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Oracle Database 10g OLAP Performance

Tips & Techniques - Part 1

by Mark Rittman
Part 1 | Part 2
Related Podcast: Podcast: Mark Rittman - Oracle Openworld in Retrospect
The OLAP Option to Oracle 10g gives you the ability to store multidimensional cubes of
data in your Oracle database, and perform OLAP queries on them using OLAP DML,
regular SQL or query tools such as Oracle Discoverer Plus OLAP. Part 1 and 2 of this
article provides tips and best practices for designing, loading, aggregating and querying
Oracle OLAP cubes and in addition takes a look at some of the new features coming with
10g Release 2.

The OLAP Option for Oracle Database 10g 10.1 is a recent addition to Oracles data
warehousing capabilities, and gives you the ability to define multidimensional cubes of
data and store them in special OLAP datatypes. Derived from Oracle Express Server, the
OLAP Option builds in to the Oracle database the capabilities of stand-alone OLAP
servers such as Oracle Express Server, Hyperion Essbase, and Microsoft Analysis
Services. When you copy your data into an OLAP cube and then run a routine to
aggregate the data, you can provide fast, flexible reporting for your users that frees them
from the constraints of traditional relational reporting.
Just as with regular relational data warehousing, though, you need to give some thought
as to the best way to design your OLAP cube, and how you should go about configuring
the database, specifying storage, loading the cube, aggregating it, and then providing fast,
predictable query responses for your users. Parts 1 and 2 of this article look at some tips
and techniques for obtaining the best performance from the OLAP Option to Oracle
Database 10g Release 1, and looks forward to some of the new features coming in 10g
Release 2.

Sample dataset
The techniques and examples within this article use sample data and analytic workspace
definition that you can download and install into a suitably configured Oracle database.
To use this dataset and follow along with the examples, you will need to ensure that the
following software is installed:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition or higher, with the

data warehousing configuration
RDBMS patchset
Analytic Workspace Manager 10g or higher

The sample data and AWM10g template files can be downloaded from here:

Global Widgets sample OLAP data

and are based on the Global Widgets sample OLAP dataset used in the forthcoming
Oracle Press book, Oracle Discoverer 10g Handbook, authored by Michael and Darlene
Armstrong-Smith, and with contributions from the author of this article.
Instructions on how to install the sample data are provided in the readme.htm document
that accompanies the sample data. The sample data download includes scripts to create
user accounts and load them with source data, together with a number of Analytic
Workspace Manager 10g template files that will be referred to later in the article. When
using these template files, you should ensure that you connect to the GSW_AW account
so that the source data and the analytic workspace are kept separate.
The following tables are created and populated in the GSW schema:
Table Name



Denormalized dimension table for Product data


Denormalized dimension table for Channel data


Denormalized dimension table for Time data

Denormalized dimension table for Customer data

GS_PROMOTION_DIM Denormalized dimension table for Promotion data

Fact table for sales data

A subset of the sales data to represent an initial load


A subset of the sales data to represent an incremental load

The Global Widgets logical model contains the following elements:

Dimension Type Hierarchy Levels

User Standard

Customer > City > District > Region > All Customers


User Standard

Product > Product Line > All Products


User Standard

Channel > All Channels

Promotion User Standard

Promotion > Category > All Promotions


Day > Month > Quarter > Year

Time Standard

Cube Measures

Dimensions Used

Sales Order Quantity, Ship Quantity Customer, Product, Channel, Promotion, Time
The sample data setup scripts create two users:

GSW, the schema that holds the tables containing the source data
for the Global Widgets analytic workspace, and
GSW_AW, the schema that will contain the analytic workspace.

All timings within this article were taken using the following hardware and Oracle

Dell Precision M60 laptop

Pentium M 1.7Ghz processor
Windows XP SP2
Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition, with the partitioning, data
mining and OLAP Options.

This article will now take you through the steps that need to be considered when building
an efficient Oracle Database 10g OLAP analytic workspace.

Initial Design Considerations

How you design your cube, allocate space for it, and initialise the database can have a
major impact on your cube performance. This section of the article will look at the things
you should consider when designing your cube and configuring the Oracle database and
looks at how changes you can make can affect the size and performance of your cube.

