Types of Heirs: A Āb Al-Farā'i (4 Males & 8 Females)

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In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Praise belongs to God alone, and He is Sufficient, and may peace be upon His
chosen servants. May God send His prayers, peace, and blessings upon our Master
Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad.
We intend learning and teaching, remembering and reminding, giving and
receiving benefit and gain, encouraging adherence to the Book of God and the Way
of His Messenger, inviting to guidance and leading to goodness, seeking therein
Gods Pleasure, Nearness, and Reward, Glorious and Exalted is He.
We intend what the author, our teachers, and the pious have intended, and what
God knows of virtuous intentions, and we ask God to accept.
Islmic Inheritance Law
Mawln Yousuf Ghouse
When an individual dies, their estate will be used for the following purposes:
1) Covering funeral expenses.
2) Paying back all debts.
3) Honoring any bequests this will apply only under the following three
A. The bequests can only be from 1/3 of the estate. Any bequests beyond 1/3 of
the remaining estate (after covering burial expenses and paying back debts)
will not be honored.
B. The bequests cannot be for something sinful.
C. The bequests cannot be for an heir.
Then, anything that remains of the estate will be divided among the heirs, as
detailed below.
Types of Heirs
Heirs are divided into three categories:
1) Ab al-Fari: these heirs will receive a fixed share that is stipulated by
the Qurn.
2) Aabt: these heirs will receive whatever is left after the Ab al-Farid
have taken their shares.
3) Dhaw al-Arm: any relatives who do not fit into one of the above
categories. Practically speaking, these heirs rarely inherit.
Ab al-Fari (4 males & 8 females)1
The Father
1) If there are no descendants, then the father will inherit as a Aabah.
1 Within each category of the Ab al-Farid, if a higher-numbered scenario applies,
then the lower-numbered scenarios will not be considered.

2) If there are any female descendants, then the fathers share will be 1/6, and
he will also inherit as a Aabah.
3) If there are any male descendants, then the fathers share will be 1/6.
The a Grandfather(s)2
1) If there are no descendants, then the a grandfather will inherit as a
2) If there are any female descendants, then the a grandfathers share will
be 1/6, and he will also inherit as a Aabah.
3) If there are any male descendants, then the a grandfathers share will be
4) If there is a father, then the a grandfather will not inherit.
The Uterine Sibling(s)3
1) If there is one uterine sibling, then his/her share will be 1/6.
2) If there are two or more uterine siblings, then their total share will be 1/3.
3) If there are any male ascendants or any descendants, then the uterine
sibling will not inherit.
The Husband
1) If there are no descendants, then the husbands share will be 1/2.
2) If there are any descendants, then the husbands share will be 1/4.
The Wife/Wives
1) If there are no descendants, then the wife/wives share will be 1/4 each.
2) If there are any descendants, then the wife/wives share will be 1/8 each.
The Daughter(s)
1) If there is one daughter, then her share will be 1/2.
2) If there are two or more daughters, then their total share will be 2/3.
3) If there is are any sons, then the daughters share will be half of theirs.
The Paternal Granddaughter(s)
1) If there is one paternal granddaughter, then her share will be 1/2.
2) If there are two or more paternal granddaughters, then their total share will
be 2/3.
3) If there is any paternal grandsons, then the paternal granddaughters share
will be half of theirs.
4) If there is one daughter, then the paternal granddaughters share will be 1/6.
5) If there are two or more daughters, then the paternal granddaughter will not
6) If there is a son, then the paternal granddaughter will not inherit.
The Mother
1) If there are no children, or less than two siblings (be they full, uterine, or
agnate siblings), then the mothers share will be 1/3.
2) If there are any children, or two or more siblings (be they full, uterine, or
agnate siblings), then the mothers share will be 1/6.

2 a grandfathers are grandfathers who are not related to the deceased via a mother.
Grandfathers who are related to the deceased via a mother are called fsid
3 Uterine siblings, or maternal half-siblings, are siblings who have the same mother but
not the same father.

3) If the only heirs are the spouse and both of the parents, then the mothers
share will be 1/3 of what remains after the spouse takes their share.
The aah Grandmother(s)4
1) If there is no mother, then the aah grandmothers share will be 1/6.5
2) If there is a mother, then the aah grandmother will not inherit.
The Full Sister(s)
1) If there is one full sister, then her share will 1/2.
2) If there are two or more full sisters, then their total share will be 2/3.
3) If there are any female descendants, then the full sister will inherit similar to
a Aabah.
4) If there are any full brothers, then the full sisters share will be half of theirs.
5) If there are any male ascendants or any male descendants, then the full
sister will not inherit.
The Agnate Sister(s)6
1) If there is one agnate sister, then her share will be 1/2.
2) If there are two or more agnate sisters, then their total share will be 2/3.
3) If there is one full sister, then the agnate sisters share will be 1/6.
4) If there are two or more full sisters, then the agnate sister will not inherit.
5) If there are any female descendants, then the agnate sister will inherit
similar to a Aabah.
6) If there are any agnate brothers, then the agnate sisters share will be half of
7) If there are any male ascendants or any male descendants, then the agnate
sister will not inherit.
Aabt (4 levels)
Level 1 The son, grandson, etc. of the deceased.
Level 2 The father, grandfather, etc. of the deceased.
Level 3 The sons, grandsons, etc. of the deceaseds father.
Level 4 The sons, grandsons, etc. of the deceaseds grandfather.
If an heir of a higher level is present, then the heirs of the lower levels will not
Within a level, if an heir closer to the deceased is present, then the heirs further
from the deceased will not inherit.

4 aah grandmothers are grandmothers who are not related to the deceased via a

fsid grandfather.
5 This will apply only if all of the aah grandmothers belong to the same generation.
6 Agnate siblings, or paternal half-siblings, are siblings who have the same father but not
the same mother.

The Father

The Grandfather(s)

The Uterine Sibling(s)

The Husband
The Wife/Wives

The Daughter(s)

The Paternal

The Mother

The Grandmother(s)

The Full Sister(s)

The Agnate Sister(s)



No descendants
Any female descendants

1/6 + Aabah

Any male descendants


No descendants
Any female descendants

1/6 + Aabah

Any male descendants



Will not inherit

One uterine sibling

Two or more uterine siblings
Any male ascendants or any
No descendants

1/3 in total
Will not inherit

Any descendants


No descendants
Any descendants

1/4 each
1/8 each

One daughter
Two or more daughter

2/3 in total

Any sons

Half of the sons share

One paternal granddaughter

Two or more paternal
Any paternal grandsons
One daughter

2/3 in total
Half of the paternal grandsons

Two or more daughters

Will not inherit

Any sons

Will not inherit

No children, or less than two

Any children, or two or more siblings


Only spouse and both parents

1/3 after spouses share

No mother

1/6 each
Will not inherit

One full sister

Two or more full sisters

2/3 in total

Any female descendants

Will inherit similar to Aabah

Any full brothers

Any male ascendants or male
One agnate sister

Half of the full brothers share

Will not inherit

Two or more agnate sisters

2/3 in total

One full sister


Two or more full sisters

Will not inherit

Any female descendants

Will inherit similar to Aabah

Half of the agnate brothers
not inherit

Any agnate brothers

Any male ascendants or male

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