M-S-L-R-, AXXX XXX 188 (BIA July 25, 2016)

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Department of Justice

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Board ofImmigration Appeals
Office of the Clerk
5107 lee.burg Pike, Suite 2000
Falls Church, Virginia 1204/

OHS/ICE Office of Chief Counsel - ORL

3535 Lawton Road, Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32803

Date of this notice: 7/25/2016

Enclosed is a copy of the Board's decision and order in the above-referenced case.

DonrtL C


Donna Carr
Chief Clerk
Panel Members:
Kendall-Clark, Molly
Liebowitz, Ellen C
Guendelsberger, John

Userteam: Docket

For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit

Cite as: M-S-L-R-, AXXX XXX 188 (BIA July 25, 2016)

Immigrant & Refugee Appellate Center, LLC | www.irac.net

Calvo, Maria Del Carmen, Esq.

Maria Calvo LLC
4902 Canal Street, Suite 202
New Orleans, LA 70119

U.S. Department of Justice

Decision of the Board oflmmigration Appeals

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Falls Church, Virginia 22041


File: 188 - Orlando, FL

JUL 2 5 2016

In re: M-S-R


Maria del Carmen Calvo, Esquire

APPLICATION: Change of venue

The respondent, who is 6 years old, has filed an interlocutory appeal from the Immigration
Judge's June 27, 2016, decision denying her motion for a change of venue. We find it
appropriate to exercise our jurisdiction over this case and address the merits of this appeal.
In the respondent's motion to change venue, she admits the factual allegations in the Notice
to Appear (Form 1-862) and concedes removability. The respondent requests that venue be
transferred from the Immigration Court in Orlando, Florida, to the Immigration Court in New
Orleans, Louisiana, given that her residence in Destin, Florida, is in closer proximity to New
Orleans and that her attorney is located in New Orleans. The respondent also states on the Notice
of Appeal (Form EOIR-26) that the removal proceedings of her mother and sister are docketed
before the Immigration Court in New Orleans. Under these circumstances, we find that good
cause has been shown, and will grant the motion to change venue. See Matter of Rahman, 20
l&N Dec. 480 (BIA 1992) (providing that an Immigration Judge's discretion to change venue in
proceedings is subject to the existence of good cause for such a change).
Accordingly, the interlocutory appeal will be sustained and venue transferred to the New
Orleans Immigration Court.
ORDER: The interlocutory appeal is sustained, and the motion to change venue to New
Orleans is granted.
FURTHER ORDER: The record is remanded to the Immigration Court in New Orleans for
further proceedings.

Cite as: M-S-L-R-, AXXX XXX 188 (BIA July 25, 2016)

Immigrant & Refugee Appellate Center, LLC | www.irac.net


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