Estimating the size of the analytic

The logical model for the Global Widgets analytic workspace contains five dimensions,
and a single cube with two measures that implement these five dimensions. When you
implement this model within Oracle Database 10g, a certain amount of disk space will be
taken up by the dimensions, measures, summary data and OLAP metadata. Depending on
how you store your data and the choices you make over summarisation, the disk space
taken up by your cube could be quite considerable. The first question you will therefore
need to answer is how much space will your cube likely take up?
To estimate the potential size of your analytic workspace, you need to first identify the
number of dimension members within each dimension, counting not only the base-level

dimension members but also those at higher levels of aggregation. With these figures it is
possible to create the Cartesian product, which reflects all possible combinations.
To take the Global Widgets Customer dimension as an example, this dimension has a
single hierarchy that has five levels, with the data for each level being sourced from
columns in the GS_CUSTOMER_DIM table, like this:

Source Table and Column









The total number of dimension members for this dimension will therefore be the sum of
the distinct values in each of the source columns. The number of distinct values can be
determined using a simple SELECT statement:
SQL> select count(distinct(custid)) from
These counts are then added together to give you the number of members for this
39 (customer level) + 27 (city) + 7 (district) + 4 (region) + 1 (all customers) = 78
The same calculation is then carried out for all of the remaining dimensions. The totals
for the sample dataset are therefore:
Dimension Number of dimension members

39 customers + 27 cities + 7 districts + 4 regions + 1 all = 78 members


22 products + 4 product lines + 1 all = 27 members


2 channels + 1 all = 3 members

Promotion 10 promotions + 3 categories = 13 members


2929 days + 96 months + 32 quarters + 8 years = 3062 members

Next, these totals need to be multiplied together to give the total number of possible cells
for each measure:

78 x 27 x 3 x 13 x 3062 = 251,494,308 cells

Then, multiply this number by the 8, the number of bytes that each cell will take up when
using a decimal datatype:
251,494,308 x 8 = 2,011,954,464 bytes
Now add on 10-20 percent for the accompanying OLAP metadata (see metalink note
2,011,954,464 x 110% = 2,213,149,910 bytes
Finally, multiply this figure by the number of measures in the cube:
2,213,149,910 x 2 = 4,426,299,820 bytes or 4.32Gb
It is worth noting, at this point, how adding additional dimensions and measures can
quickly increase the size of your analytic workspace. For example, if you added an
additional dimension - Salesman, for example, with a total of 50 members - this would
increase the potential size of the analytic workspace to around 230Gb, whereas if you
were to remove one of the dimensions - promotion, for example, which has 10 members the potential size of the analytic workspace would go down to 0.3Gb. You can also
further reduce the space taken up by your analytic workspace by defining numeric
measures with the Small Decimal datatype.

Dealing with sparsity

The figures that you have just calculated assume that every dimension combination has a
measure value associated with it, and we will therefore need to find a place for each and
everyone one of these values in our cube. However, in many situations there is only data
for a small subset of all dimension combinations, e.g. not all products would be bought
by each customer on each day, and therefore there are features in Oracle OLAP that
allow us to significantly reduce the disk space taken up by these missing values.
In the example data, there are 251,494,308 possible dimension member combinations and
ordinarily Oracle OLAP would assign a measure cell for each set of dimension member
combinations. However, if you produce a count of all the distinct dimension member
combinations in the source table for the two measures, you will find that the actual
number of dimension member combinations is much smaller.
SQL> select count(distinct(to_char(custid)||
|to_char(promoid))) distinct_cells from gs_sales;

You can therefore calculate how sparse or dense the cube is likely to be by dividing the
number of actual dimension combinations by the number of possible combinations in the
source data. (Note: This does not consider any pre-summarisation that you might build
into your cube.)
(11,401 actual / 251,494,308 potential) * 100 = 0.005% dense
There is no set rule for when a cube is considered sparse or dense, but I usually
consider 30 percent to be a good cut-off point and with a cube with this degree of
sparsity, you would want to use one of the sparsity-handling features in Oracle 10g OLAP
to reduce the amount of space used to store null (or NA, as its termed in Oracle OLAP)
The template file GSW_AW_SPARSE.XML contains a logical dimensional model for the
Global Widgets cube where certain of the dimensions are marked as being sparse.

