message. Students apply knowledge of purposes and
audiences by studying and producing various genres. Oral communication is practiced in group settings as well through
presentations. The content uses extended outcomes, graphic organizers and hands on learning. The students will also use
a computer program Read Naturally to increase vocabulary, comprehension and fluency.
Atmosphere: This classroom is to be one of respect. The most effective place to learn things is one which is safe and
welcoming. In this classroom, we will create a place filled with respect for others and we will embrace and celebrate
differences in each other. We will co-operate and work with others to learn and discover new things. As an effective
student in this classroom, you must:

Raise your hand when you have something to say

Do not interrupt another speaker
Listen attentively to others thoughts and think carefully about their ideas
Take notes
Work on activitiesputting head down or working on other stuff means no points
Take risks--there is always plenty of chances to redo and show your learning.
Turn in all work-- missing assignments are given zeros

This classroom is a safe place where students will be accepted regardless of his or her gender, race, nationality, place of
origin, sexual orientation, disabilities, or religious beliefs. Inappropriate behavior, bullying, disrespect, and harassment
will not be tolerated. Any instances will be dealt with immediately. More than one offense may result in removal from this
Classroom Policies:
Attendance- Attendance is important! To succeed in class, daily attendance is mandatory. Much of the information you
will learn in this class will be through lecture and discussion. You need to be here! If you know you will be absent, talk
to me before to get your make-up work. If you miss unexpectedly, check my website! HOWEVER, MY WEBSITE
DOESNT REPLACE MY CLASS, SO NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE ON IT. If you have questions after checking

the site, see me and sign up for office hours. If you enter the classroom late, it is your responsibility to make sure the
teacher is aware of the late entry at the end of class.
Tardiness- This class will follow the school policy regarding tardies. Due to safety concerns, the classroom doors must
remain shut and locked for the duration of class.
Cell Phones- Cell phones will be put into the bin when class starts . Before class ends, students will pick up their cell
phones. Students who dont put phones in bins and have it out in class without permission will have their phone taken
away until after school when they may pick it up. At the second infraction, phones will be given to administration.
Food and drinks- Food is not allowed in the classroom. Drinks must have a lid.
Seating Chart- Will be used. Please communicate any needs so I can accommodate.
Headphones/mp3 players- Headphones, ear buds, and music players must be off and in your pocket or backpack during
class unless the teacher gives you permission to listen to music while you are working.
Make-up work and late work-It is the responsibility of the student to come in and get missed work and to turn in missing
Materials: You need a binder with loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil, and handouts.
Grades: I dont give you grades, YOU earn them. Grades are constantly updated and can be checked in infinite campus.
The number one reason why students do not pass my classes is missing work. It is the students responsibility to check
infinite campus for missing assignments, as well as to come in and ask for missed work.

Grades in my classroom are scored on a traditional scale: 90% and above is an A, 80% and above is a B, etc. (I
round your grades up to the nearest percentage at .5%, example: an 89.5% would be rounded up to an A-, an
89.4% would stay a B+)
Many assignments can be revised and earn a higher grade. I will let you know when that is possible.
A zero will kill your gradeplease turn in all assignents!

Academic Honesty: Any type of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to cheating
and plagiarism (copying). Assignments that use these will be given a zero.
Signing this document indicates that you and one of your parents/guardians have read and understood this
document. Moreover, by signing it you agree to the policies and standards outlined herein.
Student Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature(s) ________________________________ Date _________________

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