Figure 1: The Create Cube dialog, Implementation Details tab.

(Note: When you view these settings after loading the template file, all of the options for
this tab will be greyed out, as it is not possible to change cube sparsity settings once the
cube has been designed.)
On the Implementation Details tab of the Create Cube dialog, you will notice that it is,
in fact, some of the dimensions that are marked as sparse, rather than the cube itself. This
is because, for a particular cube, the source data may well have values for most of one

dimension, but very few for all the others, and nine times out of ten, it is the Time
dimension that is considered dense, with all the other dimensions considered sparse.
Analytic Workspace Manager generates a composite, a structure that holds just the
dimension member combinations for the dimensions you designate as sparse, together
with an index between the composite and the base dimension values, and dimensions
measured within your cube by this composite rather than the individual, sparse
dimensions. This will then considerably reduce the amount of disk space that your
measures will take up. Note that Analytic Workspace Manager 10.1 creates one
composite per measure in your cube, but Analytic Workspace Manager 10.2 gives you the
additional option to create a global composite, a single composite that covers all
measures in a cube. Creating a global composite reduces build time and storage space
required, but is only suitable when your measures share the same sparsity characteristics,
the aggregated composite will not be too large (less than 50m values), multi-writer
support is not being used, and compression (detailed as follows) is not being used.
For cubes that are particularly sparse (the Global Widgets cube would fall into this
category), you can also make use of a new feature introduced with version 10g of Oracle
OLAP, known as compression, or Compressed Composites. Choosing to use
compression will tell Analytic Workspace Manager to create the composite with the
compression option, and this will, for certain types of sparse data, again significantly
reduce the amount of storage required for the cube. With Oracle Database 10g Release 1,
there are a number of restrictions on using compression, such that you cannot partially
summarise your cube, and the only allowed aggregation method is SUM; however, these
restrictions have largely been lifted in Oracle Database 10g Release 2.
An additional benefit of marking cubes as sparse and using compression where
appropriate is that the amount of time required to load and aggregate your cube can be
significantly decreased.
To give you an idea of the space and maintenance time savings that sparsity handling can
produce, using the Global Widgets sample data and with all dimension levels
presummarised, the final size of the cubes after loading with a full set of data was as
Cube Description Template Name
Dense cube
Sparse Cube


Size in MB Time to Maintain

1.386 Gb

46 minutes

1.074 Gb

16 minutes

Compressed Cube GSW_AW_COMPRESS.XML 0.42 Gb

3 minutes

As you can see, handling sparsity effectively can significantly reduce the amount of disk
space and time that is required to maintain your cubes, and if you are able to take
advantage of the new compression feature in Oracle Database 10g, this can again bring
your disk and time requirements down to just a fraction of that originally planned.

You should not, however, define all cubes as sparse regardless of the degree to which data
is sparse. The composites that Oracle OLAP uses to handle sparsity combine members
from the dimensions that you mark as sparse and require unravelling when used in
queries. Although Oracle OLAP handles this process transparently, it still takes up some
time, and the denser your cube is, the longer the process will take. Therefore, if you have
a cube which is for example 80 percent dense, adding an unnecessary composite will
decrease both maintenance and query performance.
The accepted, good practice is usually to leave the Time dimension as dense, and,
therefore, outside the composite, as this ensures that all time values are clustered together,
improving the runtime performance of time-series analysis. However, this can lead to a
big increase in the size of the analytic workspace if daily data is used. And, from
speaking to contacts within Oracle OLAP development, their current practice is to define
all dimensions as sparse, including Time, which involves a small increase in query time,
but a big decrease in build time and required disk space.

Ordering of dimensions
You might have noticed that the Implementation Details tab of the Create Cube dialog
(Figure 1, above) that you can specify the order of dimensions within a cube. The order
of dimensions is important as this can have a significant impact on the time it takes to
load, and query, your cube.
You should put the dimension with the most members (the fastest varying dimension)
at the top of your dimension list, followed in order by the next fastest varying, such that
the last dimension in the list has the least amount of members (the slowest varying
dimension); note however that compressed composites will automatically reorder
dimensions to get optimal build performance. This operation is not possible with all types
of aggregation, as it would sometimes change results (for example with the LAST
aggregation operator).
When Oracle OLAP comes to store values for the measures in your cube, it clusters
together in pages at the start of the available storage area those values relating to the
first dimension in your list - the fastest varying one, the dimension with the most
members - and then gradually fills out the rest of the storage space with measure values
corresponding to the other, progressively slower varying dimensions. Typically, you
chose the Time dimension as your fastest varying dimension, and by ordering it at the
start of your dimension list you ensure that measure values corresponding to all the
different time dimension members - days of the week, or months in a year, for example are physically stored close together, making data retrieval faster.
It also makes sense to try and ensure that the order in which your source data is held and
then loaded corresponds to the order in which your cube dimensions have been listed. If
you have control over the order of records in the source data file, then you can create the
data file to match the cubes in your analytic workspace. Alternatively, you can create a
view over your source tables and then use an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT

statement to reorder the source data; otherwise, you may need to choose between
optimizing for loads and optimizing for queries when defining the dimension order of
cubes in your analytic workspace

Storage considerations
Analytic Workspaces are held in LOBs within regular relational tables which can be
identified through their AW$ prefix. Like any other tables, they are created within a
tablespace which has one or more datafiles associated with it. Operations on Analytic
Workspaces also make use of temporary tablespaces to store changes to multidimensional
objects before the changes are committed, and therefore you will need to factor the use of
regular and temporary tablespaces into your physical database implementation plans.
It is good practice to create separate tablespaces for each analytic workspace, and to
specify an initial size for the datafile corresponding to the likely size of your Analytic
Workspace, taking into account how you will handle sparsity. By pre-creating your
datafile to the likely size for your Analytic Workspace, you will avoid the overhead
associated with extending the datafile when your Analytic Workspace is loaded and
For the Global Widgets sample data, a suitable tablespace definition would be as follows:
CREATE TABLESPACE gsw_aw_data nologging
DATAFILE 'gsw_aw_data.dbf'
Note the following clauses to the CREATE TABLESPACE statement:

nologging minimises the amount of redo generated during a load,

at the expense of recoverability. If your tablespace is created using
the nologging clause, you will need to ensure your tablespace is
backed up after the load has taken place. For the Global Widgets
cube, specifying nologging meant that cube maintenance took
around 85 percent of the time it would normally take.
autoextend on ensures that the datafile associated with the
tablespace will extend from the initial size you specified to
accommodate new data
maxsize unlimited allows the datafile to grow to the limits of the
available disk space; note that you may wish to specify a limit,

rather than UNLIMITED, in order that the datafile doesnt

eventually consume all the available disk space.
extent management local specifies that the tablespace is locally
managed (the default with Oracle Database 10g)
segment space management auto tells Oracle to use bitmaps to
automatically manage the free space within segments.
autoallocate specifies that additional extents are sizes using a
formula that increases the next extent size at regular intervals

The schema that will contain your analytic workspace can either use the default
temporary tablespace, or you can create a new one for use with analytic workspace
operations. This can be an individual temporary tablespace for each schema that contains
analytic workspaces, or you can create one that is used by all schemas that hold analytic
workspaces. The advantage of separating this usage out is that if the temporary tablespace
becomes very big (during an EIF file import, for example) you can create a replacement
one, alter the relevant users to make this their new default temporary tablespace, then
drop the old one, without affecting all the other non-OLAP using users in the database.
A typical temporary tablespace definition for use with analytic workspaces would be as
TEMPFILE 'gsw_aw_temp.tmp'
Oracle OLAP uses the default temporary tablespace for the user to store all changes to the
data in an analytic workspace, whether the changes are the result of a data load, what-if
analysis, forecasting, aggregation, or some other analysis. An OLAP DML UPDATE
command moves the changes into the permanent tablespace and clears the temporary
tablespace. Oracle OLAP also uses temporary tablespace to maintain a private session
view of the analytic workspace to accommodate multiple users running queries and
changing dimension status at the same time. Note that you can minimize the amount of
temporary tablespace used by connecting to your Analytic Workspace in read-only mode,
rather than read-write or read-write exclusive mode.
Note that you should specify a uniform extent size for the temporary tablespace, rather
than have Oracle increase the size of the next extent automatically. In version 9i of Oracle
OLAP, as each analytic workspace was held in a small number of LOBs, the
recommendation was to make the uniform extent size between 1MB and 8MB; however,
with Oracle Database 10g, each OLAP object is held in its own LOB, and as AW/XML
templates can create thousands of objects per analytic workspace, each of which now

requires its own TEMP segment, the uniform size of each extent should now be sized
between 512K and 2MB.
To illustrate the benefits of preallocating disk space to datafiles, the following
maintenance times were observed for the Global Widgets cube. Note that these timings
are not directly comparable to other sets of timings and should only be compared to each
Template File

datafile size


tempfile size

creation time



4 seconds

23 minutes

900 Mb

41 seconds

14 minutes

The conclusion from this is that although the preallocation of space can take a small
additional amount of time, it is faster to allocate disk space at this stage than to do so
incrementally as the cube is maintained.

Database initialisation parameters

There are a number of database parameter settings that you will need to be aware of when
working with Oracle OLAP. These parameters define the amount of memory that is
available to Oracle OLAP and other database processes, and determine to what extend
parallel query can be used, what filesystem directories can be accessed, and overall limits
to the amount of sessions that can be active at any one time.
When determining how memory is made available to your OLAP applications, there are
two main things that you need to consider:

The size of the System Global Area, and

The size of the Program Global Area

The System Global Area (SGA) is a shared memory region that contains data and control
information for your Oracle instance. The most important components within the SGA
are the Buffer cache, the Shared pool, the Java pool and the Large pool, and from Oracle
Database 10g onwards you can have Oracle automatically manage and tune the sizes of
these components using Automatic Shared Memory Management, which is enabled via
the SGA_TARGET parameter (below).
The Program Global Area (PGA) again contains data and control information, but for a
single server process. It is private memory created when a server process is started, and
when you use Oracle OLAP in relational mode it is used by sorts, order bys, hash joins
and so on. Like ASMM, PGA memory can also be managed automatically for you by the
PGA Advisor when the WORK_AREA_SIZE_POLICY database parameter is set to
AUTO, which is the default with Oracle Database 10g.

When you are using Oracle OLAP in multidimensional mode (i.e. working with analytic
workspaces) you will need to be aware of an area of memory called the OLAP Page Pool
that is used as the paging cache; generally you will want this paging cache to be sized
such that as much of your OLAP work is done in memory as possible, rather than being
paged to disk.
When you are running your instance in dedicated server mode the OLAP Page Pool is
part of the User Global Area (UGA) which is in turn part of the PGA. If
WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY is set to AUTO, the PGA Advisor will automatically size
the OLAP Page Pool Size up to 50 percent of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET value,
and once this limit is reached, every subsequent user will acquire the bare operating
minimum of around 4MB. For large OLAP applications (i.e. 8GB and above) you may
want to monitor V$AW_CALC (detailed later) to ensure that users do not exceed 200MB
to 500MB, depending on OS, hardware and database configuration; if they do exceed this
figure, you may wish to manually set the OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE parameter for a
session, defining the minimum size for this area, if performance has degraded.
When are running in shared server mode however, the UGA is part of the SGA and any
changes to its default size have to be made by you manually by setting
OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE. In addition, regardless of whether you are operating in
dedicated or shared server mode, when the OLAP Page Pool is full, Oracle will use the
Buffer Cache (part of the SGA) as swap space, which at a certain point can in fact
improve the performance for large batch jobs (tip from Oracle development, untested by
the author). Once the Buffer Cache is full however, as with any process data will start to
be swapped to disk and therefore, it is good practice to size the SGA and PGA
appropriately if you are looking to optimise the performance of your OLAP application.
To specify values for the PGA, SGA and (for when you are in Shared Server mode, the
OLAP Page Pool), you can use the following database parameters:

When this is set to any value > 0, it defines the target amount of
memory that should be available to ASMM to assign to the Buffer
Cache, Shared pool and other automatically tuned SGA
components. This parameter should be set to between 50 percent
and 60 percent of the total available memory on your server when
working with OLAP data.

This parameter sets the upper boundary for SGA_TARGET.
Ensure that you increase this accordingly to accommodate any
increases to SGA_TARGET


This parameter sets a target for all PGA memory that Oracle will
try and keep within. PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is important
to OLAP developers as it defines (via the PGA Advisor) the size of
the OLAP Page Pool when working in dedicated server mode,
therefore you will want to increase it (to say 200MB - 400MB,
higher up to 40 percent of total memory if necessary) when
working with analytic workspaces in this scenario. Note that the
initial setting for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set at 20
percent of the SGA_TARGET when you first enabled ASMM.

Used in conjunction with PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, enables
the PGA advisor which automatically sizes areas such the OLAP
Page Pool Size within the PGA (when in dedicated server mode)

As noted above, the OLAP Page Pool size is managed for you
automatically by the PGA Advisor when running in dedicated
server mode, but is set manually when running in shared server

When tuning the size of the SGA_TARGET and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET,

remember that if you are working in dedicated server mode (the default, and usually most
appropriate for OLAP applications) most of the work is being done in the PGA - this is
where the UGA is, which contains the OLAP Page Pool that caches your analytic
workspace data. Only if the OLAP Page Pool is exceeded will the SGA be used (through
the overflow into the Buffer cache), so any additional memory should be directed towards
the PGA (via PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET) rather than SGA if you want to do more
OLAP work in memory. If you are working in shared server mode however, it is the SGA
that will contain the UGA and the OLAP Page Pool, and therefore it is the SGA (via the
SGA_TARGET parameter) that should be increased.
You can monitor usage of the PGA and OLAP Page Pool through the V$PGASTAT and
V$AW_CALC fixed views. As an example, you can connect to the GSW_AW user and
then display the values of SGA_TARGET, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and
OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE using these SQL commands:
SQL> conn gsw_aw/password@markr10g
SQL> show parameter sga_target


------------------------------------ --------------------------------------sga_target

big integer

SQL> show parameter pga_aggregate_target


------------------------------------ --------------------------------------pga_aggregate_target

big integer

SQL> show parameter olap_page_pool_size


------------------------------------ --------------------------------------olap_page_pool_size
(pool_size, 1))
PGA inuse')
1024 || ' KB'


big integer 0

'OLAP Pages Occupying: '

FROM v$aw_calc))
FROM v$pgastat
WHERE NAME = 'total

* 100
|| '%' info
'Total PGA Inuse Size: ' || VALUE /
NAME = 'total PGA inuse'
'Total OLAP Page Size: '


|| ROUND (SUM (NVL (pool_size, 1)) /

1024, 0)

|| ' KB' info

FROM v$aw_calc

---------------------------------------------------------------Total PGA Inuse Size: 11462 KB
Total OLAP Page Size: KB
OLAP Pages Occupying: %
SQL> SELECT vs.username, vs.SID,
ROUND (pga_used_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2)
|| ' MB'
ROUND (pga_max_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2)
|| ' MB'
ROUND (pool_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) ||
' MB' olap_mb,
ROUND (100 * (pool_hits pool_misses) /
pool_hits, 2)
|| ' %' olap_ratio
FROM v$process vp, v$session vs, v$aw_calc
WHERE session_id = vs.SID AND addr = paddr;
no rows selected
Now attached the GSW_AW analytic workspace.
SQL> exec dbms_aw.execute('aw attach
Now run the above statements again. You can see from the statement output how much
space is taken up by the OLAP Page Pool as a whole for the instance.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
'OLAP Pages Occupying: '
(pool_size, 1))
FROM v$aw_calc))


FROM v$pgastat
WHERE NAME = 'total

PGA inuse')
1024 || ' KB'
1024, 0)

* 100
|| '%' info
'Total PGA Inuse Size: ' || VALUE /
FROM v$pgastat
WHERE NAME = 'total PGA inuse'
'Total OLAP Page Size: '
|| ROUND (SUM (NVL (pool_size, 1)) /
|| ' KB' info
FROM v$aw_calc

---------------------------------------------------------------Total PGA Inuse Size: 21107 KB
Total OLAP Page Size: 5271 KB
OLAP Pages Occupying: 25%
You can also run the following query to view PGA and OLAP Page Pool usage for a
particular user:
SQL> SELECT vs.username, vs.SID,
ROUND (pga_used_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2)
|| ' MB'
ROUND (pga_max_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2)
|| ' MB'
ROUND (pool_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) ||
' MB' olap_mb,
ROUND (100 * (pool_hits pool_misses) /
pool_hits, 2)
|| ' %' olap_ratio

FROM v$process vp, v$session vs, v$aw_calc

WHERE session_id = vs.SID AND addr = paddr;

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------GSW_AW
141 9.72 MB
10.37 MB
98.53 %

When sizing the SGA_TARGET and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, ensure that you

leave enough spare memory for the rest of the processes on your server (OS, other
applications etc.). If you increase the size of the SGA_TARGET or
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET beyond the amount of RAM that is available to you, the
operating system will use virtual memory and start paging to disk, which will
significantly slow down your application.
Other parameters, not related to memory management, that Oracle recommends that you
set are:
processors, minus 1
will access
tablespace you define
processes you

number of available
number of OLAP sessions *

any directories that OLAP


name of the undo

number of parallel update

will use

Note that PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS will almost certainly need to be adjusted by

you as the default value of 20 is likely to be too high for most OLAP applications. This is
because the parallel update feature in OLAP 10g is really the scheduling of concurrent
jobs, and each of these jobs can use as many parallel query slaves as are available, and in
addition, if you are working with RAC in a 10.1 environment, turning off OLAP Parallel
Update is a workaround for a known bug. If using Parallel Update, you should also
ensure that JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set to an appropriate value.
As an alternative to adjusting the value of PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS, you can also
disable the parallel update feature for OLAP through the use of the

SQL> alter system set

"_olap_parallel_update_threshold" =
2147483647 scope = spfile;
System altered.
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
Note also that the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter has now been superseded by the CREATE
DIRECTORY command / CREATE ANY DIRECTORY role when exporting and
importing EIF files, and this parameter only now needs to be set when using certain
OLAP API procedures (metadata validation, use of DBMS_ODM and so forth). You may
however wish to limit the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY role to just the DBA or OLAP
administrator, as users may otherwise inadvertently grant themselves access to directories
that contain vital system and log files.
Finally, note that the value for SESSIONS assumes that parallel update is enabled for
OLAP (the default), and therefore has to be higher than normal to accommodate the
additional parallel update PQ slaves sessions.

Oracle OLAP, though based on Express Server technology, is new as an option to the
Oracle RDBMS and as time progresses techniques and approaches are being developed to
optimise data loads, aggregation and user queries. This article sets out some tips and best
practices for designing your cube. In part 2 of this article, we will cover loading,
aggregating, and querying Oracle OLAP cubes, and highlight some of the new features
coming with 10g Release 2. As adoption of Oracle OLAP continues, more techniques and
best practices will be documented and I would be more than interested in hearing any
feedback or approaches that readers have used.
-Mark Rittman is a Certified Oracle Professional DBA and works as a consultant on
Oracle BI and Data Warehousing projects. Mark also chairs the UK Oracle User Group
BI & Reporting Tools SIG and is an Oracle ACE.
Mark would also like to thank Heiko Becker, Chris Chiappa, Jameson White, and
Anthony Waite for their contributions to and technical review of this article.

Contribuyentes: Mark Rittman

ltima modificacin 2006-02-08 02:44 PM
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